The purpose of this chapter is to promote the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the city, and to protect the city's neighborhoods against blighting and deteriorating influences or conditions that contribute to the downgrading of neighborhood aesthetics and property values by establishing minimum standards, in addition to standards contained in other laws, rules and regulations, for the maintenance of all building exteriors, premises and vacant land.
(Ord. 1011 § 1, 1994)
No person owning, leasing, occupying, or having the care or management of any real property in the city shall maintain such property in such a manner that any of the following conditions exist thereon:
Buildings which are partially destroyed or permitted to remain unreasonably in a state of partial construction;
The failure to close, by such means as will protect against entry without the use of substantial force, all doorways, windows and other openings leading into vacant structures;
Broken windows constituting a hazardous condition or inviting trespassers and malicious mischief; or constituting a condition tending to depreciate the aesthetic and property values of surrounding properties;
Paint deterioration upon buildings, causing dry rot, warping or lack of weather protection;
The maintenance of any structure in a state of substantial deterioration, such as peeling paint on a facade, broken windows, roofs in disrepair, damaged porches, broken steps or other such deterioration or disrepair not otherwise constituting a violation, and which is visible from a public right-of-way, where such condition would have a tendency to depreciate the aesthetic and property values of surrounding properties;
Broken or discarded furniture and household equipment on the premises for unreasonable periods of time, but not less than seventy-two hours, and visible from the public right-of-way, and having a tendency to depreciate the aesthetic and property values of surrounding properties;
Boxes, lumber, trash, dirt and debris either inside or outside buildings and visible from the public right-of-way for unreasonable periods of time, but not less than seventy-two hours, and having a tendency to depreciate the aesthetic and property values of surrounding properties;
The accumulation of rubbish, litter or debris in vestibules, doorways or the adjoining sidewalks of commercial or industrial buildings;
The outside storage of building materials, machinery, or other material or equipment used in or for a business on any lot in any residential district and which is visible from a public right-of-way, except during construction on the lot;
Accessible conditions potentially dangerous to children, including:
Unprotected and/or hazardous pools, ponds, spas and excavations, or
Abandoned or broken appliances or equipment, or
Neglected machinery;
Any wall or fence maintained in such condition or deterioration or disrepair as to constitute a hazard to persons; leaning walls or fences; walls or fences with missing or damaged blocks or slats; fence materials which are unsightly due to chipping or peeling; or walls or fences repaired with materials dissimilar from and visually inharmonious with the original and which is visible from the public right-of way;
Dead, decayed, diseased or hazardous trees, shrubs, weeds and other vegetation:
Constituting unsightly appearance, or
Creating fire hazards or health hazards dangerous to public safety and welfare, or
Having a tendency to depreciate the aesthetic and property values of surrounding properties, or
Obstructs a public street, trail or sidewalk in a manner which makes it impassable or otherwise endangers the public safety and welfare;
The keeping of property with a lack of adequate landscaping or groundcover sufficient to prevent blowing dust and erosion;
Any sidewalk, hardscape or parking facility, with potholes, broken, raised or depressed sections, large cracks, mud and/or dust, accumulation of loose material, faded or illegible pavement striping or other deterioration;
Front yards, side yards or rear yards visible from an abutting street or alley which lacks substantial landscaping. "Substantial" means these entire yards shall be landscaped, except for that portion covered by a paved driveway or sidewalk. "Landscaping" shall mean the planting and continuous maintenance of some combination of trees, shrubs, vines, ground covers, flowers, lawns or other decorative features to land.
(Ord. 1011 § 1, 1994; Ord. 1170 § 6, 2007)
Every person violating any provision of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor or an infraction as provided in Section 1.12.010.
(Ord. 1011 § 1, 1994)
This chapter is not the exclusive regulation of maintenance of structures and properties within the city. It shall supplement and be in addition to the other regulatory codes, statutes and ordinances heretofore or hereafter enacted by the city, the county, the state or any other legal entity or agency having jurisdiction.
(Ord. 1011 § 1, 1994)
If a property owner fails to correct a violation relating to substandard housing within six months or the time prescribed in a written notice of violation, whichever is later, the city manager or his designee may submit a notice of noncompliance to the Franchise Tax Board to prohibit individuals, banks and corporations from claiming deductions for interest, taxes, depreciation or amortization with respect to the substandard housing pursuant to the provisions of Sections 17274 and 24436.5, as applicable, of the California Revenue and Taxation Code.
(Ord. 1011 § 1, 1994)
Any violation of this chapter may be abated, as a public nuisance, pursuant to the procedures set forth in Chapter 8.16 of this code.
(Ord. 1011 § 1, 1994)