Every landowner or his or her agent dividing land in a manner which constitutes a minor subdivision within the definitions of this chapter or Government Code of the state of California shall first file an application with the planning department on forms supplied by the county. Applications shall be accompanied by evidence of payment of delinquent taxes and tentative maps and shall be accepted only when all information required by Sections 16.20.230 and 16.20.240 has been supplied, together with the fees specified in Section 16.20.080(A) and any additional information required by county ordinance or state law.
(Prior code § 19.300)
Prior to approval of a minor subdivision, each applicant shall submit to the county an approved parcel map or obtain a waiver of this requirement.
(Prior code § 19.302)
Applications for all minor subdivisions that create four or less parcels, and those minor subdivisions that create five to 10 parcels all of which are 20 acres or larger, shall be reviewed by the parcel review committee. Items to be considered regarding environmental protection shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Lot area and design per Section 16.04.030;
Road easements and access per Section 16.04.030;
Flood and water drainage control per Sections 16.20.200 and 16.20.260;
Utilities and/or utility easements per Section 16.04.030;
Improvements per Section 16.04.030;
Sewage disposal per Section 16.20.190;
Water supply per Section 16.20.180;
Impacts to species or their habitat covered by the HCP/NCCP or impacts to aquatic resources (Chapter 19, Article 19.10);
Environmental review.
All other minor subdivisions shall be reviewed as subdivisions by the planning commission and shall conform to all requirements of Chapter 16, Placer County Code.
(Prior code § 19.304; Ord. 6042-B § 1, 2020)
Parcel Review Committee. In the case of minor subdivisions for which is the advisory agency, the parcel review committee shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny approval to the tentative map within 15 working days unless this time limit is extended by mutual consent of the applicant and the parcel review committee. Time for such approval shall commence running upon "acceptance" of the application as defined in Section 16.20.010. Approvals and conditional approvals shall require unanimous agreement by the members of the parcel review committee.
Planning Commission. In the case of minor subdivisions for which it is the advisory agency, the planning commission shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny approval to the tentative map within 50 calendar days after the filing of the tentative map with the planning commission.
(Prior code § 19.306)
Provided the requirements of all ordinances and regulations of Placer County and the conditions set by the advisory agency are met and there is evidence of payment of delinquent taxes per Section 16.20.010, the minor subdivision shall be approved by the county surveyor.
Upon approval of the documents by the county surveyor, they shall be transmitted, together with the recording fee paid by the applicant, to the county recorder for filing.
The land division shall be deemed complete when the required documents have been recorded in the office of the county recorder.
The county surveyor may accept or reject dedications and offers of dedication that are made by certificate on the parcel map or by separate documents, but not for maintenance.
(Prior code § 19.308)
Notification. The applicant shall be notified in writing of the decision of the advisory agency (parcel review committee).
Term of Approval.
Tentative map approval shall be valid for 36 months. Upon application prior to expiration of the tentative parcel map approval, an extension of time not exceeding two years may be granted by the approving authority. Additional two-year extensions may be granted upon application prior to the previous expiration of time. The total number of extensions allowed under this section shall not exceed a total of six years. Prior to the expiration of an approved or conditionally approved tentative parcel map, upon the application by the subdivider to extend that map, the map shall automatically be extended for 60 days or until the application for the extension is approved, conditionally approved, or denied, whichever occurs first. If the subdivider seeks extension of a map together with additional land use permits, as defined in Chapter 17, Article 17.04, Section 17.04.030, which permits were processed and approved in conjunction with the map, and which permits are integral to the map, the map and additional permits shall be automatically extended for six months or until the application for extension is approved, conditionally approved, or denied, whichever occurs first. The maximum extension period for said additional permits shall be governed by Chapter 17. Absent a timely filing of the parcel map, failure to record a parcel map or to record the necessary documents required by the approving authority prior to the expiration date or extended expiration date of the tentative parcel map shall terminate all approvals and proceedings and a new application shall be necessary. The approving authority shall apply conditions in approving an extension of time application to meet current board approved ordinances and standards in effect at the time of granting the time extension.
If, prior to the time a request for extension of time is granted by the parcel review committee, changes in fees or additional fees have occurred, which changes would be applied to applications for new tentative parcel maps at that time including, but not limited to, school impact fees, park dedication fees, etc., such changes or additions shall automatically be imposed as a condition of approval of the request to extension of time.
Timely Filing. Delivery of the parcel map and all attendant plans and documents required in accordance with the conditions of approval to the county surveyor's office prior to the tentative approval expiration date shall be deemed a timely filing subject to the approval of the county surveyor. Once a timely filing has been made, subsequent actions of the county, including, but not limited to, processing, approving and recording may lawfully occur after the date of expiration of the tentative map for a period not to exceed 60 days from said expiration date. If the final map has not been transmitted for recording prior to the expiration of the 60 day period, all processing will cease in the county surveyor's office and the tentative approval will be deemed to have expired. In the event an extension of time application has been filed prior to the tentative map expiration date, extension of time processing shall commence. Once the timely filing period has expired, a parcel map will not be allowed to record until the extension of time has been approved and any additional conditions imposed as a result of that process have been satisfied.
Permit Coordination with the Placer County Conservation Program. Any authorization extended to the project pursuant to Article 19.10, Section 19.10.120 shall run concurrent with the time limits imposed on the parcel map. The requirements of this section for the exercising of permits and processing of extensions of time shall also apply to authorizations extended to the project pursuant to Article 19.10. Such authorizations shall expire when the parcel map has expired. When an extension of time has been granted for a parcel map, authorizations extended to the project pursuant to Article 19.10 shall also be extended as originally approved unless those authorizations are modified in accordance with Article 19.10.
(Prior code § 19.310; Ord. 5821-B § 2, 2016; Ord. 6042-B § 1, 2020)
Contents of Document. The provisions of Section 66455(f) of the Subdivision Map Act shall be met using one of the following two methods:
Subject to the provisions of Section 66436 of the Subdivision Map Act, an owner's certificate, signed and acknowledged by all parties having any record title interest in the real property being subdivided, consenting to the preparation and recordation of the parcel map shall be placed upon the map; or
A notarized report document meeting the approval of the advisory agency and signed by all parties having any record title interest in the real property being subdivided shall be recorded coincidentally with the recordation of a parcel map or waiver. The document shall contain the following information:
A summary of any reports which may have been conditions of approval of the tentative map, or any advisory material from the departments;
A statement that these reports are on file and available for review in Placer County planning department;
A list of the current county requirements for valid building sites that have not been met or reviewed for each parcel created by the minor land division;
The following certificate:
Easements for and areas appurtenant to parcels depicted on this Minor Subdivision Map will be conveyed as shown thereon, and for the purposes shown thereon. I hereby apply for approval of this minor subdivision No. __________ and certify that I am the legal owner, holder of a beneficial interest or trustee of a trust deed of said property and hereby consent to the recording of this document.
