Note: Prior ordinance history: Ords. 37, 59, 205, 209, 324, 367, 429, 653, 796, 833, 908, 971 and 1063.
The intent of this chapter is to encourage the installation of signs that provide reasonable opportunities for business identification, improve the appearance of buildings and neighborhoods, encourage innovation and enhance the economic effectiveness of the business community while preventing needless distraction and clutter from the other signs in the area. Carefully designed and regulated signing can contribute to the visual quality of the community, increase economic activity and provide for a desirable environment effectively balancing a variety of seemingly competing needs.
The purpose of all permitted permanent signs is primarily to provide identification of buildings, businesses and special locations. Permanent signs are not meant to provide advertisement. Because of this, the sign regulations in this chapter have been designed to encourage and promote building, business and special location identification.
The objectives of the various sign regulations set forth in this chapter are:
To ensure that permanent signs serve primarily to identify the business establishments on any site and facilitate the economic effectiveness of the business community.
To ensure that temporary signs which primarily address desires to advertise products, services and events are compatible with the goals set forth in subsection A of this section.
To ensure that signs harmonize with their buildings and neighborhoods and with other signs in their vicinity.
To encourage signs which are well designed and pleasing in appearance and to provide incentive and latitude for variety, good design relationship and spacing.
To require that signs are carefully designed and professional in appearance.
To enhance the economic value of the community through the appropriate regulation of such characteristics as size, number, location, design and illumination of signs.
To avoid traffic hazards by minimizing visual competition among signs and by providing for clear identification of businesses.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, any noncommercial copy may be substituted for any commercial copy on any sign permitted by this chapter. If noncommercial copy is substituted, the sign shall be subject to the same time, place and manner standards applicable to the original commercial sign as set forth in this chapter. The content of any noncommercial copy on any sign otherwise permitted by this chapter may be changed in the same manner as the sign copy for the commercial sign copy may be changed.
This chapter shall be considered permissive and any specific types of signs not specifically allowed herein are prohibited. Design standards may be reasonably interpreted by the planning director and applied in a manner consistent with the intent of this chapter.
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012)
The following items are defined for this chapter unless the context indicates otherwise:
"Approved combustible materials"
mean wood, or materials not more combustible than wood.
"Approved incombustible materials"
mean any material which will not ignite at or below a temperature of one thousand two hundred degrees Fahrenheit during an exposure of five minutes and which will not continue to burn or glow at that temperature.
"Approved plastics"
mean only those plastics which when tested in accordance with the American Society of Testing Materials Standard method for test for flammability of plastics over 0.050-inch in thickness (D 635-44), burn no faster than two and one-half inches per minute, in sheets of 0.060-inch thickness.
"Building code"
means the city building code, together with amendments thereto.
"Building frontage"
means the linear length of a building directly facing a public street, alley, parking area or pedestrian walkway that contains a public entrance.
"Building official"
means the officer or other person charged with the administration and enforcement of the building code.
means a structural, ornamental, roof-like appendage, that projects from a building for the purpose of providing an architectural element that shields doors and windows from the elements. A canopy may be freestanding or attached to a building.
"Changeable copy"
means removable copy or graphics for temporary use where the copy is changed at periodic intervals for the purpose of communicating a message which may be utilized on a freestanding wall, bulletin board or announcement signs.
"Convenience sign"
means a sign not larger than four square feet in area and no more than four feet in height and which conveys information such as "restrooms," "no parking," "entrance," or minor business identification for directional purposes, and is designed to be viewed on-site by pedestrians and/or motorists. Such signs may not include commercial sign copy or advertising.
"Electronic message center"
means a sign that utilizes computer-generated messages or some other electronic means of changing copy, including LEDs and LCDs.
"Facing" or "surface"
means the surface of the sign upon, against or through which the message is displayed or illustrated.
"Historic downtown area,"
for the purposes of this chapter, means the area that extends west of Walnut Avenue to Cataract Avenue and south of Fourth Street to Arrow Highway, omitting properties that have frontage on Arrow Highway.
"Identification structure"
means a structure of any kind or character erected or maintained for identification purposes, and upon which any sign is placed.
means a lot or premises, building, wall or place upon which a sign is erected, constructed or maintained.
means a permanent, roofed structure attached to and supported by the building.
"Master sign program"
means a comprehensive sign design policy and plan for use by multi-use complexes. Such plan would include, but not be limited to, specification of colors, letter style, construction method, approval method, and sign locations.
"Measurement of sign area"
to determine compliance with the sign area limitations of this chapter shall occur as follows:
Sign Area. The area of a sign shall be calculated by enclosing the extreme limits of all framing, emblem, logo, representation, writing, or other display within a single continuous perimeter composed of squares or rectangles with no more than eight lines. See examples in Figure A.
 Title 18--Image-15.tif
Figure A
Sign Structure. Supporting bracing or framework that is clearly incidental to the display itself shall not be computed as sign area.
Multi-Faced Signs. The sign area for a sign with more than one face shall be computed by adding together the area of all sign faces; except that where the two faces are parallel and not separated by more than one foot, only the area of one face shall be counted.
Three-Dimensional Objects. Where a sign consists of one or more three-dimensional objects (e.g., balls, cubes, clusters of objects, sculpture, or statue-like trademarks), the sign area shall be measured as their maximum projection upon a vertical plane. See examples in Figure B.
 Title 18--Image-16.tif
Figure B
Time and/or Temperature Device. Up to sixteen square feet of a time and/or temperature device incorporated into a sign shall not be included in the calculation of total sign area. A clock for a clock store or similar business is exempt from this limitation.
"Measurement of monument sign height"
to determine compliance with the sign height limitations of this chapter shall be computed as the vertical distance from the lowest point of the base of the sign at normal grade to the top of the highest attached component of the sign. See Figure C.
Grade. Normal grade shall be construed to be the lower of either the existing grade before construction or the newly established grade after construction, exclusive of any berming, filling, mounding, or excavating solely for the purpose of locating the sign.
Where Normal Grade Cannot be Determined. In cases in which the normal grade cannot reasonably be determined, sign height shall be computed on the assumptions that the elevation of the normal grade at the base of the sign is equal to the elevation of the nearest point of the crown of a public street or the grade of the land at the principal entrance to the principal structure on the parcel, whichever is lower.
 Title 18--Image-17.tif
Figure C
"Multi-tenant centers or complexes"
means, for the purpose of this chapter, any nonresidential development projects designed to accommodate two or more tenants. Such complexes would include a common parking area, similar architectural design and other unifying elements and be designed and constructed as a comprehensive project.
means the distance by which a sign extends beyond the building or structure.
means any device for visual communication exposed to public view that contains any announcement, declaration, demonstration, display, illustration, insignia, banner, statuary or pennant used to advertise or promote the interest of any person, business, group or enterprise. The term "sign" does not include the following:
Official notices issued by any court or public body or officer.
Notices posted by any public officer in performance of a public duty or by any person giving legal notice.
Directional, warning or informational structures required by or authorized by law or by federal, state, county or city officials.
A structure erected near a city or county boundary which contains the name of such city or county and the names of, or any other information regarding, civic, fraternal or religious organizations located therein.
Sign, Accessory. "Accessory sign"
means any sign which carries only advertisement strictly incidental and subordinate to a lawful use of the premises upon which it is located, including signs indicating the business transacted, service rendered, goods sold or produced on the premises, name of the business, name of the person occupying the premises.
Sign, Combination. "Combination sign"
means a sign that is a combination of any two or more types of signs.
Sign, Directional. "Directional sign"
means a sign erected for the purpose of informing the viewer of the approximate route, direction or location of a facility. For purposes of Section 18.152.170(A)(8) only, "directional sign" shall be defined as stated in City Council Policy: Directional Signs in the Public Right-of-Way Including Monument Signs, as may be amended from time to time.
Sign, Electrical. "Electrical sign"
means a sign containing electrical wiring for the purpose of interior lighting or illumination.
Sign, Flashing. "Flashing sign"
means any sign which is intermittently on and off.
Sign, Historic. "Historic sign"
means a sign which is of recognized historic or cultural significance to the community or is identified on the San Dimas historic resources survey and/or on the local register.
Sign, Illuminated. "Illuminated sign"
means any sign illuminated by electric lights or luminous tubes as part of the sign proper.
Sign, Marquee. "Marquee sign"
means a sign attached to a marquee.
