If the master plan of highways shows any highway so located that any portion thereof lies within any proposed subdivision, such portion shall be shown as a highway within such subdivision in the general location shown on the master plan of highways unless the city council finds that there is a reasonable probability that the master plan will be so amended as to remove or change the location of any portion of such highway within the proposed subdivision or unless an exception is granted pursuant to Section 17.20.010.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
Each major or secondary highway shall conform in width and substantially in alignment with that shown or indicated in the master plan of highways.
Except in mountainous areas, the centerline curve radius of a major highway shall not be less than one thousand five hundred feet.
Except in mountainous areas, the centerline curve radius of a secondary highway shall be not less than one thousand feet.
In mountainous areas, such centerline curve radius may be reduced to not less than three hundred feet.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
Any part-width major or secondary highway, or any reservation therefor lying along and adjacent to any boundary of a subdivision, shall have such a width as will conform to the lines shown on the master plan of highways covering the same portion of such subdivision.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
Wherever any highway within a subdivision intersects any railroad, interurban or street car right-of-way, and such highway is shown as a major or secondary highway upon the master plan of highways, and provision is made in such plan of highways for the location of a separation of grades at such intersection, the street layout of the subdivision shall be such as to conform to the plan of such separation.
Each lot abutting upon a proposed cut or fill necessary for the approach to such grade separation shall be given suitable access elsewhere.
Wherever it is proposed to subdivide property abutting an approach to an existing or proposed bridge, the division shall be arranged so that any lot abutting such approach has suitable access elsewhere and the street layout adequately provides for such approach.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
On any street or highway other than a major or secondary highway, no centerline curve radius of less than one hundred feet shall be provided, unless sufficient evidence is offered by the subdivider to show that the one hundred foot radius is not practicable.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
Except as provided in Section 17.40.020, any highway or street intersecting any other highway or street shall intersect it at an angle as nearly a right angle as practicable.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
Where a street which is designed to remain a dead-end street is to be provided, an adequate turning area shall be provided at the dead-end thereof.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
Areas where, in the opinion of the county forester and fire warden, there will be a fire hazard to the watershed or any other properties, a cul-de-sac or a dead-end street in excess of five hundred feet in length shall have a pavement width of not less than thirty-six feet within a minimum right-of-way width of forty-two feet.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
In areas where, in the opinion of the county forester and fire warden, there will be a fire hazard to the watershed or any other properties, unobstructed fire protection equipment access easements not less than fifteen feet wide shall be dedicated from the public highway to the subdivision boundary. The county forester and fire warden shall recommend the location, design and grading to be required for such easements.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
Except as otherwise stated in Section 17.40.120, an alley thirty feet wide shall be provided at the rear of all lots where the property is to be used for multiple residential use (not including two-family use) or commercial or other less restrictive use.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
Where two alleys intersect, a cutoff of not less than ten feet along each alley shall be provided.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
Wherever it is proposed to subdivide property abutting a major or secondary highway, an alley to the rear of the lots fronting thereon shall be provided unless the city determines that the circumstances of the property or of adjoining property render it inadvisable or undesirable to provide alleys. Where an alley is not required, the subdivider shall provide a service road or other local street.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
Except in the case of any reversion to acreage map, vacation map, or lot line map, a transverse pedestrian way of adequate width may be required through the approximate middle of each block having a length of more than seven hundred feet. No such pedestrian way shall have a grade exceeding thirty percent; provided, that where one or more adequate stairways in any such pedestrian way are made a part of the improvement thereof, the grade of such stairways may be as great as seventy-five percent.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
In mountainous areas where it is impossible or impracticable to provide streets, trails of not less than fifteen feet in width may be provided in lieu of streets; provided, that no portion of any such trail shall be located at a distance greater than fifteen hundred feet from the nearest public street or highway, such distance being measured along the centerline of such trail, and provided further that no such trail, nor any portion thereof, shall have a grade exceeding thirty percent.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
In any subdivision wherein any lots front upon any trail and not upon any street or highway, there shall be dedicated or reserved, adjacent or accessible to some highway or street, one or more parking areas for the benefit of the lots fronting upon such trails.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
Each highway other than a major or secondary highway shall have a width of right-of-way which conforms to the following standards:
For neighborhood entrance streets, collector streets, and all local streets and areas to be used for other than one-family or two-family residences, sixty feet with a paved area of forty-two feet in width, unless a different width is specified upon approval of the tentative map;
For local streets in a gridiron type division, one-family or two-family use, sixty feet in width with a paved area of forty-two feet in width, unless a different width is specified upon approval of the tentative map;
For loop, cul-de-sac, or local streets serving more than twenty-four lots, one-family or two-family use, fifty-four feet in width with a paved area of a width specified upon approval of the tentative map;
For loop or local streets serving twenty-four lots or less, one-family use, fifty feet in width with a paved area of a width specified upon approval of the tentative map;
Streets not otherwise hereinabove mentioned shall have a width as specified upon approval of the tentative map.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
No highway or street shall have a grade of more than six percent, except for short stretches where the topography makes it impracticable to keep within such grade, and in no event shall the grade exceed ten percent, except where a finding is made that a lower grade is not possible.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
Wherever a determination is made that a street is necessary for the future subdivision of the property as shown on the subdivision may or for adjoining property, but that the present dedication and construction of such street is not warranted, the city may require that the location, width and extent to such street shall be shown on the final map as an irrevocable offer to dedicate such street.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)
At each street intersection, the property line at each block corner shall be rounded with a curve of radius R and shall be concentric with the curb radius. Curb radii for local intersection streets shall not be less than twenty-five feet, and for major and secondary intersections shall not be less than thirty-five feet.
(Ord. 795 § 1, 1983)