As provided by Chapter VII of the City Charter, state elections laws relating to matters not regulated by this subchapter apply to city elections. The provisions of the City Charter and this subchapter prevail over any conflicting provisions of state law.
(Ord. 253, Amended, 06/10/2005)
The following words or phrases have the following meanings unless the context clearly requires a different meaning:
means an individual whose name appears or is expected to appear on an official ballot.
"City legislation"
means an ordinance or proposed ordinance, or a proposed amendment, revision or repeal of the City Charter.
"Elective city position"
means the office of mayor or councilor.
means an individual eligible under state and city law to vote in city elections.
means proposed city legislation submitted to electors by a petition of qualified electors.
means city legislation, or a proposition or question for city electors.
"Prospective petition"
means information required for a completed petition, except for signatures and other identification of petition signers.
"Qualified elector"
means an individual qualified to vote under Section 2, Article II, Oregon Constitution.
means the City Recorder or authorized representative.
means city legislation submitted to electors by the Council or by a petition of qualified electors, or a proposition or question submitted to city electors by the Council.
"Regular election"
means a city election held at the same time as a primary or general biennial election for electing federal, state or county officers.
"Special election"
means a city election not held on the date for a regular election.
"Term of office"
means the term of office of the last person elected to the office.
(Ord. 253, Added 06/10/2005)
A qualified elector who has resided in the City during the 12 months immediately preceding the election may be a candidate for an elective city position.
(Ord. 253, Added 06/10/2005)
An eligible elector may become a candidate for an elective city position by filing a nomination petition or a declaration of candidacy in a form prescribed by the Secretary of State and available from the Recorder.
A nomination petition must contain signatures of not fewer than 20 city qualified electors as follows:
No elector shall sign more than one petition for each vacant office. If he or she does so, his or her signature shall be valid only on the first sufficient petition filed for the office.
The signatures to a nomination petition need not all be appended to one paper, but to each separate paper of the petition shall be attached an affidavit of the circulator thereof, indicating the number of signers of the paper and stating that each signature appended thereto was made in the circulator's presence and is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be.
With each signature shall be stated the signer's place of residence, identified by its street and number or other sufficient description.
The signatures contained in the nomination petition must be certified for genuineness by the candidate by submitting the signature sheets to the appropriate county elections official for signature verification.
Once the signatures have been verified, the candidate shall file the completed nominating petition with the Recorder.
(Ord. 253, Added 06/10/2005)
The nomination petition must contain:
The name by which the candidate is commonly known. A candidate may use a nickname in parentheses in addition to the candidate's full name.
The residence address of the candidate.
The office for which the candidate seeks nomination.
A statement that the candidate is willing to accept the office if elected.
A statement that the candidate will qualify if elected.
A statement of the candidate's occupation, educational and occupational background, and prior governmental experience.
The signature of the candidate.
(Ord. 253, Added 06/10/2005)
A nomination petition must be filed with the Recorder.
The Recorder will date and time stamp immediately upon filing a nominating petition, withdrawal or other document required to be filed.
A nomination petition will be filed not sooner than 120 days nor later than five days prior to the date set by Statute for the City Recorder to notify the County Clerk of the measures and candidates to be voted on at the election.
(Ord. 253, Added 06/10/2005)
If a nomination petition is not signed by the required number of qualified electors or is not complete, the Recorder will notify the candidate within five days after the filing. The Recorder will return it immediately to the candidate, stating in writing how the petition is deficient. The deficient petition may be amended and filed again as a new petition, or a substitute petition for the same candidate may be filed with the time requirements for filing petitions.
(Ord. 253, Added 06/10/2005)
A candidate who has filed a nomination petition may withdraw by filing a Withdrawal of Candidacy with the Recorder in accordance with the time requirement for filing petitions.
(Ord. 253, Added 06/10/2005)
The Recorder will certify the nominations to the county clerk in accordance with the time requirements of state law stating the offices and the terms of office for which the candidates are nominated.
(Ord. 253, Added 06/10/2005)
A city elective office becomes vacant as provided by Section 31 of the City Charter.
A vacancy in an elective office will be filled as provided by Section 32 of the City Charter.
(Ord. 253, Added 06/10/2005)
In filling a vacancy, the Council may make such inquiries and interviews as it considers necessary to make the appointment. The appointment must be made at a regular or special council meeting.
The Council shall use the following procedures in the appointment process:
Prior to the appointment, notice shall be posted in three public places, published at least one in a newspaper of general circulation and use of any other available methods prescribed by the Council.
Deadline for submitting applications shall be at least two weeks after such notice.
Appointment from those applicants by members of the Council. The Recorder shall announce the results of each ballot and shall record each councilor's vote. An applicant who receives a majority of the votes cast by the remaining council members shall be appointed to the vacant position. If no applicant receives a majority vote on the first ballot, the Council shall continue to vote on the two applicants who receive the most votes until an applicant receives a majority of the votes from the Councilors voting.
(Ord. 253, Added 06/10/2005)
State elections laws relating to initiative and referendum apply to city elections.
The City Recorder or the City Attorney is authorized to prepare explanatory statement(s) for review and approval by Council Resolution to be included in the Lincoln County Voter's Pamphlet for matters relating to municipal legislation referred or initiated by petition consistent with the terms of ORS 251.345 and OAR 165-022-0040.
(Ord. 253, Added 06/10/2005; Ord. 261, Amended, 11/15/2006)
The Council may directly refer to the electors any ordinance adopted by it or any proposed ordinance, property tax, bond or other proposition or question. It may also directly refer to the electors any proposed amendment, revision or the repeal of the Charter.
The City Attorney shall review a ballot title and explanatory statement prepared by City staff to ensure that it conforms to the requirements of state law. The Council shall certify and file the ballot title and explanatory statement with the Recorder.
The Recorder shall publish in a newspaper of general circulation in the City a notice of receipt of the ballot title including notice that an elector may file a petition for review of the ballot title or explanatory statement not later than the date set in subsection D.
Any elector may petition the Oregon Circuit Court to challenge the ballot title certified by the Council. Such petition must be filed with the Circuit Court within seven business days of council filing of the ballot title. Any person filing a petition of review with the Circuit Court must file a copy of the challenge with the Recorder not later than the end of the business day next following the date the petition is filed with the Circuit Court. This requirement does not invalidate a petition that is timely filed with the Circuit Court.
A measure shall be considered filed under this section as of the date the Council delivers its certified ballot title to the Recorder.
(Ord. 253, Added 06/10/2005; Ord. 310, Amending, 02/09/2012)
Notice of elections on measures submitted to city electors on regular or special election dates must be given in accordance with state law.
Measures referred by the Council shall be designated on the ballot: "Referred to the Voters by the City Council."
Measures proposed by referendum petition shall be designated on the ballot: "Referred by Petition of the Voters."
Measures proposed by initiative petition shall be designated on the ballot: "Proposed by Initiative Petition."
The Recorder must certify the election results to the Council at the first council meeting after which the results are certified by the county clerk.
A measure adopted by the electors takes effect 30 days after the election, unless such measure expressly provides a later effective date.
(Ord. 253, Added 06/10/2005)