It is unlawful and a misdemeanor for any person, firm or corporation, except a public officer or employee in the performance of a public duty, to place, paint, erect or maintain any sign on any public property or within any public right-of-way within the City, including, but not limited to, affixing any sign to any traffic device, utility pole or wire, streetlight, fire hydrant, bridge, fence, tree, bus bench, or any other object located within said public right-of-way.
This section shall not apply to freestanding signs which are placed by merchants in the immediate vicinity of their business, provided that all of the following conditions are met:
Only one freestanding sign is used for each business location; and
The sign does not impede public passage; and
The sign does not impair visibility for vehicular traffic; and
The sign is placed no more than 15 feet from the public entrance to the business.
(Prior code § 5-130)
Any sign violating any of the provisions of Section 12.80.010 is hereby declared to be and is a public nuisance.
(Prior code § 5-130.1)
Any sign which is in violation of Section 12.80.010 may be removed and destroyed. Fines may be assessed through the administrative citation process found in Chapter 1.32. There is a rebuttable presumption that the person, firm or corporation whose name, address or phone number is on the sign authorized, permitted, directed or approved the illegal posting of the sign on public property and shall be the responsible person for the purpose of imposing fines.
(Prior code § 5-130.2)