This chapter establishes the Oyster Point Specific Plan District and provides for coordinated planning and design principles for the property within this district. The purposes of the Oyster Point Specific Plan District are to:
Implement the policies of the General Plan, which designates the area of the Oyster Point Specific Plan District in the East of 101 Planning Sub-Area and Business Commercial, Coastal Commercial, and Park and Recreation land use designations. The Specific Plan District implements the goals and policies of the General Plan in the following ways:
Implementing a comprehensive use and development plan for the Oyster Point Marina area, and promoting compatibility among research and development, commercial, open space, and recreational land uses;
In areas designated for Business Commercial use, promoting development of a state-of-the-art research and development life sciences campus with substantial open space and public amenities;
In areas designated for Coastal Commercial use, promoting development of business/professional services, office, research and development, hotel, retail/restaurant uses, public recreational facilities, and marina-serving uses;
In areas designated for Park and Recreation use, enhancing access to and public enjoyment of the San Francisco Bay, marinas, Bay Trail, and related uses; and
Encouraging development to serve City residents, employees, and visitors in close proximity to the Oyster Point Ferry Terminal.
Implement high-quality, integrated design standards in a comprehensively planned development with District-wide architectural character, achieving development superior to that which could be achieved under conventional zoning classifications.
Provide for the efficient extension of utilities, infrastructure and services into this district.
Provide a mechanism for flexibility in the long-term, phased development of land uses within the boundaries of the Specific Plan District.
(Ord. 1646 § 2, 2022; Ord. 1656, 6/12/2024)
As used in this chapter, “Specific Plan” shall refer to the contents of this chapter and the uncodified Specific Plan Appendix, collectively.
The regulations contained in this chapter shall apply to the areas within the Oyster Point Specific Plan District mapped on the Official Zoning Map.
The Specific Plan District is divided into two planning areas as follows and as shown on Figure 20.230.002.
Planning Area 1 consists of largely the western portion of the Oyster Point Specific Plan District.
Planning Area 2 consists of largely the eastern portion of the Oyster Point Specific Plan District.
Figure 20.230.002: Planning Areas
(Ord. 1646 § 2, 2022)
Uses within the Oyster Point Specific Plan District are regulated by Table 20.100.002: Use Regulations – Nonresidential Zoning Districts.
(Ord. 1646 § 2, 2022)
Summary of Standards. Table 20.230.004(1) prescribes the development standards for the Oyster Point Specific Plan District. Additional regulations are noted in the right-hand column. Section numbers in this column refer to other sections of this Ordinance.
Table 20.230.004(1): Development Standards
Additional Regulations
Lot and Density Standards
Minimum Lot Size (sq. ft.)
43,560 in Planning Area 1
10,000 in Planning Area 2
Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) without Incentives Program
1.6 for hotel
See Chapter 20.040, Rules of Measurement
1.0 for office
0.5 for all other uses
Maximum FAR with Incentives Program
1.25 in Planning Area 1
See Chapter 20.040, Rules of Measurement, and Section 20.230.004(B) below
2.2 for hotel in Planning Area 2
1.6 for office in Planning Area 2
1.0 for all other uses in Planning Area 2
Maximum Building Coverage (% of site)
See Chapter 20.040, Rules of Measurement, and Section 20.230.004(B) below
Building Form and Location
Maximum Height (ft)
Building heights allowed to maximum height limits permissible under Federal Aviation Regulations Part 77
See Section 20.300.007, Heights and Height Exceptions, and Section 20.300.003, Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan Consistency
Notwithstanding Section 19.12.020 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code, lots that do not meet these minimum lot size requirements may be created pursuant to an approved lot line adjustment, parcel map, or subdivision map; however, in no case shall lots that do not meet the minimum lot size standards be developed, nor shall building permits be issued for any construction or improvement of such lots. Notwithstanding Section 20.300.004 or 20.320.002(C) of this Title, lots created after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Section that do not meet minimum lot size standards shall not be considered legal nonconforming lots.
Floor Area Ratio and Coverage.
FAR and Building Coverage Determination. In Planning Area 1, compliance with FAR and maximum building coverage requirements as set forth above shall be determined in aggregate rather than on a lot-by-lot basis. Notwithstanding the delineation in Figure 20.230.002, the parcels to be included in calculating site area for purposes of FAR determination shall be those listed in Table 20.230.004(2), as further illustrated in Figure 20.230.004.
