The poundmaster shall maintain a suitable enclosure at the pound for the keeping of all dogs impounded as provided by this chapter.
(Prior code § 20-23; Ord. 232 § 2, 1968)
The poundmaster, any deputy poundmaster, the city health officer and any police officer shall seize and impound any and all dogs found running at large or being within the city in violation of this chapter, and shall keep such dogs at and in the public pound until they shall have been either redeemed or humanely destroyed as provided by this chapter.
(Prior code § 20-24; Ord. 232 § 2, 1968; Ord. 274 § l, 1970)
The city health officer, poundmaster, deputy poundmaster, or any police officer shall be empowered to enter upon any private property for the purpose of ascertaining whether any dog kept or harbored therein is afflicted with rabies, or whether or not a license tag has been secured for such dog. The city health officer poundmaster, deputy poundmaster, or any police officer, in the immediate pursuit of a stray dog, shall be empowered to enter upon any private property for the purpose of capturing any dog thereon or therein so that the dog may be examined and impounded if necessary.
(Prior code § 20-25; Ord. 232 § 2, 1968; Ord. 477, 1974)
For further provisions regarding right of entry, see Chapter 1.08 of this code.
The poundmaster shall keep any stray dog not bearing a license tag for a period of at least five days. Any person, during this period who claims ownership, may redeem such dog; provided, that he has proof of ownership and the dog is validly licensed. If any stray dog is unclaimed within the five-day period, the poundmaster may offer such dog for adoption or humanely destroy such dog.
(Prior code § 20-26; Ord. 232 § 2, 1968; Ord. 1023 § 1, 1995)
The poundmaster shall keep a register in which shall be set forth a correct statement of all dogs impounded by him or her the date when each dog was impounded, the reason therefor, the description of each dog, the date of posting of each notice, the date of redeeming any dog, the date of disposition of any dog, the name of the purchaser and the date of destroying any dog.
(Prior code § 20-27; Ord. 232 § 2, 1968)
No dog impounded shall be redeemed except upon payment to the poundmaster of the following fees: for the first impounding of the dog, the sum of fifteen dollars; for the second such offense within a one-year period, the sum of thirty dollars; and for any additional impounding of the same dog within a one-year period, the sum of forty-five dollars. No cat impounded shall be redeemed except upon payment to the poundmaster of the sum of five dollars. Such sum as shall be established by the poundmaster, after notice to the city, for feeding the dog and cat during the time such dog and cat have been in the public pound.
(Prior code § 20-28; Ord. 232 § 2, 1968; Ord. 274 § 1, 1970; Ord. 436 § 4, 1973; Ord. 515 § 2, 1975; Ord. 672 § 1, 1979)
No person shall resist, obstruct or in any way hinder the poundmaster in the performance of his duties under this chapter, or take or remove any dog from the possession of the poundmaster or out of the public pound until the redemption fees are fully paid, nor shall any person remove any license tag from any dog, without permission of the owner thereof or of the person having control thereof.
(Prior code § 20-29; Ord. 232 § 2, 1968)