Sign, Monument. "Monument sign"
means any sign standing on the ground that is connected to the ground with a solid base. For purposes of Section 18.152.170(A)(9) only, "monument sign" shall be defined as stated in City Council Policy: Directional Signs in the Public Right-of-Way Including Monument Signs, as may be amended from time to time.
Sign, Moving. "Moving sign"
means a sign designed to attract attention through the movement or semblance of movement of the whole or any part of the sign, including rotation.
Signs, Off-Premises. "Off-premises signs"
mean signs located in areas distant and on a separate parcel of land from the place where the product advertised is located.
Signs, On-Premises. "On-premises signs"
mean signs which advertise any business conducted at the location of the sign or the products manufactured or sold at the place where the sign is located.
Sign, Permanent. "Permanent sign"
means every sign except temporary signs as defined in this section.
Sign, Portable. "Portable sign"
means a sign not permanently attached to the ground or any structure, including, but not limited to, A-frame signs, sandwich-board signs, sidewalk signs, whiteboards or chalkboards, signs on wheels and similar signs. Portable sign does not include banners, pennants, flags, inflatable signs, vehicle signs, and hand-held signs.
Sign, Poster. "Poster sign"
means a sign printed on paper, cardboard or similar material which is generally displayed in windows or attached to trees, poles, buildings or staked in the ground.
Sign, Projecting. "Projecting sign" or "icon sign"
means a sign suspended from or supported by a building or structure and projecting out therefrom.
Sign, Real Estate. "Real estate sign"
means a temporary sign indicating that the premises on which the sign is located is for sale, lease or rent.
Sign, Roof. "Roof sign"
means a sign erected upon or above a roof or parapet of a building. Roof signs are prohibited in the city.
Sign, Temporary. "Temporary sign"
means any sign, pennant, banner, valance or identification display, with or without frames, intended to be displayed and maintained for a period not exceeding thirty days in any twelve consecutive months.
Sign, Wall. "Wall sign"
means a sign attached to or erected against the wall of a building or structure, with the exposed face of the sign parallel to the plane of the wall.
Sign, Window. "Window sign"
means any sign posted, painted, placed or affixed in or on any window, including the glass portion of a door or opening, exposed to public view including any interior sign which faces any said window or door or opening exposed to public view and which is located within three feet of the window. Window signs include the following types as defined below:
Sign, Window (Accessory).
"Accessory window sign" means any window sign not exceeding four square feet limited to business identification, hours of operation, credit card information, lottery, health department grades, open/closed and similar public convenience information.
Sign, Window (Exempt).
"Exempt window sign" means any window sign exempt from window sign regulations including: (1) holiday window displays and decorations, including lights, provided they are installed not more than thirty days before a holiday and are removed within ten days after the holiday and contain no references to goods, products or services; and (2) posters advertising fundraising events for charitable, nonprofit, or educational fundraising events or noncommercial uses, provided they are removed ten days after the event, are not larger than two feet by three feet and do not exceed four in number at any one time.
Sign, Window (Permanent).
"Permanent window sign" means any window sign applied to, stenciled on, or etched into the glass surface including gold leaf (or similar) letters and decals, limited to business identification, address and/or a listing of products or services not implicit in the business name.
Sign, Window (Temporary).
"Temporary window sign" means any window sign consisting of painting, cloth, paper, vinyl or similar materials allowed for a limited duration advertising seasonal sales, specials and similar events but not including business identification.
means the supports, uprights, bracing, and framework of a sign. The area of such structure shall not be included in computing the aggregate surface of the area of the sign which it supports.
"UBC standards"
means the most recent edition of the Uniform Building Code Standards, also known as Volume III of the Uniform Building Code.
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1205 § 1, 2011; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012; Ord. 1278 § 1, 2020)
No person shall hereafter erect, construct, relocate, alter or maintain any sign which does not comply with the provisions of this chapter, except the following: Signs which were established prior to adoption date of the ordinance codified in this chapter may be maintained subject to Section 18.152.080 related to nonconforming signs.
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012)
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no sign shall hereafter be erected, constructed, relocated, painted on buildings or structures, altered, a sign program implemented or a sign face changed, until an approval and/or permit for the same has been issued by the appropriate decision making body as stated in Chapter 18.12 of this title and as required by the development plan review board, planning department, and the building official as required by this chapter.
Review Required. No person shall install or construct a sign or implement a sign program until a sign plan or sign program has been reviewed and approved by the development plan review board in accordance with Chapter 18.12 of this title, unless otherwise provided within this chapter.
Disposition by Director. The planning director may approve or conditionally approve, upon determining that the sign design, colors and materials are compatible with the structure and/or facility that the sign is proposed to identify, or may disapprove signs pursuant to the following provisions:
Signs proposed in accordance with a sign program reviewed and approved by the development plan review board pursuant to Chapter 18.12 of this title.
Wall signs which conform to the design guidelines of this chapter, unless otherwise provided.
Temporary signs and banners.
On-site directional and informational signs as defined by this chapter.
Application for Permits. Application for sign approvals shall be made upon forms provided by the planning division. Additional information as required by the planning director shall be provided to show full compliance with this and other regulations of the city.
Revocation of Permit.
All rights and privileges acquired under the provisions of this chapter, or any amendments thereto, are revocable for cause by the city council or other authorized person or body, and all such permits shall contain notice of such revocability. The building official is authorized and empowered to revoke any permit issued by him upon failure of the holder thereof to comply with any provisions of this chapter.
Permits for any sign that has been permitted and that has been visually or structurally altered shall be subject to revocation, at the discretion of the planning director.
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012)
The provisions and regulations of this section shall not apply to the following signs, provided such signs shall be subject to all other provisions of this chapter.
Residential Real Estate Signs.
Single-Family and Multiple-Family Residences and Vacant Properties. Unlighted real estate signs pertaining only to the sale, lease or hire of a particular building, property or premises upon which displayed, which do not exceed four feet in height and six square feet of total sign face area. Signs shall be set back a minimum of eight feet from the property line and shall be removed immediately upon completion of the sale, letting or hiring, lease or rental of the subject property.
Open House Signs. On weekends and legal holidays, temporary single-family residential open house signs are permitted to direct traffic from major and collector streets to the subject property. Such signs shall comply with the following:
Maximum sign area of six square feet and maximum height of four feet.
A maximum of four signs which should generally be placed at a change in direction with the signs for any particular open house separated by a minimum of one hundred feet from other signs for the same open house.
Balloons, flags, pennants, lighting and other attention getting devices shall not be attached to or appurtenant to any sign.
No such sign shall be placed in any median, public right-of-way or on any public property. Placement on private property requires permission of the property owner. Such signs shall not be attached to any utility pole, street light, traffic signal pole, parked vehicle or tree.
All such signs shall include the address of the property and name, address and telephone number of the realtor and real estate company.
Signs shall be of durable material and securely fastened or installed.
Garage and Yard Sale Signs. In conjunction with a garage and yard sale permitted pursuant to Section 18.196.030(G), temporary signs are permitted to direct traffic from major and collector streets to the subject property. Such signs shall comply with the following:
Maximum sign area of six square feet and maximum height of four feet.
A maximum of four signs which should generally be placed at a change in direction with the signs for any particular garage or yard sale separated by a minimum of one hundred feet from other signs for the same garage or yard sale.
Balloons, flags, pennants, lighting and other attention getting devices shall not be attached to or appurtenant to any sign.
No such sign shall be placed in any median, public right-of-way or on any public property. Placement on private property requires permission of the property owner. Such signs shall not be attached to any utility pole, street light, traffic signal pole, parked vehicle or tree.
All such signs shall include the address of the property and name and telephone number of the person conducting the garage or yard sale.
Signs shall be of durable material and securely fastened or installed.
Project Construction Signs. Signs denoting the architect, engineer, contractor or lending institution when placed upon work under construction, which do not exceed six feet in height and thirty-six square feet in area each;
Occupational Signs. Signs denoting only the name and profession of the occupant of the premises, not to exceed two square feet in size.
Memorial Signs. Memorial signs or tablets and names of buildings and date of erection.
Municipal Signs. Traffic or other municipal signs, legal notices, railroad crossing signs, danger and such temporary, emergency or other noncommercial signs as may be approved by the city engineer.
Convenience signs. Convenience signs are permitted in any zone subject to the approval of the planning department and the following:
Signs containing information such as "entrance," "exit," or directional arrows shall be designed to be viewed from on-site or from an area adjacent to the site by pedestrians or motorists while parking their automobile.
