This Chapter establishes regulations to ensure that sufficient off-street parking and loading facilities are provided for all uses and that parking and loading facilities are properly designed and located to meet the needs of specific uses, and to protect adjacent uses and property.
(Ord. 2456 § 2, 2010)
Every use and structure, including a change, modification, alteration, or expansion of a use or structure, shall provide parking and loading areas in compliance with the provisions of this Chapter. A use shall not be commenced and structures shall not be occupied until improvements required by this Chapter are satisfactorily completed.
(Ord. 2456 § 2, 2010)
Parking and Loading Spaces to be Permanent. All off-street parking spaces and areas required by this Chapter shall be maintained for the duration of the improvement or use requiring such parking spaces or areas. Such spaces and areas shall be used exclusively for the temporary parking of passenger automobiles or light trucks not exceeding one ton in capacity, and shall not be used for the sale, display for advertisement, or for repair of motor vehicles, except emergency repair, or for the storage or display of any other item unless in conjunction with a seasonal or intermittent use with the approval of a Temporary Use Permit (Chapter 17.540), Special Event Permit, or during construction activities.
Located on Same Site. Parking and loading facilities shall be located on the same site as the use the facilities serve. However, off-site parking may be permitted subject to the requirements outlined in Section 17.320.025, Alternative Parking Provisions.
Located Off-Street. All parking and loading facilities required by this Chapter shall be provided off-street and shall not be located within any public street, sidewalk, alley, or parkway, unless expressly allowed by other provisions of this Title.
Unimproved Areas. Portions of a parking area not improved for parking or loading facilities or needed for vehicular circulation shall be landscaped in compliance with plans approved by the City.
Nonrequired Parking. Where off-street parking space(s) are provided but not required by this Chapter, such parking spaces shall comply with the standards specified for required parking spaces.
Maintenance. All off-street parking facilities shall be maintained at all times in a clean, orderly, and safe condition.
(Ord. 2456 § 2, 2010; Ord. 2478 § 2, 2011)
Each use shall provide at least the minimum number of parking spaces required by this Section.
Parking Requirements by Land Use. Each land use shall be provided the number of parking spaces required by Table 3-5, Parking Requirements by Land Use, except where a greater number of spaces are required through a Conditional Use Permit or other permit approval.
Basis for Calculations. In any case where Table 3-5 establishes a parking requirement based on the floor area of a use in a specified number of square feet (e.g., 1 space per 350 square feet), the floor area shall be construed to mean gross floor area. Where any fractional number of parking spaces is required for residential uses, only the fractional number shall be rounded up to the next whole number.
Multitenant Sites. In the case of mixed uses or occupancies, the total number of required off-street parking spaces shall be the sum of the number required for each use, except that:
Offices, retail businesses, and eating and drinking establishments businesses within a retail shopping center shall comply with the parking space requirements for the shopping center as a whole as provided in Table 3-5.
The site qualifies for shared parking in compliance with Section 17.320.025(B), Shared Parking.
Nonresidential Change of Use, Expansion of Structure
When the use of a structure changes to a use that is required by Table 3-5 to have the same number of parking spaces as the immediately previous use, no additional parking spaces shall be required for the new use, provided that the previous use was legally established and the number of spaces has not decreased.
When the floor area of an existing structure is increased, additional parking spaces shall be provided on-site as required by this Chapter for the additional floor area.
When a change in use requires more off-street parking than the previous use, additional parking spaces shall be provided equivalent to the difference between the number of spaces required by this Chapter for the immediately previous use and the total number required by the new use.
Uses Not Listed. Parking for land uses not specifically listed in Table 3-5 shall be provided based on the most similar use in the table as determined by the Director.
Bench, Pew, or Bleacher Seating. Where fixed seating is provided in the form of benches, pews, or bleachers, a seat shall be construed to be not less than 18 inches of continuous bench space for the purpose of calculating the number of required parking spaces.
