Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in this section shall be as follows:
"Accessory dwelling unit" and "junior accessory dwelling unit"
have the same meanings as defined in the California Government Code.
"Active adult residential"
means a residential development with recorded documentation approved by the engineer in which all, or a portion, of the residences are age-restricted to persons who are 55 years of age or older.
"Annexation fee"
means an fee paid at the time property is annexed to a district for the privilege of utilizing the existing public sewer facilities that have been previously constructed, installed and paid for by other property owners within the district.
"Approved water-saving devices"
means devices intended to reduce the use of water and approved by the engineer.
"Basic sewage system"
consists of all the major components of the sewerage system, such as the trunk sewers, lift or pumping stations and force mains, sulfide control stations, sewage treatment plants and effluent lines, and related facilities.
means the board of supervisors of Placer County, California.
(denoting biochemical oxygen demand) means the quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in five days at 20 degrees centigrade, expressed in milligrams per liter. It is an important indication of the amount of organic matter in the sewage.
"Building drain"
means that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a drainage system which receives the discharge from waste and other drainage pipes inside the walls of the building and conveys it to the building sewer, beginning two feet outside the inner face of the building wall.
"Building sewer"
means a sewer, privately owned, which connects the building with a service line at the property line or sewer easement line.
means a tank, box, or sump used for the receipt of raw sewage, and containing no provision for the nitrification, clarification, or disposal of the sewage, or which discharges such sewage upon the open ground.
(denoting chemical oxygen demand) means the oxygen consumed, or the determination of the oxidizable organic load, of wastes containing certain toxic substances, as established by standard laboratory procedure. The test is of value in estimating the "strength" of certain industrial wastes.
"Collecting system"
means the sewers (called lateral sewers) less than 10 inches in diameter. In general, these are the sewers located in the individual streets and to which most homes and other establishments are connected.
"Connection fee"
means the fee paid at the time an application is made for connection to the sewage system of a district to provide for the impact of the connection on the existing capacity of the sewage treatment and collection facilities of the district.
means the county of Placer, state of California.
means a Placer County service area.
means any district, including a sewer maintenance district ("SMD") or a county service area under the jurisdiction of the board of supervisors of Placer County, California, which provides for the collection, treatment and disposal of sewage.
"Domestic sewage"
means the waterborne wastes resulting from bathing, washing clothing or dishes and cooking utensils, preparing food, flushing toilets, and other household purposes, derived principally from dwellings, business buildings, institutions, and the like.
means the director of the department having jurisdiction over sewer districts and county services areas within Placer County, California, acting ex officio as engineer of the district, or authorized representative.
"Equivalent dwelling unit" or "EDU"
is the term used for billing purposes to designate the amount of sewage flow for an equivalent dwelling unit. For the purposes of this chapter one equivalent dwelling unit shall be defined as the amount of flow generated by one single-family residence as determined by the county from time to time.
means the solid wastes from the preparation, cooking, and dispensing of food, and from the handling, storage, and sale of produce, and all other solid wastes transmitted to the sewer by private or commercial sources.
"Health officer"
means the health officer of Placer County, California.
"Industrial waste"
means the water-borne waste resulting from manufacturing or industrial processes as distinct from domestic sewage.
"In-lieu fee"
means the amount paid by a property owner as reimbursement for the property owner's share of the cost of construction of a previously constructed collecting sewer system across the boundary frontage of a property that provides sewer service to the property. The amount of the fee shall be proportionate to the frontage length or property width crossed by the collecting sewer system to the nearest one-foot increment.
"Inspection fee"
is a fee paid by all applicants for connection into district sewerage facilities. The fee is used to pay for the cost of processing the permit and field inspecting the connection to the district facilities.
"Lateral sewer"
means a public gravity sewer receiving sewage from service and building sewers and having an inside diameter of six or eight inches.
"Low pressure sewer system"
means a public sewer system designed to transport sewage by means of pressure derived from individual pumping units located on each parcel of land being served by the sewer.
means the engineer or authorized representative.
"Natural outlet"
means any outlet into a watercourse, ditch, pond, lake, or any other body of surface or groundwater.
means any individual, firm, company, association, corporation, partnership, organization, society or group.
means the logarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration in grams per liter of solution. A pH test determines the strength of the acid or alkali in the sewage.
means a structure used as a toilet, under a part or all of which is a vault or pit intended or used for the reception of human waste matter.
"Public sewer"
means any sewer which is under the jurisdiction of the district.
"Sanitary sewage"
means any waste discharging into the district sewerage system and which contains human or animal excreta, offal, or any feculent matter.
Sanitary sewer.
See "Sewer."
"Septic tank"
means a single or series of watertight tanks or reservoirs which receive raw sewage and where the scum, grease, and settleable solids are removed from the liquid by gravity separation. The retained solids are digested by bacterial action and partially liquefied, and the clarified liquid passes into a subsurface drain system where it percolates into the soil for further purification.
"Service sewer"
means those sewers extending from a public sewer to the property or easement line.
means domestic sewage or industrial waste, or combination thereof, collected and treated by the district sewerage system.
"Sewer" or "sanitary sewer" (used interchangeably throughout chapter 13)
means any sewer which carries domestic sewage and/or industrial waste, and to which storm, surface, and ground waters are not intentionally allowed.
"Sewerage system"
means and includes all facilities for the collecting, pumping, treating, and disposing of the sewage of a community.
"Sewer service charge"
is the amount charged periodically to all users of the sewerage facilities of any district for the cost of treating sewage and to operate, maintain, repair and replace the sewerage system of the district.
"STEP" or "septic tank effluent pump"
means a pumping unit located on a parcel that is designed to pump septic tank effluent into a "low pressure" sewer system. For the purpose of maintenance of such units by district personnel. STEP units shall include an electric control panel, conduit and wiring from the panel to the pump, the pump tank, the pump and float controls, and discharge piping from the pump to a public sewer connection.
"STEP service charge"
is the fee charged each user of district sewerage facilities that also has a STEP unit located on his or her property that is operated and maintained by the district. A STEP service charge is an additional charge and does not replace regular sewer service charges in any district.
means any public highway, road, street, avenue, way, alley, easement or right-of-way.
"Suspended solids"
means those solids that either float on the surface of or are in suspension in sewage or other liquids, and which are removable by filtration under standard laboratory procedure, expressed in milligrams per liter.
"Trunk sewers"
means all public sewers receiving sewage from lateral, service, private and building sewers and having an inside diameter 10 inches and larger.
means the legal owner of premises served as provided in this article, or any person who has requested that the sewer service charge be billed to him or her.
(Prior code § 18.1; Ord. 5006-B, 1999; Ord. 5059-B § 1, 2000; Ord. 5943-B § 1, 2019)
On Public or Private Property. It is unlawful for any person to place, deposit, or permit to be deposited, in an unsanitary manner, any human or animal excrement, garbage, or other objectionable waste upon any public or private property within the county.
To Natural Outlet. It is unlawful for any person to discharge any domestic sewage, industrial waste, or other polluted waters to any natural outlet within the County, except when suitable treatment has been provided as directed by the engineer and health officer.
