There is hereby created the Brookshire volunteer fire board. The volunteer fire board shall have all of the powers granted by this Code, and shall have such additional duties and powers as may be authorized.
(Ordinance 85-202-5, § I(intro.), adopted 11/25/1985)
The volunteer fire board shall be composed of seven members; one of whom shall be a member of the city council; the fire chief; and two assistant fire chiefs; three of whom shall be general members of the volunteer fire department. Each member of the volunteer fire board shall be appointed and approved by the city council.
Five members of said fire board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Members of the volunteer fire board are appointed for two year terms, shall serve at the will and pleasure of the city council, removable without cause, and shall serve without compensation. Members may continue to serve beyond the two-year appointment at the pleasure of the city council, or until officially replaced. Members shall serve from date of appointment until the first regular the city council meeting date in April, following the city council election.
Unless designated by the city council in its appointment, the volunteer fire board shall elect from any of their members, a chairman and a secretary.
It shall be the duty of the volunteer fire board to approve budget expenditures of the volunteer fire department, set up an annual budget for the volunteer fire department, and oversee the inventory and equipment of the volunteer fire department, oversee the general business affairs of the volunteer fire department.
(Ordinance 85-202-5, § I(1)—(5), adopted 11/25/1985)