Signs that convey advertising, or products, shall not be considered a convenience sign.
Any such sign shall not be allowed within the public right-of-way.
Such signs shall not exceed four square feet in area, per side. In the case of a ground sign, the overall height shall not exceed four feet.
Historic Resource Sign. Signs and plaques that are erected to note the location of an historic resource that are installed by the city of San Dimas or a historical society recognized by the city of San Dimas. Historic resource signs shall not advertise any products or services and shall not exceed ten square feet without approval from the city of San Dimas.
Flags. Flags of the United States, state of California or other government shall be permitted; however, in no case shall more than three such flags be permitted on any one property. Proposals for more than three flags are subject to approval from the planning director.
Barber Poles. When associated with a barber shop.
Scoreboards. When associated with an athletic field.
Nameplates. One nonilluminated nameplate per unit, not exceeding one square foot in area, displaying the following:
Name of the premises upon which it is displayed; and/or
Name of owner or lessee of the premises; and/or
Nature of the home occupation engaged in on the premises.
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012)
All signs shall be subject to the following design and maintenance specifications:
Signs, as permitted in this chapter, shall in no way endanger the health or safety by causing distraction or impairing visibility to operators of motor vehicles on the streets and highways. Location, lighting and color of signs shall be such as to cause no confusion with public signs or traffic signals.
Any sign that contains red, yellow or green lights shall not be located within a distance of one hundred feet from traffic signals. Such signs may cause a potential distraction or hazard to highway users.
No exposed light bulb used as a part of sign display shall exceed a rating of eleven watts as measured equivalent to an incandescent bulb.
No beacons shall be allowed in the city.
No sign, including the illumination thereof, shall be animated or so designed or operated as to flash, scintillate or in any way simulate motion other than: time and temperature signs, barber pole signs and electronic message boards.
Affixing Signs on Curbs, Streets or Street Signs. No person shall paint, mark, paste, fasten or in any manner affix or cause to be painted, marked, pasted, fastened or in any manner affixed to or on any curb, street, sidewalk, street sign post, or to or on any sign erected for the purpose of directing or warning traffic, or to or on any telephone, telegraph or electric light pole, or to or on any tree or shrub in any park, public street, alley, parkway or sidewalk any sign, poster or advertisement of any kind without first obtaining a written permit from the city council. Nothing in this section shall be so construed as to prohibit the erection and maintenance of official warning or directional signs by any department of the city or to legal notices posted in the places and manner prescribed by law.
Sign Maintenance.
All signs together with their supports and appurtenances shall be kept in a proper state of preservation. The display surface of all signs shall be kept neatly painted and posted. The planning director or building official may order the removal of any sign that is not maintained in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
All signs and identification structures which are constructed on property lines, or within five feet thereof, shall have a smooth surface. No nails, tacks or wires shall protrude therefrom, except electrical reflectors and devices which may extend over the top and in front of the sign or identification structure.
Illumination. The application for a permit for erection of a sign or other identification structure in which electrical wiring and connections are to be used shall be submitted to the building official. The building official shall examine the plans and specifications respecting all wiring and connections to determine if the same comply with the electrical code of the city, and shall approve or disapprove the plans and specifications accordingly.
Illuminated signs shall be constructed of approved combustible or incombustible materials.
Illuminated signs which do not bear the label of an approved testing laboratory shall be inspected before erection.
Electrical equipment used in connection with all signs shall be installed in accordance with local ordinances regulating electrical installations.
Gooseneck reflectors shall be permitted on wall signs; provided, however, such reflectors shall be provided with proper glass lenses concentrating the illumination upon the area of the sign so as to prevent glare upon the street or adjacent property.
Any sign that contains red, yellow or green lights shall not be located within a distance of one hundred feet from traffic control signals. Such signs creating a potential distraction or hazard to highway users will not be permitted.
No exposed light bulb used as a part of a sign display shall exceed a rating of eleven watts as measured equivalent to an incandescent bulb.
No beacons shall be allowed in the city.
No sign, including the illumination thereof, hereinafter erected or maintained in the city, shall be animated or so designed or operated as to flash, scintillate, or in any way simulate motion other than:
Time and temperature signs;
Barber pole signs;
Electronic message boards, subject to the standards in subsection E.
Electronic Message Boards. Where permitted by this chapter as a component of a monument or freeway-oriented sign but not as a component of any other sign including wall signs, electronic message boards shall comply with the following:
An electronic message board may contain a changeable message that utilizes changeable text, images, pictures, and/or symbols that may appear as an on/off message. An electronic message board shall not contain or display animated, moving video, scroll, flash, blink, fly, or chase sign message into view or create a sense of motion. An electronic message board sign shall contain only static displays. The changeable commercial message display intervals shall change no more frequently than once every eight seconds; and that blinking and/or moving characters shall be prohibited. A change of message shall be accomplished within two seconds with an on/off cycle. Fade out/fade in from one static image to another static image is allowed.
Electronic message boards shall have automatic dimming capability that adjusts the brightness to the ambient light at all times of day and night. Electronic message boards shall not increase their luminance by greater than three-tenths foot-candle above ambient levels of lighting measured at a distance of one hundred feet from the sign face and five feet above grade.
The electronic message board component of a sign shall be automatically dimmed after dark. The electronic message board must contain a default mechanism that freezes the sign in one position if a malfunction occurs; and automatically adjusts the intensity of its display according to natural ambient light conditions.
The sign shall be properly maintained so that inoperative or improperly lighted bulbs do not impair the appearance and legibility of the sign.
That the electronic changeable-copy sign shall be screened, tinted, shielded or otherwise modified, as necessary, to eliminate excessive glare, as deemed sufficient by the planning director.
Commercial messages on signs permitted pursuant to this chapter shall advertise only the businesses conducted, services rendered, or goods produced or sold within the development complex which the identification sign is intended to serve. Public service information, including, but not limited to, the time, date, temperature, weather, and similar information shall be permitted. No off-site advertising or messages, other than public service information approved by the city, shall be displayed.
Public service messages are encouraged. Such messages include announcements of meetings, activities and events of a general community-wide interest but do not include political messages.
Identification. Every sign or other advertising structure hereafter erected shall have an identifying number, name of erector, installation year, and when illuminated, the voltage plainly placed on the exterior surface of the sign body in a location where such information will be readily visible after installation and erection.
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012)
No sign or structure shall be erected in such a manner that any portion of its surface or supports will interfere in any way with the free use of a fire escape, exit or standpipe. No sign shall obstruct any window to such an extent that light or ventilation is reduced to a point below that required by any law or ordinance.
No sign or structure shall be erected in such a manner that any portion of its surface or supports shall be within six feet of overhead electric conductors which are energized in excess of seven hundred fifty volts.
No sign or other identification structure regulated by this chapter shall be erected at the intersection of any street in such manner as to obstruct free and clear vision of pedestrian and vehicular traffic; or at any location where, by reason of the position, shape or color, it may interfere with, obstruct the view of, or be confused with any authorized traffic sign, signal or device; or which makes use of the words "STOP," "LOOK," "DANGER" or any other word, phrase, symbol or character in such manner as to interfere with, mislead or confuse traffic.
Off-premises human-mounted commercial signs, off-premises hand-held commercial signs and off-premises commercial signs mounted to any vehicle or trailer are prohibited.
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012)
Removal of Signs. If the planning director finds that any sign or other identification structure regulated in this chapter is unsafe or insecure, or is a menace to the public, or has been constructed or erected or is being maintained in violation of the provisions of this chapter, or should any sign remain for a period of one hundred eighty days after the termination of the business for which it was originally intended, he shall give written notice to the permittee thereof. If the permittee fails to remove or alter the sign so as to comply with the standards set forth in this chapter within ten days after such notice, the planning director is authorized to cause removal of the sign, and any expense incidental thereto shall be paid by the owner of the premises or structure to which the sign is attached. The planning director or building official may cause any sign or other identification structure which is an immediate peril to persons or property to be removed summarily and without notice.
All wall signs, freeway signs and directional signs addressed by the former sign code shall be allowed to continue in use, until such time the sign is significantly altered, as determined by the planning director. Significantly altered shall, at minimum, refer to structural changes; change of an entire sign can or fifty percent of the individual letters on a sign; and redesign of the electrical.
Freestanding Nonresidential Real Estate Signs. Any existing freestanding nonresidential real estate signs shall become nonconforming on November 8, 2012. All such signs shall be considered fully amortized ninety days after the effective date specified above and shall be removed immediately thereafter.