(Prior code § 18.2)
It is unlawful for any person to transport domestic sewage, septic tank or cesspool cleanings, sludge, or any other polluted waste waters into the county, except as authorized by the engineer and health officer.
(Prior code § 18.3; Ord. 5059-B § 2, 2000)
Connection Within Ninety Days After Notice. The owner of any house, building or property used for human occupancy, employment, recreation, or other purpose situated within any district under the jurisdiction of the board which provides for the collection and treatment of sewage is required to install, at the owner's expense, a connection with the proper public sewer in accordance with the provisions of this article within 90 days after the date of official notice to do so.
Exceptions for Existing Structures. It is the intent of this subsection that subsection A of this section shall not apply to such a house or structure that was existing prior to the construction of a public sewer capable of serving the property, so long as the use to which it is put does not change, or until the board of supervisors declares a need for designated properties to connect with the proper public sewer, or until the county health officer certifies that its sewage disposal system fails to meet the following criteria:
It meets all health and safety requirements.
It satisfies the aesthetic requirements of the area.
It provides a degree of reliability comparable to that of the public sewerage system.
Nonexpansion of Existing Systems. At such time as a public sewer becomes available to a property served by an individual sewage disposal system, it shall be unlawful to construct, reconstruct, relocate, or make major alterations or additions to any septic tank, cesspool, privy, or other facility intended or used for the disposal of sanitary sewage.
(Prior code § 18.4; Ord. 5059-B § 3, 2000)
In General. Since certain parcels of land may have such dimensions, topography, or other conditions that it would work an extreme hardship on the owner to comply with the requirements of Section 13.12.040, such owner may make written application for a variance from the provisions of that section. Applications for a variance shall be filed with, and processed by the engineer and health officer.
Criteria. A variance will be granted only if all of the following requirements are satisfied:
Such structure is used, or is to be used, for a single-family residence or a use appurtenant thereto; or commercial use with flow not exceeding a single-family residence; and
The nearest point of such parcel of land is more than 300 feet from the public sewer; and
A competent evaluation of the suitability of the soil for an absorption field indicates that an adequate and reliable individual sewage disposal system is feasible; and
A sewer is not likely to be constructed within 300 feet of such parcel of land within 36 months after such application for variance is adjudicated.
Extension of line to within 300 feet. If a variance is granted under subsection B of this section, such grant may contain a condition that connection to the sewer will be required if a sewer is extended to within 300 feet of such parcel of land.
Appeal. If a variance is denied under the foregoing grounds, the owner may appeal to the board, who may grant a variance because special circumstances applicable to the property, including size, topography, location, or surroundings, a variance would be beneficial to the health, safety, peace, or welfare of properties in the vicinity or to the county generally.
Conditions Attached. A variance granted by the board or county staff may contain reasonable conditions including, but not limited to: a time limit, a requirement that the property connect to the sewer if the board subsequently finds that such connection is warranted due to a change of circumstances brought about by additional development in the neighborhood, failure of the individual sewage disposal system to meet health and safety standards, or other reasons.
Twenty-four Month Temporary Variance. Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, the board may grant a temporary variance for a period not to exceed 24 months, upon a showing of good cause and a finding that such variance will not be injurious to public health, subject to the following conditions:
Certification by the health department that the property contains an area which is adequate and suitable for an individual sewage disposal system.
Written agreement executed by the property owner providing for a connection to the public sewer system within a specific period of time, not to exceed 24 months, or upon any failure of the private system, whichever first occurs.
Security in a form acceptable to the county, guaranteeing performance of the above-mentioned agreement. Such security shall be in an amount sufficient to pay any applicable fees (participation, connection, etc.) plus 100% of the estimated cost of connection to public sewers, which estimate shall be projected to the expiration date of the agreement.
(Prior code § 18.5; Ord. 5059-B § 4, 2000)
No privately owned sewers shall be permitted within the district except service sewers and building sewers, without the specific approval of the engineer.
Any sewer that serves more than one structure shall be a public sewer unless otherwise approved by the engineer under subsection A of this section.
(Prior code § 18.6)
It is unlawful for any person to make a connection with or opening into, use, alter, or disturb any sanitary sewer or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the engineer.
(Prior code § 18.7)
It is unlawful for any person wilfully to break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface, or tamper with any sewer, structure, appurtenance, or equipment which is a part of the sewerage system of the district.
(Prior code § 18.8)
It is unlawful for any person wilfully to obstruct, or cause to be obstructed, any sewer in such a manner as to impede the natural flow of sewage through or from such sewer.
(Prior code § 18.9)
No person shall discharge, or cause to be discharged any stormwater, roof runoff, yard drainage, surface water, groundwater or subsurface drainage to any public sanitary system.
Stormwater and all other unpolluted waters shall be properly discharged to a gutter, ditch, or pipeline specifically designated as a storm drain, or to a natural outlet.
No person shall discharge cooling water, any unpolluted water from a production, manufacturing, or processing operation, or treated groundwater (from a groundwater remediation site) without permission from the engineer and without paying appropriate connection and sewer service charges.
(Prior code § 18.10; Ord. 5059-B § 5, 2000)
Where a storm drain or natural outlet is available, the drain from any swimming or wading pool shall outlet to such drain, and connection to a sanitary sewer shall be prohibited unless required by the health officer and approved by the engineer.
When discharge of a swimming or wading pool water to a public sewer is authorized, the following conditions shall apply:
Each such pool shall be provided with a recirculation system equipped with an approved filter, and an approved sand interceptor for the filter backwash and pool drainage water.
The maximum size of the discharge pipe from the pool or sump to the sewer shall be one and one-half inches, with a control valve provided for regulation of the flow to avoid excessive flow in the sanitary sewer.
The draining of swimming pools into a public sewer shall be restricted to the hours between nine p.m. and seven a.m.
Disconnection from the sanitary sewer by the owner at owner's expense shall be mandatory for failure to comply with the foregoing conditions, or if the capacity of the sanitary sewer becomes inadequate for both the sewage flows and the swimming pool discharges.
All applicable connection fees and sewer service charges shall be paid for the discharge based on measured or assumed flows. Additional fees or charges may be applicable upon change in use, expansion of use, or increase in flow or strength of the sewage.
(Prior code § 18.11; Ord. 5059-B § 6, 2000)
No person shall connect, or cause to be connected, a cesspool, septic tank, or a drain therefrom to any sanitary sewer except for approved STEP system.
When connection is made to a public sewer, the building sewer shall be connected directly to the building drain in a manner such that after the cesspool or septic tank is abandoned, it will not drain to the public sewer. The abandoned cesspool or septic tank system shall be pumped and filled with suitable material as directed by the health officer.
(Prior code § 18.12; Ord. 5059-B § 7, 2000)
It is unlawful to dispose of material pumped from septic tanks in the sewerage system of any district except at the times and places and in the manner directed by the engineer.
(Prior code § 18.13; Ord. 5006-B, 1999; Ord. 5059-B § 8, 2000)
Grease, oil, and sand interceptors shall be provided when, in the opinion of the engineer, they are necessary for the proper handling of any waste containing fat, grease or oil in excessive amounts, or any sand or other harmful ingredients.
Interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by the engineer and shall be located so as to be readily accessible for inspection and cleaning. They shall be of substantial construction, made of impervious materials, capable of withstanding abrupt and extreme changes in temperature, and equipped with an easily removable cover which when bolted in place shall be watertight and gastight.
