The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning. The words, terms and phrases, when used in this article and not listed below, shall have meanings ascribed in other section of the Code of Ordinances.
Building site
means the parcel of land upon which a residential structure subject to the provisions of this article is located.
Deciduous tree
means a tree that sheds its leaves at one time each year, usually in the autumn.
Evergreen tree
means a tree that does not lose all of its leaves at one time, though it sheds its old leaves intermittently, as new leaves come out.
means any plant which is generally multi-stemmed and sold by height or spread and measured in inches or feet.
means any evergreen or deciduous tree which at the time of planting has a caliper equal to or greater than two inches as measured six inches above the root collar, which is not less than six feet in height as measured from the root collar, and which meets the standard for nursery stock specifications as established by the American Association of Nurserymen (1986 edition). All types trees that can be planted to satisfy the requirements of this chapter are provided in a list on file with the city secretary.
(Ordinance 06-479-9, § 2, adopted 2/8/2006; Ordinance 22-704-15, § 1, adopted 11/17/2022)
The requirements of this article shall only apply to a building site where any of the following conditions are present:
There is new construction of a building for which a building permit is required.
There is reconstruction or remodeling of an existing building if the remodeling or reconstruction project has a total dollar value of greater than 25 percent of the tax appraised value of the building, or is greater than $25,000.00. For the purpose of this provision, remodeling or reconstruction shall include any change to the building interior or exterior or changes to a building site excluding routine maintenance and repair.
The requirements and standards for the installation and maintenance of landscape elements and site improvements as set forth in this division shall apply to all developed areas within the city limits.
If other divisions of this chapter would otherwise permit land coverage by building development that would conflict with this division, this division shall supersede and prevail over the other requirements.
If more landscaping is required in any other sections of the code of ordinances, the greater standards shall apply.
Existing development areas; nonconformance. All property with existing development on the effective date of the ordinance from which this division derives which is not in compliance with this division shall be considered nonconforming and allowed to continue until the time a building permit is granted to reconstruct or enlarge an existing structure on the property to an extent exceeding 500 square feet of the exterior dimensions of the structure. At that time, this division shall apply to the previous existing parcel areas as well as any new paved areas, and the areas shall be brought into compliance. A plan showing existing and new development and the proposed landscaping shall be submitted in accordance with this division. In order to encourage early landscaping in existing paved areas and the preservation of trees that are already established and growing in these areas an additional credit shall be given in accordance with the purposes of this chapter. No structure existing on the effective date of this Code from which this division derives shall be required to be altered or moved in order to comply with this division except for reconstruction.
(Ordinance 06-479-9, § 3, adopted 2/8/2006; Ordinance 22-704-15, § 1, adopted 11/17/2022)
A landscape plan for the building site shall be submitted to the city by an applicant for a building permit for approval in accordance with the provisions of this article and the submittal checklist provided by the city. The plan shall contain sufficient detail to show the following:
The footprint of all existing and proposed structures.
Remaining and/or proposed site elements such as power poles, fences, walls, drainage swales, easements, sidewalks and other such elements.
How the landscaping requirements are to be met, including the names, size, number and location of all landscape elements.
Name, location and size of existing trees, and type and location of other vegetation proposed to remain or for removal.
Location and size of irrigation lines.
Location of any buried pipeline or utility.
Location of any dedicated or proposed to be dedicated easement.
Such other information as may be reasonably necessary to administer and enforce the provisions of this article.
The city official shall review the landscape plan to verify compliance with all requirements of this article prior to the issuance of a building permit. No building permit shall be issued by the building official for the construction or alteration of a building subject to this article unless the applicant has submitted a landscape plan providing for the planting of trees and shrubs to the extent required in this article.
Ord. No. 22-704-15 , § 1, adopted Nov. 17, 2022, amended § 44-22, and in so doing changed the title of said section from landscape plan required; approval and review by building official to read as set out herein.
(Ordinance 06-479-9, § 4, adopted 2/8/2006; Ordinance 22-704-15, § 1, adopted 11/17/2022)
The minimum landscape requirements shall be employed in accordance with the American Nursery Association, to improve aesthetic appearance, to enhance the compatibility of different land uses, and to mitigate negative environmental influences on land uses (e.g. heat, noise, air pollution).
Table 4-4: Required Landscaping By Land Use Type
Land Use
Percent Landscaped Area Required
Office and Professional Uses
Mixed Use
Retail and Commercial
Industrial or Manufacturing and all Other Nonresidential Uses
Note: Percentages are based on the total gross lot area.
