The purpose of the MF-D zone is to provide for the development of duplexes, to insure that such development is compatible with contiguous uses, to encourage well-planned neighborhoods through creative and imaginative site planning, and to insure integrated design and unified control of design.
(Ord. 37 § 231.35, 1961; Ord. 384 § 2, 1972)
Buildings, structures and land shall be used, and buildings and structures shall hereafter be erected, structurally altered or enlarged only for the uses enumerated below, other than those uses the commission may deem to be similar and not detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 18.192 of this title. All uses shall be subject to the property development standards in Section 18.48.040.
Primary Uses.
Single-family residential dwellings.
Duplex residential dwellings.
Manufactured housing on a permanent foundation where it is the only dwelling unit on the parcel.
Incidental Uses.
Home occupations.
Household pets as described and regulated in Chapter 18.20 Residential Zones Generally.
(Ord. 37 § 231.36, 1961; Ord. 384 § 2, 1972; Ord. 747 § 2, 1981; Ord. 1226 § 1, 2014)
The following uses shall be permitted pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 18.200:
Educational institutions (public or private).
Day care centers.
Public utility substations.
Public or private utility service facility, including vehicle, equipment and material parking/storage and related activities.
(Ord. 37 § 231.37, 1961; Ord. 384 § 2, 1972; Ord. 892 § 1, 1989)
The following property development standards shall apply to all land and buildings in the MF-D zone, except that any lot with an area less than seven thousand five hundred square feet but more than six thousand square feet held under separate ownership of record on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section, may be developed in accordance with standards applicable to lots containing seven thousand five hundred square feet without reference to dimension requirements.
Lot Area. Minimum seven thousand five hundred square feet.
Lot Dimensions.
Width. Each lot shall have a minimum width of sixty feet, measured at each and every point between two boundaries at either side of the lot which are perpendicular, or approximately perpendicular, to a public right-of-way upon which the lot has frontage or to which the lot has access.
The minimum width of a flag lot may be reduced to twenty feet, provided that this minimum width shall pertain solely to that portion of the flag lot upon which is located the right-of-way connecting the remainder of the flag lot to a public right-of-way, and further provided that the remainder of the flag lot shall meet the minimum width and area otherwise required.
Depth. Minimum one hundred twenty-five feet.
Density. One dwelling unit shall be permitted for each three thousand seven hundred fifty square feet of lot area.
Building Height.
No building or structure erected in this zone shall have a height greater than thirty feet or two stories, whichever is less, except that a steeple, spire or other similar projection above a building used primarily for religious purposes, may extend the total height of the structure and steeple, spire or other similar projection as high as forty feet, provided that the height of the steeple, spire or other similar projection shall be harmonious in design with the building or structure and with the surrounding neighborhood and a development plan is approved by the development plan review board in accordance with Chapter 18.12 of this title.
Where a building or structure is erected on sloping terrain having a twenty-five percent gradient, the height of the building or structure shall be measured from the highest adjoining ground surface level at the base of the building or structure.
Front. There shall be a front yard setback of twenty feet.
Dwelling Unit.
Where the dwelling units are located parallel to the depth of the lot, as shown in the accompanying diagram, there shall be a minimum side yard setback of seven and one-half feet on both sides.
 Title 18--Image-5.tif
For all others, there shall be a side yard setback of five feet on one side and ten feet on the other side. Zero side yard may be used provided a minimum fifteen-foot setback is provided on the other side.
Where a side yard is contiguous to a street, the minimum side yard setback shall be ten feet.
Each lot with an existing nonconforming dwelling unit which otherwise meets current building and zoning requirements, may have additions placed at existing building setbacks with not less than five-foot side yards.
Detached Garages and Accessory Buildings. There shall be a minimum side yard setback of five feet. Zero side yard may be utilized provided a minimum ten-foot setback is provided on the other side. The floor area of such accessory buildings shall not exceed six hundred square feet.
Rear. The minimum rear yard shall be twenty-five feet. Detached garages and accessory storage buildings may be located in the rear yard within three feet of the rear property line. If there is alley access for the parcel a detached garage may have a three-foot setback from the rear property line provided the door faces the alley and is provided with a garage door opener.
