This chapter is intended to provide a review procedure for proposed development projects to:
Expediency. Ensure that proposed projects comply with the applicable requirements before time and money have been spent preparing building plans in order to expedite the building permit process.
Certainty. Increases the applicant's certainty during the 12 months the site plan review is valid.
Consistency. Review any proposed development for consistency with:
The general land uses, goals, objectives, implementation programs, and policies of the General Plan and any applicable specific plan or master development plan; and
The requirements, standards, and provisions of the following:
The Municipal Code,
This Development Code,
The City's standard specifications and plans.
Protection. Protect the integrity and character of the residential, commercial, and industrial zoned areas of the City.
Adequate Review. Ensure adequate review and comment on any development project, which may potentially affect the community, and protect the integrity of each land use district.
Placement. Encourage the orderly placement of structures within the City along with associated facilities, landscaping, parking areas, signs, and streets.
Interdependency. Recognize the interdependence of land values and the appropriate development and layout of a site and provide a method by which the City may strengthen this interdependence.
Discourage Adverse Impacts. Ensure that new development, including single-family residential, commercial, and industrial, builds on the City's traditional character and does not result in an adverse aesthetic, health, or safety impact upon existing adjoining properties, or the City in general.
(Prior code § 16-555.010; Ord. 2020-12-01-1502 C.S. § 35)
The Director is the Review Authority for site plan reviews, based on the recommendation of the Site Plan Review Committee (SPRC).
(Prior code § 16-555.020)
The Director shall review projects for the appropriate and efficient layout of a site as an integral part of the development approval process.
Requires a Building Permit. Each project that requires approval of a building permit, unless exempted by Section 16.152.040 (Exemptions), shall require review and approval of a site plan review by the Director before:
The issuance of a building permit;
The commencement of any work to construct or erect a new structure or improvement; or
The alteration, enlargement, remodeling, repair, or other change to the exterior of an existing structure or improvement.
Change in Use. Each project that proposes to change an existing use to a different use of a structure, as defined in this Development Code, shall require that site plan review be completed and granted before the use of the structure is initiated.
Change in Occupancy. Each project that proposes to change the occupancy of a building from the existing occupancy, as defined in the California Building Standards Code, shall require that site plan review be completed and granted before the building is occupied.
(Prior code § 16-555.030; Ord. 2020-12-01-1502 C.S. § 36)
Not Required. A site plan review shall not be required for the following:
Development Permits. Projects requiring a land development permit in compliance with Chapter 16.136 (Land Development Permit);
Use Permits. Projects requiring a use permit in compliance with Chapter 16.168 (Use Permit);
Planned Development Permits. Projects obtaining a planned development permit in compliance with Chapter 16.144 (Planned Development Permits);
Exterior Improvements. Exterior alterations, except for a change in use or a change in occupancy under the City's adopted California Building Standards Code, that do not involve a change in the footprint of an existing structure, or affect on-site parking or circulation;
Fences and Walls. Standalone fences and walls no more than six feet in height that are independent of any other use or structure and not a retaining or sound wall;
Interior Improvements. Alterations, repairs, or other changes to the interior of an existing structure, except for a change in use or a change in occupancy under the City's adopted California Building Standards Code;
Maintenance and Replacement. Maintenance of a structure and its environment or replacement-in-kind that is of the exact same size and in the exact same location;
Residential Developments. A residential development containing single-family, duplex, or triplex dwelling units;
Minor Nonresidential Projects. A nonresidential project which does not involve more than a 10 percent expansion of the existing primary structure, does not adversely impact circulation or increase the required number of parking spaces by more than 10 percent, and does not result in the need for public right-of-way dedication or improvement; and
Community Gardens. The use of private property for the purpose of maintaining and operating a community garden in compliance with Section 16.80.130 (Community gardens).
Optional Review. Site plan review shall be available for exempt projects if requested by the applicant.
(Prior code § 16-555.040; Ord. 2020-09-15-1501 C.S. § 17; Ord. 2020-12-01-1502 C.S. § 37)
Application. The site plan shall be prepared in compliance with the Department handout for site plan review.
Initial Review. Each application shall be reviewed by the Director to ensure that the application is consistent with this Development Code and the purpose and intent of this chapter.
Application Review. After the proposed site plan has been deemed complete, the Director shall submit the proposed site plan to the Site Plan Review Committee for their review and recommendation:
Factors to Be Considered. Conduct a review of the location, design, site plan configuration, and effect of the proposed development by comparing the project's plans to:
The requirements and standards in the Municipal Code;
Required locational and developmental standards identified in this Development Code, including applicable standards for specific land uses in Chapter 16.80 (Standards for Specific Land Uses);
Requirements of the City's California Building Standards Code; and
The City's standard specifications and plans.
On-Site Review. The review may include on-site inspection of the subject parcel, if deemed necessary by the Director.
Site Plan Review Committee. After review of the proposed site plan, the Site Plan Review Committee shall make one of the following recommendations to the Director:
In Compliance. The proposed site plan is in compliance with the requirements of this chapter and should be granted (signed and stamped);
Very Minor Corrections. The proposed site plan would be in compliance with the requirements of this chapter with very minor corrections, which shall be identified on the site plan and should be granted (signed and stamped);
Minor Corrections. The proposed site plan needs to be revised and resubmitted to the Department to verify the revisions, at which time it should be granted (signed and stamped); or
Major Corrections. The proposed site plan needs to be revised and resubmitted for review by the Site Plan Review Committee in compliance with this section.
Director's Action. The Director shall either:
Issue the signed and stamped site plan, based on the recommendation of the Site Plan Review Committee; or
Require additional revision of the site plan in compliance with subsection (C)(3) of this section (Site Plan Review Committee).
Ministerial Action. Site plan review approval is a ministerial action that is not subject to Section 16.88.040 (Environmental determination).
(Prior code § 16-555.050; Ord. 023-07 C.S. § 114; Ord. 2020-12-01-1502 C.S. § 38)
All work performed under a building permit for which drawings and plans have been approved under the procedures and requirements of this chapter shall conform to the approved drawings and plans. The signed and stamped site plan shall be submitted before, or at the same time as, the building permit application.
(Prior code § 16-555.060)
Unless otherwise stated below, the requirements for use of property; owner responsibility; issuance of a business license, building permit, or certificate of occupancy; maintenance; and performance guarantees of the project following issuance of a site plan review shall be in compliance with Chapter 16.92 (Implementation Procedures, Conditions, and Requirements). In addition, the following procedures shall apply, as applicable, after issuance of a site plan review:
Effective Date. A site plan review shall be effective on the date the signed and stamped site plan is issued by the Director;
Changes to a Site Plan Review. Changes to the project in compliance with Chapter 16.104 (Changes to an Approved Project); and
Expiration/Extension. The site plan review shall be void unless the required building permit is submitted within 12 months of the site plan review being issued. An extension may be requested; however, any extension shall be in compliance with the requirements of this Development Code in effect at the time of the extension request.
(Prior code § 16-555.070)