Table 3-5
Parking Requirements by Land Use
Land Use
Required Parking Spaces
Accessory dwelling units
See Section 17.400.135
Boardinghouses, lodging houses, fraternity or sorority houses, student dormitories, student housing facilities
1 parking space for every 2 guest rooms, dwelling units, or living units
Emergency shelter facilities
1 parking space for each staff member , plus 1 parking space for each 5 beds and ½ space for each room designated for families with children
Multifamily dwellings (two or more units)
For units with 1 or fewer bedrooms (bachelor) – 1 enclosed garage space per unit and 0.5 off-street, open parking space per unit
For units with 2 bedrooms – 1 enclosed garage space per unit and 1 off-street, open parking space per unit
For units with 3 or more bedrooms – 2 enclosed garage spaces per unit and 0.5 off-street, open parking spaces per unit
Residential care facilities
6 or fewer residents – as required for the type of dwelling
7 or more residents – 1 parking space for every 3 patient beds
Single-family dwellings in any residential district
For dwellings with 4 or fewer bedrooms – two-car enclosed garage having minimum interior dimensions of 20 feet in width and 20 feet in depth
For dwellings with 5 or more bedrooms – 3 enclosed garage spaces with minimum interior dimensions of 10 feet by 20 feet (for each space) and 3 open parking spaces with minimum dimensions of 9 feet by 19 feet
Animal boarding and kennels
1 parking space per 350 square feet of indoor use area, plus 1 space per 1,000 square feet of outdoor use area
Banks and financial services and medical offices
1 parking space per 200 square feet of gross floor area, or major fraction thereof, except that within a retail shopping center, the parking standards for retail shopping centers shall apply
Business and professional offices, public or private utility offices
1 parking space for every 200 square feet, or major fraction thereof, of gross floor area of the story containing the greatest square footage; and 1 parking space for every 500 square feet, or major fraction thereof, of gross floor area of all other stories. If single story, 1 parking space for every 200 square feet shall be provided. If within a retail shopping center, the parking standards for retail shopping centers shall apply
1 parking space for every 3 persons employed; 1 parking space for every 3 seats in any church chapel; and 1 parking space for every 350 square feet of floor space used for retail sales of services or commodities
Child day care center
3 parking spaces, plus 1 parking space for every 6 children in attendance
Hotels and motels
2 parking spaces plus 1 per room
Plant nurseries
5 parking spaces, plus 1 additional parking space for every 250 square feet, or major fraction thereof, of building floor area, excluding lath and greenhouses
Retail and service uses, general stand alone
1 space per 250 square feet, or major fraction thereof, of gross floor area
Retail shopping centers up to 100,000 square feet
1 space per 250 square feet, or major fraction thereof, of gross floor area
Retail shopping centers above 100,000 square feet
1 space per 300 square feet, or major fraction thereof, of gross floor area
Veterinary clinics
1 space per 200 square feet, or major fraction thereof, of gross floor area
Eating and Drinking Establishments
Bars, night clubs
Entertainment, including bar, cocktail lounge, and night club: 1 space for every 100 square feet of gross floor area, plus 1 space per every 30 square feet of dance floor area. Outdoor service areas shall be based on Outdoor dining standards
Freestanding restaurants offering patron seating, not part of a retail shopping center
1 parking space for every 100 square feet, or major fraction thereof, of gross floor area
Outdoor dining
No additional parking is required for outdoor dining area (open-air dining) no greater than 25% of the gross floor area of the enclosed restaurant or 1,000 square feet, whichever is smaller. In cases where the outdoor seating area is more than 25% of the gross floor (or 1,000 square feet, whichever is smaller) area of the enclosed restaurant area, the portion of outdoor seating area exceeding 25% (or 1,000 square feet, whichever is smaller) of the gross floor area of the enclosed restaurant shall be calculated at one parking space per 100 square feet of the gross outdoor dining floor area. The allowance for outdoor dining shall not be applicable to any establishment offering a total of 12 or fewer seats, inclusive of all seating located indoors and within an outdoor dining/seating area
Restaurants offering patron seating (13 or more seats) within retail shopping centers
For retail centers up to 100,000 sf:
20% of the gross floor area of such retail shopping center may be allocated to retail food and beverage service businesses at 1 parking space for every 250 square feet, or major fraction thereof, of gross floor area
