As used in this article, certain words and phrases are defined in the following sections.
(Prior code § 5100)
"Apartment house" means a building, or portion of a building or buildings, which is designed to be occupied or which is occupied as the home or residence of three or more families living independently of each other.
(Prior code § 5100 (a))
"Business" includes professions, trades and occupations, and all and every kind of calling, whether carried on for profit or as a livelihood or for obtaining income.
(Prior code § 5100 (b))
"Fixed place of business" means a place of business in the city regularly kept open having a person of suitable age in charge thereof during the hours customary to transact such business.
(Prior code § 5100 (c))
"Commercial use" means any use which includes as a part of its operation sales of merchandise, goods, agricultural products or services to the general public; except those uses which are conducted on residential property by the residential property owner such as garage sales and yard sales.
(Ord. 2159 § 1, 1991)
"Hotel, motel or roominghouse" means any lodginghouse, hotel, motel, roominghouse, dormitory or public or private club containing guest rooms for lodging strangers or travelers, advertising or held out as a place where sleeping or rooming accommodations are furnished to the public.
(Prior code § 5100 (d))
"License" means a business certificate or form issued by the city to be displayed by the licensee.
(Prior code § 5100 (h))
"Person" includes all domestic and foreign corporations, associations, syndicates, joint stock corporations, partnerships of every kind, clubs, business or common law trusts, societies and individuals, transacting and carrying on any business in the city as principal or through an agent or employee, but shall exclude its employees.
(Prior code § 5100 (e))
"Public utility" means any persons furnishing the public with communications, water, light, gas, heat, power, or other public services subject to regulation by the Public Utilities Commission of the State.
(Prior code § 5100 (f))
"Street" means and includes every street, boulevard, avenue, highway, alley or roadway within the city which has been or may hereafter be indicated as such and opened to public use.
(Prior code § 5100 (g))
"Tattoo parlor" or "dermatography studio" means any facility, whether established as a primary use or an accessory use, or as a temporary or permanent facility, where furnishings and equipment are placed, set up or installed for the purpose of injecting or applying coloring material into or onto the skin by means of a needle or other apparatus by an operator, thereby creating a permanent mark, and where such mark is made primarily for body decoration or adornment, and not for any physically therapeutic or medically justified purpose. This definition does not include any similar procedure when conducted or performed by a licensed dermatologist operating on premises licensed to conduct such procedure.
A "tattoo artist" or "dermatography artist" is the person who either owns and operates a tattoo parlor or dermatography studio, or is employed by or contracts with such person to perform the above-described procedure, or contracts with or is employed by any other person or business to perform such procedure as an accessory use to a primary use.
(Ord. 2228 § 1, 1994)
"Temporary commercial enterprises" means any activity involving commercial use of property primarily engaged in the sale of agricultural produce, including seasonal sales within the city of Westminster, which continues for a period of sixty days or less.
(Ord. 2159 § 1, 1991)