It is unlawful for any person or persons to engage in advertising, or attracting attention to the existence or location of his or her place of business, by means of sound emitted through a loud speaker, sound amplifier, musical instrument, phonograph, radio speaker, or similar device located within the City and not on a vehicle or airplane.
(Prior code § 5-095)
Provided that such activity is not unlawful if in conformance with the following regulations:
The only sounds permitted are music or human speech;
Human speech amplified by the sound device shall not be lewd, indecent nor slanderous nor shall it be specifically addressed to individual pedestrians or motorists as distinguished from the public in general;
The volume of the sound shall be controlled so that it is not audible for a distance in excess of 50 feet;
Sound shall be issued from one loudspeaker or similar device only.
(Prior code § 5-096)
The operation of any such sound amplifying device in such a manner as to be audible at any distance in excess of 50 feet from the place of business in which it is located shall be prima facie evidence of and a rebuttable presumption of an intent of advertising or attracting attention to the existence or location of the place of business.
(Prior code § 5-096.1)
It is unlawful for any person or persons to provide the facilities for his or her employees to engage in advertising, or attracting attention to the existence or location of his or her place of business, by means of sound emitted through a loud speaker, sound amplifier, musical instrument, phonograph, radio speaker, or similar device located within the City and not on a vehicle or airplane; provided that it is not unlawful if the activity by the employee or employees conforms to the regulations set forth in Section 9.08.020.
(Prior code § 5-097)