For that portion of all restaurant floor area exceeding 20% of the total shopping center floor area: 1 parking space per 100 square feet, or major fraction thereof, of gross floor area
For retail centers over 100,000 sf:
25% of the gross floor area of such retail shopping center may be allocated to retail food and beverage service businesses at 1 parking space for every 300 square feet, or major fraction thereof, of gross floor area
For that portion of all restaurant floor area exceeding 25% of the total shopping center floor area: 1 parking space per 100 square feet, or major fraction thereof, of gross floor area
Take-out, restaurants and cafés, offering no seats or tables or offering 12 or fewer seats, inclusive of all indoor and outdoor seating
Parking requirement covered under the general requirements for shopping centers or 1 parking space for every 250 square feet or major fraction thereof of gross floor area if stand alone
Vehicle Sales
Automobile dealership
1 space for each 2,000 square feet of lot and building area used for the display or storage of automobiles exclusive of aisles and turning areas, plus 1 space for each 1.5 employees during the time of maximum work shift
Motorcycle dealership
1 space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area
Vehicle Services
Carwash – self service (unattended)
2 spaces per every washing stall (for queuing and drying)
Carwash – full service
10 spaces; plus 10-space queuing area for drying of vehicles; plus queuing area for 3 vehicles ahead of each wash lane
Carwash – automated, accessory to service station
4 spaces plus queuing area for 3 vehicles ahead of the wash lane (in addition to the parking required for fueling station)
Service stations (with/without convenience store)
1 space per 250 square feet, or major fraction thereof, of gross floor area
Maintenance, repair, installation, and detailing
1 space for every 250 square feet of gross floor area
Recreation, Education and Public Assembly
Assembly uses, places of worship, clubs, mortuaries with congregational services, meeting halls, membership organizations, sports arenas, stadiums, and theaters
1 parking space for every 4 permanent seats in the principal assembly area or room. Where no permanent seats are provided, 1 parking space for every 100 square feet of floor area in the principal assembly room
Commercial recreation activities:
Outdoor recreation facilities
As determined by a Conditional Use Permit or comprehensive plan
Tennis, racquetball, handball, or other courts
2 parking spaces per court, plus 1 parking space per 300 square feet for ancillary uses
Health/fitness facilities
1 parking space per 250 square feet
Indoor amusement/entertainment facilities:
1 parking space per 250 square feet
Batting cages
2 parking spaces per cage
Bowling alleys
5 parking spaces per lane, plus required spaces for ancillary uses
Pool and billiard rooms
1 parking space per 250 square feet
Elementary and junior high schools
2 parking spaces for every classroom; additional parking for auditoriums and stadiums shall not be required
High schools
10 parking spaces for every classroom; additional parking for auditoriums and stadiums shall not be required
Colleges, junior colleges, and universities
15 parking spaces for every classroom, additional parking for auditoriums and stadiums shall not be required
Studios for dance, art, music, photography, martial arts, etc.
1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area
Industrial, Manufacturing and Processing
Industrial & manufacturing establishments
1 parking space for every 400 square feet (may include office space [incidental to the primary use] comprising up to 25 percent of the total floor area), or major fraction thereof, of gross floor area
Laundries and dry cleaning plants
1 space per 250 square feet
Outdoor sales, equipment rental yards, display or storage garage
5 parking spaces, plus 1 parking space for every 500 square feet, or major fraction thereof, of gross floor area
Warehousing and distribution facilities
1 space per 1,000 square feet (may include office space [incidental to the primary use] comprising up to 10 percent of the total floor area), or major fraction thereof, of gross floor area
Warehouses and storage buildings
1 parking space for every 1,000 square feet, or major fraction thereof, of gross floor area
(Ord. 2456 § 2, 2010; Ord. 2473 § 2, 2011; Ord. 2474 § 2, 2011; Ord. 2478 § 2, 2011; Ord. 2479 § 2, 2011; Ord. 2504 § 3, 2013; Ord. 2506 § 5, 2013; Ord. 2507 § 4, 2013; Ord. 2522 § 2, 2015; Ord. 2549 § 3, 2018; Ord. 2580U § 7, 2022)
Where conditions preclude the provision of the number of required parking spaces on the lot for which the parking is required, the following procedures for alternative parking are available, subject to City approval.
