The purpose of this chapter is to provide standards for applicants that desire to develop under the provisions of planned development permits (Chapter 16.144). The standards in this chapter are intended to promote quality design and innovative site planning consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan. The planned development standards promote high quality development that incorporates amenities beyond those expected under conventional development, to achieve greater flexibility in design, to encourage well-planned projects through creative and imaginative planning, and to provide for the appropriate use of land that is sufficiently unique in its physical characteristics or other circumstances to warrant special consideration of development standards.
(Prior code § 16-350.010)
The provisions of this chapter apply to development in any zoning district in compliance with the application requirements in Chapter 16.144 (Planned Development Permits). Strict compliance with the purpose and intent of the General Plan shall be required, and only uses allowed in the zoning district for which the planned development is proposed shall be allowed.
(Prior code § 16-350.020)
General Standards for All Projects. The following development standards shall apply to all developments subject to a planned development permit.
Size. A minimum site of two acres, exclusive of public rights-of-way, shall be required. This requirement may be waived or reduced by the Commission, or on appeal by the Council, if the approving body finds that the waiver is necessary in order to achieve a superior project given the unique attributes of the site, its setting, or surrounding conditions, and that the project will meet the purpose and intent of this chapter.
Application to Site. A planned development permit may apply to a site that consists of more than one parcel, provided the original parcels are contiguous to one another and not separated by a major collector or minor/major arterial street.
Setback Requirements. Structure setbacks, with the exception of outer perimeter front, side, and rear side yard setback provisions for perimeter landscaping may deviate from the setback standards identified in this Development Code and shall conform to the approved planned development permit.
Site Coverage. The site coverage for residential or nonresidential zoning districts may deviate from the standards of this Development Code.
Frontage and Area Requirements. The frontage and area per lot requirements for residential and nonresidential zoning districts may deviate from the regulations of this Development Code.
Height Limits. The height of structures may deviate from the height standards of this Development Code, provided that any nonresidential structure adjacent to a residential zone is set back a distance equal to the height of the nonresidential structure from the property line between the parcels.
Open Space Requirements. In addition to the requirements for residential and nonresidential, below, the following open space requirements apply to all planned development permits:
Open space shall be designed as a major element of the project;
Open space shall be located to take advantage of, and to help preserve, existing natural amenities (e.g., trees, topographic features, waterways, and views);
Open space shall generally be clustered to create larger scale open spaces, but shall also be used to buffer incompatible uses and to provide corridors of space around and within developed areas to achieve a spacious character and convenient linkage to all parts of the site;
All landscaped areas shall be designed, installed, and irrigated in compliance with Chapter 16.56 (Landscaping Standards);
Open space areas shall not include streets, whether public or private, off-street parking or landscaping required for the parking lot, access drives, loading areas, or area(s) covered by structures;
The location of all open space, including any off-premises locations, shall be identified on appropriate plans; and
The Commission may modify any open space requirement (subsection(B)(3) of this section (Residential projects—Common open space requirements) and subsection (C)(2) of this section (Nonresidential projects—Common open space requirements)) after considering the general purpose and nature of the project. If the open space requirement is modified, another amenity(s) shall be provided (subsection (B)(4) of this section (Residential projects—Amenities) and subsection (C)(3) of this section (Nonresidential projects— Amenities)).
Maintenance of Common Areas. The applicant shall provide for the permanent maintenance of all common area(s), including open space areas, within the development. The applicant shall provide the following:
A plan showing all common areas and areas to be dedicated to/for public and/or private use; and
If the development consists of:
Only one parcel, a plan for maintenance, or
More than one parcel, a plan for maintenance and a mandatory homeowners' association to provide permanent maintenance of the common area. If the homeowners' association defaults, the City reserves the right to form a mandatory maintenance district.
Limitations. The Commission shall have the authority to define and limit the requirements for each approved land use within the area covered by the approved planned development permit.
Distinct. All standards apply to each individual planned development permit, and off-site improvements and amenities cannot be used to meet any of the requirements for a specific, individual planned development permit.