Grease, oil, and sand interceptors shall be maintained in continuously efficient operation at all times by the owner at owner's expense.
When requested by the engineer, the owner of any property contributing industrial waste to the district sewerage system shall install a suitable control manhole in owner's building sewer for observation, sampling, and measurement of the wastes. Such manhole shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the engineer, and shall be fully accessible and safely located. It shall be installed and maintained by the owner at owner's expense.
All measurements, tests, and analysis of the characteristics of waters and wastes to which reference is made in this article shall be made in accordance with the latest edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Sewage," published by the American Public Health Association, and shall be made at the control manhole provided for in this section or upon suitable samples taken at such control manhole. In the event no special manhole has been required, the control manhole shall be considered to be the nearest downstream manhole in the public sewer to the point at which the service sewer is connected.
When requested by the engineer, the owner of any property contributing industrial wastes with a volume greater than two percent of the system flow shall install and maintain at owner's expense, an approved flow recording device for the continuous measurement of the volume of waste discharged to the public sewer. The flow measuring station and the records therefrom shall be accessible at all times to the engineer, and copies of the flow measurements shall be regularly furnished to the engineer.
(Prior code § 18.15; Ord. 5059-B § 10, 2000)
The engineer may change the conditions set at the time permission to discharge into the public sewer was granted, or impose further conditions with respect thereto, by reason of increased flow, change in character of the waste, or for any other cause which increases the difficulty or cost of handling such waste or a change in the state discharge requirements.
(Prior code § 18.16)
No statement contained in this article shall be construed as preventing any special agreement between the district and an industrial concern whereby an industrial waste of unusual strength or character may be accepted by the district for treatment, subject to adequate payment therefor by the industrial concern.
(Prior code § 18.17)
Outside users may be permitted to connect to a district sewer only when the engineer finds that such connection will not be adverse to the district's interests, and that sufficient capacity is available in the sewerage system so that no property within the district may be injured by such outside service. Outside user status will be granted only to those parcels owned by a public entity or agency.
Outside users shall install their proper portion of the collecting system sewer, and shall pay the applicable current annexation fee, connection fee and sewer service charge.
All rules and regulations of the district shall apply to outside users.
(Prior code § 18.18; Ord. 5059-B § 11, 2000)
When authorized by the engineer, any representative of the district may enter upon the premises, or any part thereof, of any person discharging domestic sewage or industrial waste into the sewerage system of the district for the purpose of observation, inspection, measurement, sampling, and testing, or protecting any rights of the district.
Furthermore, any representative of the district may enter upon the premises of any property connected to a low pressure sewer system, for the purpose of maintenance of the STEP unit on that parcel.
(Prior code § 18.19; Ord. 5059-B § 12, 2000)
Any person violating any of the provisions of this article, or any amendments thereto, shall be served with a written notice by the engineer, (except as provided in subsection B of this section), stating the nature of the violation and fixing a time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof.
If the engineer determines that a violation of any of the provisions of this article, or any amendments thereto, results in a public hazard or a menace to the public health or safety, the engineer may enter upon the premises without notice and do everything necessary to abate such hazard or menace to the public health or safety. The actual cost incurred by the engineer in taking such abatement action shall be a legal charge against the violator.
Any person wilfully violating any of the foregoing provisions of this article, or any amendments thereto, or who shall continue the violation beyond the time specified in the notice to correct such violation, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $1,000, or by imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
The violator of any of the provisions of this article, or any amendments thereto, shall become liable to the district or county for expense, loss, or damage to the district or county by reason of such violation.
This section shall be inapplicable to violations of Article 13.14 of this chapter, which shall be governed by the provisions of Section 13.14.220.
(Prior code § 18.20; Ord. 5059-B § 13, 2000)
All applicants for sewer service shall obtain the required permit for connection to the sewer before any work is undertaken on the installation of the building sewer, service sewer, or connection. Application shall be made on a form furnished by the engineer.
When considered necessary in the judgment of the engineer, the permit application shall be supplemented by plans, specifications, and/or any other pertinent information.
At the time of making application for connection or service, the applicant shall pay all required fees.
No change of use, expansion of an existing use, or increase in wastewater flow or strength shall be undertaken until the user has applied for and obtained a revised connection permit, and paid any additional connection fee therefor. No change of use or decrease in wastewater flow or strength shall entitle any user to a refund of connection fees previously paid.
When a parcel proposes to connect to a district maintained low pressure sewer system, the applicant shall purchase an additional permit for the installation of the STEP unit on the property. The second permit shall provide the information needed for district maintenance of the STEP units and the applicant shall pay all applicable fees at the time of issuance of the permit. The district shall maintain, for the property owner, the STEP system, including the pump control panel, septic tank, pump tank (if any), pump and appurtenances (if any) and discharge line to the property line.
(Prior code § 18.21; Ord. 5059-B § 14, 2000; Ord. 5943-B § 2, 2019)
The materials and methods of construction of the building sewer shall be as required by the county building department, except as specified in subsections B and C of this section.
A cleanout shall be placed in every building sewer at its junction with the building drain and at such additional locations as may be considered necessary by the engineer. It shall be made with an approved type two-way cleanout fitting. The cleanout shall be extended to finish grade, and set in a concrete box with a metal traffic-rated lid.
An approved overflow device shall be installed in the building sewer of every building in which the floor elevation of the lowest room containing a plumbing fixture is below a point one foot above the cover of the nearest upgrade manhole or flushing branch located on the public sewer serving the property.
The building sewer, including the required cleanouts and overflow device, shall be installed and maintained by the property owner at his or her expense.
The materials and methods of construction of the service sewer shall comply with the land development manual and the general specifications of the Placer County.
The service sewers from the public sewer to the property line shall be installed at the time the public sewer is constructed whenever practicable. A cleanout shall be constructed at the property line and shall be set at finish grade with an appropriate location marker or protective cover as prescribed by the engineer.
The connection of service lines to a trunk sewer shall be prohibited except when specifically approved by the engineer.
When a service sewer is not available, the installation of the service sewer and the connection to the public sewer shall be done only by a contractor licensed by the state of California to do this type of work. Such contractor also shall possess a current business license issued by the county and have on deposit with the county a Surety Bond in a form approved by the county in the sum of $2,500 to guarantee the faithful performance of all terms and conditions of the district.
The engineer shall be notified 24 hours in advance before a connection is made to a public sewer, and in no case shall the service line and connection be covered until the work has been inspected.
Construction operations shall be conducted in such a manner as to cause as little inconvenience as possible to abutting property owners and the traveling public. The contractor shall furnish, erect, and maintain such lights, signs, barricades, and other devices as are necessary to prevent accidents. The contractor shall obtain all necessary permits to complete the work.
The service sewer, whether installed at the time the public sewer is constructed or not, shall be installed and maintained at the sole expense of the property owner.
For individual pumping units installed on private property, for the purpose of pumping wastewater to a public gravity sewage collection system, the owner of the private property shall construct the pumping unit in accordance with standards prescribed by the engineer.