Legal Owner: __________
Date: __________
For purposes of this section, "record title ownership" shall be as defined in Section 66455(f) of the Subdivision Map Act.
With respect to a division of land into four or fewer parcels, where dedications are not required or made, the owner's certificate or report document shall be signed and acknowledged by the subdivider only; provided, however, where a subdivider does not have a record title ownership interest in the property to be divided, the record title owners including either the beneficiary or trustee of a trust deed shall also sign.
Waiver of Parcel Map—Documents Required. If a waiver is to be filed, the following exhibits shall be recorded along with the document noted in subsection (A)(2):
Legal descriptions of the parcels resulting from the minor subdivision;
A revised tentative map depicting the minor subdivision as approved;
A certificate of approval of the minor subdivision signed by the county surveyor.
Parcel Map Guarantee. The subdivider shall present to the recorder evidence, in the form of a parcel map guarantee, that on the date of the recording as shown by public record the parties consenting to the recordation of the map are all of the parties having a fee title interest in the land subdivided, whose signatures are required by the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinance. Such document shall also guarantee that record access exists for the benefit of the parcel being divided from such parcel to a county maintained highway, in the width and at the location referenced and indicated on the parcel map or waiver.
(Prior code § 19.312)
Tentative Map and Application Fees.
A filing fee for tentative parcel map applications of $100 for each additional resulting parcel shall accompany the application at the time of filing.
A division of one parcel into two parcels creates one additional resulting parcel; a division into three parcels creates two additional parcels, etc.
Parcel Map Checking/Waiver Documentation Preparation Fees.
The applicant shall pay all costs incurred by the county for the review and processing of the final parcel map/waiver.
A deposit of $1,400 plus $25 per parcel for each parcel shown on the parcel map is due at the initial submittal of the final parcel map/waiver for review.
Any outstanding balance due for the cost of the review and processing in excess of the initial deposit shall be paid prior to recordation of the final parcel map. Any unused portion of the deposit will be refunded after the recordation of the final parcel map/waiver.
Segregation of Bond Fees. A fee of $95 per new assessor parcel created together with an application for segregation of bonds shall be submitted to department of facility services-special districts for divisions of property included in 1915 Act assessment districts.
Amended Parcel Map. At the time of making application for an amended parcel map, the applicant shall pay a nonrefundable fee of $80 per amended parcel map.
Separate Property Tax Valuation. The provisions of Section 2821 of the Revenue and Taxation Code shall be followed when the property sought to be separately valued has a 1915 Act bond lien against it. Specifically, Placer County required that an application for separate valuation of taxes will not be processed unless a request has been made to the county engineer for a division of land and bond. The division of bond requirements detailed in subsection C of this section, "Segregation of Bonds Fees," shall be complied with prior to processing the separate valuation application.
Certificate of Correction. At the time of making application for a certificate of correction, the applicant shall pay a nonrefundable fee of $40 per certificate of correction requested.
Reversion to Acreage. At the time of making application for a map reverting a parcel map to acreage, the applicant shall pay a nonrefundable fee of $530.
The fees are subject to cost adjustment each July 1st as specified in Ordinance No. 2826 enacted August 19, 1980.
(Prior code § 19.314; Ord. 5373-B, 2005; Ord. 5437-B § 4, 2006; Ord. 5499-B § 3, 2008)
Whenever any applicant or interested party who is adversely affected by any action or requirement of the parcel review committee, such applicant may appeal the same to the board of zoning appeals and then to the board of supervisors. Appeals of planning commission decisions shall be heard by the board of supervisors. Appeal proceedings shall be provided in Section 16.04.090. Each applicant shall pay the current non-refundable filing fee.
A variance may be granted from right-of-way, access and road improvement requirements of the chapter by the appellate body if, because of special circumstances applicable to the property including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of such requirements would create such access or improvements in excess of what is necessary and reasonable.
A variance may be granted only if the finding is made that such variance will have the same practical effect as the standard being replaced and will not be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, or welfare of persons in the vicinity or in the county generally. A copy of the findings shall be provided to the California Department of Forestry headquarters that administers State Responsibility Area fire protection in Placer County.
(Prior code § 19.316)
Whenever the planning director has knowledge that real property has been divided in violation of the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act or of this chapter, the planning director shall cause to be mailed and recorded a notice of intention to record a notice of violation as prescribed by Section 66499.36 of the Government Code, and shall set the matter for consideration by the parcel review committee.
Not sooner than 70 days after the notice is mailed and recorded pursuant to subsection A of this section, the parcel review committee shall consider and decide the matter. Appeals shall be provided pursuant to Section 16.20.090.
The decision pursuant to subsection B of this section shall be final when time for appeal has expired and no appeal has been made or, if an appeal has been made, when the appeal has been decided.
When the decision pursuant to subsection B of this section becomes final, the planning director shall cause to be recorded a notice of violation or a release of notice of intention to record a notice of violation as provided in Section 66499.36 of the Government Code.
(Prior code § 19.318)
In the event that, pursuant to Section 66499.35 of the Subdivision Map Act, a person owning real property in the county requests a determination that such property complies with state law and local ordinance, the parcel review committee shall make such determination. If compliance is determined, planning department shall file a certificate of compliance with the county recorder in accordance with the above cited section of the Subdivision Map Act.
The county shall charge a fee of $430 per parcel for the preparation of a certificate of compliance.
In the event a parcel is designated as a nonbuilding site pursuant to Section 16.20.130, an owner may apply for a certificate of compliance. If the site complies with all current county requirements regarding parcel divisions and building sites, the certificate of compliance shall so state.
All fees are subject to cost adjustment each July 1st as specified in Ordinance 2826 enacted August 19, 1980.
(Prior code § 19.320)
If acquisition of property by the county for public purposes results in remainder parcels in the same ownership, separated by the parcel acquired by the county, the parcel review committee may, upon a request by the county on a form provided by the planning department, approve the separate sale, lease or financing of the remainder parcels without the necessity for application under Section 16.20.010.
(Prior code § 19.322)
If the application for minor subdivisions shows that one or more sites are not being divided as building sites, the sites so designated shall not be reviewed for sewage disposal or water supply requirements. In such cases, the document specified in Section 16.20.070 shall state that such parcels do not comply with current county requirements for building sites. If such parcels are shown on a parcel map said statement shall also be placed upon the parcels, as shown on such map.