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012)
This section addresses signs permitted in single-family zones and specific plan areas that are designated for single-family use. Specific plan areas that have separate sign regulations are subject only to the sign requirements in this section that are not addressed in the specific plan.
Tract and Community Entry Signs. Wall-mounted signs shall be permitted at the entry to a tract, project or community, where the maximum height of letters shall not exceed eighteen inches and the total square footage of the sign shall not exceed twenty square feet.
Directional and Tract Signs. See Section 18.152.190.
Signs for Educational and Religious Institutions.
One monument sign identifying the use shall be allowed. The total sign area of the monument sign shall not exceed thirty square feet.
Changeable copy signs, including electronic message boards in compliance with Section 18.152.060(E), may be incorporated into the total square footage of the monument sign.
One additional monument sign may be permitted when the use in question has two street frontages of five hundred feet or greater.
One wall sign identifying the use shall be allowed. The total sign area of the wall sign shall not exceed twenty square feet.
For multiple uses on a property (i.e., church and school) that has two street frontages of five hundred feet or greater, both uses may have one monument and one wall sign, subject to the size requirements listed in subsections (C)(1) and (C)(2) of this section. The secondary use may have a changeable copy wall sign, but in no case shall two changeable copy monument signs be permitted.
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012)
This section addresses signs permitted in multiple-family zones and specific plan areas that are designated for multiple-family use. Specific plan areas that have separate sign regulations are subject only to the sign requirements in this section that are not addressed in the specific plan.
Project Signs. A multifamily project may be permitted to have one of the following signs:
One wall-mounted sign per street frontage shall be permitted to identify the multifamily project, where the maximum height of letters shall not exceed eighteen inches and the total square footage of the sign shall not exceed twenty square feet; or
Monument Sign. One monument sign not to exceed four feet in overall height and six feet in overall width, not including architectural projections. Property address(es) shall be incorporated into the sign.
Directional and Tract Signs. See Section 18.152.190.
Signs for Educational and Religious Institutions.
One monument sign identifying the use shall be allowed. The total sign area of the monument sign shall not exceed thirty square feet. Property address(es) shall be incorporated into the sign.
Changeable copy signs, including electronic message boards in compliance with Section 18.152.060(E), may be incorporated into the total square footage of the monument sign. The area of the electronic component(s) may not exceed sixty percent of the allowable sign area.
One additional monument sign may be permitted when the use in question has two street frontages of five hundred feet or greater.
One wall sign identifying the use shall be allowed. The total sign area of the wall sign shall not exceed twenty square feet.
For multiple uses on a property (i.e., church and school) that has two street frontages of five hundred feet or greater, both uses may have one monument and one wall sign, subject to the size requirements listed in subsections (C)(1) and (C)(2) of this section. The secondary use may have a changeable copy wall sign, but in no case shall two changeable copy monument signs be permitted.
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012)
This section addresses signs permitted in mobile home parks.
Tract and Community Entry Signs. Wall-mounted signs shall be permitted at the entry to a tract, project or community, where the maximum height of letters shall not exceed eighteen inches and the total square footage of the sign shall not exceed twenty square feet.
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012)
This section addresses signs permitted in commercial zones and specific plan areas, excluding the historic downtown area, that are designated for commercial use. Specific plan areas that have separate sign regulations are subject only to the sign requirements in this section that are not addressed in the specific plan.
Multiple Tenant Centers. Master sign program is required and must comply with subsection B of this section, as follows.
Signs Permitted.
Window Signs. All window signs are addressed by Section 18.152.164.
Canopy Signs. One sign located under a canopy located perpendicular to the face of a building, where the maximum height of the sign is sixteen inches, the maximum length is thirty-six inches and where there is a minimum of seven feet clearance from the ground.
Icon/Projecting Sign. An icon or projecting sign may be permitted in lieu of a wall sign, when determined to be appropriate by the planning director. The maximum size of an icon or projecting sign is nine square feet.
Primary Wall Signs. One primary wall sign shall be permitted, not to exceed one square foot in size for each one lineal foot of frontage. In no case shall a primary wall sign exceed one hundred fifty square feet. The primary wall sign, and any secondary wall sign, shall be limited to a building name where the multi-tenant building has a common or shared entry to the building. If the sign is within fifty feet of a public street, the maximum letter height shall be eighteen inches.
Secondary Wall Signs. In addition to a primary wall sign, a business may have up to two secondary wall signs, as follows:
The permitted size of secondary wall signs is seventy-five percent of the size permitted for the primary wall sign.
The maximum size of a secondary wall sign shall not exceed one hundred square feet.
A secondary wall sign must face or be visible to either a public right-of-way or a parking area, based on the determination of the planning director.
If the sign is within fifty feet of a public street, the maximum letter height shall be eighteen inches.
A secondary sign shall not be located on the same wall, or building elevation, as the primary sign, unless the planning director determines that the permitted secondary sign would be ineffective and is not readily visible on the secondary building elevation. The sign location transfer is allowed on buildings with a minimum width of one hundred feet and the primary and secondary signs shall have a minimum distance separation equal to fifty percent of the building width.
Monument Signs. For commercial shopping centers with two or more tenants, one monument or ground sign shall be permitted for each street frontage in addition to permitted tenant signs. Identification of individual tenants eligible for inclusion on monument or ground signs shall be included in the master sign program and shall comply with the standards for multiple tenant signs set forth below.
For commercial shopping centers with less than forty thousand square feet of gross floor area one multiple tenant sign shall be permitted. The multiple tenant sign shall comply with the following:
Maximum height four feet, not including architectural projections.
Maximum width six feet, not including architectural projections.
White Plex, plastic or similar background materials are not permitted to be utilized for the sign face. If internally illuminated, tenant individual panels must have an opaque background with illuminated letters or be individual letters.
Minimum letter height shall be eight inches.
Property address(es) shall be incorporated into the sign.
For commercial shopping centers with more than forty thousand square feet of gross floor area multiple tenant signs shall be permitted. Any multiple tenant signs shall comply with the following:
Maximum height six feet, not including architectural projections.
Maximum width fifteen feet, not including architectural projections.
Maximum number of businesses identified on the sign shall not exceed ten.
Tenant individual panels must all be compatible in size.
White Plex, plastic or similar background materials are not permitted to be utilized for the sign face. If internally illuminated, tenant individual panels must have an opaque background with illuminated letters or be individual letters.
Minimum letter height shall be eight inches.
Property address(es) shall be incorporated into the sign.
Directional Signs. Directional signs related to the location of the building and facilities on the premises shall be permitted, subject to approval of the planning director; such signs shall not exceed four square feet.
On-Site Directory Signs. Commercial centers over seventy-five thousand square feet in size shall be permitted one on-site directory sign. Commercial centers over one hundred fifty thousand square feet in size shall be permitted two on-site directory signs. Such signs shall be permitted to have the name of the center, names of businesses in the center, a map of the center, addresses of units, arrows directing traffic to the business and related directory information. The maximum height of such signs shall not exceed five feet, not including architectural projections, and shall not exceed twenty-five square feet in total size. The maximum height of letters identifying tenants shall be no greater than eight inches and each tenant text space shall be no longer than twenty-four inches. White Plex, plastic or similar background materials are not permitted to be utilized for the sign face. If illuminated, tenant individual panels must have an opaque background with illuminated letters.
Display Cases. Display cases may be approved in commercial zones and may include signs, subject to review and approval by the planning director.
Electronic Message Boards. An electronic message board in compliance with Section 18.152.060(E) may be incorporated into the total square footage of any permitted monument sign. The area of the electronic component(s) may not exceed sixty percent of the allowable sign area.
Portable Signs. A maximum of one portable sign, as defined in Section 18.152.020, shall be permitted, subject to the following standards:
Maximum sign area of six square feet, including any changeable copy on whiteboards or chalkboards.
Maximum height of four feet with a maximum width of three feet.
Shall only be allowed during hours that the business is open and shall be stored away from public view when the business is not open.
Shall be placed within ten feet of any customer entry-door of the business advertised but may not be placed within a parking or loading space, driveway or drive aisle, landscaped planter, or public right-of-way, except as may be allowed per Section 18.152.170.
Shall not impede pedestrian access, including ADA access, when located on a sidewalk or pedestrian access or any views or sight distance for vehicular traffic.
Shall not include any attachments, including but not limited to, balloons, pennants, flags, banners, illumination (including flashing, blinking and rotating lights) and similar attention-getting devices.
