This chapter is intended for the purpose of securing and maintaining the orderly and harmonious construction of buildings, signs, and other structures in designated areas of the City through the establishment of design review districts in order that they may be erected of such design and construction as to:
Determine and protect the most appropriate use and value of property in the areas of application of these regulations;
Foster and maintain a more desirable living, working, and recreational environment in the areas of application of these regulations; and
Promote the general prosperity and welfare of the City as a whole.
(Prior code § 16-520.010)
The Council is the Review Authority for the establishment of design review districts.
(Prior code § 16-520.020)
The requirements of this chapter shall apply to the establishment of any area of the City identified by the Council as requiring architectural and other design review. The area(s) may consist of properties in one or more use district classifications of this Development Code and may be located in any part of the City.
(Prior code § 16-520.030)
The application to a design review district may be initiated in the following manner;
By a petition of the majority of the property owners in a given area;
By the City Manager who shall refer the matter to the Commission;
By a resolution of intention by the Commission; or
By the Council who shall refer the matter to the Commission for report.
(Prior code § 16-520.040)
Filing. An application for a design review district shall be completed, filed with the Department, and processed in compliance with Chapter 16.84 (Application Filing, Processing, and Fees), and shall be accompanied by the fee required by the Council's fee resolution.
Review. Each application shall be analyzed by the Director to ensure that the application is consistent with the purpose and intent of this chapter in compliance with Section 16.84.050 (Initial application review and environmental assessment).
Commission Review. After the application is initiated, the Commission shall:
Prepare a map of the boundaries of the area; and
Hold at least one public hearing with notice to property owners at least once in a local newspaper of general circulation 10 days or more before the date of the hearing. The Commission may require additional notice as determined in the particular instance.
After the public hearing, the Commission may adopt the map by resolution and forward their recommendation to the Council.
Council Review. The Council may adopt the map by resolution as an administrative act, finding that the area is suitable for the application of the provisions of this chapter. The resolution may include suggestions and recommendations as to the design and construction of buildings, structures, and/or grounds in the identified area.
Overlay Zoning District. The design review district shall be designated as a design review overlay district with a -DES on the Zoning District Map.
Copies. Certified copies of the map of each area shall be filed with the Superintendent of Building Safety, the Director, or any other officials and persons as the Council may direct.
(Prior code § 16-520.050)
All structures within a design review district shall submit plans and elevations for the project which shall be reviewed in compliance with Chapter 16.120 (Design Review) and the City of Stockton Citywide Design Guidelines.
(Prior code § 16-520.060)