For STEP units installed on private property for the purpose of pumping or gravity feeding wastewater to a district maintained low pressure sewer, the owner of the private property shall provide the following:
The owner shall construct a STEP system on his or her property in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the engineer. No deviation from the approved plans and specifications will be allowed.
The owner shall purchase a sewage connection permit for the STEP system in addition to a sewage connection permit required for connection to the district low pressure sewer system.
(Prior code § 18.22; Ord. 5006-B, 1999; Ord. 5059-B § 15, 2000)
The design criteria, preparation of plans and specifications, and the construction of all public sewers shall comply with the land development manual and the general specifications of Placer County.
The preparation of the plans and specifications shall be by a person or persons, firm, partnership or corporation legally authorized to practice civil engineering in the state of California.
Where the improvement plans submitted cover only a portion of the ultimate development of the property, a sewer plan shall be submitted to and approved by the engineer that shows how sewage service will be provided to the remainder of the property within the development.
Complete plans and specifications for the proposed improvement must receive approval by the engineer before any work is started on construction of the project.
No alterations shall be made to an approved set of plans or specifications unless such changes, corrections, or additions are resubmitted to the engineer for approval, and no modification or deviation from the plans or specifications shall be made during construction without written authorization from the engineer.
All public sewers shall be dedicated to the district upon completion of construction and acceptance by the engineer. No new connections shall be made to the public sewer prior to the county's acceptance of such dedication.
(Prior code § 18.23; Ord. 5059-B § 16, 2000)
New Construction.
As a condition of a parcel of property being provided with sewer service, public sewer improvements shall be required along the entire frontage of the parcel of property, which will receive sewer service, unless otherwise approved by the engineer.
A property owner who, in order to connect to the sewer system, must install public sewer improvements across any parcel of property owned by other parties in order to provide service to his or her property may enter into a reimbursement agreement with the county. The reimbursement agreement shall provide for repayment of a portion of the costs of construction. Only those costs which directly pertain to the construction of the public sewer improvements across parcels of property owned by other parties shall be subject to reimbursement.
Any reimbursement agreement entered into pursuant to subsection (A)(2) of this section shall specify that reimbursement shall be made solely from fees collected by the county pursuant to Section 13.12.360(B)(2) to the extent the county is lawfully able to do so, and shall be without interest. Reimbursement may be limited by the county to those fees which are collected over the 30 year period commencing on the date of execution of the reimbursement agreement. The engineer shall have authority to enter into reimbursement agreements when the total amount of reimbursement is less than $50,000. When the total amount of reimbursement is $50,000 or more, the reimbursement agreement shall be approved by the board.
A property owner who, in order to connect to the district sewer system, must construct a sewage lift station, force main, trunk sewer or other public sewer improvements which will serve other parcels of property not owned by the property owner constructing the improvements may enter into a reimbursement agreement with the county. The reimbursement agreement shall provide for repayment of only that portion of the costs of construction which is proportionate to the benefit being provided to parcels of property owned by other parties.
Any reimbursement agreement entered into pursuant to subsection (A)(4) of this section shall specify that reimbursement shall be made solely from fees collected by the county from properties benefiting from sewer improvements pursuant to Section 13.12.360(C), to the extent the county is lawfully able to do so, and shall be without interest. Reimbursement may be limited by the county to those fees which are collected over the 30 year period commencing on the date of execution of the reimbursement agreement. The engineer shall have authority to enter into reimbursement agreements when the total amount of reimbursement is less than $50,000. When the total amount of reimbursement is $50,000 or more, the reimbursement agreement shall be approved by the board.
Temporary Facilities. Any temporary facilities required to serve a parcel of property shall be constructed at the sole expense of the property owner.
District Capacity Fee Agreements (DCFA)—SMD 1 Capacity Increases.
When required as a condition of project approval for a developer to modify or replace existing sewer infrastructure identified in the Wastewater Reimbursement Program Fee Analysis Memorandum to increase sewer capacity, the developer is responsible for all construction costs and, under the conditions delineated in the District Capacity Fee Implementation Guide, is eligible for reimbursement for specified costs as determined by the engineer on a case-by-case basis. The Wastewater Reimbursement Program Fee Analysis Memorandum will be updated periodically based upon eligible sewer upsizing projects that are newly identified and for which the cost has been incorporated into the district capacity fee.
Excluded for reimbursement through the district capacity fee, including, but not limited to, are the following:
Upsizing or replacement of force main piping;
Upsizing or replacement of low pressure piping;
New infrastructure; and
Relocated infrastructure that does not increase capacity.
All DCFAs described herein are subject to approval by the board.
DCFAs must meet all requirements as delineated in the District Capacity Fee Implementation Guide.
(Prior code § 18.25; Ord. 5059-B § 18, 2000; Ord. 5605-B § 1, 2010; Ord. 5943-B § 3, 2019)
The charges established in this article are to provide for the proper financing of construction of the sewerage system, the maintenance and operation of facilities, and the administrative costs of the district; and to achieve an equitable distribution of costs to all property owners within the district and the ultimate service area.
If the payment of all fees except reimbursements at one time would work an extreme hardship on an owner, such owner may make a written application to pay the connection charge under an extended payment plan. The application shall explain in detail the necessity for such request. If the application is approved by the board, the owner may enter into an agreement with the district to pay such charge in installments over a period of not to exceed five years, with interest at the rate of 10% per annum compounded monthly, to be charged on the unpaid balance. The privilege of prepaying any or all of the remaining amount at any time during the term of the agreement shall be available. The agreement shall provide that the amount of such charge and the interest thereon shall constitute a lien against the property.
The moneys received from the collection of annexation fees shall be paid into the county treasury to the credit of the capital improvement trust fund of the district; all other monies received shall be deposited in the general fund of the district.
For the purpose of calculating the amount of the connection fee and the sewer service charge for a property, except for properties within sewer maintenance district No. 2, sewer maintenance district No. 3, and county service area No. 28, zone of benefit Nos. 2-3A, 232 and 55, the quantity of sewage flow from the various types of establishments shall be conclusively presumed to be as follows:
Residential Facilities.
Single-family dwelling (SFD)—1 EDU.
Duplex (per living unit)—0.771 EDUs.
Multiple-family housing (per living unit)—0.714 EDUs.
Mobile home park (per space)—0.714 EDUs.
Active adult residential (per SFD)—0.714 EDUs.
Hotel/motel per living unit with kitchen—1.0 EDUs
Hotel/motel per living unit without kitchen—0.5 EDUs
Accessory dwelling unit—0.714 EDUs
Commercial/Industrial Business Use—Low Strength/Low Quantity. Strength less than 300 mg/l BOD and/or suspended solids, and quantity of less than 25,000 gallons per day.
Low density—one EDU per 6,000 square feet or fraction thereof:
Churches or meeting hall without kitchen.
Low usage retail, e.g., hardware, appliance, furniture.
Medium density—one EDU per 3,000 square feet or fraction thereof:
Auditoriums, halls, churches with kitchens, and lodges.
Retail stores.
Schools (without cafeterias or gymnasiums).
Banks and financial offices.
Bowling/entertainment centers (without kitchens).
High density—one EDU per 1,500 square feet or fraction thereof:
Barber/beauty shops (with sinks).