No building permits shall be issued for any such sites unless the parcel complies with all requirements for building sites.
(Prior code § 19.324)
All property referred to in Section 12.08.020(A) shall have split requirements commensurate with Section 4.50 (Street Ordinance).
(Prior code § 19.325)
Offers of dedication of easement right shall be made to the county for:
Meandering drainage easements for storm drainage purposes;
Future road rights-of-way for road alignments shown on county adopted plan line maps or specific plans;
Public access to the public waterways or streams, easements along such public waterways or streams, and public access to any lake or reservoir which is owned in part or entirely by any public agency;
All on-site roads and any off-site roads serving the subdivision that the subdivider has the ability to convey.
Easements shall be granted to the county or serving entity designated by the county for:
Existing public highways with no underlying easement rights;
Existing utility service facilities with no underlying easement rights;
Existing roads or utility service facilities for which the underlying easements are inadequately defined or of insufficient dimension.
If easements are required pursuant to subsection (B)(2) of this section, such easements shall not be required for widths in excess of either the record width or the existing facility on or in the ground plus five feet on each side of the exterior boundary, whichever is larger.
Requests for such offers of dedication or easements shall be given in writing to the advisory agency prior to consideration of the minor subdivision.
Easement for county road rights-of-way shall not be required within the remainder of the original parcel; reference Government Code Section 66445(e) if such remainder is:
Five acres or larger; and
At least twice the minimum area permitted by zoning for the property.
(Prior code § 19.330)
On-site right-of-way necessary to establish required access to all parcels created by a minor subdivision shall be made appurtenant to such parcels. Off-site access requirements may only be satisfied as set forth in this section. All cuts and fills necessary for the roadway which are outside the normal right-of-way width, shall be included in an easement or increased right-of-way width.
The right-of-way requirement for on and off-site roads shall be as provided below:
Off-Site. The off-site right-of-way width shall be such width as is needed to provide the off-site improvements specified in Section 16.20.200(C), together with such additional width as may be needed to provide appurtenant drainage and incidental cuts and fills.
On-Site. The on-site right-of-way width shall be 50 feet, except as provided below:
A 40 foot on-site right-of-way may be permitted where public works determines that it will be compatible with future development and where a 50 foot right-of-way width would be detrimental to the development.
Where the right-of-way is less than 50 feet in width, the building setback shall be based on a 50 foot right-of-way width, regardless of actual right-of-way width.
Where a portion of a parcel is used for a driveway that portion may not be less than 20 feet in width.
On-site rights-of-way which serve only the parcels being created may be private, nonexclusive road and public utility easements. These easements shall be offered for dedication to the county. Such an offer shall not be accepted at the exclusive option of the county.
Off-site rights-of-way must be recorded access and/or shown on the evidence of title report required herein. These easements shall be offered for dedication to the county where the subdivider has the ability to do so; however, such offers shall only be accepted at the exclusive option of the county.
The corner of a lot adjacent to a street intersection shall have a 25 foot minimum property line radius.
Proof of right-of-way may be shown as follows:
A recorded easement or court judgment as shown on the evidence of title report required in Section 16.20.310;
Access rights-of-way on land owned by a public entity or railroad may be documented by other than the above method, subject to county approval.
An offer of dedication for street or highway purposes may include a waiver of direct access rights to any such street or highway from any property being divided which abuts thereon, and if the dedication is accepted, any such waiver shall become effective in accordance with its provisions.
When a road serving a minor subdivision also serves off-site parcels beyond the development (such service defined by existing roads or easements), then the easement shall be extended to the boundaries of the parcels being divided. The easements shall be certified as legal access.
Where the county finds that a parcel beyond the development is landlocked or the topography of the area is such that access can be gained in no other acceptable manner, then a corridor shall be established with appropriate building setbacks and shall be identified on the parcel map as a future road corridor and the area shall be included in the net area.
(Prior code § 19.332)
This section shall apply to parcel map land divisions proposed to be divided into four or less parcels. Parcel map divisions with the potential for multiple dwelling, commercial, or industrial (except for farm zone) shall comply with the requirements of Section 16.08.080. Parcel map divisions into five or more parcels shall also comply with Section 16.08.080. Parcel map divisions having the potential to be divided into five or more parcels shall also be subject to Section 16.08.080 upon the creation of the fifth parcel. A note to this effect will be placed on the parcel map.
Water Supply. Water supply requirements for fire protection can be met in any one of the following ways:
An approved pressurized surface water system, (PUC Revised General Order #103, Section VIII);
Proposed parcel is served by a fire district certified as meeting the I.S.O. Rural Class 8 Standard;
A centralized water storage tank meeting county and fire entity/CDF standards and having a storage capacity not less than the number of parcels shown on the parcel map times 2,000 gallons. Alternatives to this standard must be approved by community development/resource agency and the CDF.
When improvements are being installed, the developer or property owner will be required to submit for approval an improvement plan to the community development/resource agency with the proposed parcel map which will specify a water supply system that complies with the requirements of Section 16.08.080. This plan will show a water supply for the proposed parcels and all potential parcels that could be created in the future through the parcel map process. Any easements or dedications needed to install the improvements shall be provided as a condition of approval for the parcel map. An agreement shall also be required to provide for maintenance of all facilities installed.
The improvement and maintenance plan must be approved prior to recordation of the parcel map. The improvements must be installed prior to or concurrently with other improvements required of the parcel map.
The determination of the property's potential for future divisions shall be made by the parcel review committee, and shall take into account topography, access, zoning, sewage disposal and other factors related to land division.
Will-Serve Letters.
Minor land divisions within a fire protection district and/or the State Responsibility Area of the California Department of Forestry (CDF) will provide a will-serve letter from the serving district and CDF indicating that fire protection is available and that the entity has reviewed and approved any required fire improvements or program participation by the subdivider.
The will-serve letter will be conclusive evidence of fire district/CDF approval of improvements and/or subdivider participation in lawfully approved and adopted mitigation programs developed by the fire districts and CDF.
(Prior code § 19.333; Ord. 5373-B, 2005)
Capacity. The advisory agency may require that the subdivider connect to a state or county regulated water system having adequate plant capacity to handle this subdivision; that the subdivider construct an adequate state or county regulated water system if there is no district or water company having adequate capacity serving the proposed subdivision; or may require such other means of individual well water as shall provide adequate water supply to meet domestic and fire use. Fire use shall be as required by the fire department serving fire district or where no specification is given, as specified in the latest edition of the California Fire Code adopted for use by the county.
State and Code Construction Standards. In those areas within a subdivision served by a water furnishing district or water company under the jurisdiction of the state or county, all lines and facilities shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements established by state law and this code.
