The board of supervisors finds that the public interest, safety, welfare, and convenience require the establishment of a numbering system of street and road addresses in a uniform plan for the county of Placer. For the accomplishment of this objective, the board establishes a uniform numbering system of street and road addresses for the county which shall be known as the Placer County numbering system.
(Prior code § 23.1)
The Placer County property numbering system shall become effective in the unincorporated area of the county of Placer and may be established within any city of the county upon its adoption by said city.
(Prior code § 23.3)
The Placer County property numbering system shall consist of a base line from which property numbers shall be established, the property numbers to progress in an increasing magnitude in easterly and westerly and northerly and southerly directions generally in accordance with the distance from the base lines.
(Prior code § 23.5)
The Placer County property numbering system shall consist of a map of Placer County or portions thereof adopted under Section 15.08.100, upon which map or maps the base lines shall be shown or designated and by index lines indicate the principle locations at which major units of the numbering system shall commence, and such other maps shall be prepared and maintained as shall be necessary to designate the numbers and locations of numbers assigned to particular buildings and under the system. All maps constituting any portion of the Placer County property numbering system shall have a legend endorsed thereon stating that the maps constitute a portion of the system.
(Prior code § 23.7)
The system or portions thereof shall be continued, enforced, operated and maintained within the unincorporated area of the county of Placer by the office, person or department designated by resolution of the board of supervisors, and property numbers assigned within such area shall be done in accordance with the system.
(Prior code § 23.9)
For purposes of determining the proper number for a particular location, the number shall be proportional to the distances between the numbers next adjacent to the location on either side or the major unit line or lines if no numbers have been previously established on adjoining properties. For purposes of determining whether a number shall be odd or even, it is determined that even numbers shall be on the right-hand side of the street or road and odd numbers on the left-hand side of the street or road in the direction of increasing magnitude of numbers. Where existing numbers have been established prior to this article and the odd or even numbers exist in reverse order on the sides of the street or road, the reversed order of odd/even number location shall remain as it presently exists and shall continue for any extension of the street or road.
(Prior code § 23.11)
No street or road crossing any of the base lines of the system shall be known by the same name on both sides of the base line unless the street or road shall be adequately designated by a prefix or suffix indicating a principle compass direction to denote the position of the street or road in relation to the base line (i.e., West Avenue 100, East Avenue 100, Northwest 200th Street, Southeast 200th Street). From and after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this article any public street, road or way established, shall be named in accordance with the following:
All streets, roads and ways running generally northerly and southerly to be known as "streets" or "roads."
All streets, roads and ways running generally easterly and westerly shall be known as "avenues" or "ways."
All streets, roads and ways running in a variable, curving or winding direction shall be known as "drives" or "lanes."
All cul-de-sacs or dead-ends, not a continuation of any of the above shall be known as "courts" or "places."
Major arterial routes through the county and/or cities thereof, may be known as "boulevards," "parkways," "freeways" or "throughways."
All streets, roads and ways shall be known by the same name for its entire length, and where a street, road or way shall change direction of 90 degrees or a greater angle, each direction shall be known by a different name; provided, that where such exists on the effective date of said ordinance, such may continue to exist provided there shall be no further extension of the street, road or way.
(Prior code § 23.13)
The office, person or department designated to enforce, establish, continue, operate and maintain the numbering system shall give notice to the occupants or owners of land or buildings which are assigned or reassigned numbers under the system which notice shall contain the old number, the new number or the number reassigned to a particular building or parcel of land and the date on which the new number shall become effective. Within 10 days of the effective date of the notice of number assigned or reassigned, the occupants or owners of the property or buildings shall cause the number to be displayed upon the building or land in such a manner as to be visible from the street or road upon which the land or building fronts and shall remove or obscure from public view any old or previous number not in accordance with the system; provided, that in rural areas where buildings are removed considerable distance from any public street or road or where rural free delivery of mail is provided, the number may be displayed upon receptacles designed for the delivery of mail. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit the display of a proper number in accordance with the system upon any road or driveway leading to buildings removed a substantial distance from the public road or street upon which the subject site abuts.
(Prior code § 23.15)
The adoption of the Placer County property numbering system shall in no way affect the legal description of property by lot and block numbers or by metes and bounds.
(Prior code § 23.17)
The map or maps referred to in this article are made a part of this code. Those maps, and all notation, references and other information shown thereon shall be as much a part of this chapter as if fully set herein.
A property numbering system is established for the western portion of Placer County. Said system shall be that shown on the attached map, which map and all notations thereon are declared to be the balance of this subsection as if fully described herein.
A property numbering system is established for the central portion of Placer County. Said system shall be that shown on the attached map, which map and all notations therein are declared to be the balance for this subsection as if fully described herein.
(Prior code § 23.19)