Bars, coffee shops, ice cream/yogurt shops, delis, etc., that do not have cooking facilities.
Medical/dental offices.
Schools (with cafeterias or gymnasiums).
Service stations.
Sports/fitness centers.
Seasonal, uncovered outdoor seating.
Special Commercial Uses.
Carwashes per automatic washing stall—8.0 EDUs.
Carwashes per self-service stall—2.0 EDUs.
Laundromats per washing machine—0.67 EDUs.
Markets (without disposal)—one EDU per 1,500 square feet or fraction.
Markets (with disposals)—one EDU per 500 square feet or fraction.
Restaurants, bakeries, cafés—one EDU per 500 square feet or fraction.
Year round outdoor seating—one EDU per 500 square feet or fraction.
Mortuaries—one EDU per 500 square feet or fraction.
Hospitals per bed—0.5 EDUs.
Rest home per bed—0.33 EDUs.
Convalescent hospital per bed—0.33 EDUs.
Memory care facility per bed—0.33 EDUs.
Other commercial or industrial uses, based upon study by the engineer.
Commercial or Industrial Users—Low-Strength High-Quantity. Strength less than 300 mg/l BOD and/or suspended solids (SS), and quantity greater than or equal to 25,000 gallons per day:
For incremental discharges from 25,000 to 75,000 gpd: gpd/325 = EDUs.
For incremental discharges over 75,000 gpd: gpd/400 = EDUs.
Commercial or Industrial—High Strength. Strength greater than 300 mg/l BOD and/or suspended solids, and/or requiring either special handling or treatment:
Calculation of EDUs shall be as follows:
EDUs = (gpd/215) x (0.61 + (BOD/300)) x 0.22 + (SS/200) x 0.17) + special treatment or handling costs
General Regulations.
For billing purposes, one equivalent dwelling unit is equal to 215 gallons per day (1 EDU = 215 gpd).
Not less than one EDU per building (shall not apply to residential facilities).
Special provisions can be made within each category where, in the judgment of the engineer, application of ordinance produces inequities or irregularities requiring revision. Prescribed connection charges apply only to the particular uses listed. Where multiple uses, within the meaning of the connection charge ordinance contained in the same structure, the engineer will determine and allocate the respective square footage dedicated to each use, and will determine a composite connection charge composed of the respective connection charges for each such use.
Classification of shell buildings having no use when connecting to the sewage system shall be determined based on the judgment of the engineer based on building permit data, applicable zoning, and plans of the developer. Subsequent modifications to such buildings may result in reclassification and the assessment of additional incremental charges. No refunding of previously paid connection charges will be made where modifications are made to any structure which places it in a classification with a lower connection charge rate.
The engineer may require additional documentation, procedures, tests, or studies to appropriately classify the connection fees. Such requirements may include, but are not limited to, flow monitoring, flow equalization, installation of flow controls, special treatment, and specific discharge permitting.
All residential and commercial users that have paid for their connection and use to the sewer system as of March 28, 2019 will be grandfathered as to their existing use as of that date. As specified in Section 13.12.200(D), these users are subject to the payment of incremental sewer impact fees for any intensification of usage from their March 28, 2019 usage. Their incremental sewer impact fee will be based upon the difference between their March 28, 2019 usage (credit) and the present usage connection fee required for the intensified usage.
In the event that any charges established in this article relate to mobile home parks, such charges shall be collected in accordance with the following provisions:
Fees shall be computed on the total number of pads specified by the application and collected, on an individual basis, at any time prior to each mobile home being connected to the sewer system of a district.
In the event that any fee specified by this article has changed after such application and prior to such payment, the owner shall not be permitted to connect any further mobile home until he or she has paid the difference between the old fee and the new fee as specified and computed. If such new fee is less, the owner shall be entitled to connect upon the payment of such new fee as specified and computed.
The sewer service charges shall be computed and payable on the basis of the actual mobile homes initially connected to the sewer. A mobile home, once connected, shall not be deemed disconnected solely because the mobile home is removed from a pad.
Users may be assigned to the active adult residential category through submittal and approval of a completed application with documents that verify the age restriction for all, or a portion, of a residential development. Examples of legal and governing documents include, but are not limited to, provisions contained in a deed, contract, security instrument, or other legal instrument: covenants, conditions, and restrictions; or other binding and enforceable documents. Users who are approved for the active adult residential category must notify the engineer if any of the following events occur:
The residential development no longer meets the definition of an active adult residential category;
The number of age-restricted dwellings is modified.
For the purpose of calculating the amount of the connection fee and the sewer service charge for a property within sewer maintenance district No. 2, sewer maintenance district No. 3, and county service area No. 28, zones of benefit Nos. 2-3A, 173, 232, and 55, the quantity of sewage flow from the various types of establishments shall be conclusively presumed to be as set forth in Section 14.16.100 of the Roseville City Code, as adjusted from time to time by the City of Roseville, which regulations are incorporated by reference into this article, unless the established quantities of sewage flow are in conflict with state law as it relates to accessory or junior accessory dwelling units. A copy of the referenced provisions of the Roseville City Code shall be kept available for public inspection by the director and in the office of the clerk of the board of supervisors.
Properties with accessory dwelling units will be subject to a sewer service charge for both the primary dwelling unit and accessory dwelling unit. The sewer service charge for each unit will be computed as set forth in Section 13.12.350 and collected as a single combined charge as provided in Section 13.12.290. Junior accessory dwelling units are not subject to a sewer service charge.
(Prior code § 18.27; Ord. 5059-B § 20, 2000; Ord. 5752-B § 1, 2014; Ord. 5943-B § 4, 2019; Ord. 6003-B § 1, 2020; Ord. 6229-B, 10/31/2023)
All applicants for a sewer connection shall pay, in addition to the applicable connection charges, an inspection permit fee in accordance with the ordinance established for each district.
The inspection fee for the construction of public sewers shall be as set forth in the subdivision ordinance, Chapter 16, of the Placer County Code.
All applicants for a sewer connection to a district maintained low pressure sewer line shall pay an additional inspection permit fee along with that fee noted in subsection A of this section. The new fee shall be in accordance with Section 13.12.420(E).
Exemption for Deed-Restricted Accessory Dwelling Units. Accessory dwelling units that are deed-restricted for affordability as provided under Placer County Code, Chapter 17, Article 17.56, Section 17.56.200, are exempt from inspection-permit fees under this section.
(Prior code § 18.28; Ord. 6003-B § 1, 2020)
The owners of property proposed to be annexed to the district shall pay an annexation fee prior to or at the time the property is annexed. The fee shall be as set forth in Section 13.12.350.
For properties wishing annexation from an area where the current general plan designation of minimum lot size is one acre per parcel or larger, the annexation fee shall be adjusted so that the total fee paid for each potential lot (annexation fee plus connection fee) shall not be greater than that paid by a parcel of exactly one acre in size.
The owners of all properties proposing to annex into a sewer maintenance district or county service area, which provides sewer service, shall also pay an annexation processing fee as set forth in Section 13.12.390.
(Prior code § 18.29; Ord. 5059-B § 21, 2000)
The owners of property proposed to be connected to county public sewers shall pay a connection fee before the property is connected. Except as provided in subsection J of this section, the owners of any property already connected to county public sewer shall pay an additional connection fee before any existing use of the property is expanded or changed to a different use or the wastewater flow from such property increases in quantity or strength.