Table 20.230.004(2): Parcels for Floor Area Ratio Determination
Estimated Area (acres)*
Parcel 1
Parcel 2
Parcel 3
Based on proposed parcelization, as illustrated in Figure 20.230.004. Actual and verified parcel areas, based on final parcelization, shall be used for FAR calculation purposes.
Figure 20.230.004: Map of Proposed Parcels
Incentive-Based FAR. FAR may be permitted in the Oyster Point Specific Plan District as follows:
In Planning Area 1, FAR may be permitted up to a maximum of 1.25, provided the following criteria are met:
A Transportation Demand Management Plan has been approved, in accordance with Chapter 20.400 ("Transportation Demand Management");
The development complies substantially with the architectural and urban design guidelines established in this chapter and in the Specific Plan; and
The development complies substantially with the sustainable building strategies established in this chapter and in the Specific Plan.
In Planning Area 2, FAR for a hotel may be permitted up to a maximum of 2.2, office up to a maximum of 1.6, and FAR for all other uses may be permitted up to a maximum of 1.0, provided the following criteria are met:
A Transportation Demand Management Plan has been approved, in accordance with Chapter 20.400("Transportation Demand Management"); and
The development is consistent with the design standards established in the General Plan, including the East of 101 Area Plan.
(Ord. 1646 § 2, 2022; Ord. 1656, 6/12/2024)
Street Location. The street system within the Oyster Point Specific Plan District shall be located, generally, as shown in Figure 20.230.005. Precise alignments shall be established during the process for review and filing of maps in conformance with the standards established in this chapter, and otherwise as established in the Subdivision Ordinance (Title 19 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code).
Figure 20.230.005: Location of Public Streets
Street Standards.The streets within the Specific Plan District shall conform to the design standards set forth in the Specific Plan, and, as applicable, Chapter 19.20 (“Street Design”) of the South San Francisco Municipal Code.
Off-Street Parking.
In Planning Area 1, parking shall be provided at a ration supportive of the approved Transportation Demand Management Plan, but in no case shall exceed two and one-half spaces per 1,000 gross square feet of floor area, calculated across the entire Planning Area in the aggregate, rather than on a lot-by-lot basis. Required parking shall comply with the requirements included in Chapter 20.330 (“On-site Parking and Loading”) except that additional variations from the bicycle parking standards may be permitted in the Specific Plan District pursuant to an approved Precise Plan and Transportation Demand Management Plan.
Transportation Demand Management. Development in each Planning Area of the Oyster Point Specific Plan District shall comply with Chapter 20.400 (“Transportation Demand Management”).
Service Entrances. Driveways to access service entrances shall be a minimum of 30 feet from the intersection of any two dedicated public rights-of-way.
Pedestrian Circulation. Sidewalks and pedestrian promenade widths shall, at a minimum, comply with the standards in Chapter 19.20 ("Street Design"). Where appropriate to accommodate active uses, greater widths should be provided.
(Ord. 1646 § 2, 2022; Ord. 1656, 6/12/2024)
Infrastructure and Utilities. The location and extent of proposed infrastructure and utility improvements in the district will be as generally described and depicted in the Specific Plan.
Stormwater Management. All development in the Specific Plan shall comply with current best management practices to improve water quality of site runoff and be subject to review and approval by the Public Works Director.
(Ord. 1646 § 2, 2022)
Design Guidelines. Development in the Oyster Point Specific Plan District shall proceed in accordance with the architectural, landscaping, signage, and urban design guidelines set forth in the Specific Plan.
Exterior Design. Building construction and design shall be used to create a structure with substantially equally attractive sides of high quality, rather than placing all emphasis on the front elevation of the structure and neglecting or downgrading the aesthetic appeal of the side elevations of the structure. Any accessory buildings and enclosures, whether attached to or detached from the main building, shall be of similar compatible design and materials. Buildings shall employ varied setbacks, horizontal and vertical elements, fenestration changes and other architectural devices to break their massing.
