Prior to filing any map, the prospective subdivider should meet with the department of community development to discuss possible subdivision design, dedication requirements and supplemental information required.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
Prior to filing an application for a tentative map, the subdivider shall submit thirty-six preliminary maps and data related to the design, layout, grading and other features proposed for the development as required by the department of community development. The department will advise the subdivider of any changes to the proposal which the subdivision committee deems appropriate as a result of its preliminary review. The preliminary map review time shall not be considered as part of the time limit specified by the Subdivision Map Act for necessary action on tentative maps.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
A subdivision committee shall review each preliminary map prior to the subdivider filing an application for a tentative map, and thereafter shall act in an advisory capacity to the planning commission. The subdivision committee shall consist of the following persons or their designated representatives:
The director of the department of community development, who shall act as chairperson;
The city engineer;
The superintendent of building and public safety;
The director of parks and recreation; and
Such other persons deemed necessary by the subdivision committee for the consideration of any tentative map.
In its review of a preliminary map prior to the filing of an application for a tentative map, the subdivision committee shall obtain any necessary reports concerning the proposed subdivision from the chief engineer of the Los Angeles County flood control district, the Los Angeles County fire chief, the Los Angeles County health officer, and any other persons deemed necessary by the subdivision committee.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
Each tentative map shall show and contain the following information:
The tentative map number;
Sufficient legal description of the land included on the map to define the boundaries of the tentative tract or parcel map;
Names, addresses and telephone numbers of the record owner, developer and registered civil engineer preparing the map;
North point, scale, date and area of tract or parcel map, and the date of survey;
The width and approximate locations of all existing or proposed easements or rights-of-way whether for public or private roads, drainage, sewers or flood control purposes, shown by dashed lines. Existing easements shall show the name of the easement holder, purpose of easement, and the legal reference for the easement. If an easement is blanket or indeterminate in nature, a note to this effect shall be placed on the tentative map;
The actual street names of each existing highway or street shown on the tentative map;
The locations, widths and approximate grades of all existing and proposed highways, streets, alleys, or ways within and adjacent to such tentative map. The radius of all centerline curves on highways, streets, alleys or ways; a cross section of each street; and any planned line for street widening or for any other public project in and adjacent to the land division. The lettered designation of each proposed highway or street shown on the tentative map;
The lot layout, the approximate dimensions of each lot, number of each lot, total area in square footage or acreage to the nearest one-tenth acre of each lot, and where pads are proposed for building sites, the approximate finish grade. Minimum lettering shall be one-eighth inch;
The locations of all areas subject to inundation or flood hazard and the locations, width, and directions of flow of all watercourses and flood control areas within and adjacent to the property involved;
The contour of the land at intervals of not more than two feet if the general slope of the land is more than ten percent and five feet for all other areas. This shall include an area not less than one hundred feet surrounding the tentative tract;
The location and outline to scale of each building or structure within or immediately adjacent to the division of land and the proposed disposition of such building or structure. The approximate location, height and general description of any trees with notations as to their retention or destruction;
The location of existing water wells, sumps, cesspools, sewers, culverts, drain pipe, underground structures or sand, gravel, or other excavations within the subdivision and within two hundred feet of any portion of the subdivision noting thereon whether or not they are to be abandoned, removed or used;
The location of existing or proposed surface easements, ground leases, or access agreements;
A general location map of the area to be subdivided showing its relation to existing main thoroughfares and the distance from the nearest public street centerline to the boundary of the proposed subdivision;
The location of all streets, existing or contained on adjacent approved tentative maps where such streets intersect the boundary of the subdivision or where such streets intersect another street that forms a boundary of the subdivision;
A layout of adjoining unsubdivided property in sufficient detail to show the effect of proposed streets that may intersect such property;
The location of any previously filled areas within the subdivision;
Proposed direction of flow and rate of grade of street drainage;
Statement of the present use and the proposed use or uses of the property;
The tentative map shall clearly indicate the proposal for handling of stormwaters. In the event that such information cannot satisfactorily be shown on the tentative map, the map shall be accompanied by whatever supplemental maps or written reports are necessary to show the proposal;
The tentative map shall clearly show the method of sewage disposal. In the event this information cannot satisfactorily be shown on the tentative map, the map shall be accompanied by whatever supplemental maps or written reports are necessary to show the proposal;
The designation of all remainder parcels pursuant to Section 66424.6 of the Subdivision Map Act;
An affidavit signed by the owner or owners of record of the property which is the subject of the map stating that the owner or owners are aware that the map constitutes an application to subdivide the property pursuant to this title.