Connection fee costs are subject to annual increase based upon the percentage change in the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index.
Property owners shall be responsible to pay all costs incurred in the extension of existing lines to serve their property. Service will not be provided until all construction of line extensions to include as-built plans are completed and accepted by the district.
Property owners shall also pay all existing connection fees due outside agencies not collected as part of the connection fees in subsection A of this section.
Connection fees collected under this section shall be deposited in trust to be used for future expansion of the districts' wastewater treatment plant and sewer collection system.
Where connection is made to a particular district or outside agency, all provisions of that sewer district or agency shall apply to the users of those facilities, including, but not limited to, monthly service charges, special rates and control over types of wastes which are discharged.
No person shall connect property to county public sewers for which a connection fee is required unless such fee has been paid. Any person who violates this subsection shall pay all applicable fees, retroactive fees, plus a penalty of 25% of all applicable fees in addition to any penalty imposed by the court.
Except as provided in subsection J of this section, fees for multiple connections on the same parcel shall be computed in the following manner:
The fee for the first connection shall be determined under the provisions of Section 13.12.240.
Fees for subsequent connections shall be determined by Section 13.12.240; however, the total flow in equivalent dwelling units shall be reduced by that paid for by previous connection fees and there shall be no minimum connection fee.
Sewer maintenance district No. 1 sewer connection fee consists of the components delineated below:
Regional capacity connection fees—$3,628 per EDU.
District capacity connection fees—$5,342 per EDU.
All regional capacity connection fees are exempt from inclusion in the fee deferral program as delineated in Placer Code Article 15.70, inclusive.
Connection Fees for Accessory and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units. Junior accessory dwelling units are not subject to connection fees. Property owners are not required to pay a connection fee for an accessory dwelling unit that does not require a new or separate connection. For accessory dwelling units that require a new or separate connection from the primary dwelling, a connection fee will be computed as set forth in subsection G. Nothing in this section imposes a requirement for a new or separate connection, unless otherwise provided for or required in the Placer County Code.
(Prior code § 18.31; Ord. 5059-B § 23, 2000; Ord. 5943-B § 5, 2019; Ord. 6003-B § 1, 2020; Ord. 6083-B § 1, 2021)
In the event a district trunk sewer has been constructed across the frontage of the parcel property for which service has been applied and the property owner is not required to construct a collecting system sewer, the property owner shall, in addition to the payment of other required fees, pay an in-lieu fee as set forth in Section 13.12.350(A).
In the event a collecting system sewer has been constructed across the frontage of the parcel of property for which service has been applied, the property owner shall, in addition to the payment of other required fees, pay an inlieu fee as set forth in Section 13.12.350(B).
In the event a sewage lift station, forcemain or other sewer improvements have been constructed, which serve the parcel of property for which services has been applied, the property owner shall, in addition to the payment of the in-lieu fee as required by either subsection A or B of this section and other required fees, pay an additional in-lieu fee as set forth in Section 13.12.350(C).
For major or minor subdivisions, the in-lieu fee shall be paid at the time of issuance of a will-serve letter for the subdivision. For all other types of development projects, the in-lieu fee shall be paid at the time an application is made to connect to the sewer system.
(Prior code § 18.32; Ord. 5059-B § 24, 2000)
Payment of Charge. All users of the district sewerage facilities shall pay a periodic sewer service charge to provide funds to maintain, operate, repair or replace the works or improvements of the district, and to defray all other expenses incidental to the exercise of any of the district's powers.
Collected on Tax Roll—Delinquent Penalty. The sewer service charges shall be computed in advance and collected on the county tax roll at the same time and in the same manner as general county taxes. Sewer service charges shall become delinquent at the same time other taxes become delinquent, and shall be subject to a penalty at the same rate as delinquent property taxes. For properties that do not receive a tax bill, a mailed billing shall be done no later than April 30th of each year.
Fiscal Year Basis. Charges collected on the tax roll cover the 12 month period beginning July 1st of each year. Therefore, the sewer service charge for new connections shall be paid in advance for the balance of the fiscal year at the time the permit is issued. Charges shall be computed for the period beginning on the first day of the next following calendar month, 90 days from the date the connection permit is issued.
Adjustment of Charges. Adjustment of charges will be made at the beginning of each fiscal year, when necessary. Any amount paid in excess of the proper charge shall be credited against the charge for the succeeding fiscal year, and any deficiency in the amount paid shall be added to the charge for the succeeding fiscal year. Likewise, any sewer service charges delinquent as of the date the tax roll list is prepared, together with all penalties and interest thereon, shall be added to the charges for the succeeding fiscal year.
Lien. Each sewer service charge levied pursuant to this article is made a lien upon the property served, and any proceedings authorized by law to enforce payment of such a lien may be taken by the district to enforce the payment of such sewer service charge.
Disconnection for Failure to Pay. Failure to pay the sewer service charge, plus penalty, within 60 days after it becomes delinquent shall make the premises subject to disconnection from the public sewer, provided, however, that such disconnection shall not be made in less than five days after notification of such intention to the property owner by registered mail.
Reconnection. When a premises has been disconnected from the district sewer system for a violation of these provisions, such premises shall not be reconnected until all delinquent charges, including penalties and interest have been paid, together with all expenses incurred by the district in causing such disconnection, and a fee for the reconnection equal to 25% of the delinquent amount.
(Prior code § 18.33; Ord. 5059-B § 25, 2000)
If the moneys to be received from the collection of the sewer service charges are not sufficient to defray the cost of maintaining, operating, repairing, or replacing the works or improvements of the district, and of meeting such other expenses incidental to the exercise of any of the district's powers, including a reserve for contingencies not to exceed 10%, the board may levy a tax each year upon the real property in the district sufficient to cover such deficiency.
The district tax shall be levied in accordance with applicable law and collected at the same time and in the same manner as general county taxes.
All the provisions in Section 13.12.290 pertaining to penalties and interest and proceedings to enforce payment of delinquent sewer service charges shall apply to the district tax.
(Prior code § 18.34; Ord. 5059-B § 26, 2000)
The board may authorize the use of any funds received from the collection of all fees and charges established by this article for any purpose for which the district is authorized by law to expend funds.
The board may provide for the use of the balance of the contingency reserve, set up in Section 13.12.340(A), as a specific appropriation or reserve for the ensuing fiscal year, transfer it to the capital improvement trust fund, or may carry it forward as unencumbered surplus and add to it.
(Prior code § 18.35)
The engineer is charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this article and with the coordination of all public offices in order to achieve this purpose.
(Prior code § 18.37)
The presumptions established by this section are presumptions affecting the burden of producing evidence. The fact presumed shall be deemed to exist unless and until the county determines that the presumed fact does not exist. The following presumptions are established:
Each unit of land developed for residential use is connected to the sewer system.
A dwelling unit is not fully equipped with approved water-saving devices.
(Prior code § 18.38)
Sewer Maintenance District No. 1. The following schedule of charges and fees shall apply to property within Placer County sewer maintenance district No. 1 and are based upon a flow rate of one equivalent dwelling unit (EDU). Calculation of a charge and fee for a use that is billed at a rate other than one equivalent dwelling unit shall be based upon the schedules set forth in Section 13.12.240.