Shall be made of durable, weather-resistant materials, have a professional looking appearance, and be continually maintained in good condition.
Shall have written authorization from the property owner or management company or comply with standards set forth in a master sign program.
Single-Tenant Commercial Buildings.
Window Signs. As provided for in subsection (B)(1) of this section.
Canopy Signs. As provided for in subsection (B)(2) of this section.
Icon/Projecting Signs. As provided for in subsection (B)(3) of this section.
Wall Signs (Primary and Secondary). As provided for in subsections (B)(4) and (B)(5) of this section.
Monument Signs. One monument sign may be permitted for single tenant commercial business not part of a multitenant shopping center complex, subject to the following:
Maximum height four feet, not including architectural projections.
Maximum width six feet, not including architectural projections.
White Plex, plastic or similar background materials are not permitted to be utilized for the sign face. If internally illuminated, tenant individual panels must have an opaque background with illuminated letters or be individual letters.
Property address(es) shall be incorporated into the sign.
Display Cases. Display cases may be approved in commercial zones and may include signs, subject to review and approval by the planning director.
Electronic Message Boards. An electronic message board in compliance with Section 18.152.060(E) may be incorporated into the total square footage of any permitted monument sign. The area of the electronic component(s) may not exceed sixty percent of the allowable sign area.
Portable signs as provided for in subsection (B)(11) of this section where such signs are not located within the public right-of-way.
Freeway-Oriented Signs. Multitenant commercial shopping centers which have the nearest property line within one thousand feet of a freeway right-of-way shall be permitted one freeway oriented sign, subject to the following requirements:
Gross Floor Area (in square feet)
Maximum Sign Height (in feet)
Maximum Total Sign Area (in square feet)
Maximum Area of Any Sign (in square feet)
Not permitted
Not permitted
Not permitted
An electronic message board in compliance with Section 18.152.060(E) may be incorporated into the total square footage of any permitted freeway-oriented sign. The area of the electronic component(s) may not exceed sixty percent of the allowable sign area.
Service Station Signs.
Wall Signs. Wall signs as provided for in subsections (B)(4) and (B)(5) of this section.
Monument Signs. A service station shall be permitted one monument sign per street frontage, with a maximum height of six feet, not including architectural projections, and with a maximum total size of forty-eight square feet. In cases where a single monument sign is designed to be oriented to address four directions, the maximum sign size may be increased to seventy-two square feet. An electronic message board in compliance with Section 18.152.060(E) may be incorporated into the total square footage of any permitted monument sign. The area of the electronic component(s) may not exceed sixty percent of the allowable sign area. Property address(es) shall be incorporated into the sign.
Spandrel Signs. Each pump island shall be permitted to have one logo or text sign on each spandrel face. The logo or text portion of each spandrel face shall not exceed four square feet.
Window Signs. Window signs are addressed in Section 18.152.164.
Directional Signs. Directional signs related to the location of the building and facilities on the premises shall be permitted, subject to approval of the planning director; such signs shall not exceed six square feet.
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1127 §§ 1, 2, 2002; Ord. 1170 §§ 13, 14, 2007; Ord. 1205 § 2, 2011; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012)
This section addresses signs permitted in administrative-professional zones and specific plan areas, excluding the historic downtown area, that are designated for administrative-professional use. Specific plan areas that have separate sign regulations are subject only to the sign requirements in this section that are not addressed in the specific plan.
Multiple-Tenant Complexes. Master sign program is required and must comply with subsection B of this section, as follows.
Signs Permitted.
Window Signs. Window signs are addressed by Section 18.152.164.
Directional Signs. Directional signs related to the location of the building and facilities on the premises shall be permitted, subject to approval of the planning director; such signs shall not exceed four square feet.
Canopy Signs. One sign located under a canopy located perpendicular to the face of a building, where the maximum height of the sign is sixteen inches, the maximum length is thirty-six inches, and where there is a minimum of seven feet of clearance from the ground.
Primary Wall Signs. One primary wall sign shall be permitted, not to exceed two square feet in size for each three lineal feet of frontage. In no case shall a primary wall sign exceed seventy-five square feet. The maximum letter height shall be eighteen inches. The primary wall sign, and any secondary wall sign, shall be limited to a building name where the multi-tenant building has a common or shared entry to the building.
Secondary Wall Signs. In addition to a primary wall sign, a business may have up to two secondary wall signs, as follows:
The permitted size of secondary wall signs is seventy-five percent of the size permitted for the primary wall sign.
The maximum size of a secondary wall sign shall not exceed sixty square feet.
A secondary wall sign must face or be visible to either a public right-of-way or a parking area.
The maximum letter height shall be eighteen inches.
A secondary sign shall not be located on the same wall, or building elevation, as the primary sign, unless the planning director determines that the permitted secondary sign would be ineffective and is not readily visible on the secondary building elevation. The sign location transfer is allowed on buildings with a minimum width of one hundred feet and the primary and secondary signs shall have a minimum distance separation equal to fifty percent of the building width.
Monument Signs. For office/professional complexes with two or more tenants, one monument or ground sign shall be permitted for each street frontage in addition to permitted tenant signs. Identification of individual tenants eligible for inclusion on monument or ground signs shall be included in the master sign program.
The height of the monument sign shall not exceed four feet in height, not including architectural projections, and shall not exceed twenty square feet in total sign area.
White Plex, plastic or similar background materials are not permitted to be utilized for the sign face. If internally illuminated, tenant individual panels must have an opaque background with illuminated letters or be individual letters.
Minimum letter height shall be eight inches.
Property address(es) shall be incorporated into the sign.
Directory Signs. Directory signs are intended to identify the users within a building and the location of those users to pedestrians that are entering the building. All directory signs shall be located adjacent to a primary building entry and shall not exceed ten square feet in overall size. Individual tenant placards shall not exceed one square foot in size. The location of directory signs is subject to approval by the planning director.
Single Tenant Administrative-Professional Buildings.
Window Signs. Window signs are addressed in Section 18.152.164.
Directional Signs. Directional signs related to the location of the building and facilities on the premises shall be permitted, subject to approval of the planning director; such signs shall not exceed four square feet.
Canopy Signs. One sign located under a canopy located perpendicular to the face of a building, where the maximum height of the sign is sixteen inches, the maximum length is thirty-six inches and where there is a minimum of seven feet of clearance from the ground.
Primary Wall Signs. One primary wall sign shall be permitted, not to exceed two square feet in size for each three lineal feet of frontage. In no case shall a primary wall sign exceed seventy-five square feet. The maximum letter height shall be eighteen inches.
Secondary Wall Signs. In addition to a primary wall sign, a business may have up to two secondary wall signs, as follows:
The permitted size of secondary wall signs is seventy-five percent of the size permitted for the primary wall sign.
The maximum size of a secondary wall sign shall not exceed sixty square feet.
A secondary wall sign must face or be visible to either a public right-of-way or a parking area.
The maximum letter height shall be eighteen inches.
A secondary sign shall not be located on the same wall, or building elevation, as the primary sign, unless the planning director determines that the permitted secondary sign would be ineffective and is not readily visible on the secondary building elevation. The sign location transfer is allowed on buildings with a minimum width of one hundred feet and the primary and secondary signs shall have a minimum distance separation equal to fifty percent of the building width.
Monument Signs. One monument or ground sign shall be permitted for each street frontage in addition to permitted tenant signs.
The height of the monument sign shall not exceed four feet in height, not including architectural projections, and shall not exceed twenty square feet in total sign area;
White Plex, plastic or similar background materials are not permitted to be utilized for the sign face. If internally illuminated, tenant individual panels must have an opaque background with illuminated letters or be individual letters.
Minimum letter height shall be eight inches.
Property address(es) shall be incorporated into the sign.
Signs for Educational and Religious Institutions.
One monument sign identifying the use shall be allowed. The total sign area of the monument sign shall not exceed thirty square feet and a maximum height of six feet, not including architectural projections. Property address(es) shall be incorporated into the sign.
Changeable copy signs, including electronic message boards, may be incorporated into the total square footage of the monument sign.
One additional monument sign may be permitted when the use in question has two street frontages of five hundred feet or greater.
One wall sign identifying the use shall be allowed. The total sign area of the wall sign shall not exceed twenty square feet.
