The following rules are established for the conduct of formal and informal meetings of the city council:
Time and place of regular meetings.
The city council shall meet in regular session on the second Monday of each calendar month at 6:30 p.m. and on the fourth Monday of each calendar month at 6:30 p.m. All regular meetings shall be in the council chambers at the city hall. In the event of conflict between such regular meeting days and any holiday or other city function, such meeting dates may be changed or cancelled by order of the city council at least two (2) weeks prior to such changes or cancelled dates. If the meeting has not commenced within thirty (30) minutes after the designated time, the mayor shall at that time adjourn the meeting, provided, however, that the adjournment may be overruled by the affirmative vote of at least three (3) councilmembers. Any recess shall not be for a period in excess of one (1) hour from the time of recess.
Special meetings.
An informal session, or work session, shall be held by the city council on recommendation by the mayor or any two (2) councilmembers.
Procedure for submitting agenda items.
Any and all ordinances, resolutions, motions or other matters to be brought before the city council for its consideration by the mayor or any councilmember shall be submitted by the mayor or by such councilmember, as hereinafter provided, to the city secretary not later than 12:00 noon of the Monday of the week preceding the regular meeting at which the same is to be considered. The mayor or his designee shall then prepare a written agenda for the meeting, setting out the matters so submitted to him, and shall send a copy of such agenda and any ordinances or resolutions to be considered, by mail or other delivery in sufficient time to be delivered to and received by each councilmember not later than 5:00 p.m. of the Thursday preceding the meeting which is to be held. Any ordinance or resolution not so sent shall not be considered. Any request for placement of a matter on the agenda shall be in writing and shall contain a short statement concerning the matter and the particular action sought. Copies of such written requests shall be included in the councilmembers' packets.
Items on agenda.
The order of business of each meeting shall be contained in the agenda. The agenda shall be a listing by topic of subjects to be considered by city council and shall be included in the councilmembers' packets by 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday preceding the council meeting.
Public comment period.
A public comment period shall be placed on every agenda as governed by section 1.04.062.
Deferral of action on agenda items.
In the event of a request for additional information or for delay to obtain additional information by one (1) councilmember, the council must defer action upon such agenda item to the next regular meeting of the city council or such later meeting as shall be necessary to receive needed information. Any agenda item may be deferred only once pursuant to this subsection.
Agenda procedure.
This section is designed to establish an orderly procedure for handling agenda items:
Reading of agenda items; opening of discussion.
The mayor or city secretary shall read the item from the agenda and make a brief explanation of any item on the agenda, to explain its purpose and intent, if necessary.
Stating of question.
Before any vote is taken on any question or ordinance before the city council, the mayor or city secretary shall restate the motion having been submitted, naming the councilmember offering the second thereto, and then call for the question.
Announcement of vote.
The mayor or the city secretary shall, at the conclusion of the vote on each question properly submitted, announce the results.
Statement of results; end of discussion.
The mayor or city secretary shall clearly state the results of any action taken by city council at the conclusion of the vote. Following the vote on any motion, councilmembers shall neither discuss the issue nor explain their vote, and the mayor shall proceed to the next agenda item.
Recording of votes.
All votes on any motion shall be recorded and if not unanimous, should clearly state the name of each councilmember voting and how they voted.
Roll call vote.
A roll call vote shall be taken upon request of any councilmember. Such vote shall be in random order.
Rules of parliamentary procedure.
These rules, and in all cases Robert's Rules of Order Revised, shall control the deliberations of the city council.
Points of order.
The mayor shall determine all points of order, subject to the right of any member to appeal to the city council or request a parliamentary opinion of the city attorney.
Staff attendance.
City administrator.
The city administrator shall attend all meetings of the city council unless excused.
City attorney.
The city attorney shall attend all meetings of the city council unless excused and shall, upon request, give an opinion, either written or oral, on questions of law. The city attorney shall act as the city council's parliamentarian.
City secretary.
The city secretary shall attend all meetings of the city council unless excused and shall keep the official journal (minutes) and perform such other duties as may be requested of the city secretary by the city council.
Department heads.
Department heads of the city, when there is pertinent business from their departments on the agenda, shall attend such city council meetings.
Consent agenda.
The written agenda shall identify those items requiring a vote by city council, excluding any ordinance or matter requiring more than a majority vote or any other special vote. Such items shall qualify for the consent agenda and may be approved in a collective motion approved by a majority of councilmembers. The mayor shall call for a motion to approve the items on the consent agenda prior to the reading of the first item of business requiring council action. Any councilmember may require a separate vote on any item so listed by objecting to its inclusion on the consent agenda. A motion to approve the consent agenda and the items included in the consent agenda are not subject to debate.
Activity reports.
The city administrator shall furnish copies of monthly activity reports prepared by department heads. Such reports need not be included in councilmembers' packets.
(Ordinance 3103 adopted 8/28/2023)
The following rules shall control public comments, it being the desire of the city council to hear from the public to stimulate discussion of subjects which are properly a concern of the city council:
Statement of rules.
Immediately preceding the opening of audience comments, the mayor shall summarize briefly the rules governing public comments.
Recognition of persons desiring to comment.
Each person desiring to comment must be recognized by the mayor or city secretary, recognizing first individuals signed-up for public comments and shall first give his or her name and address. Each person shall address the city council as a whole and not any councilmember individually.
Time limit.
A time limit of three (3) minutes shall govern each speaker for the first thirty (30) minutes of public comments. Any additional speakers signed-up following the initial thirty (30) minutes of public comments shall be governed by a time limit of one (1) minute each.
Conclusion of comments.
Audience comments may be concluded by the mayor, or, if appealed by a vote of three (3) councilmembers. The mayor shall announce the conclusion of audience comments.
Preservation of order.
The mayor shall preserve order and decorum and, if necessary, shall cause to be silenced or removed from the council chambers any person speaking out-of-order or disrupting the order of the meeting.
Termination of comments.
In the event of pressing business before the city council or matters requiring immediate city council attention or action, city council may, by a vote of three (3) councilmembers, set a maximum time limit for audience comments, being the total allocation of time for such comments; or city council may, by a vote of three (3) councilmembers, terminate audience comments for a particular city council meeting.
(Ordinance 3103 adopted 8/28/2023)
Any councilmember shall upon request to the city administrator be given at the time of request, any information or documentation relative to the city affairs.
(Ordinance 3103 adopted 8/28/2023)
The city council shall have the right to limit the time for discussion on any agenda item.
(Ordinance 3103 adopted 8/28/2023)
All appointments by the mayor to advisory committees shall be subject to confirmation by the city council.
(Ordinance 3103 adopted 8/28/2023)
Any portion of these rules may be suspended at any time by an affirmative vote of three (3) councilmembers. Such suspension shall be effective solely for the time of that single meeting and shall terminate upon adjournment of the meeting in which suspension was approved.
(Ordinance 3103 adopted 8/28/2023)
No smoking, eating or drinking shall be allowed in the council chamber in city hall when the city council is in session.
(Ordinance 3103 adopted 8/28/2023)