The following supplemental drawings, statements and data shall accompany the tentative map:
A statement of existing and proposed zoning and existing and proposed uses of the property;
If the subdivider plans to develop the site, then he shall provide a proposed site plan with proposed sequence of construction. If no development is proposed, the site plan shall show existing conditions on the site;
A statement by a person holding a proprietary interest in the parcel or parcels comprising the division of land, consenting to the submission of the tentative map;
A preliminary title report;
A geologic and/or soils report if required by the city engineer;
A flood hazard report from the Los Angeles County flood control district;
A preliminary grading plan;
An environmental assessment statement and/or input for a draft Environmental Impact Report, as determined by the director of community development;
If the map is for conversion of existing buildings into condominiums, community apartments, or a stock cooperative, the subdivider shall submit all reports required by, or deemed necessary by the department of community development in order to meet the requirements of Article 8, Chapter 7 of the San Dimas zoning ordinance, and in addition, the following:
A report from a licensed structural pest control operator, approved by the city, on each structure and each unit within the structure,
A statement of repairs and improvements to be made by the subdivider necessary to refurbish and restore the project to achieve a high degree of appearance and safety,
Evidence that requirements of Section 66427.1 and other sections of the Subdivision Map Act related to tenant notification have been met,
Specific information concerning the demographic characteristics of the project including, but not limited to, makeup of existing tenant households (family size, length of residence, age), rental rate history, monthly vacancy rates, proposed sale price of units, and proposed homeowners' association fee;
Any other data or reports as deemed necessary by the department of community development and/or the city engineer.
The director of the department of community development may waive any of the foregoing requirements when, in his discretion, any such requirement is not necessary due to the nature of the proposed subdivision of land, or other circumstances justify such waiver.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
The tentative map and all other information required for processing shall be filed with the department of community development. Filing fees and deposits shall be those prescribed by resolution of the city council.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
The department of community development shall distribute copies of the tentative map and, where appropriate, required written statements to members of the subdivision committee, and shall cause a report regarding the same to be forwarded to the subdivider and to the planning commission at least three days prior to any hearing or action by the planning commission.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
The planning commission shall hold a public hearing on the tentative map. Notice of the hearing shall be given pursuant to Sections 66451.3 and 66451.4 of the Subdivision Map Act, and ten days mailed notice of the hearing shall be given to the subdivider and to all property owners within three hundred feet of the subdivision, as shown on the last equalized assessment roll. After the public hearing, and within fifty days after filing of the tentative map with its clerk, the commission shall recommend approval, conditional approval, or disapproval of the tentative map to the city council. Any action taken by the planning commission shall be supported by the findings required by Sections 66427.1, 66473.5, 66474, and 66474.6 of the California Government Code and Section 21100 of the California Public Resources Code.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
Within thirty days after the filing of the recommendation of the planning commission with the city council, the city council shall hold a public hearing on the tentative map. Within thirty days after the filing of the recommendations of the planning commission with the city council, the city council shall approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the tentative map. Any action taken by the city council shall be supported by the required findings set forth in Section 17.12.070. Action of the city council is final.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
The time limits for acting and reporting on tentative maps may be extended by mutual consent of the subdivider and the department of community development, the planning commission, or the council, as the case may be. No tentative map application shall be deemed to be complete until such time as all documentation, determined to be necessary by the director of the department of community development, is submitted to the director and is determined by the director to be complete, including environmental documentation required under the California Environmental Quality Act.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
Approved or conditionally approved tentative maps shall expire twenty-four months following approval or constitutional approval, unless an extension for a period or periods not to exceed a total of twenty-four months is granted by the city council.
A subdivider may request an extension by written application to the director of the department of community development. Such application shall be filed at least thirty days before the tentative map is due to expire. Requests for all extensions shall be accompanied by a processing fee as prescribed by resolution of the city council.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)