The A-L light agricultural zone is intended to promote the orderly development of large open areas of land; to provide appropriate areas for the establishment of agricultural uses; and to serve as an area into which single-family residential development may extend as the demand arises. This zone is intended primarily to provide for agricultural uses but provision is made for a harmonious arrangement of residential development, recreational facilities and community services which are necessary or desirable for the area in which such zone is located.
(Ord. 37 § 232.01, 1961; Ord. 419 § 2, 1975; Ord. 1226 § 1, 2014)
Buildings, structures and land shall be used, and buildings and structures shall hereafter be erected, structurally altered or enlarged only for the following uses, plus such other uses as the commission may deem, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 18.192, to be similar and not more obnoxious or detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare. All uses shall be subject to the property development standards in Section 18.64.040.
The following uses are permitted:
General Uses.
Horticulture and agriculture.
Single-family residences with not more than one residence per lot.
Grazing on permanent pasture of cattle or horses on a lot or parcel of land having an area of not less than five acres; provided that such grazing is not conducted in conjunction with any dairy, livestock feed yard, or livestock sales yard. The number of such animals shall not exceed ten per acre, unweaned offsprings excepted. Such animals shall not be kept within thirty-five feet of any residence.
Accessory Uses.
Home occupation.
Two horses may be maintained on a lot or parcel of land having an area of sixteen thousand square feet; provided, the horses are kept or maintained for the private use of the family residing on the premises. One additional horse may be kept for each additional seven thousand five hundred square feet; however, the number of horses maintained shall not exceed five per acre. A registered breeder may maintain an additional three horses per acre for breeding purposes, provided a permit for such purposes has been obtained. Horses shall not be maintained within thirty-five feet of any residence. They shall be maintained in a corral area containing at least three hundred square feet for the first horse; an additional two hundred square feet of corral area shall be provided for each additional horse. Corral areas shall consist of pipe fencing at least five feet in height. Stables shall be provided consisting of structures with weatherproof roofs having an area of sixty square feet for the first horse and an additional thirty-six square feet for each additional horse. The corral and stable areas shall be sprinklered so as to prevent the emanation of dust and odors, and in addition, all accumulations of manure, mud or refuse shall be eliminated so as to prevent the breeding of flies.
Household pets as described and regulated in Chapter 18.20 Residential Zones Generally.
The following may be maintained on a parcel of land having a minimum area of eleven thousand square feet, and provided such are maintained a minimum of thirty-five feet from any residence:
Rabbits, not to exceed one buck and four does;
Fowl for meat purposes, not to exceed twenty-five;
Chickens for eggs, not to exceed twenty layers;
Calves, not to exceed one calf under two years of age;
Goats, not to exceed two milk goats and one young goat.
Accessory buildings or structures including, but not limited to:
Caretaker residences;
Windmills, silos, buildings or structures for the protection of farm equipment, water wells, water reservoirs and storage tanks;
Stands for the purpose of displaying and selling agriculture products produced on the premises; provided, that the floor area of such stands shall not exceed three hundred square feet and not more than one stand shall be permitted on a lot or parcel of land.
(Ord. 37 § 232.02, 1961; Ord. 419 § 2, 1975; Ord. 1226 § 1, 2014)
The following uses may be permitted subject to a conditional use permit issued pursuant to Chapter 18.200.
Agricultural worker's living quarters, for persons deriving the major portion of their income from employment on the premises.
Aviaries on a lot or parcel of land having a minimum of one acre.
Commercial raising of poultry, fowl and other similar animals of comparable nature, size and form including hatching, marketing on a lot or parcel of land with an area of not less than twenty thousand square feet.
Dairies on a lot or parcel of land with an area of not less than five acres.
Horse boarding facilities, which shall not include the rental of horses.
Recreational vehicle storage lots.
Public utility substations.
Worm farms.
(Ord. 37 § 232.03, 1961; Ord. 419 § 2, 1975; Ord. 499 § 2, 1975; Ord. 1226 § 1, 2014)
The following standards shall apply to all land, buildings or structures in the A-L zone:
Lot Sizes. Each lot in the A-L zone shall have a minimum area as established by and as shown on the official zoning map.
Lot Dimensions. All lots created after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section shall comply with the following minimum standards:
Width. One hundred feet.
Depth. There are no depth provisions.
Building Height. No building or structure erected in this zone shall have a height greater than thirty-five feet or two stories, whichever is less, unless approved by a conditional use permit.
Front. Each lot or parcel of land shall have a front yard of not less than twenty feet in depth.
Side. Each lot or parcel of land shall have one side yard of five feet and the other of twelve feet. At corner lots, the interior side yard shall be twelve feet and the side yard abutting the street shall be ten feet.
Ground Coverage. Maximum ground coverage of all structures shall not exceed thirty-five percent of the total area of a lot or parcel.
Fences and Walls.
Required. A fence or wall six feet in height or greater may be required which by reason of the conditions on the property or physical hazards, such as frequent inundation, erosion, excavation or grade separation are considered by the planning director to be dangerous to health and safety.
Permitted. Fences and walls not greater than six feet in height shall be permitted on or within all rear and side property lines, and on or to the rear of all setback lines. Fences and walls not over forty-two inches in height shall be permitted in any required front yard abutting a street.
Off-Street Parking.
The provisions of Chapter 18.156 shall apply. No structure for parking purposes shall be located closer than twenty feet to the front property line. Any garage or carport having an opening facing a street shall be provided with a door.
Permanent access and storage space shall be provided on all lots or parcels for trailers, boats, motorhomes or camper shells. Such storage space shall be located behind the main building line, within the interior side yard, or in the rear yard. Further, such space shall be not less than ten feet wide by twenty-five feet long, and, when actually used for storage of the above items, such space shall be paved with Portland cement concrete at least three and one-half inches thick.
Signs. The provisions of Chapter 18.152 shall apply.
Minimum Residential Structure Size.
Each residential structure in the A-L zone shall have a minimum floor area as set forth below:
Two bedrooms
1,400 square feet
Three bedrooms
1,600 square feet
For each additional bedroom
150 square feet
Minimum floor area for structures housing agricultural workers shall be determined and set forth in the granting of a conditional use permit.
(Ord. 37 § 232.04, 1961; Ord. 419 § 2, 1975)
The purpose of this section is to promote commercial amenities beyond those expected in a conventional development, to achieve greater flexibility in design, to encourage well-planned neighborhoods through creative and imaginative planning as a unit. This section permits flexibility in site design and variety in development.
Planning Commission Review.
Where the planning commission finds that the design quality, efficiency of land use and residential character of the development or the neighborhood is enhanced, well integrated and properly oriented, the commission may modify the development standards set forth in Section 18.64.040.
Further, where the commission modifies the requirements of subsection G of Section 18.64.040, Off-Street Parking, it may require as a condition for approval of a tentative tract map that the subdivision report issued by the Real Estate Commission contain a notice to respective purchasers that certain excepted lots will have no storage for recreational vehicles.
Application for Modification.
The developer or property owner shall request, in writing, the desired modifications. Such request shall:
State reasons for the request and show how the purposes of Section 18.64.040 are fulfilled;
Include development plans, elevations and renderings;
Provide such other data, plans and evidence as the commission may deem necessary to reach a determination.
A filing fee of fifty dollars shall be paid at the time the request is submitted.
Notification to City Council. In every instance where the planning commission has approved a modification of development standards, the city council shall be so advised in writing.
(Ord. 37 § 232.05, 1961; Ord. 419 § 2, 1975)