Off-Street parking, loading and unloading facilities shall be provided in accordance with the specifications of this Article in any zoning district for Uses that are established, enlarged or extended onto any Lot after the effective date of this Chapter.
All parking areas established prior to the effective date of this Chapter that are not in conformance with all provisions of this Article shall be allowed to continue as previously laid out. When the cumulative expansion of an existing Use or the change to another authorized Use within that zoning district results in an increase of more than 10% in the number of currently required spaces, additional parking must be provided in accordance with the standards of this Article.
The facilities required herein shall be available throughout the hours of operation of the particular business or Use for which such facilities are provided.
As used herein, the term "parking space" includes either covered garage space or uncovered parking lot space. No parking spaces are permitted within the Right-of-Way.
The minimum required number of parking spaces required is determined according to Table VII-1: Minimum Parking Requirements.
The minimum parking requirement is calculated as the sum of parking required for each Use on a site, including multiple Uses within a single Structure, as measured as follows:
When computation results in a fractional number, fractions greater than or equal to 0.5 are rounded up and less than 0.5 are rounded down.
Required parking is calculated according to the Gross Floor Area of each Use except where specified otherwise.
Where required parking specifies staff counts, the calculation shall be based on the maximum staff count during the busiest shift.
Where required parking specifies seats, bench seats are counted as one seat for every three feet.
Requirements for unlisted uses. Upon receiving an application for a Use not specifically addressed in this Article, the Zoning Officer is authorized to apply off-Street parking standards specified for the Use deemed most similar to the proposed Use.
Table VII-1: Minimum Parking Requirements
Agricultural Uses
Agricultural Activities
None except 1 per 200 square feet (SF) of Gross Floor Area (GFA) of the portion of the Building used for sale of products produced on the Premises
Riding Stable
Per results of an approved parking needs analysis study
Residential Uses
Continuing Care Facility
1 per room
Dwelling, Duplex
2 per dwelling unit
Dwelling, Multi-Family
2 per multi-family dwelling unit
Dwelling, Single-Family Attached
2 per dwelling unit
Dwelling, Single-Family Detached
2 per dwelling unit
Group Residence Facility
1 per bedroom
Manufactured Home Park
2 per dwelling unit
Mixed Use Occupancy (Residential/Commercial)
Shall comply with the residential and commercial minimums, which can be reduced if shared parking is approved
Treatment Center
1 per bedroom
Civic or Semi-Public Uses
1 per full-time employee and 0.25 per seat of chapel or assembly room capacity
Correctional Facility
1 per employee on maximum shift plus 1 per service vehicle
Educational Institution
Pre-K: 1 per employee on peak shift, plus 2 per classroom
K-8: 1 per employee on peak shift, plus 1 per classroom
9-12: 1 per employee on peak shift, plus 10 per classroom
Post-Secondary: per results of an approved parking needs analysis study
Essential Services
1 per facility
Garage, Public
Per results of an approved parking needs analysis study
Place of Worship/Assembly
1 per every 3 seats
Public or Private School
See requirements for Educational Institution
Recreation Facility, Public (Indoor)
1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 SF of GFA if no permanent seats
Recreation Facility, Public (Outdoor)
Per results of an approved parking needs analysis study
Commercial Uses
Adult-Oriented Use
1 per 200 SF of GFA
Amusement Park
Per results of an approved parking needs analysis study
Animal Day Care
4 spaces, plus 1 per 6 animals at peak occupancy
Bed-And-Breakfast Inn
1 per guest room plus 2 for owner's portion
Bottle Club
1 per every 3 seats plus 1 per each 2 employees