SMD 1-North Auburn sewer service charge
Effective August 1, 2023
= $102.48 per month per EDU.
Effective July 1, 2024
= $109.65 per month per EDU.
Effective July 1, 2025
= $115.13 per month per EDU (maximum amount).
Effective July 1, 2026
= $120.89 per month per EDU (maximum amount).
Effective July 1, 2027
= $126.93 per month per EDU (maximum amount).
Annexation fee (North Auburn area)
= $6,344.00 per acre.
Sewer connection fee (North Auburn area)
= $8,970.00 per EDU.
Sewer connection fee (Sheridan area)
= $5,549.00 per EDU.
SMD 1-Sheridan sewer service charge
Effective August 1, 2023
= $67.13 per month per EDU.
Effective July 1, 2024
= $71.83 per month per EDU.
Effective July 1, 2025
= $75.42 per month per EDU (maximum amount).
Effective July 1, 2026
= $79.19 per month per EDU (maximum amount).
Effective July 1, 2027
= $83.15 per month per EDU (maximum amount).
Sewer Maintenance District No. 2. The following schedule of charges and fees shall apply to property within Placer County sewer maintenance district No. 2 and are based upon a flow rate of one equivalent dwelling unit (EDU). Calculation of a charge and fee for a use that is billed at a rate other than one equivalent dwelling unit shall be based upon the schedule set forth in subsection H of Section 13.12.240.
Sewer service charge
Effective July 1, 2019
= $50.04 per month per EDU.
Effective July 1, 2020
= $52.04 per month per EDU.
Annexation fee
= $1,500.00 per acre.
Sewer connection fee
= $11,320.00 per EDU.
Sewer Maintenance District No. 3. The following schedule of charges and fees shall apply to property within Placer County sewer maintenance district No. 3 and are based upon a flow rate of one equivalent dwelling unit (EDU). Calculation of a charge and fee for a use that is billed at a rate other than one equivalent dwelling unit shall be based upon the schedule set forth in subsection H of Section 13.12.240.
Sewer service charge
Effective July 1, 2009
= $105.40 per month per EDU.
Effective July 1, 2010
= $111.72 per month per EDU.
Annexation fee
= $4,440.00 per acre.
Sewer connection fee
= $11,320.00 per EDU.
County Service Area No. 28, Zone No. 2, A3 (Sunset). The following schedule of charges and fees shall apply to property within county service area No. 28, Zone 2, A3 and are based upon a flow rate of one equivalent dwelling unit (EDU). Calculation of a charge and fee for a use that is billed at a rate other than one equivalent dwelling unit shall be based upon the schedule set forth in subsection H of Section 13.12.240.
Sewer service charge
Effective August 1, 2022
= $37.19 per month per EDU.
Effective July 1, 2023
= $38.68 per month per EDU.
Effective July 1, 2024
= $40.23 per month per EDU.
Annexation fee
= $194.00 per acre.
Sewer connection fee
= $11,320.00 per EDU.
County Service Area No. 28, Zone No. 6 (Sheridan-Water). The following schedule of charges and fees shall apply to property within county service area No. 28, Zone 6 and are based upon a flow rate of one equivalent dwelling unit (EDU). Calculation of a charge and fee for a use that is billed at a rate other than one equivalent dwelling unit shall be based upon the schedule set forth in subsections E and F of Section 13.12.240.
Water service charge
Effective August 1, 2022
= $62.42 per month per EDU
Effective July 1, 2023
= $66.79 per month per EDU.
Effective July 1, 2024
= $71.47 per month per EDU.
Water connection fee
= $3,717.00 per EDU.
County Service Area No. 28, Zone No. 23 (Blue Canyon). The following schedule of charges and fees shall apply to property within county service area No. 28, Zone 23 and are based upon a flow rate of one equivalent dwelling unit (EDU). Calculation of a charge and fee for a use that is billed at a rate other than one equivalent dwelling unit shall be based upon the schedule set forth in subsections E and H of Section 13.12.240.
Sewer service charge
Effective July 1, 2009
= $43.20 per month per EDU.
Effective July 1, 2010
= $51.84 per month per EDU.
Sewer connection fee
= $4,193.00 per EDU.
County Service Area No. 28, Zone No. 24 (Applegate). The following schedule of charges and fees shall apply to property within county service area No. 28, Zone 24 and are based upon a flow rate of one equivalent dwelling unit (EDU). Calculation of a charge and fee for a use that is billed at a rate other than one equivalent dwelling unit shall be based upon the schedule set forth in subsections E and F of Section 13.12.240.
Sewer service charge
= $95.78 per month per EDU.
Sewer connection fee
= $1,500.00 per EDU.
County Service Area No. 28, Zone No. 55 (Livoti). The following schedule of charges and fees shall apply to property within county service area No. 28, Zone 55 and are based upon a flow rate of one equivalent dwelling unit (EDU). Calculation of a charge and fee for a use that is billed at a rate other than one equivalent dwelling unit shall be based upon the schedule set forth in subsection H of Section 13.12.240.
Sewer service charge
Effective August 1, 2017
= $48.64 per month per EDU.
Effective July 1, 2018
= $49.64 per month per EDU.
Effective July 1, 2019
= $52.63 per month per EDU.
Effective July 1, 2020
= $54.66 per month per EDU.
Effective July 1, 2021
= $54.66 per month per EDU.
Sewer connection fee
= $11,508.00 per EDU.
County Service Area No. 28, Zone No. 173 (Dry Creek Sewers). The following schedule of charges and fees shall apply to property within county service area No. 28, Zone No. 173 and are based upon a flow rate of one equivalent dwelling unit (EDU). Calculation of a charge and fee for a use that is billed at a rate other than one equivalent dwelling unit shall be based upon the schedule set forth in subsection H of Section 13.12.240.
Sewer service charge
Effective August 1, 2022
= $42.91 per month per EDU.
Effective July 1, 2023
= $44.63 per month per EDU.
Effective July 1, 2024
= $46.41 per month per EDU.
Sewer connection fee
= $11,320.00 per EDU.
County Service Area No. 28, Zone No. 232 (Placer Vineyard Sewer). The following schedule of charges and fees shall apply to property within county service area No. 28, Zone No. 232 and are based upon a flow rate of one equivalent dwelling unit (EDU). Calculation of a charge and fee for a use that is billed at a rate other than one equivalent dwelling unit shall be based upon the schedule set forth in subsection H of Section 13.12.240.
