Process. This chapter is intended to provide a process for the preparation, adoption of, amendment of, and review of a precise road plan application.
Roadway Scheme. A precise road plan would, at a minimum, identify the future rights-of-way requirements, roadway alignment, lane configurations, access restrictions, and intersection controls for the entire length or portions of the applicable roadways.
(Prior code § 16-550.010)
The Council is the Review Authority for precise road plans, based on the recommendation of the Commission.
(Prior code § 16-550.020)
A precise road plan shall be prepared, processed, approved or disapproved, and implemented in compliance with this chapter for the following:
Precise Road Plan Required. Cases where a Precise Road Plan is required by the General Plan and is in conformance with the General Plan or this Development Code to systematically implement the General Plan for any part of the City; and
Focused Planning Effort. Areas that would benefit from a focused planning effort in which infrastructure, public service needs, and resource protection goals can be carefully examined and planned in a comprehensive manner.
(Prior code § 16-550.030)
A precise road plan adoption/amendment may be initiated in the following manner:
Council. By a resolution of intention adopted by the Council with referral to the Commission;
Commission. By the Commission; or
Property Owner. By an application being filed by the owner(s), or their authorized agent(s), of property which would be the subject of the precise road plan with applicable fee. If initiated by owner(s) of property, a pre-application conference with the Director shall be strongly encouraged before the filing of a formal precise road plan application.
(Prior code § 16-550.040)
An applicant shall prepare a draft precise road plan application for review acceptable to the City and shall be prepared by a registered civil/traffic engineer and/or licensed land surveyor. The adoption/amendment shall include detailed information in the form of text and diagram(s) organized in compliance with the Department handout for precise road plans. The following information shall be provided:
Roadway Information. The size of each sheet shall be 24 inches by 36 inches and the drawings shall be scaled at one inch to 50 feet. Additionally, reduced, legible drawings of each large drawing sized at eight and one-half (8-1/2) by 11 inches shall also be provided. The following information shall be contained in the drawings:
The existing design of the roadway (e.g., existing access points, lane configurations, existing rights-of-way, and the alignment) affected by the precise road plan adoption/amendment;
The proposed precise road plan design as adopted; and
The proposed amended design of the roadway.
Land Uses. Existing and proposed land uses, where applicable, affected by the precise road plan shall be indicated on the drawing;
Traffic Analysis. A traffic analysis shall be prepared by an independent consultant, as an extension of City staff, to determine the impacts, if any of the proposed precise road plan amendment/adoption. The analysis shall be acceptable subject to the approval of the Director or designee. All supporting documentation shall be provided substantiating the conclusions of the traffic analysis; and
Additional Information. The precise road plan shall contain any additional information determined to be necessary by the Director based on the characteristics of the area to be covered by the plan, applicable policies of the General Plan, or any other issue(s) determined by the Director to be significant.
(Prior code § 16-550.050; Ord. 015-09 C.S., eff. 12-3-09)
Filing. A draft precise road plan shall be filed with the Department and shall be accompanied by the fee required by the Council's fee resolution.
The Director shall review the draft plan to determine whether it conforms with the purposes, intent, and provisions of this chapter in compliance with Section 16.84.050 (Initial application review and environmental assessment).
If the draft plan is not in compliance, it shall be returned to the applicant with a written specification(s) as to why it does not comply, and with suggested revisions to ensure compliance.
Development Review Committee (DRC). The DRC shall review the proposed precise road plan and forward a written recommendation to the Director.
Notice and Hearings.
Following review by the Director and the precise road plan adoption or amendment being deemed complete and reviewed by the DRC, public hearings shall be conducted by the Commission and then the Council.
Public noticing, and the conduct of the hearings, shall be in compliance with Chapter 16.88 (Review Procedures) for actions in which the Council is the Review Authority.
(Prior code § 16-550.060)
After a public hearing, the Review Authority shall provide the decision and the findings of fact on which the decision is based in writing. It is the responsibility of the applicant to establish evidence in support of the required findings. A precise road plan may be approved only if all of the following findings of fact can be made.
Approval. A precise road plan shall only be adopted if it is determined that the proposed precise road plan would be:
Consistent with the general land uses, objectives policies, and programs of the General Plan and other adopted goals and policies of the City; and
In compliance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines.
Disapproval. A precise road plan shall be disapproved if the Review Authority:
Is unable to make all of the required findings of fact;
If the Review Authority finds that traffic operations on the roadway and/or surrounding network would be negatively affected either now or in the future by the plan or amendment; or
Finds that levels of service (LOS) standards would deteriorate to a level below the established General Plan standard.
(Prior code § 16-550.070)
The precise road plan shall be adopted or amended by ordinance or by resolution of the Council and shall become effective on the 31st day following the date the public decision is rendered by the Council.
(Prior code § 16-550.080)
Consistency With Precise Road Plan. All public works projects, tentative maps or tentative parcel maps, and amendments to the Zoning Map for an area covered by a precise road plan may only be approved/adopted if it is first found to be consistent with the adopted precise road plan.
Setback Areas. After the adoption of a precise road plan, setback requirements shall be established complying with the following standards:
All required setback areas shall be measured from the setback lines established by the precise road plan.
A structure or improvement shall not be placed within the setback line established in a precise road plan, except for temporary structure(s) or improvement(s) for which the property owner(s) has first filed the following with the City:
Dedication of the land contained within the setback line specified in the precise road plan;
A bond in an amount to be fixed by the City Manager;
A written guarantee ensuring removal of any structure or improvement located in the setback area at the expense of the property owner(s) at the time the City states its intention to widen the street for which there is a precise road plan; and
If the temporary structure or improvement is sold or leased, the existence of the temporary structure or improvement shall not cause the City to incur any additional expense, and any costs for removal shall become a lien against the property on which the temporary structure or improvement is located.
Amendments. An adopted precise road plan may only be amended through the same procedure identified by this chapter for the adoption of a precise road plan.
(Prior code § 16-550.090)