The county of Placer is dedicated to providing a healthy, comfortable, and productive environment for the public and its employees. To that end, this article contains rules about smoking/vaping on county-owned or county-leased property.
Its intent is to protect air quality and contribute to public health, safety, and well being.
It requires thoughtfulness, consideration, and cooperation between smokers/vapers and nonsmokers. All persons share the responsibility for adhering to, and enforcing, these requirements.
The provisions of this section shall be broadly construed to protect the rights of the nonsmoker.
(Prior code § 2.60(a); Ord. 5006-B, 1999; Ord. 5631-B § 2, 2010; Ord. 5767-B § 1, 2015; Ord. 5922-B § 2, 2018)
"Placer county government center,"
for the purposes of this article, means the county property encompassed by the boundaries of Bell Road, 1st Street, Atwood Road, and the end of the cul-de-sac of B Avenue, and includes all sidewalks, parking lots, and streets in between this perimeter. To the extent any of these referenced streets is modified, this boundary shall be adjusted to encompass the modification. Placer County government center for the purposes of this article expressly excludes the real property described in the ground lease described in Exhibit A of the Placer County recorder recorded document number DOC-2008-0069370-00.
means the inhaling, exhaling, or the burning of any lighted, heated, or ignited cigar, cigarette, cigarillo, pipe, hookah, electronic smoking device or any plant product intended for human inhalation, whether the item is natural or synthetic and whether or not it contains nicotine.
(Ord. 5922-B § 3, 2018)
Buildings. Smoking/vaping is prohibited in any county-owned or county-leased building. There shall be posted at the main entrance to each such building a sign providing notice that smoking/vaping is prohibited pursuant to California Government Code Sections 7596 through 7598, and such signage shall indicate that this prohibition also exists within a defined distance from main entrances, exits and operable windows.
Vehicles. Except for the Placer County government center as referenced in Section 8.12.030, smoking/vaping is prohibited in any county-owned or county-leased vehicle, and prohibited in any privately-owned vehicle when occupied by two or more persons if one or more persons therein object.
Except for the Placer County government center as referenced in Section 8.12.030, smoking/vaping is permitted only in outdoor areas surrounding county-owned or county-leased buildings, unless otherwise prohibited by state law or local ordinance and a sign describing the prohibition is posted by the state, county, or city agency or other appropriate entity.
(Prior code § 2.60(b); Ord. 5631-B § 2, 2010; Ord. 5767-B § 1, 2015; Ord. 5922-B § 4, 2018)
Within the Placer County government center, smoking is prohibited in the following areas:
Buildings as specified in Section 8.12.020 of the Placer County Code; and
County-owned and private vehicles; and
Within the boundary of the Placer County government center as defined in Section 8.12.011 of the Placer County Code, including, but not limited to, parking lots, landscapes, walkways, and patios.
Notwithstanding the prohibition of smoking as set forth in this section, smoking may be allowed in the following interim designated smoking areas within the Placer County government center:
Interim designated smoking area off Richardson Drive across from the financial administration building (public use); and
Interim designated smoking area beyond roundabout at the end of B Avenue (for resident use only); and
Interim designated smoking area located in courtyard of homeless shelter (for resident use only); and
Any other interim designated smoking area expressly authorized and deemed necessary by the county public health officer.
Interim designated smoking areas shall be eliminated within three years of adoption of this section.
(Prior code § 2.60(c)); Ord. 5631-B § 2, 2010; Ord. 5922-B § 5, 2018)
Violation of this article is punishable as provided in Article 1.24 of this code.
(Prior code § 2.60(d))