Projections Into Rear or Side Yards.
Eaves, balconies, patio roofs and exterior stairways may project not more than fifty percent into the required yard.
Fireplaces may project twenty-four inches into a required yard.
Fences and Walls.
Required. Where an MF-D zone sides or rears on a single-family residential zone, there shall be a decorative masonry wall not less than six feet in height erected adjacent to the property line abutting such zone, except that such fence shall be reduced to not more than forty-two inches in height in any required yard abutting a street.
Permitted. Fences, walls and retaining walls not greater than six feet in height shall be permitted on or within all rear and side property lines on interior lots and corner lots when abutting a street, and on or to the rear of all front setback lines.
Side and Rear Yard Property Lines. There shall be a decorative masonry wall, not less than five feet or greater than six feet in height, erected on side and rear yard property lines. Except that, such wall shall be reduced to not more than forty-two inches in height in any required front yard abutting a street. Where a single-family dwelling unit is constructed on an MF-D zoned parcel, a wood fence may be substituted for a masonry wall. If access to parking facilities is from an alley, gates may be required in the wall for access.
Fencing. Interior unit fencing for private yards shall be provided. Precise design shall be submitted to the development plan review board for review and approval.
Floor Area of Dwelling Units. The minimum floor area per unit shall be:
Units with no bedrooms: Four hundred fifty square feet.
Units with one bedroom: Six hundred fifty square feet.
Units with two bedrooms: Eight hundred fifty square feet.
Units with three bedrooms or more, an additional area for each additional bedroom of not less than two hundred fifty square feet.
Open Green Areas. A minimum of twenty-five percent of the total lot or parcel area shall be maintained as usable open green area.
Open green areas shall be conveniently located and easily accessible from all dwelling units.
Open green areas may include swimming pools, putting greens, court game facilities and landscaped portions of required setbacks.
Open green areas shall not include streets, vehicular accessways or parking areas.
Landscaping. All required yards and open green areas shall be landscaped pursuant to an approved landscaping plan. Landscaping shall be maintained by an automatic sprinkler system in front yards for single-family dwelling units, and throughout the entire parcel for other developments. All landscaping shall be kept weeded and disease free.
Utilities. All utility services shall be installed underground.
Refuse Storage. All outdoor trash, garbage and refuse storage shall be screened from public view.
Lighting. All lighting of the buildings, landscape areas or parking areas shall be so located as to not reflect upon adjoining properties.
Off-Street Parking. The provisions of Chapter 18.156 shall apply. Enclosed garages are required and shall be developed in accordance with Section 18.48.040(E)(2)(b). Carports may be permitted if all applicable parking requirements and development standards have been satisfied.
Architectural Treatment. Walls of all structures shall be treated in such a manner as to provide architectural pleasantness. Such treatment may include, but shall not be limited to, off-sets, projections, balconies, patios and other such amenities that will eliminate a blank wall appearance.
Signs. The provisions of Chapter 18.152 shall apply.
Storage Facilities. There shall be an area for parking of trailers, boats, campers, camper shells, motor homes and similar vehicles equal to one ten-foot by twenty-foot storage space for each parcel. Adequate access and maneuverability shall be provided. This area shall be exclusive of any structural or physical encroachments other than eave overhangs or improvements which do not project more than twenty-four inches into the required area. When actually used for recreational storage area, it shall be paved with Portland cement concrete at least three and one-half inches thick.
(Ord. 37 § 231.38, 1961; Ord. 384 § 2, 1972; Ord. 421 § 2, 1973; Ord. 649, 1978; Ord. 771 § 2, 1982; Ord. 797 § 3, 1983; Ord. 899 § 2, 1989; Ord. 936 §§ 1—4, 1990)
Before any building or structure is erected in this zone, a development plan complying with the requirements of this zone shall have been submitted to and approved by the planning director.
(Ord. 37 § 231.39, 1961; Ord. 384 § 2, 1972)