As used in this Article, the following terms mean:
Any place which at the time of the offense is not open to the public. It includes property which is owned publicly or privately.
Any property in which the person does not have a possessory interest.
Any place which at the time of the offense is open to the public. It includes property which is owned publicly or privately.
A person commits the offense of peace disturbance if he or she:
Unreasonably and knowingly disturbs or alarms another person or persons by:
Loud noise; or
Offensive language addressed in a face-to-face manner to a specific individual and uttered under circumstances which are likely to produce an immediate violent response from a reasonable recipient; or
Threatening to commit a felonious act against any person under circumstances which are likely to cause a reasonable person to fear that such threat may be carried out; or
Fighting; or
Creating a noxious and offensive odor.
Is in a public place or on private property of another without consent and purposely causes inconvenience to another person or persons by unreasonably and physically obstructing:
Vehicular or pedestrian traffic; or
The free ingress or egress to or from a public or private place.
A person commits the offense of private peace disturbance if he/she is on private property and unreasonably and purposely causes alarm to another person or persons on the same premises by:
Threatening to commit an offense against any person; or
For purposes of this Section, if a building or structure is divided into separately occupied units, such units are separate premises.
A person commits the offense of unlawful assembly if he/she knowingly assembles with six (6) or more other persons and agrees with such persons to violate any of the criminal laws of this State or of the United States with force or violence.
A person commits the offense of rioting if he/she knowingly assembles with six (6) or more other persons and agrees with such persons to violate any of the criminal laws of this State or of the United States with force or violence and thereafter, while still so assembled, does violate any of said laws with force or violence.
A person commits the offense of refusal to disperse if, being present at the scene of an unlawful assembly or at the scene of a riot, he/she knowingly fails or refuses to obey the lawful command of a Law Enforcement Officer to depart from the scene of such unlawful assembly or riot.
It shall be unlawful for any person to permit or cause to be created any loud and unnecessary noise in the operation of his/her vehicle by the squealing of tires or acceleration of the engine thereof.
It shall be unlawful for any person to cause, suffer or maintain any unreasonably loud, disturbing or unnecessary noise by or through the playing of any radio, phonograph, loudspeaker, sound amplifier, musical instrument or other device in such manner or with such volume as to unreasonably annoy or disturb the peace, quiet, comfort or repose of persons located outside the structure, vehicle or premises where the noise is generated. Any such noise that can be distinctly heard at a distance of more than one hundred (100) feet from its source shall be presumed unreasonably loud, disturbing and unnecessary.
It shall be unlawful for any person to cause, suffer or maintain any unreasonably loud, disturbing or unnecessary noise by or through the gathering of people in such manner or with such volume as to unreasonably annoy or disturb the peace, quiet, comfort or repose of persons located outside the structure or premises where the noise is generated between the hours of 11:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M. Any such noise that can be distinctly heard at a distance of more than one hundred (100) feet from its source shall be presumed unreasonably loud, disturbing and unnecessary.
It shall be unlawful for any person to create a disturbance by the operation of power saws, tools or machinery or implements of any kind in such manner as to make a noise audible off the premises upon which the same are operating, between the hours of 10:00 P.M. in the evening and 7:00 A.M. the following morning.
It shall be unlawful for any person to disturb the peace of others by construction, including grading and excavation, erection, demolition, repair, or alteration of any building, structure or facility, in any commercial or non-residentially zoned district of the City other than between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M., on Monday through Saturday, except in the case of urgent necessity in the interest of public health and safety, and then only with a permit from the Building Commissioner, which permit may be for a period not to exceed three (3) days or less while the emergency continues, and which permit may be renewed for periods of three (3) days or less while the emergency continues.
For purposes of this Section, "house of worship" means any church, synagogue, mosque, other building or structure, or public or private place used for religious worship, religious instruction, or other religious purpose.
A person commits the offense of disrupting a house of worship if such person:
Intentionally and unreasonably disturbs, interrupts, or disquiets any house of worship by using profane discourse, rude or indecent behavior, or making noise either within the house of worship or so near it as to disturb the order and solemnity of the worship services; or
Intentionally injures, intimidates, or interferes with or attempts to injure, intimidate, or interfere with any person lawfully exercising the right of religious freedom in or outside of a house of worship or seeking access to a house of worship, whether by force, threat, or physical obstruction.
Note: Under certain circumstances this offense can be a felony under state law.