Basic Requirements—Wells. The subdivider shall provide water for domestic use on each lot by a state or county regulated water system except where domestic water is to be provided by a separate well on each lot. Then:
As to all lots of less than a mean average size of four and six-tenths acres, the subdivider shall provide satisfactory evidence that well water adequate for domestic use is available on each lot.
As to lots of a mean average size of four and six-tenths acres or more, the subdivider shall provide satisfactory evidence that well water adequate for domestic use is available on at least one proposed lot.
What is Adequate for Domestic Use. Well water shall be deemed adequate for domestic use if the water, the well or wells, and any storage facility meet all applicable state and county public health standards including California Code of Regulations Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 15 primary standards regarding domestic water quality and monitoring and can deliver 1,200 gallons in a four hour period at least once every 24 hours; provided, that the well produces at least one gallon per minute.
If water quality testing exceeds the maximum contaminant level (MCL), an additional well will be required on each of the proposed lots prior to final map or improvement plan approval whichever is proposed to be approved first.
If any additional wells exceed the MCL, the applicant may propose installation of new wells, well modifications or installation of individual point-of-entry (POE) treatment devices to reduce contaminant levels in affected wells to below the MCL.
If POE treatment devices are proposed, the proposed treatment devices shall be tested on each proposed well to verify they can effectively reduce contaminant levels below the MCL. The applicant shall complete all well installation and testing of proposed treatment systems prior to final map approval. All proposed treatment systems shall be approved by the state for treatment of identified contaminants and shall be POE devices. Additionally, each proposed lot requiring treatment shall have a deed restriction recorded outlining requirements for water treatment for future owners in a form approved by the county.
When evidence is required to show that well water adequate for domestic use is available, such evidence shall be provided as follows:
The health department shall approve the location of each well drilled to provide such evidence.
The subdivider may be required to provide additional wells as needed to provide satisfactory evidence that well water adequate for domestic use is available on each lot in addition to those required in subsection (C)(2) of this section.
Priority of Serving Entities. The legal entity supplying the water shall be determined in accordance with the following priority listing, a lower priority listing being eligible only if the entity having a priority will not have the capability of supplying the development upon completion of the water supply system:
Placer County water agency;
An existing public district within which the development is located;
An existing public district which is willing to annex the development;
An existing public utility regulated by the public utilities commission;
A public utility to be formed which will be regulated by the public utilities commission.
Mutual water companies or corporations, and home owners associations shall not be permitted to be the water supplier. For the serving entities identified in subsections (D)(1) through (D)(5) of this section, individual water treatment systems on the proposed individual lots will not be permitted.
Quality and Quantity. Domestic water shall meet all the local and state standards for quality and quantity after consideration of treatment of water from the source. Any treatment plant, storage facilities and appurtenances used to render water safe for domestic use must be approved by the local and/or state health department.
District Approval Required. Approval of improvement plans by the utility district for water service supply and maintenance is required. The county water capacity form shall be completed and submitted to the county, stating that the district has the capacity to serve and meet the flows and volumes required for domestic use and fire protection for this development, over and above previously approved and existing users.
(Prior code § 19.334; Ord. 6042-B § 1, 2020; Ord. 6165-B § 1, 2022)
Sewage disposal requirement shall be as specified in Chapter 15 of the Placer County Code.
(Prior code § 19.335)
All required improvements noted in the conditions of approval for the tentative parcel map shall be completed and accepted by the county prior to the issuance of any further discretionary or ministerial permits (including building permits) or other discretionary approval. Those improvements shall comply with this section.
Where required by the conditions, improvement plans shall be approved by the county and the plan check and inspection fees required by Sections 16.08.160 and 16.08.170 shall apply.
Improvements shall comply with the following general standards unless otherwise approved by the agency or modified by the conditions of approval.
Drainage and Flood Control. The minor subdivision design, including, but not limited to, proposed drainage structures, lot access, and other proposed drainage improvements, shall conform to good engineering practice to control flooding and stormwaters within the subdivision. The applicant shall install drainage improvements conforming to the land development manual within the subdivision boundaries and/or within easements acquired for that purpose. All drainage designs shall conform to the Placer County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Stormwater Management Manual.
Sewage Disposal and Water Supply. The improvements for sewage disposal and water supply shall be the minimum necessary to satisfy the Health Department's requirement under Sections 16.20.180 and 16.20.190. Connection to a sanitary sewer system, as required by the serving utility/agency, may be required.
A minor subdivision shall be contiguous to a county maintained highway or connected to a maintained highway with an improved off-site road. Except as noted in subsection (C)(3)(c) of this section all roads, both on-site and off-site, shall be constructed to county standards as illustrated in Plate R-1. Maintenance of off- and on-site roads shall be included in a road maintenance agreement as provided for in Section 16.20.210 unless otherwise allowed by the conditions of approval.
An off-site road serving the subdivision shall be constructed to county standards as illustrated in Plate R-1 except as follows:
Until such time as the entire off-site road is constructed to the county standard, a subdivider will be responsible for grading the ultimate section, placing and compacting the aggregate base and hard surfacing the entire length of off-site road.
Each subdivider will be solely responsible for constructing to county standard a portion of the off-site road equal to the number of parcels being created on the parcel map times 100 feet.
The initial subdivider subject to these standards shall, after obtaining an encroachment permit, construct the road connection (Plate R-17) to the county highway and pave the first 100 feet of road leading from the highway to the subdivision as measured from the edge of pavement of the county highway. The remainder of the subdivider's paving obligation will be from the subdivision toward the county highway.
Subsequent subdividers' off-site obligation will be any necessary restorative work plus paving in the above calculated amount from their subdivision toward the county highway and/or payment pursuant to any established reimbursement agreement.
Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, the surface of the remaining unpaved portion of the off-site road shall either be paved or single chip sealed at the option of the subdivider. The chip seal treatment shall comply with a minimum application rate of 4/10 gallon MC 800 liquid asphalt per square yard and 25 pounds of three-eighths inch by #6 screenings per square yard.
In the event that the unpaved portion of the off-site road exceeds half mile, 2,640 feet, the single chip seal may be deleted at the discretion of the director.
In the event that the unpaved portion of the off-site road exceeds one mile, 5,280 feet, the single chip seal and the aggregate base course may be deleted at the discretion of the director.
A subdivider may request that the county create a reimbursement agreement for any portion of the off-site road work that is not the sole obligation, as defined above or in the conditions of approval, of the subdivision. Chip seal work shall not be reimbursable.
Road design and construction standards shall be as follows:
All on-site roads shall comply with (C)(3)(a) of this section.
