No person, firm, company, partnership, corporation or association, shall fire or discharge within corporate limits of the City any pistol gun, rifle, cannon, air gun, pellet gun or other device of any kind whereby shot, pellet, bullet or other dangerous missile is discharged or projected.
(Prior code § 4-043)
The provisions of Section 9.56.010 shall not apply to regularly employed peace officers in the discharge of their official duties nor to persons using firearms in necessary self defense or to the operation or use of bona fide gun clubs, shooting and firing ranges, or shooting galleries.
(Prior code § 4-043.1)
The provisions of Section 9.56.010 shall not apply to persons using firearms for the purpose of destroying dangerous or noxious animals upon the land owned or occupied by them providing written permission is first had and obtained from the Chief of Police of the City.
(Prior code § 4-043.2)