Requirements and Standards. Unless clearly stated otherwise in the approved planned development permit, the provisions, regulations, requirements, and standards governing the development and on-going operation of the site covered by the planned development permit shall be in compliance with this Development Code.
Development Phasing. If the project would be phased, the applicant shall submit a schedule indicating the development schedule for the project, including open space and amenities.
Projects developed in phases shall be designed so that each successive phase would contain open space and amenities to independently qualify under the provisions of subsection (A)(7) (Open space requirements).
If the proposed project would be developed with a series of planned development permits for smaller areas within the site, a master planned development permit shall be prepared for the site. It shall show the location and type of open space and amenities and the location and type of development to be proposed.
Residential Projects. In addition to the general standards listed above, the following standards shall apply to residential projects:
Housing Types and Number. The type of housing allowed in a planned development may include a variety of housing types, including single-family dwellings, duplexes, triplexes, townhouses, and multifamily. The number of allowable dwelling units on each parcel may exceed the number allowed within the specific zoning district as identified in Table 2-3 (Zoning District Development Standards), provided:
Multiple Parcels. In the case of multiple parcels, that the number of units in the entire project does not exceed the maximum allowable density for the zoning district as identified in Table 2-3; or
Two or More Zoning Districts. If the site contains two or more residential zoning districts, that the number of units in the entire project does not exceed the maximum cumulative number of dwelling units permitted for the entire project.
Parking Requirements. Parking shall comply with the required parking standards in Chapter 16.64 (Off-street Parking and Loading Standards). Projects consisting of both residential and nonresidential uses may deviate from parking standards.
Landscape and Common Open Space Requirements. At least 20 percent of the gross property area shall be reserved for, and devoted to, landscaped areas and useable common open space area(s), (e.g., greenbelts, lawns, riparian corridors, and pedestrian trails), excluding public parks. The required maintenance entity shall only be required to maintain the landscape and open space areas that are required for the project by this Development Code.
Amenities. One or more amenities shall be provided with each project subject to a planned development permit. Examples of amenities that may be provided include recreation facilities, community meeting halls, parks and play fields, tot lots, swimming pools, enhanced right-of-way treatments, special identity architectural elements, water features, and similar amenities of a permanent nature.
Accessory Uses. Accessory commercial and service uses limited to no more than 10 percent of the project may be a component of a residential planned development project to provide daily necessities. Uses allowed include beauty/barber shops, postal facilities, quick copy shops, general stores, drug store/pharmacy, or other uses clearly intended for the convenience of residents.
Maintenance. The developer of a residential project shall establish a homeowner's association for the purpose of maintaining common areas and enforcing the CC&Rs.
Nonresidential Projects. In addition to the general standards provided in subsection A of this section (General standards for all projects), the following standards shall apply to nonresidential projects.
Parking Requirements. The number and design of off-street parking areas may deviate from the parking standards identified in this Development Code.
Common Open Space Requirements. At least 20 percent of the gross property area in all nonresidential developments shall be reserved for, and devoted to, landscaped and useable pedestrian-oriented open space area(s). Open spaces may include courtyards, landscaped gardens, outdoor dining areas, plazas, and water features; but shall not include parking.
Amenities. One or more amenities shall be provided with each project subject to a planned development permit. Examples of amenities that may be provided include community facilities (e.g., community center, post office), public plazas with enhanced pedestrian amenities, (e.g., water features, seating, landscaping), vehicle and/or pedestrian connections to adjacent uses/neighborhoods, unique architectural features (e.g., clock tower), water fountains, and similar amenities of a permanent nature.
Signs. All nonresidential signs shall be part of a comprehensive sign program in compliance with Section 16.76.050 (Comprehensive sign program).
Accessory Uses. Accessory commercial and service uses limited to no more than a total of 20 percent of the project may be a component of an industrial planned development project to provide convenience items and services. Uses allowed include beauty/barber shops, postal facilities, quick copy shops, general stores, drug store/pharmacy, eating establishments, banking facilities, or other uses clearly intended for the convenience of area workers.
(Prior code § 16-350.030; Ord. 023-07 C.S. §§ 51—53; Ord. 015-09 C.S., eff. 12-3-09)