Minimum requirements.
The minimum landscape requirements shall be employed in accordance with the Tree Preservation and Landscape Design Guidelines (Guidelines) made a part hereof, to improve aesthetic appearance, to enhance the compatibility of different land uses, and to mitigate negative environmental influences on land uses (e.g. heat, noise, air pollution).
Establishment of minimum percentages.
A minimum percentage of the total gross lot area of property (excluding any required detention facilities) on which development, construction or reconstruction occurs after the effective date of the ordinance from which this division derives shall be devoted to landscape in accordance with the requirements in Table 4-4;
For all single family, duplex, and quad-plex residential developments, the following shall be required:
Two trees shall be planted on each lot, in the front yard. Such trees shall comply with the list of approved trees on file with the city secretary and shall have a minimum two-inch caliper measured five feet above the ground. An existing street tree may count toward the requirement of this section.
Ten shrubs (minimum five-gallon container) shall be provided for each lot. Shrubs and berms shall be planted at a height of no less than 36 inches as measured from the surrounding soil line.
For all non-residential, multi-family, and other developments not included in sub-section (a) above, the following shall be required:
Street trees.
Street trees shall be planted adjacent to streets and public rights-of-way. Street trees shall have a minimum two-inch caliper as measured five feet above the ground with the total caliper inches equal to one inch for each 15 feet of frontage shall be provided along the street frontage. An existing street tree in the abutting street right-of-way may count toward the requirement of one required tree. Each tree shall be planted in an area of a minimum width of ten feet. Additional width may be required for properties located in the corridor overlay district.
Parking lot trees.
Each parking space must be within 100 feet of a parking lot or street tree. One tree for every 50 spaces shall be required and shall include the trees in the list of approved trees on file with the city secretary with a minimum two-inch caliper measured five feet above the ground. Each tree shall be planted in an area of a minimum width of six feet.
Screening of parking areas.
All off-street parking areas shall be screened by shrubs. Shrubs (minimum five-gallon container) shall be maintained at a height of no more than 36 inches and no less than 24 inches as measured from the surrounding soil line and at a minimum 36-inch spacing. Shrubs to screen the parking areas shall be planted in an area of minimum width of ten feet. Additional width may be required for properties located in the corridor overlay district.
Landscape buffers.
Buffers shall be provided along all property boundaries according to the following:
All multi-family and non-residential development where they abut single family and duplex residential developments to provide a buffer; and,
All multi-family, single family, and duplex residential development where such uses abut any non-residential developments to provide a buffer. The buffer shall consist of a masonry screening fence, with a minimum height of six feet, located along the property line between two adjacent properties; and a 25-foot wide landscaped buffer with landscaping consisting of trees and shrubs. Shrubs (minimum five-gallon container) shall be planted at a height of 36 inches as measured from the surrounding soil line and at a minimum 36-inch spacing. Trees listed in the approved list on file in the city secretary's office shall have a minimum two inch caliper measured five feet above the ground shall be provided with the total caliper inches equal to one inch for each 15 feet of length along the buffer.
Detention facilities.
It is recommended that all detention facilities be designed as an amenity. Stormwater facilities should be considered an opportunity to enhance aesthetics provide a natural setting.
All side slopes and berms shall be grassed or covered with a suitable vegetative cover.
Shrubs and plants shall be planted strategically near inlets to soften the visual impact.
All detention facilities located in the front or the side yard shall provide the following landscaping:
Trees shall be planted along the edge of detention facility to screen it from any streets or public rights-of-way. Trees shall have a minimum two inch caliper measured five feet above the ground, shall be provided with the total caliper inches equal to one inch for each 15 feet of length along the detention facility to be screened.
Shrubs (minimum five-gallon container) shall be planted at a height of not less than 36 inches as measured from the surrounding soil line and at a minimum 36-inch spacing.
044 Landscaping Requirements Example.tiff
Landscape irrigation.
Except for single-family and duplex residential lots, all required landscaping areas shall be 100 percent irrigated by one of, or a combination of, the following methods:
An automatic underground irrigation system;
A drip irrigation system;
A hose attachment within 200 feet of all plant material;
All irrigation systems shall be designed and sealed in accordance with the Texas Licensed Irrigators Act and shall be professionally installed.
No irrigation shall be required for undisturbed natural areas or undisturbed existing trees.
