Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of the mayor that rabies or hydrophobia is prevalent among dogs within or near the city, he or she shall issue and publish a proclamation in the official newspaper of the city declaring the existence of rabies or hydrophobia and prohibiting all dogs at large unless on a leash or adequately muzzled; also, requiring unleashed and unmuzzled dogs in or on private property which is open to the public to be confined in a separate enclosure on such property.
(Prior code § 20-30; Ord. 232 § 2, 1968)
Immediately upon the publication of such proclamation as provided in the preceding section, no person owning, possessing, controlling or harboring any dog in the city shall allow such dog to run or be at large on any public street or place unless such dog is on leash or chain and properly muzzled, and all unleashed and unmuzzled dogs in or on private property which is open to the public shall be confined in a separate enclosure on such property. The muzzle used on each dog shall be securely fastened around the dog's head in such a manner that it will completely surround the jaws and nose of the dog on which it is fastened, and shall be constructed of sufficient strength and fitted in such a way as to prevent the dog from biting any person or other animal.
(Prior code § 20-31; Ord. 232 § 2, 1968)
After the issuance of the proclamation provided for in Section 6.20.010 of this chapter, the provisions thereof shall be, continue and remain in full force and effect until the publication of another proclamation by the mayor declaring all danger from rabies or hydrophobia has passed.
(Prior code § 20-32; Ord. 232 § 2, 1968)
Whenever the owner or person in control of any dog is informed that such dog has bitten a human being, he or she shall so inform the police department and shall immediately confine such dog or deliver it to the pound, and the failure to do so shall be unlawful.
Whenever the police department is informed that any dog has bitten a human being, it shall cause such dog to be taken immediately into custody and confined in the pound where such dog shall be under the observation of the health department for a period of fifteen days, or longer if necessary.
If it appears that such dog has rabies, the poundmaster shall cause it to be destroyed. If, at the end of such period of observation, it appears that such dog does not have rabies, it shall be released upon payment to the poundmaster of the sum of one dollar per day for food for such dog during the period of confinement, together with impounding fee of three dollars, provided, however, that if the owner or person in control of such dog immediately delivers it to the public pound upon learning that it has bitten a human being, an impounding fee not to exceed two dollars shall be charged.
(Prior code § 20-33; Ord. 232 § 2, 1968)
Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter, every person keeping, harboring or having any dog over four months of age in the city shall cause such dog to be vaccinated with rabies vaccine by a person licensed by the state or other state to practice veterinary medicine, on or before the latest of the following dates:
One year after vaccination with tissue phenolized vaccine;
Two years after vaccination with chick embryo vaccine;
Thirty days after first acquiring such dog;
Thirty days after bringing such dog within the incorporated territory of the city.
(Prior code § 20-34; Ord. 232 § 2, 1968)
Every person practicing veterinary medicine within the city who vaccinates a dog with rabies vaccine shall issue to the person to whom he or she delivers the dog an original and duplicate of a certificate signed by the veterinarian which contains the following information:
The name and address of the owner or harborer of the dog;
The kind of vaccine used, the name of the manufacturer and the manufacturer's serial lot number, and the date of vaccination;
The breed, age, color and sex of the vaccinated dog.
(Prior code § 20-35; Ord. 232 § 2, 1968)
The poundmaster, any officer or employee thereof and any peace officer shall have the right to enter upon any public or private property within the city, excepting a building designed and used for residential purposes, for the purpose of capturing any dog thereon or therein so that the dog can be examined. Every person who denies or prevents, obstructs or attempts to deny, prevent or obstruct such access is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Every person who owns, harbors or keeps a dog more than six months of age within the city who fails, refuses or neglects to furnish for inspection by the poundmaster, or any officer or employee thereof, or any peace officer, within five days from and after the request therefor, a certificate which complies with the provisions of this chapter, relating to rabies vaccine, is guilty of a misdemeanor, except in such cases as the city clerk or poundmaster is authorized to issue a dog license without requiring such a certificate.
(Prior code § 20-36; Ord. 232 § 2, 1968)
For further provisions regarding right of entry, see Chapter 1.08 of this code.
The poundmaster shall have the right to secure the vaccination of any dog which has been impounded, and the cost thereof shall be added to any purchase price charged in connection with selling or disposing of such animal, or the fees charged for the releasing of such dog to the owner, harborer or person seeking such dog.
(Prior code § 20-37; Ord. 232 § 2, 1968)
Every person keeping, harboring or having a dog within the city, which has been vaccinated with chick embryo vaccine, shall cause such dog to be revaccinated within a period of not more than two years after such prior vaccination.
(Prior code § 20-38; Ord. 232 § 2, 1968)
Every person keeping, harboring or having a dog in the city, which has been vaccinated with tissue phenolized vaccine, shall cause such dog to be revaccinated within a period of not more than one year after such prior vaccination.
(Prior code § 20-31; Ord. 232 § 2 (part) , 1968)
The city clerk or poundmaster shall not issue a license tag for any dog unless the applicant exhibits a certificate signed by a veterinarian licensed by this state or any other state to practice veterinary medicine, which certificate shows that the dog for which the license shall be issued has been vaccinated in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6.20.050, 6.20.090 and 6.20.100 of this chapter.
(Prior code § 20-40; Ord. 232 § 2, 1968)
Whenever the city clerk shall issue license tags and a license for any dog, other than a kennel license, there shall be shown on the receipt therefor, the age of the dog, the date of the latest vaccination and the type of such vaccination used as shown on the veterinarian's certificate, or, if the license was issued without proof of vaccination, the reason therefor.
(Prior code § 20-41; Ord. 232 § 2, 1968)
No dog shall be permitted to be redeemed from the dog pound and no dog shall be released therefrom unless and until the person to whom such dog is released produces satisfactory proof of compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior code § 20-42; Ord. 232 § 2, 1968)