No person shall move any building or structure over, across and along any public street, highway, alley, public way or public place within the city, except as specifically provided in this article.
(Ordinance 11-557-11, § 2, adopted 4/21/2011)
Every person shall, before engaging in moving a building or structure into, out of, or within the city, obtain a permit therefor, for which he shall make application to the city secretary. Each application shall be presented to the city council. The permit is only valid when approved by the city council. Such application shall reasonably describe and identify the building or structure sought to be moved, with the extreme dimensions of its width, length and height, its present location and the place to which it is proposed to be moved, and shall definitely identify and describe the route sought to be taken and the day and the hours such building or structure is to be moved. Such application shall also describe and identify the proposed use of the structure once it is placed within the city.
Permit fee.
Each application for a permit under this section shall be accompanied by payment of a fee in an amount to be determined by resolution of the city council and maintained in the schedule of fees. If any person fails to obtain a permit required by this section prior to moving a structure as described herein, the permit fee will be doubled.
Mover to notify utility companies.
Before such a permit is granted, the mover shall notify all public utility companies, railroads and other persons whose property or facilities are involved in such movements.
Any permit issued pursuant to this section shall expire by its own terms 60 days after its issuance.
(Ordinance 11-557-11, § 3, adopted 4/21/2011)
Any building or structure moved pursuant to a permit required by this article shall comply in all respects with the city's setback requirements, and shall, within 60 days of its being placed on a site within the city:
Obtain any and all necessary permits from the city to bring the building or structure into compliance with all applicable state or local building regulations;
Connect to public water and sewer utilities, if a main or lateral sewer line of the public sewer and water systems is laid and maintained within 175 feet of the tract whereon such building or structure is located; provided, however, that connection to public water and sewer facilities shall not be required for a structure being used only for storage purposes; and
Have skirting installed on any building or structure in which the lowest floor of the building or structure is more than 16 inches above the ground level. Such skirting shall extend around the perimeter of the building or structure and shall completely enclose the area beneath the building or structure, with the exception of manways. All manways shall be equipped with a door which shall be kept securely closed when not in use.
(Ordinance 11-557-11, § 4, adopted 4/21/2011)
The city building official, or his designee, shall verify compliance with all requirements of this article. In the event any person fails to comply with the requirements of this article, the person in violation shall remove any building or structure upon written notice from the city to do so. If any person so notified to remove a building or structure pursuant to this section does not remove the building or structure within 30 days of receipt of written notice from the city, the city shall have the right to remove the building or structure.
(Ordinance 11-557-11, § 5, adopted 4/21/2011)
Any person who shall intentionally, knowingly, recklessly or with criminal negligence violate any provision contained in this article, or who shall commit or perform any act declared herein to be unlawful, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished as provided in section 1-13. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ordinance 11-557-11, § 6, adopted 4/21/2011)