The maximum longitudinal grade of on-site and off-site roads being constructed shall be 15%. Any portion of an off-site road exceeding 12% shall be paved with three inches of asphalt concrete over eight inches of Class II AB as will roads exceeding seven percent in areas above 3,500 feet elevation. This requirement may include the previously noted 100 feet per parcel, but compliance with this section may exceed the 100 feet per parcel requirement.
Bridges shall be designed for legal highway loads (HS20-44, Caltrans Standard).
Construction procedures and inspection shall be to the same standard as major subdivisions.
All roads shall be named in accordance with the county's uniform addressing ordinance and all on-site and off-site roads will be signed in accordance with major subdivision standards.
An improvement plan showing the proposed road construction may be required as a condition of approval of any parcel map for review and approval by the county. The plan shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer and shall include, but not be limited to:
Existing and proposed road centerline plan and profile and all improvements to be constructed within the existing and proposed right-of-way which shall be adequately dimensioned. The road centerline shall be located in relation to the boundary of the property being divided;
Information required by the grading ordinance, if the work is subject to that ordinance;
Drainage facilities, including gutters, ditches, culverts and their sizes and any easements required for the facilities, together with a drainage report supporting the sizing of the facilities.
Where a road connects to a county road, improvements and an encroachment permit may be required if no improvements are existing or do not meet current county standards. Improvements shall be in accordance with Plate R-17.
All dead-end roads not having the potential to be through-roads shall be provided with a paved turnaround in conformance with Plate R-2.
All dead-end future through-roads shall be provided with a temporary, paved turnaround of either a circular or hammer head design as approved by the agency director. The right-of-way required for temporary turnarounds shall not be deducted from the gross area of parcels for zoning size calculations.
In areas having severe topographical constraints, alternative, comparable road designs and standards may be allowed if substantiated by a "design exception" prepared by a registered civil engineer and approved by the agency director.
All minor subdivisions, regardless of zoning, will be subject to road standards shown in the land development manual or as required by the conditions of approval. For nonresidential minor subdivisions, improvements shall also be required to the frontage of any county maintained highway upon which the parcel fronts. The agency director or designee and/or hearing body shall have the authority to require completion of frontage improvements prior to the issuance of certificates of occupancy for individual, undeveloped commercial and/or industrial buildings on parcels subject to an approved CUP/MUP/DRA. In the case where the parcels created by the minor subdivision are already developed or built upon, then the frontage improvements shall be constructed as required by the conditions of approval. The agency director or designee and/or hearing body shall have the authority to impose road improvement conditions as contained in this article on a use permit instead of on the minor subdivision map. Residential parcel maps are subject to the provisions of Section 16.08.040(A)(2).
All roads used to meet physical access requirements shall be constructed within the approved or existing easement. Easements and rights-of-way shown on parcel maps, or waivers of parcel maps, may not be altered, modified, moved or changed in any manner without first obtaining written approval of the agency director and/or hearing body.
All projects shall be required to irrevocably offer to dedicate highway easements to the county as defined in the conditions of approval along their frontage on any county highway.
Completion of improvements shall be insured by the following requirements:
When improvements are required as a condition of approval for a minor subdivision, such improvements shall be installed pursuant to an agreement between the county and the subdivider. That agreement shall include provisions for:
Completion of the improvements prior to the issuance of any building permit or approval of any other discretionary permit, including, but not necessarily limited to, the approval of any subsequent tentative parcel map which further divides the parcels being created.
Guaranteed for completion within two years from the date of recordation of the parcel map.
A warranty by the subdivider of any public improvements included in the project approval for a period of one year after acceptance of such improvements by the county or other agency or utility company. Security for such warranty shall be provided in the form of cash, certificate of deposit or letter of credit (as approved by the county) in an amount equal to 15% of the value of an approved engineer's estimate of cost of the public improvements.
Recordation of a "notice of building permit restriction" to notify prospective buyers of parcels of the requirements of Section 15.04.060 of PCC regarding the completion of improvements prior to the issuance of any subsequent permits, including building permits.
Recordation of the agreement and the release from the agreement by the county upon completion of the requirements contained therein.
Security for monumentation as required by Subdivision Map Act, Section 66496.
Said agreement shall be executed by the county surveyor as contracting officer for the county and the county surveyor shall have the authority to approve inspections, record a notice of release from the agreement with the county recorder and authorize the release of any warranty security upon expiration of the warranty period.
Exceptions from Improvement Requirements. Minor subdivisions undertaken for the purposes of leasing or financing as specified in Section 16.20.280(B) or (D), shall be exempt from the requirements of this section.
(Ord. 5602-B § 2, 2010)
All parcels created by minor subdivisions shall be made party to a road maintenance agreement which provides for the maintenance of all roads, both on-site and off-site, used to meet access requirements.
Maintenance agreements may be either:
An existing agreement approved in form by the county to which the newly created parcels become party; or
A new agreement approved in form by the county.
(Prior code § 19.338)
See Section 16.08.100 of this chapter.
(Prior code § 19.343; Ord. 5300-B, 2004)
The map may be prepared by the land owner or his agent using taped or record measurements and shall be clearly and legibly drawn on one sheet of paper at least eight and one-half inches by 11 inches in size. Ten copies of the tentative map shall be filed. The tentative map shall show the following information:
Boundary lines and dimensions of parcels being divided;
Proposed division lines with dimensions of each lot being created using dashed lines. The corner of a lot adjacent to a street intersection shall be designated with a 25 foot minimum radius;
All existing structures, approximate distance between structures, and approximate distance from boundary lines;
The approximate area of the original parcel and the area of each proposed new parcel;
Names, locations and widths of all existing traveled ways, including driveways, streets, and rights-of-way on or adjacent to the property being divided;
Approximate locations and widths of all proposed streets and rights-of-way;
Approximate location and dimensions of all existing easements, wells, leach lines, seepage pits, or other underground structures;
Approximate location and dimensions of all proposed easements for utilities and drainage;
Approximate location of all streams, aquatic resources, and drainage channels, and a general indication of slope of the land. If the requirements of the PCCP apply to a project, the stream system boundary shall also be depicted on the tentative map;
Approximate location of all land cover types including habitat, agricultural cover, aquatic resources, and developed areas;
North point and approximate scale of drawing;
The location of the posters described in Section 16.20.250 shown with the distance to the nearest signed intersections to the nearest one-tenth mile.