Sports fields, golf courses, cemeteries, storm water management systems, and similar areas as approved by city staff, where functional need for turf is demonstrated, are exempt from the turf area limitation and micro irrigation requirements.
Common open space requirement for multi-family use.
All multi-family residential projects except duplexes shall provide permanently maintained outdoor open space for all residents.
Area required.
Required common open space shall be provided at a ratio of 750 square feet per dwelling unit.
Required common open space:
Shall be designed to be easily accessible;
Shall be provided as a continuous, usable site element, which shall not include required setback and buffer areas but may be contiguous to required setbacks; and
Shall have a minimum dimension of 50 feet.
Allowed uses.
Required common open space:
Shall be available for passive and active outdoor recreational purposes for the enjoyment of all residents of each multi-family project; and
Shall not include driveways, parking spaces, public or private streets, detention facilities, or utility easements where the ground surface cannot be used appropriately for usable open space, or other areas primarily designed for other operational functions. Detention facilities, if designed as a lake amenity with trails and seating areas, may be counted towards 50 percent of the required common open space.
Amenities. Required common open space shall include amenities such as trails, play areas, club houses, tennis courts, basketball courts, picnic tables, dog parks, and other active and passive recreation amenities.
Maintenance and control of common open space.
Required common open space shall be controlled and permanently maintained by the owner of the property or by a homeowners' association. Provisions for control and maintenance shall be included in any property covenants of common interest developments.
Open space areas shall be surfaced with pervious surface such as grass, ground cover or similar, unless the amenities provided require other surfaces such as a combination of lawn, paving, decking, concrete, or other serviceable material.
Landscaping and amenities.
The applicant shall submit a plan for landscaping and amenities approval by the city. Landscape design, installation, and maintenance shall comply with the requirements contained in this section.
General requirements.
All plant materials shall be live and planted in the ground. Plant materials planted in pots shall not be counted or credited toward meeting landscaping requirements.
Each required tree and shrub shall be planted in a landscaped area of at least 36 square feet with a minimum dimension of six feet.
Ground cover and land stabilization. Exposed ground surfaces in all parts of every development and site shall be paved, covered with stone screening or other solid material, or protected with a vegetative growth or cover that is capable of preventing soil erosion and of eliminating dust. All surfacing shall be maintained and kept in good repair.
Plant materials planted in pots shall not be counted or credited toward meeting landscaping requirements.
(Ordinance 06-479-9, § 5, adopted 2/8/2006; Ordinance 22-704-15, § 1, adopted 11/17/2022)
Credit for the preservation of existing on-site trees (including any to be transplanted) and existing shrubs may be granted when requested and depicted on the landscape plan in accordance with section 44-22. In order to be eligible for credit, an existing tree to be preserved on the site or existing shrub shall be in good condition.
(Ordinance 06-479-9, § 6, adopted 2/8/2006)
After complying with the requirements of this article, the owner and each successive owner of the property shall maintain the required landscaping vegetation and landscaped areas in good condition, and shall otherwise maintain the property so as to comply with any other requirements of this article.
Where any owner of property to which this article applies fails to reasonably maintain the required trees and other landscaping or maintain the property so as to comply with any requirement of this article, the city may issue a written notice and order the owner to replace any dead or dying trees or landscape plant materials that were required by the landscape plan or this article, or require any other action otherwise necessary to abate or correct any condition to meet the requirements of this article.
(Ordinance 06-479-9, § 7, adopted 2/8/2006)
All proposed landscaping must be installed in accordance with the approved landscape plan prior to issuance of a final certificate of occupancy on a building site. All planting shall be planted in accordance with the guidelines of the American Nursery Association (ANA) or shall follow the specifications shown in the figure below.
044 Shrub and Tree Soil.tiff
(Ordinance 06-479-9, § 9, adopted 2/8/2006; Ordinance 22-704-15, § 1, adopted 11/17/2022[1])
Editor’s note – This Ordinance repealed the former § 44-26, and renumbered §§ 44-2744-31 as §§ 44-2644-30. The former section pertained to affirmative defenses and derived from Ord. No. 06-479-9, adopted Feb. 8, 2006.
An applicant for a building permit may appeal to the city council from the denial of a building permit for noncompliance with this article.
(Ordinance 06-479-9, § 10, adopted 2/8/2006; Ordinance 22-704-15, § 1, adopted 11/17/2022)
An applicant for a building permit may make written application to the city official for a variance from the requirements of this article. A completed application for a variance shall include:
Completed application on form supplied by the city; and
A nonrefundable fee as established by the city council from time to time.
