Within the period of completion of work the permittee shall remove or cause to be removed from the parcel of land upon which demolition was commenced all materials and debris resulting from wrecking or demolition, including, but not limited to all concrete foundations, steps and porches protruding above the natural grade or curb top level whichever is higher. Material or debris not removed within said period is declared to be a public nuisance detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the community.
(Prior code § 14-930)
The permittee shall take all necessary precautions to adequately protect adjacent property and the occupants thereof.
(Prior code § 14-931)
Prior to the start of any demolition work on any building or structure, the Community Development Director may require the permittee to give written notice to owners of adjoining property lots less than 10 days before such demolition is started. The permittee shall send a copy of such notice to the Community Development Director.
(Prior code § 14-932)
Permittee shall provide all protection necessary to prevent damage to public property and shall be liable for the cost of repair or replacement of all damaged public property including sidewalks, streets, street lights, traffic signals and all other public utilities located on public property.
(Prior code § 14-933)
Under no circumstances shall the permittee operate any equipment, engaged in the demolition of any building or structure or in the removal of material therefrom on the traffic side of a pedestrian canopy. The use of a "headache" ball or any other battering device on the exterior walls of any building or structure is prohibited when such device will swing or will be swung over public property or when its use will cause building material particles to fall or be driven onto public property. The Community Development Director may prohibit the use of such device on any portion of a building when in his or her opinion its use will create a hazard to public property.
(Prior code § 14-934)
All dust resulting from wrecking or demolition operations shall be immediately settled by wetting the same with water. Permittee must obtain permission from the appropriate water utility company and the Fire Chief for the use of fire hydrants and water therefrom.
The permittee shall be responsible for keeping all public property clean during such operations, and shall wash off all public streets and sidewalks to remove all silt and dust. In order to prevent such material from entering the public sewer, the permittee shall properly pond the gutter in order to permit such material to settle and it shall then be cleaned up and hauled away. This procedure shall be followed in accordance with the requirements and policies of the Department of Public Works.
(Prior code § 14-935)
Immediately after the wrecking or demolition of any building or structure, the owner of the property upon which the building or structure was located, or his or her authorized agent, shall securely barricade all basement excavations and other holes or openings. In addition thereto, said owner or his or her authorized agent shall complete the following work:
Securely cap and seal all gas, water and oil pipe lines disconnected from the building within five feet of the property line;
Securely close and seal any sanitary piping located on the property within five feet of the property line;
Remove and fill with dirt, sand or rock any septic tanks or cesspools located on the property;
Remove and fill any openings, excavations or basements remaining on the land with dirt, sand or rock to street level or the natural level of adjoining property; and
Remove and fill any buried or underground tanks formerly used for storage of flammable liquids, as directed by the Fire Department.
In such event, the permittee shall provide such excavation with a substantial six foot high fence protecting the excavation on all sides. The site shall be left free of all debris both combustible and incombustible, whether organic or inorganic in nature.
(Prior code § 14-936)
Every person, firm or corporation, except the owner of property upon which a building stands, wrecking or demolishing a building or structure of the City, shall file with the Community Development Director a liability insurance policy issued by a solvent corporation holding a certificate of authority to do insurance business in the State, which policy shall conform in all respects to the requirements of this section and which meets the approval of the City Attorney. In lieu of filing the insurance policy herein referred to, a certificate of insurance issued by an insurance corporation meeting the approval of the City Attorney may be filed. The certificate must show that a policy meeting the requirements of this section has been issued and shall set forth the expiration date of such policy. The liability policy required under this section shall insure the person, firm or corporation wrecking or demolishing a building or structure against loss from liability imposed by law for injury to or death of any person or damage to any property growing out of the wrecking or demolishing of such building or structure to the amount or limit of $100,000.00 exclusive of interest and costs on account of injury to or death of one person, of $300,000.00 exclusive of interest and costs on account of wrecking or demolishing any one building or structure resulting in injury to or death of more than one person and of $25,000.00 for damage to property of others resulting from the wrecking or demolishing of any one building or structure, provided, however, that the limits of insurance required herein may be reduced by written permission of the City Manager. The policy of insurance so provided shall contain a contractual liability endorsement to include the liability assumed by the permittee under the terms of the permit and shall contain a provision that such policy may not be canceled or reduced in amount except after 30 days' notice in writing to be given to the Director of Public Works.
(Prior code § 14-937)
The filling of excavations shall not be required when a building permit has been issued for a new building on the site and the construction thereof is to be commenced within 60 days after the completion of the wrecking and demolition operations.
(Prior code § 14-938)