(Prior code § 19.350; Ord. 6042-B § 1, 2020)
Name, address and telephone number of the person who drew the map;
Name, address, and telephone number of the applicant (and the legal owners of the parcel, if different from that of the applicant);
Date present owner purchased property;
Present zoning and proposed use (if known);
Number of parcels to be created and proposed use for each;
Source of proposed water supply for each parcel;
Method of sewage disposal proposed for each parcel and location of nearest sewerage;
A vicinity map with sufficient detail to locate the property in the field without reference to other documentation;
The high school and elementary school districts in which the minor land division is located;
The fire protection in which the minor land division is located;
Placer County Conservation Program (Chapter 19, Article 10). Demonstration of compliance with the PCCP including the CARP and the HCP/NCCP. For tentative maps subject to review under the HCP/NCCP and/or the CARP it will be necessary to submit the forms and background data required by Section 19.10.080.
(Prior code § 19.352; Ord. 6042-B § 1, 2020)
The applicant shall mark the location of the property in the field by posters provided by the planning department. The locations of said posters shall be shown on the tentative map.
(Prior code § 19.354)
Any tentative map approval may be subject to reasonable conditions. The advisory agency shall approve or conditionally approve the tentative map if all the following requirements are met:
The map and accompanying data is accurate and in conformance with Sections 16.20.230 and 16.20.240.
Each parcel shown will have adequate rights-of-way and easements and approved access to and onto public rights-of-way. (See Section 16.20.160).
The proposed division, as related to other intended or existing divisions, would not constitute a major subdivision as defined in the California and Placer County subdivision laws.
Proposed parcels do not violate the Placer County zoning ordinance.
Sanitation and water supply meet the requirements of the health department. (See Section 16.20.180).
Drainage and flood control meet the requirements of the community development/resource agency. (See Section 16.20.200).
Adequate utility easements are provided serving all individual parcels.
All improvements meet the requirements of the community development/resource agency. (See Section 16.20.200).
Upon approval or conditional approval of the proposed minor subdivision by the advisory agency, notice of such approval, together with any conditions to which it may be subject, shall be sent to the applicant.
Where the information submitted for the proposed tentative map is incomplete, or if insufficient information is provided, the agency may postpone consideration of the map until such time as all necessary information is available.
Permit Coordination with the Placer County Conservation Program. Any authorization extended to the project pursuant to Article 19.10, Section 19.10.120 shall run concurrent with the time limits imposed on the parcel map. The requirements of this section for the exercising of permits and processing of extensions of time shall also apply to authorizations extended to the project pursuant to Article 19.10. Such authorizations shall expire when the parcel map has expired. When an extension of time has been granted for a parcel map, authorizations extended to the project pursuant to Article 19.10 shall also be extended as originally approved unless those authorizations are modified in accordance with Article 19.10.
(Prior code § 19.356; Ord. 5373-B, 2005; Ord. 6042-B § 1, 2020)
A parcel map may be filed pursuant to Section 66499.20.2 of the Government Code for the purpose of reverting to acreage land previously subdivided and consisting of four of fewer contiguous parcels under the same ownership, even if such parcels constitute only a portion of a prior subdivision.
A parcel map or final map may be filed pursuant to Section 66499.20.3 of the Government Code for the purpose of resubdividing as a minor or major subdivision land previously subdivided and consisting of any number of contiguous parcels under the same ownership, even if such parcels constitute only a portion of a prior subdivision.
The advisory agency shall hold a public hearing pursuant to Section 16.04.050 of this code before approving a reversion to acreage or a resubdivision.
The parcel committee shall be the advisory agency for any reversion to acreage pursuant to subsection A of this section unless the parcel review committee deems it appropriate for the planning commission to be the advisory agency.
(Prior code § 19.358)
At the time of filing, the applicant may apply for a waiver of the requirement that a parcel map may be filed. Such application for waiver shall be accepted only when the applicant shows that the proposed division meets one of the following conditions:
If four or less parcels result from the subdivision of the land, and each of the parcels created by the division is 40 acres or a quarter-quarter section or larger;
The division is solely for the purpose of obtaining a loan on a portion of the property being divided;
The division is solely for the purpose of leasing for five years or less and the parcels are:
Totally within zoned AE (Agricultural Exclusive); F (Farming), Forestry, and
Not created for the purpose of building sites, and
To remain in the original ownership;
Survey information exists on the ground to sufficiently locate and retrace the exterior boundary of the existing parcel, and such information is verifiable on either filed maps or by other material submitted by a licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer and approved by the county surveyor. In all cases, an existing monumented line shall be so located as to permit the facile establishment of at least one of the boundary lines; said existing monumented line need not be a boundary line of the parcel being divided;
The county surveyor shall evaluate all survey information submitted to determine if grounds which permit the grant of a waiver exist. (See also Sections 16.20.070 and 16.20.290);
The contiguous parcels were acquired by the applicant at different points in time, all such parcels contain homes constructed pursuant to valid county building permits, and all such parcels meet present minimum building site requirements.
(Prior code § 19.360)
The parcel map requirement for a minor subdivision shall be waived when the applicant has met each of the following conditions:
Qualified for a waiver of the parcel map in accordance with Section 16.20.280;
Proof of compliance with all conditions of approval which may have been placed on tentative map is submitted;
A map meeting the requirements of Sections 16.20.230 and 16.20.240, which shows that the conditions of approval have been met is submitted. Said map shall locate the property in the field by natural or other monuments sufficiently to make a review of the property and field verify the map and details shown;
A legal description of the property being divided is submitted;
A legal description for each of the newly created parcels is submitted. A legal description of the remainder of original parcel need not be submitted;
The document required in Section 16.20.070 is submitted in a form suitable for recording;
Prior to granting approval of the waiver, the advisory agency shall make the finding that the proposed minor subdivision complies with the requirements as to area, improvement and design, flood and water drainage control, appropriate improved public roads, sanitary disposal facilities, water supply availability, environmental protection.
(Prior code § 19.362)
The parcel map shall conform to Government Code Sections 66444 through 66450, and all the section and chapters referred to therein, except that the certificate provided for in Government Code Section 66445(f) may be accommodated using the methods outlined in Section 16.20.070(A)(1) or (A)(2).
The surveyor or engineer shall submit those items required in Section 16.20.310 to the parcel review committee or assigned delegate. The parcel review committee or assigned delegate shall review and approve the submittal for compliance with the tentative map, conditions of approval, and local ordinances. The parcel map submittal shall then be transmitted to the county surveyor for review of survey information and recordation after all tentative map conditions have been certified as completed.
Each parcel shall be lettered.
As required in Government Code Section 66445(d), the exterior boundary of the land included within the surveyed parcel or parcels being created shall be indicated by distinctive symbols. For the purpose of this requirement, distinctive symbol shall be a heavy inked line. The heavy inked line shall be heavier than any other lines within the map.