Off-Site Parking. The use of off-site parking to satisfy the requirements outlined in Table 3-5 shall be provided in compliance with the following standards.
Location. Off-street parking on an adjacent lot used in conjunction with said uses shall be located within 300 feet of the entrance of the primary building(s).
Terms of off-site parking. A City-approved covenant shall be recorded that includes a description of the off-site parking, a requirement that the owner of the separated lot maintain the required parking for the life of the use to which it is covenanted, and a provision for liquidated damages for violations of the conditions of approval.
Loss of off-site spaces.
Notification to the City. The owner or operator of a business that uses approved off-site space to satisfy the parking requirements of this Chapter shall immediately notify the Director of any change of ownership or use of the property for which the spaces are required, and of any termination or default of the agreement between the parties.
Effect of termination of agreement. Upon notification that a lease for required off-site parking has terminated, the Director shall determine a reasonable time in which one of the following shall occur:
Substitute parking is provided that is acceptable to the Director; or
The size or capacity of the use is reduced in proportion to the parking spaces lost.
Shared Parking. Two or more nonresidential uses shall be allowed to meet the parking requirements of this Chapter by sharing the same off-street parking facilities, subject to the approval of an Administrative Use Permit and the following conditions:
The shared parking spaces may be located on the same parcel or two or more parcels;
A parking demand study prepared by a licensed traffic engineer and approved by the Director is submitted which finds that:
The uses which are proposed to be served by the parking have traffic-generation characteristics that justify the expectation that adequate parking will be available, or
That the characteristics and proximities of the businesses are such that multiple-destination trips would be expected to occur, which would reduce the number of spaces required; and
All parties to a shared parking arrangement granted under this Section, shall enter into a covenant with the City which shall be recorded in the Office of the County Clerk/Recorder. This covenant shall bind this parking arrangement until such time that it can be demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the Director, that other off-street parking has been provided in compliance with the Westminster Municipal Code requirements, or that the use that necessitated the arrangement has ceased or has been altered so as to no longer require the recorded off-street parking.
(Ord. 2456 § 2, 2010)
Access to Parking Areas and Parking Spaces. All commercial, industrial, and residential off-street parking spaces shall have access to a public street or alley, and shall be located in parking facilities that are provided with safe internal circulation, entrances, exits, drives, and aisles consistent with City standards.
Parking Space and Lot Dimensions
Parking spaces.
Residential parking spaces. Parking spaces within garages (for up to 3 cars) shall have minimum interior dimensions of 10 feet in width by 20 feet in length for each vehicle. For garages with parking spaces for more than 3 cars each parking space shall have a minimum interior dimension of 9 feet in width by 18 feet in length for each vehicle[1]. No affixed obstructions, such as, but not limited to, water heaters, washers and dryers, sinks, and furnaces/airconditioning units shall intrude on these designated parking areas. For garages, the measurement shall be from the face of the interior walls, not including structural supports.
Figure 3-5 Residential Garage and Driveway Parking Dimensions
A space, the side of which is against a building, wall or fence must be no less than 11 feet in width.
Surface parking lots and parking structures. Minimum dimension of 9 feet wide and 18 feet deep for commercial, industrial and residential uses. Compact spaces are not permitted.
Driveway and site access standards. Drive aisles within parking areas shall be designed and constructed in compliance with the following standards:
Aisle width. The standards for the width, length, area, general design characteristics, and improvements of parking facilities, aisles, drives, entrances, and exits are hereby declared to be matters of a technical nature requiring periodic review based upon changes in motor vehicle size, operation, and design. For this reason, said standards shall be adopted by minute action of the City Council. All such standards shall be complied with as though listed verbatim herein.
Visibility. Drive aisles shall be designed and located so that adequate visibility is ensured for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists when entering individual parking spaces, circulating within a parking facility, and entering or leaving a parking facility. Landscaping adjacent to a driveway and the walls of a building shall be designed not to interfere with motorists' views of the sidewalk and pedestrians' views of vehicles exiting the project.
Curbing and Wheel Stops
Parking areas shall be separated from buildings by either a raised concrete walkway or landscaped strip. Parking shall be separated from adjacent landscaping with a continuous concrete curb, at least 6 inches high and 6 inches wide, which may function as a wheel stop.