Business Services
1 per 500 SF of GFA
1 per 6 campsites, plus 4 per laundry and shower facility
Car Wash
1 per 400 SF of GFA, including service bays, wash tunnels and retail areas
1 per 200 SF of GFA
Convenience Store, Large
Convenience Store, Neighborhood
Convenience Store, Small
1 per 200 SF of GFA
Day-Care Center
1 per 300 SF of GFA
Eating and Drinking Establishment
1 per 100 SF of GFA
Financial Institution
1 per 300 SF of GFA
Funeral Home
1 per 75 SF of public area
Health Club
7.5 per 1,000 SF of GFA
1 per room plus 1 per every 2 employees
1 per each 5 kennels; minimum of 3 spaces
Lawn And Garden Center
1 per 300 SF of GFA of sales and service Building
Manufactured Home Sales
1 per 300 SF of GFA
1 per 250 SF of GFA
Medical Marijuana Dispensary
1 per 300 SF of GFA
Mixed Use Occupancy (Commercial)
Shall comply with the minimums of included Uses, which can be reduced if shared parking is approved
1 per room plus 1 per every 2 employees
Multiple-Establishment Center
Shall comply with the minimums of included Uses, which can be reduced if shared parking is approved
Personal Services
1 per 250 SF of GFA
Pet Grooming Establishment
1 per each grooming station; minimum of 3 spaces
Professional Services
1 per 200 SF of GFA
Recreation Facility, Commercial (Indoor)
Recreation Facility, Private (Indoor)
1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 SF of GFA if no permanent seats
Recreation Facility, Commercial (Outdoor)
Recreation Facility, Private (Outdoor)
Per results of an approved parking needs analysis study
Retail Business Establishment
1 per each 300 SF of GFA
Shopping Center, Community
Shopping Center, Neighborhood
Shopping Center, Regional
1 per each 300 SF of GFA
Studio, Dancing or Music
1 per 200 SF of GFA of performance area plus 1 per 400 SF of GFA remainder
1 per 4 seats
Vehicle Detail
3 per detail station
Vehicle Fuel Service Station
1 per fuel station plus 2 parking spaces
Vehicle Sales, Rental, Service and Repair
Per results of an approved parking needs analysis study
Veterinary Clinic
2.5 spaces for every 1 treatment room
Industrial Uses
Aviation Field
A parking needs analysis study must be prepared, which outlines the parking required, prior to Township approval
1 per 1,500 SF of GFA
Building Materials Facility, Lumberyard
1 per 500 SF of GFA including outdoor/exterior display area
Building Trade
1 for every 500 SF of GFA plus 1 for each company vehicle
Distribution Facility
1 per 400 SF of GFA
Exterminating Service
1 for every 500 SF of GFA plus 1 for each company vehicle
Extractive Industry
1 per employee on peak shift
Heavy Industry/Manufacturing
1 per 1,500 SF of GFA
1 per 500 SF of GFA of Buildings plus 10 spaces
Lawn and Garden Supply Facility
1 per 500 SF of GFA including outdoor/exterior display area
Light Industry/Manufacturing
1 per 500 SF of GFA
Medical Marijuana Grower/Processor
1 per 500 SF of GFA
Recycling Collection and Processing Facility
1 per 500 SF of GFA
Research and Development
1 per 500 SF of GFA
Sanitary Landfill
1 per 500 SF of GFA of Buildings plus 10 spaces
Self-Storage Facility
1 per 10 storage spaces, plus 3 spaces
Towing Services
1 for every 500 SF of GFA plus 1 for each company vehicle
Transportation Depot
Per results of an approved parking needs analysis study
Truck Stop Establishment
1 per each 50 SF of eating area plus 1.5 per each guest sleeping room plus 1 per each 300 SF of floor space devoted to repair plus 1 per each 200 SF of GFA
1 per 1,000 SF of GFA
Wholesale Establishment
1 per 1,000 SF of GFA
The maximum amount of permitted parking shall be 120% of the minimum required parking.
Reserve Parking. If the number of spaces required is larger than the number of spaces the applicant anticipates will be needed, the Zoning Officer may approve holding up to 50% of required spaces as "reserve parking" to avoid unnecessary paving, subject to the following:
The applicant shall document that suitable area exists on the site for 100% of the parking required. If constructed, the reserve parking shall meet all applicable provisions of this Article as of the date the Construction Permit is sought.
