Provide for Adjustments. This chapter is intended to provide for adjustments from the development standards of this Development Code only when, because of special circumstances applicable to a specific piece of property, the strict application of this Development Code denies the property owner privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identical zoning districts.
Special Circumstances. The special circumstances may only apply to the location, shape, size, surroundings, or topography of the subject property.
Granting of Special Privilege(s)—Prohibited. Any variance that is granted shall be subject to conditions that would ensure that the variance does not constitute a granting of special privilege(s) inconsistent with the limitations on other properties in the vicinity and zoning district in which the property is situated (Government Code Section 65906).
Use Variances—Prohibited. Variances only apply to development standards; use variances are not allowed.
Further Reductions—Prohibited. Variances cannot be used to further reduce development standards that have been reduced because of exceptions allowed under Chapter 16.36 (General Development and Use Standards).
(Prior code § 16-580.010)
The Commission is the Review Authority for a variance, subject to appeal in compliance with Chapter 16.100 (Appeals).
(Prior code § 16-580.020)
The Commission may grant an adjustment from the requirements of this Development Code governing only the following development standards:
Dimensional Standards. Dimensional standards including distance-separation requirements, parcel area, building site area/coverage, fence and wall requirements, signs, height vs. setback adjustments, landscape and paving requirements, lighting, parcel dimensions, off-street parking areas, loading areas, open space, setbacks, structure heights, etc. Also including density requirements, including dwelling units per net acre or the minimum number of dwelling units per parcel.
Off-Street Parking. Number of off-street parking spaces, loading spaces, landscaping, etc. The Director may grant up to a 20 percent reduction in the number of required off-street parking spaces in compliance with Section 16.64.050 (Adjustments to off-street parking requirements).
Other Standards. Other standards including minor operational/performance standards relating to dust, hours of operation, landscaping/parking, light, noise, number of employees, etc.
(Prior code § 16-580.030; Ord. 023-07 C.S. § 119)
Filing. An application for a variance shall be completed, filed with the Department, and processed in compliance with Chapter 16.84 (Application Filing, Processing, and Fees), and shall be accompanied by the fee required by the Council's fee resolution.
Review. Each application shall be analyzed by the Director to ensure that the application is consistent with the purpose and intent of this chapter in compliance with Section 16.84.050 (Initial application review and environmental assessment).
Notice and Hearing. Following review by the Director, the Commission shall conduct a public hearing. Public noticing and the conduct of the hearings shall be in compliance with Section 16.88.050(C) (Public hearing review procedure), for actions in which the Commission is the Review Authority.
(Prior code § 16-580.040)
Following appropriate review, the Commission shall provide the decision, with the findings of fact upon which the decision is based in writing. It is the responsibility of the applicant to establish evidence in support of the required findings. The Commission may approve an application, with or without conditions, only if all of the following findings of fact can be made:
General Findings.
Special Circumstances. There are special circumstances applicable to the property (e.g., location, shape, size, surroundings, or topography), so that the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of this Development Code denies the property owner privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identical zoning districts;
Exceptional Circumstances. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to other properties classified in the same zoning district;
Physically Suitable. The subject site would be physically suitable for the proposed variance; and
Granting the variance would:
Be necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights possessed by other property owners in the same vicinity and zoning district and denied to the property owner for which the variance is sought;
Be consistent with the general land uses, objectives, policies, and programs of the General Plan, any applicable specific plan, precise road plan, or master development plan, and the intent of this Development Code;
Not constitute a granting of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same zoning district;
Not authorize a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly authorized by the zoning district regulations governing the subject property;
Not be detrimental to the public convenience, health, interest, safety, or general welfare of the City or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and
Be in compliance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines.
Findings for Off-Street Parking Variances. A variance to reduce the required amount of off-street parking shall only be approved when the following findings of fact can be made:
The intent of the parking regulations, in compliance with Chapter 16.64 (Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards), is preserved;
Sufficient parking would be provided to serve the intended use and potential future uses of the subject parcel and would not result in the parking of vehicles on public streets which would interfere with the free flow of traffic;
For a nonresidential development project proposing to locate a portion of the required parking at an off-site location, or provide in-lieu fees or facilities instead of the required on-site parking spaces, the following additional findings shall be made, in compliance with State law (Government Code Section 65906.5). The variance would:
Be an incentive to, and a benefit for, the subject nonresidential development; and
Facilitate access to the subject nonresidential development by patrons of public transit facilities.
(Prior code § 16-580.050)
The Director shall provide written notice of the decision on the variance application to the applicant and interested parties within 10 days following the public/final date of the decision.
(Prior code § 16-580.060)
In approving a variance, the requirements of this Development Code are considered a minimum and the applicable Review Authority may impose specific development conditions relating to both on- and off-site improvements, as it finds are reasonable and necessary to ensure that the approval would be in compliance with the findings required by Section 16.172.050 (Findings and decision), and to carry out the purpose and requirements of the respective zoning district and any applicable overlay zone.
(Prior code § 16-580.070)
Unless otherwise stated below, the requirements for the use of property; owner responsibility; issuance of a business license, building permit, or certificate of occupancy; performance guarantees; maintenance; effective date; and review of the project following approval of a variance shall be in compliance with Chapter 16.92 (Implementation Procedures, Conditions, and Requirements). In addition, the following procedures may apply after approval of a variance:
Appeals. Appeals in compliance with Chapter 16.100 (Appeals);
Changes to a Variance. Changes to the project in compliance with Chapter 16.104 (Changes to an Approved Project);
Expiration/Extension. Expiration and extensions in compliance with Chapter 16.96 (Expirations and Extensions), or as otherwise provided by the variance; and
Revocation/Modification. Revocation or modification in compliance with Chapter 16.108 (Revocation and Modification).
(Prior code § 16-580.080)