It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or maintain swine, sheep or goats within the city limits of Brookshire Texas, unless such animals are kept and maintained within a fence on at least ten acres of land.
(Ordinance 08-528-10, § 2, adopted 2/7/2008)
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or maintain horses, mules and cattle within the city limits unless such animals are kept and maintained within a fence on at least one acre of land.
(Ordinance 08-528-10, § 3, adopted 2/7/2008)
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or maintain fowl within the city limits unless such fowl are kept and maintained on the property of the owner thereof and enclosed by a fence or pen.
(Ordinance 08-528-10, § 4, adopted 2/7/2008)
A school age child, who participates in any program sponsored by the Future Farmers of America or any 4-H Club, may keep a sheep, swine or goat within the city limits of Brookshire during the duration of said program, subject to the following conditions:
Any animal shall be kept and maintained in a suitable pen which is to be cleaned and freed of waste material once daily.
The pen in which a sheep is kept and maintained shall be located not less than 100 feet from any residence except for the residence of the owner.
The pen in which a swine is kept and maintained shall be located not less than 300 feet from any residence, church or school except for the residence of the owner.
The pen in which a goat is kept and maintained shall be located not less than 300 feet from any residence, church or school except for the residence of the owner.
All animals will be removed at the termination of the program which generally concludes with the final show and auction.
(Ordinance 08-528-10, § 5, adopted 2/7/2008)
Any person who shall violate any provision of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine as provided in section 1-13. Each day in which any violation shall occur shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ordinance 08-528-10, § 7, adopted 2/7/2008)