Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the specific plan (SPL) district is to allow unique zone districts to be established consistent with an adopted specific plan, providing more flexibility in the designation of allowable uses, development standards, and other regulations than would be possible through application of other base and combining zone districts.
Specific Plan Requirement. Development within the SPL district shall be authorized only through the approval of a specific plan as set forth in Section 17.58.200 (Specific plans) and in California Government Code Section 66450 et seq. The specific plan (and/or companion documents thereto) shall contain the zoning regulations for properties within the specific plan area.
Allowable Land Uses, Permit Requirements, and Development Standards. The specific plan shall specify all permitted uses and land use permit requirements for the SPL district. All land uses permitted within the SPL district shall be subject to the development standards and other regulations required by the specific plan. Such development standards shall include minimum parcel size, setbacks, maximum coverage or floor area ratio, height limits, density, parking ratios, and other applicable requirements. If a standard or other regulation is not specifically addressed in the specific plan, it shall be governed by the Placer County zoning ordinance.
Designation on the Zoning Map. The SPL district shall be designated on the zoning maps by the specific plan land use symbol (SPL) and reference to the relevant specific plan (e.g., SPL-PVSP).
Incorporation into the Placer County Zoning Ordinance. The relevant sections of the specific plan (and/or companion documents thereto) shall be adopted by ordinance and incorporated by reference in the Placer County zoning ordinance under this section.
(Ord. 5419-B (Exh. 2), 2006)