Sewer service charge
Effective December 1, 2023
= $60.60 per month per EDU
Sewer connection fee
= $9,852.00 per EDU
(Prior code § 18.50; Ord. 4965-B § 1, 1999; Ord. 5059-B § 27, 2000; Ord. 5116-B § 1, 2001; Ord. 5120-B § 1, 2001; Ord. 5156-B, 2002; Ord. 5157-B, 2002; Ord. 5248-B § 1, 2003; Ord. 5258-B § 1, 2003; Ord. 5302-B § 1, 2004; Ord. 5353-B, 2005; Ord. 5387-B § 1, 2005; Ord. 5420-B § 1, 2006; Ord. 5423-B § 1, 2006; Ord. 5446-B § 1, 2006; Ord. 5464-B § 1, 2007; Ord. 5472-B § 1, 2007; Ord. 5481-B § 1, 2007; Ord. 5508-B § 1, 2008; Ord. 5558-B § 1, 2009; Ord. 5570-B § 1, 2009; Ord. 5643-B § 1, 2011; Ord. 5645-B § 1, 2011; Ord. 5656-B § 1, 2011; Ord. 5708-B § 1, 2013; Ord. 5745-B § 1, 2014; Ord. 5771-B § 1, 2015; Ord. 5788-B § 1, 2015; Ord. 5827-B § 1, 2016; Ord. 5867-B § 1, 2017; Ord. 5868-B § 1, 2017; Ord. 5877-B § 1, 2017; Ord. 5918-B § 1, 2018; Ord. 5948-B § 1, 2019; Ord. 5949-B § 1, 2019; Ord. 5950-B § 1, 2019; Ord. 5951-B § 1, 2019; Ord. 5975-B § 1, 2019; Ord. 6008-B § 1, 2020; Ord. 6031-B § 1, 2020; Ord. 6083-B § 2, 2021; Ord. 6084-B §§ 1—3, 2021; Ord. 6086-B § 1, 2021; Ord. 6088-B § 1, 2021; Ord. 6141-B § 1, 2022; Ord. 6142-B § 1, 2022; Ord. 6143-B § 1, 2022; Ord. 6152-B § 1, 2022; Ord. 6206-B § 1, 2023; Ord. 6208-B § 1, 2023; Ord. 6214-B § 1, 2023; Ord. 6229-B, 10/31/2023)
For any property owner who is required to pay an in-lieu fee pursuant to Section 13.12.280(A), the in-lieu fee shall be $47.92 per foot of frontage; provided, however, if the parcel is an area specifically designated to be served by a low pressure style collection system, the in-lieu fee shall be $23.97 per foot of frontage.
For any property owner who is required to pay an in-lieu fee pursuant to Section 13.12.280(B), the in-lieu fee shall be:
When there is no reimbursement agreement in place which affects the property, the amount set forth in subsection A of this section.
Where there is a reimbursement agreement in place which concerns the collecting system sewer constructed on the property, the equitable amount of the actual construction costs, as determined by the county to be proportionate to the extent of the improvements constructed on the property.
For any property owner who is required to pay an additional in-lieu fee pursuant to Section 13.12.280(C), the additional in-lieu fee shall be an amount determined by the county to be proportionate to the benefit received from the construction of the improvements. Proportionality of benefit shall be determined on a case-by-case basis.
For good cause shown and upon application by the property owner, the county may modify the calculation of the in-lieu fee to be paid under this subsection D on a case-by-case basis in order to provide that the fee being charged properly reflects the share of the costs of the construction of the connecting system sewer or other improvements which is proportionate to the benefits received.
(Ord. 5059-B § 28, 2000; Ord. 5120-B § 2, 2001; Ord. 5258-B § 2, 2003; Ord. 5387-B § 2, 2005; Ord. 5446-B § 2, 2006; Ord. 5570-B § 2, 2009; Ord. 5656-B § 2, 2011)
Each applicant for a sewer connection within a sewer maintenance district shall pay, in addition to the applicable connection charges, an inspection-permit fee in accordance with the following schedule:
Gravity Sewer Systems.
Single-family residence
= $128.00.
All other connections
= $160.00.
STEP Low Pressure Sewer Systems.
All connections
= $240.00.
For gravity sewer systems if, due to the fault of the property owner or his or her contractor, more than three inspections are necessary to obtain a final inspection, an additional inspection-permit fee shall be paid prior to the fourth inspection being made.
The inspection fee for the construction of public sewers shall be as set forth in Chapter 16 of this code.
(Ord. 5059-B § 29, 2000; Ord. 5121-B § 1, 2001; Ord. 5258-B § 3, 2003; Ord. 5387-B § 3, 2005)
The following fees shall apply to all connections to county maintained STEP systems:
SMD 1 STEP Service Charge
= $25.86 per month.
SMD 2 STEP Service Charge
= $24.40 per month.
SMD 3 STEP Service Charge
Effective July 1, 2009
= $25.86 per month.
Effective July 1, 2010
= $27.42 per month.
The STEP service charge noted in this section shall be charged to a STEP connection user in addition to the standard sewer service charge for the district.
(Ord. 5059-B § 31, 2000; Ord. 5116-B § 2, 2001; Ord. 5248-B § 2, 2003; Ord. 5387-B § 4, 2005; Ord. 5423-B § 1, 2006; Ord. 5472-B § 1, 2007; Ord. 5558-B § 2, 2009)
The fee for processing an annexation request into any sewer maintenance district or county service area providing sewer service shall be as follows:
Annexation processing fee
= $500.00.
The fee shall be payable for each noncontiguous parcel being annexed and shall be payable upon application.
(Ord. 5059-B § 32, 2000; Ord. 5121-B § 2, 2001; Ord. 5258-B § 4, 2003; Ord. 5387-B § 5, 2005; Ord. 5446-B § 3, 2006)
In order to account annually for changes in costs for replacement and upgrade of facilities, the fees set forth in Sections 13.12.350 and 13.12.360 shall be adjusted each year by a percentage not to exceed the increase or decrease in the Consumer Price Index (C.P.I.) for All Urban Consumers—California. No later than April 1st of each year, the director of facilities services shall determine the percentage of necessary adjustment and shall inform the board of supervisors of the recommended adjustment to the fees at a properly noticed public meeting. The board of supervisors may reduce or waive the adjustment for that year. The adjusted fees shall become effective 60 days after approval by the board.
This section shall become operative January 1, 2000. A schedule of all current connection, annexation and inlieu fees shall be maintained by the director of facility services and shall be available for public review at all times.
(Prior code § 18.70; Ord. 4965-B § 6, 1999)
In addition to all regulations set forth in this chapter, each user of the county sewer system within Placer County sewer maintenance district No. 2, sewer maintenance district No. 3, county service area No. 28, Zone No. 2, A3, county service area No. 28, Zone No. 55 and county service area No. 28, Zone No. 173 shall comply with the following regulations of the Roseville City Code in effect as of December 1, 2006, and which are adopted and incorporated into this chapter by reference:
Section 14.12.050, Use of Public Sewers;
Chapter 14.17, Recycled Water Service.
For the purposes of interpretation of this section and where the meaning so requires, the following terms shall apply to the foregoing provisions of the Roseville City Code:
"City" means the county of Placer.
"City council" means the board of supervisors of Placer County.
"Director" means the director of the county department having jurisdiction over sewer maintenance districts and county service areas within Placer County.
Where the regulations promulgated under this section are in conflict with any other provision of this chapter, the more restrictive shall apply.
Copies of the provisions of the Roseville City Code referenced in subsection B of this section shall be kept available for public inspection in the office of the clerk of the board of supervisors and the director.
(Ord. 5059-B § 36, 2000; Ord. 5258-B § 5, 2003; Ord. 5387-B § 6, 2005; Ord. 5446-B § 4, 2006; Ord. 5752-B § 2, 2014)