The application shall be reviewed by the city official. Within 15 days of the date the application is accepted, the building official shall forward a copy of the application, together with his report and recommendations regarding the proposed variance to the city secretary.
The application and city official's report regarding the variance request shall be provided to the city council prior to the meeting at which the variance shall be considered.
(Ordinance 06-479-9, § 11, adopted 2/8/2006; Ordinance 22-704-15, § 1, adopted 11/17/2022)
The city council may consider and grant variances from the provisions of this article, subsequent to a public hearing, by majority vote of those members of the city council present and voting, when the city council determines that the following conditions exist:
The imposition of the terms, rules, conditions, policies and standards of this article would deprive the owner or applicant of the property of reasonable use of the land or building;
The circumstances supporting the granting of the variance are not the result of a hardship imposed or created by the applicant, and the general purposes of this article are observed and maintained;
The intent of this article is preserved; and
The granting of such a variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, or welfare.
Any variance granted under the provision of this section will apply only to the specific property upon which the city council was requested to grant a variance by the applicant. All variances granted shall be in writing, shall be signed by the mayor and maintained as a permanent record of the city.
(Ordinance 06-479-9, § 12, adopted 2/8/2006; Ordinance 22-704-15, § 1, adopted 11/17/2022)
Any person who intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence violates any provision of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished as provided in section 1-13. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ordinance 06-479-9, § 13, adopted 2/8/2006; Ordinance 22-704-15, § 1, adopted 11/17/2022)
Responsible official and responsibilities.
The designated city official shall be the responsible official for this division. The designated city official is charged with administering this division and securing compliance with this division. In furtherance of this responsibility, the designated city official shall:
Make inspections as needed to effectuate the purposes and intent of this division, and initiate appropriate action to bring about compliance with this division if the inspections disclose any instance of noncompliance.
Investigate any complaints of alleged violations of this division and maintain a record in the planning department office of the disposition of the complaints.
Issue notices of violation, and order, as set out in this section, the correction of all violations of this division found to exist on any premises.
State in the notice of violation a time limit for compliance with this division as set out in subsection (c) of this section.
Refuse to issue an occupancy certificate where the requirements of this division have not been met. A temporary occupancy certificate may be issued where provisions have been made for landscaping installation at the most advantageous time for planting, not to exceed six months from the date of issuance.
Request the assistance of the city attorney in taking appropriate legal action upon the failure of the responsible party to comply with the notice of violation at the time specified therein.
The designated city official is authorized and directed to lawfully enter all premises at reasonable times to perform inspections to determine compliance with the provisions of this division.
Action after determination of violation.
When the designated city official determines that a violation of this division exists, the responsible official shall take action as follows:
Give written notice of the violation to the management, agent or owner shown on the most recent tax roll of the city.
The notice shall include:
A description of the location of the property involved, either by address or by legal description;
A statement indicating the nature of the violation and the reason why the notice of violation is being issued;
The section of this division upon which the notice of violation is based;
A description of the actions that are required to correct the violation;
A time limit for correction of the violation, which will not be less than ten days nor more than 90 days from the date of the written notice;
The name of the person to whom the notice of violation is directed;
A statement that failure to comply with the requirements of the notice will result in the city taking enforcement procedures in order to secure compliance; and
A description of the procedures available for review of the action of the designated city official as set out in this division.
Notices of violation shall be personally delivered, or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, and (if possible) by posting a copy of the notice in a conspicuous place on the premises.
The designated city official shall maintain a record of the manner of service of the notice.
If the order is not complied with within the time specified in the order, the designated city official shall use all available means of enforcement in order to secure compliance.
When any notice has been issued and the notice becomes an order within the terms of this division, the responsible official shall cause to be placed in a conspicuous place on the premises a notice which shall read substantially as follows: "These premises are in violation of the requirements of the City of Brookshire landscaping requirements." This notice is to remain as placed here until the requirements of the ordinance have been complied with. It is unlawful to remove this notice until the requirements have been complied with.
(Ordinance 22-704-15, § 1, adopted 11/17/2022)
A list of the trees and shrubs that satisfy the requirements of this chapter shall be kept on file in the office of the city secretary. The list shall provide the scientific and common name of the trees and shrubs that may be used in the performance of the work required to satisfy the purpose of this chapter.
(Ordinance 22-704-15, § 1, adopted 11/17/2022)