All solid waste that is collected or maintained outdoors by a commercial, industrial, multifamily, or similar type of activity or use, shall be kept in a dumpster, bin, bag, receptacle, or device (collectively referred to as "containers"). Each container shall be visually obscured from public view from any street, alley, public way, or adjacent property by the installation and maintenance of a solid fence or wall at least six feet in height; vegetation consisting of a solid hedgerow of evergreen shrubs providing full screening from the ground to a minimum of six feet in height; or any combination of the above that effectively conceals such containers from view and satisfies the required screening height.
(Ordinance 1-365-8, § 1, adopted 6/21/2001)
The storage of solid waste and the location of containers shall meet the following requirements:
No container or screening device shall intrude upon any public property or right-of-way;
The solid waste in each container shall remain covered at all times with a lid and/or sliding door, except when solid waste is being deposited or emptied, and each lid and/or sliding door shall be maintained in good working order;
Solid waste shall be stored in fly-proof, water-proof containers, which shall be emptied regularly and maintained in a usable, sanitary condition and the collection and disposal of said solid waste and garbage shall be conducted so as to not create a health hazard; and
Solid waste shall not be allowed to overflow from any container.
(Ordinance 1-365-8, § 2, adopted 6/21/2001)
Any person who shall violate any provision of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished as provided in section 1-13. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ordinance 1-365-8, § 3, adopted 6/21/2001)