For multiple uses on a property (i.e., church and school) that has two street frontages of five hundred feet or greater, both uses may have one monument and one wall sign. Subject to the size requirements listed in subsections (D)(1) and (D)(2) of this section. The secondary use may have a changeable copy wall sign, but in no case shall two changeable copy monument signs be permitted.
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1205 § 2, 2011; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012)
A master sign program is required for multiple-tenant complexes and must comply with subsection B of this section, as follows:
Signs Permitted.
Window Signs. Window signs are addressed by Section 18.152.164.
Directional Signs. Directional signs related to the location of the building and facilities on the premises shall be permitted, subject to approval of the planning director; such signs shall not exceed twenty square feet.
Primary Wall Signs. One primary wall sign shall be permitted, not to exceed two square feet in size for each three lineal feet of frontage. In no case shall a primary wall sign exceed seventy-five square feet. The maximum letter height shall be eighteen inches. The primary wall sign, and any secondary wall sign, shall be limited to a building name where the multi-tenant building has a common or shared entry to the building.
Secondary Wall Signs. In addition to a primary wall sign, a business may have up to two secondary wall signs, as follows:
The permitted size of secondary wall signs is seventy-five percent of the size permitted for the primary wall sign.
The maximum size of a secondary wall sign shall not exceed sixty square feet.
A secondary wall sign must face or be visible to either a public right-of-way or a parking area.
The maximum letter height shall be eighteen inches.
A secondary sign shall not be located on the same wall, or building elevation, as the primary sign, unless the planning director determines that the permitted secondary sign would be ineffective and is not readily visible on the secondary building elevation. The sign location transfer is allowed on buildings with a minimum width of one hundred feet and the primary and secondary signs shall have a minimum distance separation equal to fifty percent of the building width.
Monument Signs. For industrial complexes with two or more tenants, one monument or ground sign shall be permitted for each street frontage in addition to permitted tenant signs. Identification of individual tenants eligible for inclusion on monument or ground signs shall be included in the master sign program.
The height of the monument sign shall not exceed four feet in height, not including architectural projections, and shall not exceed twenty-five square feet in total size.
Monument signs shall not be internally illuminated; however, exterior illumination may be permitted subject to planning director approval.
White Plex, plastic or similar background materials are not permitted to be utilized for the sign face. If internally illuminated, tenant individual panels must have an opaque background with illuminated letters or be individual letters.
Minimum letter height shall be eight inches.
Property address(es) shall be incorporated into the sign.
Portable signs shall comply with the provisions of Section 18.152.120(B)(11).
Single Tenant Industrial Buildings.
Window Signs. Window signs are addressed in Section 18.152.164.
Directional Signs. Directional signs related to the location of the building and facilities on the premises shall be permitted, subject to approval of the planning director; such signs shall not exceed twenty square feet.
Primary Wall Signs. One primary wall sign shall be permitted, not to exceed two square feet in size for each three lineal feet of frontage. In no case shall a primary wall sign exceed seventy-five square feet. The maximum letter height shall be eighteen inches.
Secondary Wall Signs. In addition to a primary wall sign, a business may have up to two secondary wall signs, as follows:
The permitted size of secondary wall signs is seventy-five percent of the size permitted for the primary wall sign.
The maximum size of a secondary wall sign shall not exceed sixty square feet.
A secondary wall sign must face or be visible to either a public right-of-way or a parking area.
The maximum letter height shall be eighteen inches.
A secondary sign shall not be located on the same wall, or building elevation, as the primary sign, unless the planning director determines that the permitted secondary sign would be ineffective and is not readily visible on the secondary building elevation. The sign location transfer is allowed on buildings with a minimum width of one hundred feet and the primary and secondary signs shall have a minimum distance separation equal to fifty percent of the building width.
Monument Signs. One monument or ground sign shall be permitted for single-tenant space industrial buildings.
The height of the monument sign shall not exceed four feet in height, not including architectural projections, and shall not exceed twenty-five square feet in total sign area.
Monument signs shall not be internally illuminated; however, exterior illumination may be permitted subject to planning director approval.
White Plex, plastic or similar background materials are not permitted to be utilized for the sign face. If internally illuminated, tenant individual panels must have an opaque background with illuminated letters or be individual letters.
Property address(es) shall be incorporated into the sign.
Portable signs. Shall comply with the provisions of Section 18.152.120(B)(11) where such signs are not located within the public right-of-way.
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1205 § 2, 2011; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012)
The requirements for zones not specifically addressed in this chapter, such as the public/semipublic zone, shall be determined by the planning director. These requirements will be determined on a case-by-case basis with factors such as use, location and relationship to other sections of this chapter. In no case shall regulations imposed based on this section be less restrictive than other portions of this chapter.
In the public/semipublic zone, for any schools, hospitals, churches or similar institutional uses, an electronic message board in compliance with Section 18.152.060(E) may be incorporated into the total square footage of any permitted monument sign. The area of the electronic component(s) may not exceed sixty percent of the allowable sign area.
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012)
The historic downtown area shall be defined as indicated in Section 18.152.020.
Window Signs. Window signs are addressed by Section 18.152.164.
Canopy Signs. One sign located under a canopy located perpendicular to the face of a building, where the maximum height of the sign is twelve inches, the maximum length is thirty inches and where there is a minimum of seven feet clearance from the ground. The sign shall be constructed out of suitable material that is approved by the planning director. Materials shall be natural or natural appearing consistent with the character of the historic downtown area.
Icon/Projecting Sign. An icon or projecting sign may be permitted in lieu of a wall sign, when determined to be appropriate by the planning director. The maximum size of an icon or projecting sign is nine square feet. The sign shall not be internally illuminated.
Primary Wall Signs. One primary wall sign may be permitted per tenant, as follows:
The maximum size of wall signs is seventy-five percent square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of building frontage with no sign exceeding thirty square feet.
Signs may not be internally illuminated, but may be externally illuminated.
Signs must be constructed out of suitable material that is approved by the planning director. Materials shall be natural or natural appearing consistent with the character of the historic downtown area.
Signs may be constructed out of individual letters, be designed as letters of a sign board, be sandblasted or be painted on a sign board. Sign design is subject to the approval of the development plan review board or its designee.
Secondary Wall Sign. In addition to a primary wall sign, a business may have up to two secondary wall signs, as follows:
The maximum size of a secondary wall sign is seventy-five percent of the sign area allowed for the primary sign with no sign exceeding twenty square feet.
A secondary wall sign must face or be visible to either a public right-of-way or a parking area, based on the determination of the planning director.
Signs may not be internally illuminated, but may be externally illuminated.
Signs must be constructed out of suitable material that is approved by the planning director. Materials shall be natural or natural appearing consistent with the character of the historic downtown area.
Signs may be constructed out of individual letters, be designed as letters of a sign board, be sandblasted or be painted on a sign board. Sign design is subject to the approval of the development plan review board or its designee.
A secondary sign shall not be located on the same wall, or building elevation, as the primary sign, unless the planning director determines that the permitted secondary sign would be ineffective and is not readily visible on the secondary building elevation. The sign location transfer is allowed on buildings with a minimum width of one hundred feet and the primary and secondary signs shall have a minimum distance separation equal to fifty percent of the building width.
Primary Wall Signs for Large Tenants. Single tenants with a total square footage of fifteen thousand square feet or more shall be subject to subsections (E)(4) and (E)(5) of this section, but shall be permitted additional maximum sign square footage, as follows:
No primary wall sign shall exceed seventy-five square feet.
No secondary wall sign shall exceed fifty square feet and a secondary sign shall not be located on the same wall, or building elevation, as the primary sign.
The maximum letter height for signs within fifty feet of a public right-of-way is eighteen inches and for all other signs is thirty-six inches.
Internally illuminated signs are not prohibited and may be permitted on a case-by-case basis.
Portable signs. Shall comply with the provisions of Section 18.152.120(B)(11) where such signs are not located within the public right-of-way.
See Section 18.152.170(A)(5) for standards related to permitted monument signs.
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1205 § 2, 2011; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012)
Temporary Signs and Banners. Temporary signs, banners and other similar signs erected for the purpose of announcing a special event, sale or other activity may be permitted by the planning department, based on the following:
Application for a temporary banner shall be made on forms provided by the planning department.
A maximum six temporary banner permits may be approved for any single business location within a calendar year with the cumulative total of banner display days in such year not to exceed sixty days. The maximum period of any individual banner display shall not exceed thirty days.
No more than one banner shall be permitted for any one business at a time.