Regardless of the number of spaces initially paved, a parking area shall be designed to fully accommodate the aggregate number of required spaces, and the area held as reserve parking shall be clearly designated on the plan.
All stormwater engineering shall be designed based on total parking requirements, including the reserved spaces.
The reserve parking area shall be considered in calculating the impervious surface ratio.
The Zoning Officer reserves the authority to require that reserved spaces be constructed in the future if the Township determines that they are needed.
Shared parking. Common shared surface parking lots and/or parking garages are preferred and encouraged. The required off-Street parking spaces for two or more Uses may be provided collectively on one Lot or on two or more contiguous Lots (as determined exclusive of the Right-of-Way) subject to the following:
The number of shared parking spaces shall be supported by a parking needs analysis study documenting anticipated parking needs based on the combined utilization of all facilities on site simultaneously or demonstrating that the hours or days of peak parking needed for the Uses are so different that a lower total will adequately provide for all Uses served by the facility. The parking needs analysis study shall be prepared by a Person or firm trained or certified to perform such studies.
The Township reserves the right to require an updated parking needs analysis if the submitted parking needs analysis study was based on inaccurate or false data/assumptions or the data/assumptions relied upon in the analysis have been changed. The Township also reserves the right to require additional parking or allow less parking based upon the results of the updated parking needs analysis study.
The parties shall execute and submit a Shared Use Parking Agreement outlining the terms and conditions of the shared parking arrangement, including required reciprocal obligations. This agreement, upon acceptance by the Township, shall be recorded with the Erie County Recorder of Deeds by the parties.
Presque Isle Corridor. For all Lots within the Presque Isle Corridor, no proposed parking spaces are allowed between the Building and the Right-of-Way. Surface parking spaces shall be limited to the side, the rear or at the face of a Building that does not front along a Street.
Targeted Commercial Corridors.
For all Lots fronting a Targeted Commercial Corridor, which are developed with a Building whose front facade faces the Targeted Commercial Corridor, if less than 40% of the proposed surface parking spaces for the development is placed between the Building and the Right-of-Way, then the Zoning Officer shall approve one of the following incentives for such development, and shall approve one additional incentive from the following incentives if less than 20% of the proposed surface parking spaces for the development is placed between the Building and the Right-of-Way:
An increase of Gross Floor Area of 15% of a Lot's net Buildable Area.
An increase of the maximum Building Height of 10 feet.
A reduction of 25% of the minimum side and/or Rear Yard Setbacks when adjacent to property within the same zoning district.
Partial or full underground parking may be used.
Where parking lots are allowed to locate or remain between the face of a Building and its Street frontage, a ten-foot-wide planting area shall be provided between the parking lot and Street Right-of-Way.
A garage or carport may be located wholly or partly inside the walls of the Principal Structure or attached to the outer walls. If separated from the Principal Structure, a garage or carport shall conform to all applicable Accessory Structure requirements.
There shall be adequate provision for ingress and egress to all parking and Loading Spaces designed for use by employees, customers, delivery services, salespeople and/or the general public as approved by the Zoning Officer.
Fire lanes shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the current Fire Code as adopted in the Millcreek Township Code, Chapter 29, Code Enforcement, Part 4, Fire Prevention, Article XI, International Fire Code.
Dead-end aisles in off-Street parking areas shall be designed to the following minimum standards:
Depth of turnaround area: 13 feet.
Width of turnaround area: 24 feet.
All off-Street parking spaces and aisles shall be dimensioned according to Table VII-3: Off-Street Parking Minimum Dimensions and subject to the following:
Space width is measured from the center line of stripes.
Compact Vehicle parking may be provided for up to 30% of required parking spaces with dimensions according to Table VII-3. Compact Vehicle spaces shall be clearly marked or posted for "Compact Cars Only."
Each space shall have a vertical clearance of at least seven feet.
Table VII-3: Off-Street Parking Minimum Dimensions
Angle of Parking
Aisle: One-Way, Single Loaded
Aisle: One-Way Double-Loaded
Aisle: Two-Way, Double Loaded
20 feet min.