Façades. Building façades in excess of 150 feet in length along one side shall use modulation and articulation to create a fine-grained street wall. Façades should be designed to be harmonious with adjacent neighboring properties, yet be individualized and not monotonous. Variation may be achieved through the following architectural details: recesses, projections and step backs, changes in height, floor level, roof form, window reveals, cornice treatments, and parapets.
Parking Structures. Parking structures should be designed to downplay their presence on the site to the greatest extent possible. Exterior elevations shall be simple, attractive and complementary to the building design and surface relief elements and articulation is strongly encouraged to reduce the apparent scale of the garage elevation.
Energy Conservation. All buildings shall be designed, insulated, and lighted in accordance with applicable federal and state energy conservation laws and regulations, including the Green Building Standards Code codified in Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations.
(Ord. 1646 § 2, 2022)
In general, landscaping plans shall provide for the following:
Plant selections shall be appropriate to the scale of the proposed architecture and character of the open space.
All landscape components shall be climatically suitable to the site.
Soil depths shall be provided to achieve reasonable success of the trees within a paved environment.
(Ord. 1646 § 2, 2022)
General Requirements. Each sign shall be in harmony with the texture and color of the building to which it is affixed and shall otherwise be governed by the provisions of Chapter 20.360 (“Signs”).
Master Sign Program Required. A master sign program shall be submitted as a part of the Precise Plan application for a site.
(Ord. 1646 § 2, 2022)
Phasing. The development of the Oyster Point Specific Plan District will occur in several phases, generally as set forth in the Specific Plan. Individual phases of development will be implemented through Precise Plans, as described in this chapter.
Precise Plan Required. The Oyster Point Specific Plan shall be implemented through the review and approval of Precise Plans by the Planning Commission, which shall be the review authority for the Oyster Point Specific Plan District.
No person shall commence any use or erect any structure or make exterior modifications to any existing use, parking area or structure, and no building permit, variance, or certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any new use or structure or modification thereof until a Precise Plan has been approved in accordance with the requirements hereinafter set forth. The following shall not require prior approval of a Precise Plan:
A permit for demolition of buildings existing in the Specific Plan District prior to adoption of the Oyster Point Specific Plan enabling ordinance and a general site grading permit for the Specific Plan area;
Permits for development of roads or other components of infrastructure identified in the Specific Plan;
Changes required in whole or part by a requirement of any governmental agency;
Interior modifications or buildings which do not alter the nature, character or intensity of a use; or
Signage within the Oyster Point Specific Plan District, including any permitted change in sign copy, that is included as part of and consistent with an approved Sign Program, in accordance with Chapter 20.360 ("Signs").
Precise Plan Procedures.
Filing Fees. A Precise Plan application fee shall be paid for all private development proposals pursuant to the Master Fee Schedule of the City; provided, however, that said application fees shall be waived for all Precise Plans which involve only public buildings and uses.
Application. When a Precise Plan is required by the Oyster Point Specific Plan, the Precise Plan shall be submitted to the Chief Planner. The Chief Planner shall check the application for completeness consistent with the Permit Streamlining Act.
Contents. The following information and drawings shall be required for Precise Plan consideration by the City, expect that the Chief Planner may require either less or additional information as necessary to meet the intent and purpose of this section:
All applicable tentative, final, or parcel maps within the area covered by the Precise Plan;
A legal and physical description of the site including boundaries, easements, existing topography, natural features, existing buildings, structures and utilities;
A plot or site plan, drawn to scale which depicts all proposed on-site improvements and utilities and the locations of the same in accordance with the standards established in the applicable Specific Plan and the zoning ordinance;
A landscape plan drawn to scale which sets forth information pertinent to the landscape requirements of the applicable Specific Plan and zoning ordinance;
Grading and drainage plans;
Architectural plans and exterior elevations indicating profiles, glazing and materials drawn to scale;
Scale drawings of all signs and light standards with details of height, area, color and materials specified therein; and
Any other drawings of additional information necessary for the review authority to review and make its determination as required hereby.
Guidelines for Review. In reviewing Precise Plans, the City shall adhere to the standards set forth in this chapter and shall further attempt to foster and promote the general character and purposes of the Specific Plan.
Review and Decision.
Design Review. Each Precise Plan application shall be referred to the Design Review Board, which shall forward the recommendation to the Planning Commission.