In areas where vehicles will overhang the landscape planters, an additional 2 feet of planter area shall be required. This area shall be planted with low ground cover that is not likely to be damaged by vehicles. See Figure 3-4, Bumper-Overhang Area, for illustration.
All off-street parking spaces shall have wheelstops, not less than 6 inches in height and 6 inches wide, erected at least 2-1/2 feet from any building wall, fence, property line, walkway or parking space. Wheel stops or curbs are not required when two parking spaces are contiguous at the width ("head to head"). Alternative barrier designs to protect planted areas may be approved by the Director.
Landscaping. Parking area landscaping shall be provided in compliance with Chapter 17.310, Landscaping.
Lighting. Parking areas within nonresidential areas shall have lighting that provides adequate illumination for security and safety. All illumination, including security lighting, shall be directed downward, away from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way. Lighting locations shall take into account the location and expected mature characteristics of on-site landscape materials.
Directional Areas and Signs
Parking spaces, aisles, approach lanes, and maneuvering areas shall be clearly marked with directional arrows and lines to ensure the safe and efficient flow of vehicles.
All off-street parking spaces shall be outlined by white stripes painted on the surface area, not less than 4 inches wide, or by other means approved by the Director; and marked entrances, exits, aisles, and such other safety devices as may be required to ensure safe movement of vehicles shall be required.
Traffic signs. The Director may require the installation of traffic signs in addition to directional arrows to ensure the safe and efficient ingress and egress and circulation of vehicles in a parking facility.
Driveways and turning and maneuvering areas shall be paved with not less than 2-1/2 inches of asphalt, or an equivalent surfacing meeting City standards and specifications, and shall be maintained in good repair.
Alternative surfaces for parking and loading areas may be approved by the Community Development Director and Public Works Director, provided that the material used meets aesthetic standards as determined by the Community Development Director, and improves drainage and permeability.
Interior Parking Clearance. Parking spaces within an enclosed building shall be provided with safe entrances and exits, turning and maneuvering areas, vertical clearance and driveways that comply with City standards and specifications.
Special Parking Requirements for Residential Uses
Parking spaces shall be conveniently located near the dwelling units they serve, and in no case shall they be more than 100 feet from an entrance to the building.
Covered parking.
In the R1 zoning district, all parking required to serve the primary residence shall be fully covered within a garage.
In the R1 zone, carports or coverings may be permitted only in addition to the minimum number of garage spaces required by this Title and subject to the R1 zoning district development standards outlined in Table 3-5, Parking Requirements by Land Use.
Guest parking. Guest parking for multiple-family residential uses shall be designated and restricted for the exclusive use of the guests with appropriate signs and pavement markings.
Location. Parking spaces shall be located only in garages, carports, parking structures, and in areas identified and approved for guest parking.
SB 9 two-unit housing developments. Notwithstanding subsections 2, 3, and 4 above, required and non-required parking for property in the R1 zoning district developed with an SB 9 two-unit housing development may be provided within an enclosed garage, carport, as open spaces, or in a tandem configuration so long as the tandem spaces (one vehicle parked behind another vehicle) are designated for the same unit.
Parking Standards for Recreational Vehicles in the R1 Zoning District. A recreational vehicle not exceeding 13 feet 6 inches in height, or the maximum height for such vehicles as allowed by the State of California, may be parked within the rear yard of an R1-zoned lot developed with a single-family home, with no time restrictions for recreational vehicle parking applicable. Under no circumstances shall the recreational vehicle be used for living or sleeping quarters when parked on an R1-zoned lot.
The storage of one recreational vehicle per R1 zoning district lot within the 20-foot front yard setback and/or within the unfenced street side-yard setback for more than 72 hours consecutively is permitted, provided that all of the following standards and criteria are satisfied:
A recreational vehicle may be stored in a front yard setback only between the main driveway to the required garage and the nearest side property line.
A recreational vehicle may be stored within the required side yard setback adjacent to a public street only if such storage meets the requirements of this Section.