22 feet min.
22 feet min.
18 feet min.
18 feet min.
22 feet min.
14 feet min.
14 feet min.
20 feet min.
10 feet min.
10 feet min.
20 feet min.
Standard Space
Minimum 9 feet wide and 18 feet deep
Compact Space
Minimum 8.5 feet wide and 16 feet deep
Parallel Space
Minimum 7 feet wide and 22 feet deep
Required Accessible Parking. Parking facilities accessible for persons with Disabilities shall be in compliance with or exceeding the standards detailed in the state and federal Building or accessibility requirements, including the quantity, size, location and accessibility of spaces.
Illumination. All parking lots and parking Structures and their related pedestrian areas shall provide a level of illumination at any point in the parking lot or parking Structure not less than one footcandle measured at the pavement. All lighting shall be shielded or otherwise optically controlled to prevent Glare and limit trespass on adjacent properties.
Shared loading areas are permitted, provided that each Building shall have direct access to the shared loading area without crossing Streets or alleys, and that Loading Spaces within a shared loading area shall meet the minimum required spaces for each Building served. No Lot served shall be more than 500 feet from the central loading area.
Loading docks must be of sufficient size to accommodate normal peak load requirements.
Adequate area that is screened from public view shall be provided for dumpsters and the disposal of waste. Dumpster locations shall be in the rear of a parking lot out of view from public Streets where feasible.
Interior circulation. The interior circulation of traffic in commercial and industrial areas shall be designed and designated so that no driveway or access lane providing parking spaces would be used as a through Street.
Traffic control. No design shall be approved which is likely to create substantial traffic hazards endangering the public safety, nor which is inconsistent with the recommendations and findings of any traffic study adopted or approved by the Township. Traffic control devices may include traffic signals, overhead flashing lights and delineators, such as medial barriers, and not be limited to acceleration and deceleration lanes, turning lanes, one-way traffic flow, traffic and land markings and Signs. The plan for traffic control shall provide off-site traffic flow and safety. The developer shall be responsible for the construction of any such traffic control devices.
Drive-Through queuing. A minimum of at least 200 linear feet shall be provided as storage area for Vehicles awaiting service for Drive-Through Facilities and Uses. The required 200 feet may be provided in one or more usable lanes and shall be measured from the Right-of-Way line of the Street to the window or other place in the Building where the Vehicle must enter or pass for service.
Each parking area associated with the PI District of this Chapter, shall provide bicycle parking spaces in accordance with the following:
Number of required bicycle parking spaces. If a land Use or project is anticipated to generate visitor traffic, the project must provide permanently anchored bicycle racks within 200 feet of the visitor's entrance. To enhance security, visibility and usability, the bicycle racks shall be readily visible from the visitor's entrance and to passersby. The bicycle capacity of the racks must equal an amount equivalent to 5% of all required off-Street Vehicle parking, as identified in § 145-92. There shall be a minimum of one rack with capacity for two bicycles.
Bicycle racks. Required bicycle parking may be provided in floor, wall, or ceiling racks. Where required bicycle parking is provided with racks, the racks must meet the following requirements:
The bicycle frame and one wheel can be locked to the rack with a high-security U-shaped shackle lock if both wheels are left on the bicycle.
A bicycle of six feet in length can be securely held with its frame supported so that the bicycle cannot be pushed or fall in a manner that will damage the wheels or components.
Parking and maneuvering areas. Each required bicycle parking space must be accessible without moving another bicycle. There must be an aisle at least five feet wide adjacent to all required bicycle parking to allow room for bicycle maneuvering. Where the bicycle parking is adjacent to a sidewalk, the maneuvering area may extend into the Right-of-Way. The area devoted to bicycle parking must be hard surfaced.
Visibility. If required bicycle parking is not visible from the Street or main Building entrance, a Sign must be posted at the main Building entrance indicating the location of the bicycle parking.