Streamers, pennants and balloons may be permitted in certain cases, subject to the approval of the planning director; however, in no case shall streamers and pennants be permitted on a property for more than ten days at a time or for more than twenty days per year. Balloons permitted under this section shall be no greater than twenty-four inches in diameter.
The maximum size of a temporary banner shall not exceed forty square feet in area.
The maximum height of a freestanding banner shall not exceed four feet and a building mounted banner shall not exceed the height of the building surface upon which it is mounted.
In addition to the banner permits and time frames specified in subsection (A)(2), a new business may secure a permit for a temporary banner, which otherwise complies with the standards contained in this section, for a maximum of sixty days from the opening of the new business. Such banner may be in lieu of a permanent sign during that period of time.
Temporary signs shall be of a reasonable professional quality and shall be installed in an appropriate manner. Such signs may not be attached to or placed on trees.
Special Event Banners. Temporary public interest event banners publicizing a charitable, civic or other nonprofit organization's events of general public interest may be permitted by development services department based on the following:
Application for temporary banners shall be made in conjunction with the temporary use permit.
The maximum period of any individual banner display shall be not more than two weeks prior to the event and all such banners shall be removed within seven days of the conclusion of the event.
No more than one banner shall be permitted for any one property at a time. The number, type, size and location of any such banners shall be determined by the development services director as part of the review of the temporary use permits.
Temporary Signs for Future Tenant Identification. Signs that identify future tenants (e.g., "Opening in October" or "Coming Soon") may be permitted in addition to standard temporary signs as permitted in subsection A of this section. Temporary signs for future tenant identification may be permitted up to ninety days prior to planned opening date, subject to approval of the planning director.
Temporary Nonresidential Real Estate Signs. Temporary non-residential real estate signs pertaining to the sale or lease of nonresidential buildings or property may be permitted by the planning department, based upon the following:
Application for a temporary non-residential real estate sign shall be made on forms provided by the planning departments. Application shall include a description of the building and/or tenant spaces available for sale or lease.
Building-mounted signs may be permitted, based upon the following:
One banner or other similar sign, mounted on the building or window or other location of the tenant space and/or building available for sale or lease, not to exceed sixteen square feet.
For integrated retail, office or industrial centers or parcels greater than one hundred feet in width, additional banners or similar signs may be permitted by the planning department, not to exceed forty square feet each. Such signs shall generally be on the available tenant or building space but may be approved in other locations as deemed necessary by the planning department. Banners may not exceed the height of the building parapet.
For undeveloped property one sign not exceeding sixteen square feet in sign area and six feet in height may be allowed.
Streamers, pennants, balloons, lighting and similar devices are prohibited.
Temporary permits shall be valid for a maximum of six months provided that all such signs shall be removed within fourteen days of the sale or leasing of the available space. A new permit may be issued if spaces and/or buildings remain available for sale or lease.
All signs shall be continuously maintained in good order and appearance as set forth in Section 18.152.060(C).
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1174 § 1, 2008; Ord. 1205 § 4, 2011; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012)
Window signs, which include any sign within three feet of a window, are permitted in commercial, office and industrial zones and shall comply with the following standards:
Permanent Window Sign
Temporary Window Sign
Accessory Window Sign
10% of the window area not to exceed 40 square feet (20 square feet in office zones)
25% of the window area (not permitted in office zones)
12 square feet in total sign area with no individual sign exceeding 4 square feet
Time Limits
No sign allowed longer than 30 consecutive days
Sign permit approval required
None. Date of installation to be displayed on sign(s) or may be subject to immediate removal.
Other adequate documentation regarding installation date may be considered
Business identification and generic product/ services identification
Advertise seasonal sales, special sales and related temporary messages
Business identification, credit cards accepted, hours of operation, lottery, health grades, and similar signs
Typical Materials
Applied, stenciled, etched to glass surface including gold leaf letters and decals. Neon less than 4 square feet allowed
Cloth, paper, vinyl, paint. Non-illuminated
Not specified. Neon less than 4 square feet allowed
All window signs shall comply with the following additional standards:
The maximum area for all window signs, excluding exempt and up to twelve square feet of accessory window signs, shall not exceed thirty-five percent of the total window area, provided that no individual window shall exceed fifty percent coverage in window signs.
All window signs shall be properly maintained and be of reasonable professional quality.
Window signs shall not be illuminated except that accessory window signs and permanent window signs may be neon or similar type lighting provided each such sign is less than four square feet. Lighting around or within windows shall not be permitted except for exempt holiday lighting and lighting approved as an accent to the building design or architecture.
Window signs may advertise liquor or liquor-related products, even if prohibited by conditions of approval provided that any such window signs comply with this chapter.
In order to facilitate law enforcement and protect public safety, window signs or other window obscuring products, including tinting and window blinds or coverings, shall not substantially obstruct view into the business from outside a window.
In a commercial building without storefront or similar windows, the development plan review board may authorize temporary signs equivalent to window signs provided such approval is consistent with the standards and intent of this section.
Window graphic signs may be permitted by the development plan review board and may exceed the fifty percent coverage standard where the board finds and determines that the window graphic signs exhibit a unique artistic characteristic, the signs effectively obscure storage areas or the rear portion of interior displays and that the sign does not primarily serve a commercial purpose. The board may impose conditions on any approval.
(Ord. 1205 § 5, 2011; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012)
No person shall paint, mark, paste, fasten or in any manner affix or cause to be painted, marked, pasted, fastened or in any manner affixed to or on any curb, street, sidewalk, street sign post, equestrian trail and/or equestrian trail fencing or to or on any sign erected for the purpose of directing or warning traffic, or to or on any telephone, telegraph or electric light pole, or to or on any tree or shrub in any park, public street, alley, parkway or sidewalk or to, on or within any portion of the public right-of-way any sign, poster or advertisement of any kind, except as follows:
Official warning or directional signs by any department of the city.
Legal notices posted in the places and manner prescribed by law.
Banners which identify community events sponsored wholly, or in part, by the city and which are erected by the city.
Residential subdivision directional signs when approved by the city as part of a standardized program of off-site directional signs.
Monument signs in the historic downtown when approved by the city for commercial buildings which have a zero setback from the public right-of-way.
Portable signs which comply with the provisions of Section 18.152.120(B)(11) for commercial buildings which have a zero setback from the public right-of-way, where the planning director approves the location of the sign and the city engineer issues an encroachment permit.
Political signs subject to the requirements in Section 18.152.200(B), provided that such signs shall be limited only to the parkway areas in residential zones.
Directional signs in the public right-of-way for private entities, provided the sign complies in all respects with adopted City Council Policy: Directional Signs in the Public Right-of-Way Including Monument Signs, as may be amended from time to time.
Off-site monument signs in the public right-of-way for private entities outside of the historic downtown, provided the sign complies in all respects with adopted City Council Policy: Directional Signs in the Public Right-of-Way Including Monument Signs, as may be amended from time to time.
Enforcement, Penalties and Abatement.
Any person or entity violating or failing to comply with any of the requirements of this section shall be guilty of a violation pursuant to Chapter 1.12 of this code.
The owner or other person entitled to possession of a sign or in real or apparent charge or control of the sign which is removed, stored and/or destroyed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be liable to the city for the cost of the removal, storage and/or destruction of such sign and for the city's court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees. The city may recover the same through an action commenced in a court of competent jurisdiction.
Any unauthorized or illegal sign within the public right-of-way or on private property that is found and declared to be a public nuisance or constitutes a hazard to pedestrian or vehicular traffic may be removed immediately, stored and/or destroyed by the city at the expense of the owner or other person entitled to possession of such sign or in real charge or apparent control of the sign or any person, business or entity who benefits from such sign. The cost of removal, storage and/or destruction of such illegal signs shall be the actual costs or the standard cost pursuant to a fee schedule set by resolution of the city council.
After removal of any such illegal sign pursuant to this section, the person, business, company or entity that owns the sign, placed it or who benefited from it shall be served with a statement of costs from the city. The notice of sign abatement from public right-of-way and the statement of costs shall be mailed by certified letter or hand delivered to the charged party. Notice shall be given that the determination verified in the statement of costs can be appealed by filing a written appeal with the city clerk as specified in Section 1.06.070.