In addition to the requirements of Section 66445 of the Government Code, the parcel map shall show:
All rights-of-way and easements of record within the property being divided;
All easements or offers of dedication being granted concurrently with the filing of the map;
All external easements relied upon for access to a public or county highway. Such easements may be shown by references to recorded deeds;
Watercourses, drainage ways, and other bodies of water shall be shown in their approximate locations;
The approximate location of fence lines in the immediate area of monuments set or found;
The area of the parcels to the nearest one hundredth of an acre, (when possible);
A legend of symbols and line variations as approved by the county surveyor.
Reference: Plates 67 and 68. The intent here is to have uniform use of symbols within the county;
Other items required for purposes of uniformity, clarity, and administrative processing shall be as shown on the sample map of Plate 68;
Unrecorded evidence of uses burdening the land which are incidentally observed by the surveyor shall be shown;
When the document as described in Section 16.20.070(A)(2) is used the map shall contain the following statement:
A report concerning current requirements for the establishment of these parcels as valid building sites is being recorded concurrently herewith at Volume __________, Page __________, Placer County Official Records.
When an owner's certificate is used on the map the map shall contain the following information in the form of a note:
Reports which may have been conditions of approval of the tentative map and a list of the current County requirements for valid building sites that have not been met or reviewed for each parcel created by this land division are on file and available for review in the Placer County Planning Department.
The map package submittals will be initially cursory reviewed using the following checklist and if found substantially complete accepted, otherwise returned to the submitter:
All deeds necessary to determine the boundary.
Copies of adjacent surveys, if available.
Current evidence of title report.
All recorded documents describing those easements called out in the title report.
Closures proving closure of 0.02′ or less.
Two preliminary copies of descriptions for easements or documents required by the tentative map approval.
The appropriate checking fee.
Three blueline copies of map showing and complying with the following:
Lettering of adequate size and clarity to reproduce at 2X Microfilm reduction and not burn or blur in reproduction. Normal lettering 1/10 of an inch in height will be adequate using a fine tip lettering pen.
Proper map title (short legal) from deed, showing most recent map of record (if any), recording information, Section, Township and Range, County of Placer, Date, Firm name.
Street names and County road numbers.
Parcel or lot designations.
Sheet numbering.
Recorder's Book and Page in margin; i.e., Book _____ Maps, Page _____(1/4″ high and 1/4″ above border).
Proper abbreviation for recording data; i.e., Parcel Maps: 44PM4; Record of Survey: 44RS4; Subdivision Map: K/Maps/24; Official Records: 1296/29 O.R.
North arrow.
Basis of bearing.
Delta, Radius, and Arc Length or Chord Length and bearing on all curves.
Record and field dimensions.
Tie to Section corner or Quarter corner.
Surrounding surveys.
Existing and current required easements, rights-of-way and irrevocable offers of dedication.
All monuments found and set described, identified, and referenced where applicable.
(Prior code § 19.370)
The parcel review committee or assigned delegate shall submit three sets of prints of the map and one copy of all documents used to determine the location of the boundaries and the location of all easements within the property being divided to the county surveyor. One check print shall be forwarded to the health department prior to the issuance of the health department's final approval.
The prints shall also be accompanied by a current evidence of title report of the property shown on the map, and by original closure sheets prepared by an engineer or surveyor showing mathematical closures and proof of the accuracy of all surveying information on the map. All information shall be based on a coordinate system common to the map. The boundary closure sheets and other documents shall be returned to the surveyor upon filing of the map with the recorder.
If field surveyed, the error of closure in mathematical computations when bearings and distances can be precisely calculated shall not exceed .02 feet.
The evidence of title report must state that record access exists for the benefit of the parcels being divided from such parcels to a county maintained highway, in the width prescribed in the deed, and in the width and at the location referenced and indicated on the parcel map survey (easement).
The time limits for the county surveyor to review a parcel map shall be as specified in Section 66450 of the Government Code, (20 days); provided, however, the map is returned to the Surveyor for more information or correction, the time limit shall recommence with each subsequent submittal.
The 20 day period shall commence only upon submittal of the parcel map and all other documentation necessary for final approval of the minor subdivision.
(Prior code § 19.372)
The parcel map shall be based on record data or survey data as provided in Section 66448 of the Government Code.
The map and monuments shall be in accordance with the Land Surveyors' Act, the Subdivision Map Act and the land development manual.
(Prior code § 19.374)
A revised minor subdivision may be effected by following the same procedures provided herein for minor subdivisions and the filing of parcel maps or recording of waivers.
In addition to procedures provided herein, notice of the revised minor subdivision shall be given to all concerned utilities and all holders of easements and record title interest within the property as originally divided.
The revised parcel map waiver shall also serve as invalidation of the previously filed map or waiver and shall constitute a reversion to acreage of the property previously divided.
The advisory agency hearing on the revised minor subdivision shall constitute a public hearing on the reversion to acreage. If there are no objections to said reversion, the advisory agency may approve such reversion of the revised minor subdivision. In the event that any interested party objects to the reversion to acreage, said reversion and the revised minor subdivision shall be heard by the planning commission at a noticed hearing. The planning commission shall apply the provisions of this subchapter in review of the applications.
No revised minor subdivision shall be approved without prior approval of the reversion to acreage.
The following statement shall appear on all revised parcel maps:
This revised parcel map invalidates and reverts to acreage parcels created by that parcel map filed at Book _____of Parcel Maps, Page _____, on (date).
The following statement shall be placed by the county recorder on previously filed parcel maps invalidated by revised parcel maps:
The parcels created by this parcel map have been invalidated and reverted to acreage by that parcel map filed at Book _____of Parcel Maps, Page _____on (date).
(Prior code § 19.376)
After a parcel map or waiver is filed in the office of the county recorder, the conditions of approval of such a recorded parcel map or waiver may be modified by a certificate of correction or amended map as directed by the county surveyor.
Any modification of the conditions of approval of a parcel map/waiver or to the recorded parcel map/waiver itself resulting from such modifications shall be accomplished by the recordation of a certificate of correction or amended map by the county surveyor at the direction of the advisory agency shall hold a public hearing on the matter as provided for in Section 66451.3 of the California Government Code. The advisory agency shall confine the scope of the hearing to consideration of and action on the proposed parcel map/waiver modification(s). The advisory agency may approve a modification if:
The advisory agency finds that there are changes in circumstances which make any or all of the conditions of such a map no longer appropriate or necessary; and
The modification(s) do not impose any additional burden on the present fee owner of the property; and
The modification(s) do not alter the location of any property line or any right, title or interest in the real property reflected on the recorded map/waiver and provided, subject to the provisions of Section 66436 of the Subdivision Map Act, a certificate signed and acknowledged by all parties having a record title interest in the property affected by the change in conditions is attached to the certificate of correction or amended map;
The map/waiver as modified conforms to the provisions of Section 66474 of the California Government Code.
