Any person, firm, corporation or association employing or supervising the employment of persons over the age of 16 engaged in the distribution of newspapers, handbills or other reading matter within the City, shall, at all times, maintain a current list containing the name, address, physical description and birth date of each such person employed on each day, and shall, upon request of the Sheriff's Department, immediately furnish a copy of such list or lists to the Sheriff's Department.
(Prior code § 7-12.1; Ord. 21-1722 § 2)
No person shall distribute or cause to be distributed within the City any handbill or other printed matter, excepting a newspaper as the same is defined in Chapter 8.32 at any time other than the daylight hours of such day.
(Prior code § 7-12.2; Ord. 21-1722 § 2)
No person over the age of 16 years shall distribute for compensation, or promise of compensation of any kind, any handbill or other printed matter other than a newspaper as the same is defined in Chapter 8.32, within the City, unless such person has first furnished to his or her employer or supervisor the data specified in Section 5.60.120, and is listed as an employee on the list required to be kept by such employer or supervisor for the day on which such person is so engaged.
(Prior code § 7-12.3; Ord. 21-1722 § 2)