A person commits the offense of unlawful funeral protest if he or she pickets or engages in other protest activities within three hundred (300) feet of any residence, cemetery, funeral home, church, synagogue or other establishment during or within one (1) hour before or one (1) hour after the conducting of any actual funeral or burial service at that place.
Definitions. As used in this Section, the following terms mean:
Any action that is disruptive or undertaken to disrupt or disturb a funeral or burial service.
The ceremonies and memorial services held in conjunction with the burial or cremation of the dead, but this Section does not apply to processions while they are in transit beyond any three-hundred-foot zone that is established under Subsection (A) above.
The offense of unlawful funeral protest shall be an ordinance violation.
[Ord. No. 851, 8-21-2023]
Definitions. For the purpose of this Section, the following words shall have the meanings respective ascribed to them:
Words or phrases meant to incite violence or an immediate breach of the peace.
Having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matter, that may portray sexual conduct in a patently offensive way, and that lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.
Any place to which the general public has access and a right to resort for business, entertainment or other lawful purpose, but does not necessarily mean a place devoted solely to the uses of the public. It shall also include the front or immediate area of any store, shop, restaurant, tavern or other place of business and also public grounds, area or parks.
A person shall not commit or engage in any act of disorderly conduct. For the purpose of this Section, an act of disorderly conduct shall mean:
Acting in a violent or tumultuous manner toward another whereby any person is placed in danger or injury to his/her life, limb, or health.
Acting in a violent or tumultuous manner toward another, whereby public property or property of any other person is placed in danger of being destroyed or damaged.
Endangering lawful pursuits of another by acts of violence, threats of bodily harm, or abusive conduct.
Causing, provoking, or engaging in any fight, brawl, or riotous conduct so as to endanger the life, limb, health, or property of another or public property.
Assembling in bodies or in crowds and engage in unlawful activities.
Being in public while under the influence of an intoxicating liquor or drug in such a condition as to be unable to exercise care for his/her own safety or the safety of others.
Assembling or congregating with another or others for the purpose of causing, provoking, or engaging in any fight or brawl.
Frequenting any public place with the intent to obtain money from another by illegal or fraudulent schemes, tricks, artifices, or devises, or attempting to do so.
Any person, while in a public place, who utters in a loud, abusive, or threatening manner, any obscene words, epithets, or similar abusive language. Words merely causing displeasure or annoyance are not prohibited.
Using fighting words directed to another person.
Assembling or congregating with another or others for the purpose of causing bodily harm to another.
Making or causing to be made any loud, boisterous, and unreasonable noise or disturbance to the annoyance of any other persons nearby to any public highway, road, street, lane, alley, park square, or common, whereby the public peace is broken or disturbed or the traveling public annoyed.
Failing to obey a lawful order to disperse by a Police Officer when known to be such an official, where one (1) or more persons are committing acts of disorderly conduct in the immediate vicinity and the public health and safety is imminently threatened.
Obstructing singularly or congregating with another or others on any public way so as to halt the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic and refusing to clear such public way when ordered to do so by a Law Enforcement Officer or other person having authority.
Damaging, befouling, or disturbing public property or the property of another for the purpose of creating a hazardous, unhealthy, or physically offensive condition.
Causing inconvenience to another person or persons in a public place or on private property of another without consent by unreasonably and physically obstructing vehicular or pedestrian traffic or the free ingress or egress to or from the public or private place, either purposefully or while in an intoxicated or drugged condition.
Exemptions. Subsection (B) shall not be construed to suppress the right to lawful assembly, picketing, public speech, or other lawful means of expressing public opinion not in contravention of other laws.
Every non-residential use shall be so operated that the pressure level of sound or noise generated, measured in decibels, shall not exceed, at any point on a residential property lot line, the maximum decibel levels for the hours as set forth in the following table:
Maximum Permitted Sound Pressure Level in Decibels
8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.
8:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M.
All noise measurements shall be made on the property line of the impacted site. When instrumentation cannot be placed at the property line, the measurement shall be made as close thereto as is reasonable. However, noise measurements shall not be made at a distance less than twenty-five (25) feet from a noise source.
[Ord. No. 851, 8-21-2023]
A person commits the offense of drunkenness or drinking in a prohibited place if he or she enters any schoolhouse or church house in which there is an assemblage of people, met for a lawful purpose, or any courthouse, in an intoxicated and disorderly condition, or drinks or offers to drink any intoxicating liquors in the presence of such assembly of people, or in any courthouse.