Any person desiring to retrieve a sign removed by the city may do so upon payment of an administrative fine plus such storage fees as determined by a fee resolution of the city council that may be adopted from time to time. In lieu of paying such administrative fine, such person may retrieve a sign upon signing a promise to appear upon a citation issued to him or her for violations of this section or other provisions of this chapter. If a person wishes to contest the fact that the sign was placed in violation of this section or other provisions of this chapter prior to paying the fine or signing the citation, he or she shall have the right to an administrative hearing before the administrative hearing officer, upon receipt of a written appeal by the city as specified in subsection (B)(4) of this section. If the administrative hearing officer finds that the sign was lawfully placed, he or she shall return the sign without an administrative penalty or the issuance of a citation.
Any sign removed by the city shall be considered abandoned if it is not retrieved and no written appeal is filed with the city within fifteen calendar days after the date of such notification by the city following the sign removal and may be disposed of by the city without liability therefor to any person.
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1164 § 1, 2006; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012; Ord. 1278 § 1, 2020)
No person shall erect a sign upon any property owned or controlled by the city without first having procured a lease of the property from the city. Before any lease shall be granted for the erection and maintenance of a sign upon property of the city, application therefor shall be made to the city manager. The city manager shall provide a reasonable form for such application and such form shall set forth the following matters:
Location of the sign.
Size of the sign.
Nature of the lettering.
Materials of which the sign shall be constructed.
Sketch of the sign.
Additional information which the city manager deems necessary to carry out the purposes and intent of this chapter.
In the event that any sign is erected or maintained in violation of the provisions of this section, the city manager may direct the removal of the sign. In the event the lessee deems such removal to be without cause, he may within thirty days after such direction make written appeal to the city council. The findings of the city council, after notice to the lessee and due hearing shall be final.
Off-site directional and off-site monument signs in the public ROW authorized by Section 18.152.170(A)(8) and (9) are exempt from the lease requirement.
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012; Ord. 1278 § 1, 2020)
Directional and Identification Tract Signs.
An on-site promotional tract sign not exceeding ninety-six square feet per face in area and not exceeding sixteen feet in vertical height may be located at each major entrance to a tract, subdivision or community development for a period not to exceed one year. The planning director may extend such one-year period for additional six-month periods; provided, however, that if the initial sale of all units is completed during any such period, all signs shall be removed. If the entrance is clearly visible from a freeway, the sign may be increased in area to not more than two hundred square feet. If the entrance is not visible from a freeway, but the tract, subdivision or community development abuts a freeway, one additional on-site directional sign not to exceed two hundred square feet may be approved by the planning director. Such sign may be installed in a location which is visible from the freeway, and may indicate the nearest off-ramp. No sign shall be located less than eight feet from the property line.
Temporary off-site directional tract signs may be located on the major or secondary highway nearest the tract. The planning commission may permit such signs in any zone subject to the following provisions:
The total number of such signs shall not exceed one; except that where there is hardship demonstrated in terms of geographic location or access routes, the planning commission may allow up to three additional signs.
Signs shall not exceed ninety-six square feet in area.
Such signs shall be located not less than eight feet from the property line, and shall not exceed sixteen feet in vertical height.
All such signs shall be supported by a properly engineered design subject to the approval of the building official.
Such signs shall be permitted on a temporary basis for a period not to exceed one year. The planning director may extend such one-year period for additional six-month periods; provided, however, that if the initial sale of all units or lots is completed during any such period, all signs shall be removed.
Signs shall be maintained a minimum distance of fifty feet from any residence to which the signs do not refer and a minimum distance of fifty feet from any other sign.
Every person erecting such sign or signs shall pay to the city a permit fee of fifty dollars for each and every sign erected. In addition, such person shall deposit with the building department the sum of one hundred fifty dollars cash for each and every sign so erected as a security to insure the removal of all signs. If all such signs are removed within fourteen days after expiration of the permitted period, the one hundred fifty dollar cash deposit shall be refunded. If all such signs are not removed, then the city or its agent may enter on all property on which all such signs are located and remove all such signs, and the cost of such removal shall be deducted from such cash deposit and the remainder, if any, returned to the person depositing the one hundred fifty dollars.
Before any permit for any such sign is issued, the applicant shall furnish the building department written authority in a form approved by the city attorney, granting the city or its agent permission to enter upon the premises to remove such sign. The authorization must be signed by the owners of record of the premises and by the person proposing to erect the sign.
Signs not exceeding three in number and each not greater than four square feet in area may be located on the same lot as a model home, so long as the home is used to promote the original sale of each house in the tract.
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012)
Time and Temperature Signs. Time and temperature signs shall be permitted and may convey the following information: time, date, temperature and atmospheric conditions.
Political Signs. Political signs shall be permitted as provided in this section:
Residential Zones. Political signs shall be permitted on private property in any residential zone and in the parkway areas generally between the front property line and curb face of residential zones.
Such sign shall not exceed six feet in height or twelve square feet of total sign face area.
Such sign shall be removed ten calendar days after the date of election.
Such signs shall require the permission of the property owner.
Such signs in the parkway portion of the public right-of-way shall not be painted, marked, pasted, fastened or in any manner affixed or caused to be painted, marked, pasted, fastened or in any manner affixed to or on any curb, street, sidewalk, street sign post, equestrian trail and/or equestrian trail fencing or to or on any sign erected for the purpose of directing or warning traffic, or to or on any telephone, telegraph or electric light pole, or to or on any tree or shrub in any public street, parkway or sidewalk.
No political signs shall be erected or maintained in violation of Sections 18.152.060 and 18.152.070.
All Other Zones. Political signs shall be permitted in all other zones.
Such sign shall not exceed thirty-two square feet.
Such sign shall be removed ten calendar days after the date of election.
No political signs shall be erected or maintained in violation of Sections 18.152.060 and 18.152.070.
Political signs placed, erected or maintained in violation of this section shall be removed as follows:
Any political sign in violation of Sections 18.152.060 and 18.152.070 shall constitute a public nuisance and shall be deemed abandoned by its owner and may be summarily removed by the city without notice.
Any political signs in violation of subsections (B)(1)(a) through (B)(1)(d), (B)(2)(a) and (B)(2)(b) of this section may be removed by the city if, after providing five calendar days' written notice requesting the violation be corrected by the owner of the signs and the property owner or tenant on whose property the signs have been posted, the political signs are not removed, relocated or altered as required by this section. The notice requirements herein shall be satisfied upon a reasonable and diligent effort by the city to locate the owner of the sign, property owner and/or tenant.
Search Lights. Search lights may be permitted, subject to approval of a temporary use permit from the planning department. Search lights may be associated with a grand opening or a special event and shall be permitted for no more than three days per year per business location.
Menus for Restaurants. Such signs shall not exceed four square feet in area and may be displayed in the window or on the exterior wall in an appropriate manner, as approved by the planning director.
Secondary Businesses in One Tenant Space. For businesses that are secondary to a primary business (e.g., banks located in grocery stores), one wall or window sign shall be permitted for identification, in addition to the signs permitted for the primary use. The wall or window sign permitted shall:
Not exceed ten square feet in total size.
Not exceed twelve inches in letter height.
Not be illuminated.
Be subject to review and approval of the planning director.
Off-site directional guide signs located on private property for public, charitable or religious institutions pursuant to review and approval by the development plan review board as provided by this chapter.
When the development plan review board finds that exceptional circumstances exist demonstrating hardship in terms of geographic location or access routes, directional signs may be permitted. Such signs shall be limited to copy that includes the facility name and minimum information to provide direction. The intent for this type of sign is to provide clear directions to motorists and pedestrians, so the size and location should be similar to traffic signs. In some cases, nonilluminated monument signs may be utilized, provided that the aesthetic impact is determined to be more positive than a standard traffic directional sign. In no case, shall such monument sign exceed four feet in height or twenty square feet. The board shall determine the location and number of signs.
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012; Ord. 1278 § 1, 2020)
It is the city's desire to encourage appropriate public art and murals that provide interest and beauty to the city. Any entity that is responsible for funding and constructing public art and murals may be entitled to some identification space in association with the public art and mural. The size, design and location of the sign is subject to the review and approval of the development plan review board or its designee. The design of any public art or mural is generally intended to contribute to the historic or cultural character of the city and not further a commercial interest.
(Ord. 1103 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012)
It is the city's desire to preserve historic signs that contribute to the preservation of the history or culture of the past. Signs having recognized historic or cultural significance which do not meet the standards set forth in this chapter may be exempted from these regulations by the development plan review board and approved in addition to the number of signs and sign area otherwise allowed. Any such sign shall be preserved in appropriate condition consistent with its historic character.
(Ord. 1212 § 1, 2012)