If modifications to a recorded parcel map/waiver or its conditions of approval are requested by the original subdivider or his or her successor(s) in interest, a filing fee shall be paid by the person(s) making the request for parcel map/ waiver modification. The fee for such an application shall be the same as required by Section 16.20.080(A) of this code for the creation of one additional parcel, as annually adjusted.
(Prior code § 19.377)
A minor boundary adjustment is a process by which it is possible to grant property to an adjoining owner without the necessity for application under Section 16.20.010.
The parcel review committee shall serve as the advisory agency for applications made under this section.
On applications involving more than two parcels, the advisory agency shall determine whether processing may be made under this section or shall involve a re-subdivision under Section 16.20.010.
There shall be a processing fee for each parcel being transferred except that in the case of a reciprocal transfer of property involving only two parcels, the fee shall be the same as for a single transfer.
Applications shall be filed with the planning department on forms supplied by that department. The following items shall be submitted:
Three copies of the application form;
Three copies of a detailed plot plan showing both (or all) parcels involved in the sale, with the area being transferred clearly delineated. The plot plan should include the location of structures, roads, wells, septic tanks, and leach fields;
Three copies of the deeds to both (or all) parcels affected by the adjustment;
Three copies of the grant deed (and legal description) that will be used in the property transfer;
A current title report for the affected properties;
All maps and deeds noted in subsections (C)(2), (C)(3) and (C)(4) of this section to be prepared by a licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer (authorized to practice land surveying) except when waived by the parcel review committee.
Approval of application made under this section shall be granted if each of the reviewing departments recommends such action. The applicant or representative need not be present at the parcel review committee meeting. The applicant(s) shall be notified of the action of the advisory agency in the form of a resolution.
The applicant shall have the right of appeal to actions taken by the advisory agency pursuant to Section 16.20.090.
The parcel review committee approval shall be for a period of three years. Three one year extensions can be obtained by processing a request in the same manner as specified in Section 16.20.060 for parcel maps.
Applications previously approved and active at the time this chapter amendment becomes effective shall have three years from the date of their original approval to complete their final processing.
All documents necessary to accomplish the boundary adjustment are to be recorded by a title company. The title company is to assure that the people requesting the adjustment are in fact the property owners and that any restructuring of financing is accomplished concurrently with the recording of the boundary adjustment. Existing deeds of trust on the affected properties are to be reconciled to the resultant parcel boundaries.
(Prior code § 19.380)
Upon application by the legal owner of contiguous parcels, the planning director may approve pursuant to Government Code Section 66499.20 ¾, the merger of the parcels without reverting to acreage. This application shall be limited to the merger of entire contiguous parcels. Any such application shall be in writing signed by all owners and accompanied by any such data, documents or maps as may be required by the planning director. This includes a legal description of the newly combined parcel prepared in accordance with the application. Upon approval, a certificate of merger in a form approved by county counsel shall be recorded with the county recorder. The filing of the certificate of merger shall constitute legal merger of the parcels affected thereby.
(Ord. 5251-B (Exh. A), 2003; Ord. 5728-B § 3, 2013)
California Government Code Section 66411.7 allows ministerial approvals of urban lot splits. The purpose of this section is to conform with the above section and to define the standards under which an SB9 lot split would be approved.
Eligible Parcel. A parcel must meet the eligibility criteria set forth in Section 66411.7(a)(3) of the California Government Code.
Resulting Parcels. The land division cannot result in more than two parcels and the resulting parcels must conform with California Government Code Section 66411.7, subdivisions (a)(1) and (2).
Sewage. The resulting parcels must provide evidence the parcels meet the requirements set forth in Sections 8.24.050 (On-Site Sewage Manual) and 8.24.080 (Sewage system requirements) for an on-site sewage system, or must have access to a public sewer/sewerage system as evidenced by a will-serve letter from the sewer provider.
Parcels must connect to a sewer system prior to building permit issuance if the system meets the requirements of Section A, Chapter 2 of the On-Site Sewage Manual.
Water. The resulting parcels must provide evidence the parcels meet the requirements set forth in Section 16.20.180 (Water supply).
Fire Protection. The resulting parcels must meet the requirements set forth in Section 16.20.170 (Fire protection) and the California Code of Regulations, Title 14, SRA Fire Safe Regulations.
Right-of-way Access. The resulting parcels must meet the requirement that the parcels have access to, provide access to, or adjoin public right-of-way, as set forth in Section 16.20.160 (Right-of-way access), Section 16.20.200 (Improvements), and Section 4.05(1)(f) Driveways of the Land Development Manual.
Affidavit. The applicant must sign an affidavit provided by the county that the applicant intends to owner occupy one of the units on the resulting parcel for a period not less than three years from the date of the recordation of the final map.
Waivers. An applicant will have the requirement for an affidavit waived by the planning director if they submit proof that they meet the requirements of Government Code Section 66411.7(g)(2).
Violations. Violations of the affidavit are a misdemeanor under Section 16.04.070 (Violations) and are subject to the penalties and enforcement actions in the Placer County Code.
Application Submission. Applications shall be filed with the planning division on forms supplied by that division.
Noticing of an Application. Upon receipt of a complete application but prior to completion of staff review on the application, notice of the submitted application shall be mailed to all owners of real property as shown on the latest equalized assessment roll within 300 feet of the property that is the subject of the application, unless fewer than 30 properties are within 300 feet, then the notification radius shall be extended to include the 30 nearest properties; or where the number of property owners to whom notice would be mailed is more than 1,000, the planning director may choose to provide alternate notice.
Staff Review. A completed application shall be reviewed by staff from the community development resource agency, the planning division, the engineering and surveying division and the division of environmental health services to ensure the application conforms to the requirements of subsections A through I of this section. Staff review must include findings of conformance or lack of conformance and will be provided within 45 days of a complete application being filed with the county. Findings shall be transmitted in writing to the planning director.
Approval. The planning director or their designee shall make a determination based on staff review within 15 days of receipt of any written findings.
Appeals. An appeal of a denial by the planning director shall be appealable through the process outlined in 16.20.090 (Appeals and variances).
Final Parcel Map Processing. After an approval of the tentative parcel map by the planning director or their designee, the applicant shall prepare and submit to the Placer County engineering and surveying division, a final parcel map which is in substantial conformance to the approved tentative parcel map.
(Ord. 6154-B § 1, 2022)