Chief Planner’s Review. The Chief Planner shall review the application in light of the guidelines and standards set forth in this chapter, and shall consult with the staff of affected departments and offices of the City in connection with the review of each Precise Plan. Upon completion of review and consultations, the Chief Planner shall submit the Precise Plan to the Planning Commission and shall recommend that the Planning Commission approve, conditionally approve, deny or suggest modifications to the Precise Plan.
Review by the Planning Commission. In reviewing Precise Plans, the Planning Commission shall review to ensure consistency with the approved Specific Plan for the site, or other applicable zoning, and shall adhere to the standards set forth in this chapter and shall further attempt to foster and promote the general character and purposes of the Oyster Point Specific Plan District.
Planning Commission Decision. The Planning Commission shall approve, conditionally approve, deny, or suggest modifications to the Precise Plan. Any conditions shall be designed to assure attainment of the standards set forth in this chapter.
Mandatory Findings of Approval. The Planning Commission shall review Precise Plans submitted for approval to determine whether they are consistent with the Oyster Point Specific Plan, any applicable Redevelopment Plan, and any applicable owner participation agreement or disposition and development agreement. The Planning Commission shall make the following findings before approving or conditionally approving any Precise Plan:
The project proposed in the Precise Plan is consistent with the General Plan;
The project proposed in the Precise Plan is compatible with the intent and purpose of the applicable Oyster Point Specific Plan;
The proposed development and/or construction standards of the Precise Plan are designed to achieve compliance with the development and/or construction standards applicable to the Oyster Point Specific Plan;
The project proposed in the Precise Plan is consistent with the Redevelopment Plan and the owner participation agreement or disposition and development agreement, if applicable; and
The infrastructure improvements proposed in the Precise Plan are consistent with the City’s approved Capital Improvement Program, if applicable.
Effect of Approval. Following approval of a Precise Plan, no further permits or approval from the Planning Commission shall be required for projects carried out in substantial conformity with the Oyster Point Specific Plan, the approved Precise Plan, and any conditions of approval, except that the Chief Planner shall, in a ministerial capacity, review building permit applications and perform final inspection to ensure substantial consistency with the Specific Plan and Precise Plan.
Changes after Approval. If major revisions to an approved Precise Plan are desired by the applicant, a revised Precise Plan shall be submitted and processed according to the procedures established herein for approval of the original Precise Plan. Revisions which are minor in nature shall be reviewed and approved by the Chief Planner. Any significant changes to the phasing approved as part of the Precise Plan shall be subject to approval by the Planning Commission. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, lot line adjustments, reductions in density, intensity, scale or scope of the project, minor alterations in vehicle circulation patterns or vehicle access points, changes in trail alignments, substitutions of comparable landscaping for any landscaping shown on any final development plan or landscape plan, variations in the location of structures that do not substantially alter the design concepts of the project, variations in the location or installation of utilities and other infrastructure connections or facilities that do not substantially alter the design concepts of the project, and minor adjustments to the project site diagram or project site legal description will generally be treated as minor revisions, provided that they do not result in any new or more severe significant impacts than those addressed in the applicable CEQA review document, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Chief Planner shall have sole discretion to determine whether a requested revision constitutes a major or minor revision.
Appeal Procedures. Appeals shall be processed in accordance with Chapter 20.570 ("Appeals and Calls for Review").
Expiration of Approval. Any approved Precise Plan shall lapse and shall be deemed void: (a) two years after the date of its approval if a building permit has not been issued and/or construction has not commenced or has not proceeded with due diligence thereafter; or (b) after a longer duration as otherwise provided in an approved development agreement. One-year extensions of the time may be granted by the Planning Commission. Projects are subject to the phasing, if any, established for the buildings within the approved Precise Plan.
Variance Procedure. Where practical difficulties, unnecessary hardships or results inconsistent with the general purpose of the Specific Plan may result from the strict application of certain provisions thereof, Variances may be granted pursuant to Chapter 20.500 ("Variances").
Amendments. The Specific Plan may be amended as set forth in Chapter 20.530 ("Specific Plans and Plan Amendments").
(Ord. 1646 § 2, 2022; Ord. 1656, 6/12/2024)