As used in this chapter, "residential zones" means zones SF, SFA, SFDR, SFH, AL, MFD, MF, MF-30, and MF-D, and those specific plans which permit or conditionally permit residential uses.
(Ord. 37 § 201, 1961; Ord. 931 § 3, 1990; Ord. 1226 § 1, 2014)
A person shall not use any premises in any residential zone except as hereinafter specifically permitted by this chapter and subject to all regulations and conditions enumerated in this chapter.
(Ord. 37 § 202, 1961)
The provisions of Section 18.156.100 of this title shall apply for parking or storage of a recreational vehicle, trailer, boat, truck camper, or camper shell. No recreational vehicle, trailer, boat, truck camper, or camper shell in any residential zone, except in an authorized trailer park, shall be used for living purposes, except as provided in the provisions of this title dealing with single-family residential zones.
(Ord. 37 § 203, 1961; Ord. 1188 § 1, 2009)
In any building project, during construction and sixty days thereafter, property in a residential zone may be used for the storage of materials used in the construction of the individual buildings in the project and for the contractor's temporary office.
(Ord. 37 § 204, 1961)
A person shall not keep or maintain any live pig or hog of any age in any residential zone, whether such pig or hog is kept or maintained for the personal use of the occupant or otherwise.
(Ord. 37 § 205, 1961)
Household pets may be kept as an incidental use in residential zones under the following conditions:
Such pets shall not be kept in such number or under such conditions that create a neighborhood nuisance from noise, odors, dust or appearance.
Not more than three adult dogs or cats or any combination thereof may be kept.
Not more than three small animals, such as guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, or white mice, or any combination thereof, may be kept.
Not more than a total of fifteen song birds such as canaries, parakeets, and finches, parrots, or similar birds typically kept indoors as household pets shall be kept.
Fowl may be kept as household pets only as described under the following circumstances:
Fowl kept as household pets may only be kept on lots five thousand square feet in area or greater.
On lots ranging from five thousand square feet to ten thousand nine hundred ninety-nine square feet in size, chickens (hens only) may be kept at a maximum total of four.
On lots ranging from eleven thousand square feet to twenty thousand square feet in size, chickens (hens only), ducks, and geese may be kept at a maximum total combination of four fowl.
On lots twenty thousand and one square feet or larger, chickens (hens only), ducks, and geese may be kept at a maximum total combination of fifteen fowl.
Fowl kept as household pets may only be kept as an incidental use to a detached, single-family residence in zones which permit single-family residential uses. Fowl are not permitted on multiple-family properties or on attached duplex type developments.
Fowl kept as household pets may be kept as pets and for egg-laying purposes for the sole use of the residents of the property. On-site slaughter and selling or distributing of eggs is prohibited in conjunction with the keeping of fowl for household pets.
An appropriate coop enclosure must be provided to house fowl with a minimum of four square feet per fowl. Coops may not exceed six feet in height or one hundred twenty square feet in area and must comply with the setback requirements for accessory structures in the zone they are located in as well as required distance separations as required by the County Health Code and as subsection C, and in no case shall coops be located closer than five feet to a property line or be visible from the public right-of-way. When allowed outside their coops, fowl must be kept within adequate fences no greater than six feet in height so that they do not have access to neighboring property. Fowl must be kept inside their coops between dusk and dawn.
Clean water must be provided for all fowl, and an appropriately sized water source for bathing must be provided for ducks and geese.
Feed for fowl must be stored in rodent proof containers and feeders.
Fowl must be kept in a sanitary manner and in accordance with all County Health Code requirements.
No venomous animals nor any animal that cannot be or is not actually prevented from invading or becoming a nuisance to neighboring premises may be kept.
The keeping of roosters and peacocks is prohibited in the city.
All animals shall be properly housed at a distance of not less than thirty-five feet from any residence. If allowed outside their houses, animals shall be kept within adequate fences so that they do not have access to neighboring property.
Homing pigeons which are not kept or raised for the market or other commercial purposes, may be kept and liberated for exercise or racing within not less than thirty-five feet from any door, window or other opening of any dwelling.
Definition. "Homing pigeon" means a pigeon trained to return home from a distance. Such homing pigeons can be identified by a seamless leg band issued by the American Racing Pigeon Union and marked with the letters AU and the figures designating the year issued and serial number.
A permit in writing authorizing the keeping and liberating for exercise and racing of such homing pigeons shall be obtained from the planning department. Each application for a permit to keep and liberate for exercise and racing of homing pigeons shall be made upon forms to be furnished for that purpose by the city signed by the applicant and filed with the city. No such application shall be received for filing unless accompanied by a filing fee of five dollars.
A permit to keep homing pigeons for exercise and racing shall be issued by the city subject to and upon compliance by the applicant with the following conditions:
All feed for such homing pigeons shall be stored in containers which offer protection against rodents;
All food scraps and droppings shall be removed from the premises at least once a week and disposed of in a sanitary manner;
The lofts or pigeon houses where such homing pigeons are kept shall be soundly constructed, properly maintained and adequately landscaped to blend with and conform to the surrounding area;
The lofts or pigeon houses shall be maintained in a sanitary condition and in compliance with the health regulations of the city and those promulgated by the state racing pigeon organization;
The city or its duly authorized representative shall have the right to inspect each loft and pigeon house at such times as it shall deem advisable;
No more than one hundred pigeons, inclusive of nestlings, shall be kept on any one lot or parcel of ground located within the city.
Subject to a finding by the director of planning of compliance with all city requirements, each permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be valid for a period of one year and shall be renewable on the payment to the city of a renewal fee in the sum of five dollars annually.
The planning director may revoke any permit granted under this section after a hearing subsequent to ten days' written notice to the permittee if a material violation of the permit has occurred. Anyone aggrieved by the decision of the planning director may within ten days after receipt of notice of the planning director's decision appeal the decision in writing to the planning commission.
(Ord. 37 § 206, 1961; Ord. 120 § 2, 1964; Ord. 368 § 1, 1972; Ord. 1226 § 1, 2014)