A recreational vehicle shall be stored only on a permanent pad such as concrete slab, asphalt, or other all-weather durable paved surface sufficient in size to accommodate the entire length and width of the recreational vehicle and the area necessary to maneuver the recreational vehicle into the storage location without driving over the public curb or landscape area.
A recreational vehicle shall not block vehicular access to the required 2- or 3-car garage.
A recreational vehicle shall not overhang into the public right-of-way or onto a neighbor's property.
A recreational vehicle shall be stored so that access of a minimum of 32-inch clearance is provided to required side and rear yards.
A recreational vehicle shall not block emergency access to or from the residence access or restrict light and air to the subject or surrounding residences.
A recreational vehicle storage area shall comply with all standard City public works requirements, including, but not limited to, those related to the design of the curb, gutter, and drive approach for access.
The storage area shall be used exclusively for the storage of the recreational vehicle and shall be kept free of any trash or debris.
Nothing in this Section shall be construed to allow the storage of inoperable recreational vehicles in the R1 zoning district. For the purposes of this Section, an inoperable vehicle is one that is not capable of moving or operating as it typically would if it were not in need of repair.
A recreational vehicle shall not be parked or stored within the minimum interior side yard setback.
(Ord. 2456 § 2, 2010; Ord. 2478 § 2, 2011; Ord. 2580U § 8, 2022)
Bicycle parking shall be provided for all multifamily projects and nonresidential uses in compliance with this Section.
Number of Bicycle Spaces Required
Multifamily projects shall provide bicycle parking spaces equal to a minimum of 10 percent of the required vehicle spaces, unless a separate secured garage space is provided for each unit. The bicycle spaces shall be distributed throughout the project to the extent feasible.
Retail commercial uses shall provide bicycle parking spaces equal to a minimum of 5 percent of the required vehicle spaces, and shall be distributed to conveniently serve customers and employees of the project.
Other nonresidential uses providing employment shall provide bicycle parking spaces equal to a minimum of 5 percent of the required vehicle spaces, and shall be distributed to conveniently serve employees and visitors to the project.
Where the provisions of this Section conflict with the provisions of Section 17.400.165, Transportation Demand Management, the provision requiring the greater number of bicycle parking facilities shall prevail.
Bicycle Parking Design—Parking Equipment. Each bicycle parking space shall include a stationary parking device to adequately secure the bicycle, as approved by the Director.
(Ord. 2456 § 2, 2010)
Standards for Loading Areas. Off-street loading areas shall be provided as shown in Table 3-6. Loading areas shall be dimensioned to accommodate the largest truck expected to make deliveries to the tenant, and shall be positioned on the property in a manner that does not cause the truck to encroach into drive aisles, parking spaces, pedestrian ways, or other exclusive areas.
Table 3-6
Off-Street Loading Area Requirements
Tenant Use Area in Square Feet
Number of Bays Required
Less than 10,000
Every additional 50,000 beyond 150,000
Design Standards for Loading Areas. Loading areas shall be provided in the following manner:
Access. Each loading area shall be accessible from a street or alley, or from an on-site drive connecting with a street or alley. Such access may be combined with access to a parking lot if located so that loading activities do not obstruct normal on-site parking and traffic flow.
Lighting. Loading areas shall provide lighting for security and safety purposes. All illumination shall be directed away from adjoining properties to prevent light spillage.
Loading ramps/docks. Plans for loading ramps or truck wells shall be accompanied by a profile drawing showing the ramp, ramp transitions, and overhead clearances.
Location. Loading areas shall be located as follows:
As near as possible to building openings providing loading access;
Situated to avoid adverse impacts upon neighboring properties;
Loading areas shall be set back a minimum of 25 feet from any residential district, and shall be sound buffered to the maximum extent feasible;
Loading spaces shall be located to ensure that all vehicular turning maneuvers occur on-site.
Screening. Loading areas shall be screened so that they are not visible from street frontages or any freeway corridor. A solid masonry wall shall be provided and designed to screen the loading area and mitigate noise impacts.
Identification. Loading areas shall be striped and signed to indicate that the loading areas are for "Loading Only."
Loading Areas for Food Markets. Loading areas required for food markets are provided in Article 4.
(Ord. 2456 § 2, 2010)