The 2022 California Plumbing Code, as published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, 2021 Edition, Chapter 1 Division II Administration Sections 104.2 and Appendices A, D, H and I are adopted by reference and incorporated in this chapter as if fully set forth herein, and shall be referred to as the plumbing code for the county. A copy of said code shall be kept and maintained by the building official for use and examination by the public.
(Ord. CS 1333 §6, 2022)
Section H101.8 Location, is amended as follows:
Table H 101.8 Location of Sewage Disposal System of the California Plumbing Code is superseded by the minimum horizontal setbacks set forth in the document titled "Guidance to the Construction and Operation of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems," of the Local Agency Management Program for Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems and amendments and revisions thereto adopted by and on file with the Department of Environmental Resources.
Section H101.12 Alternative Systems, is added to read as follows:
For purposes of this code, "primary and secondary on-site wastewater treatment systems" and "individual aerobic systems" are considered alternative systems and are subject to the following conditions:
Operation and Maintenance. In those areas within the county where individual primary and secondary on-site wastewater treatment systems are required, it shall be unlawful for any person who owns or operates such a system to permit the system to be improperly operated or maintained in a manner inconsistent with the design and operation specifications of that system.
Section H601.9 Construction, is amended as follows:
Table H 601.9 General Disposal Field Requirements of the California Plumbing Code is superseded by the general disposal field requirements set forth in the document titled "Guidance to the Construction and Operation of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems" of the Local Agency Management Program for Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems and amendments and revisions thereto adopted by and on file with the Department of Environmental Resources.
(Ord. CS 1333 §7, 2022)
To provide all property owners with constructive notice of Stanislaus County's Measure X guidelines concerning primary and secondary on-site wastewater treatment requirements, the ordinance codified in this chapter shall be recorded with the clerk-recorder of the county.
For all discretionary approvals of parcel maps or subdivision maps requiring primary and secondary on-site wastewater treatment, the county department of planning and community development shall include as a condition of approval that the final recorded map shall contain the following statement:
As per Stanislaus County Code Sections 16.10.020 and 16.10.040, all persons purchasing lots within the boundaries of this approved map should be prepared to accept the responsibilities and costs associated with the operation and maintenance of the required primary and secondary on-site wastewater treatment system. All persons are required to provide adequate maintenance and operate the onsite wastewater treatment system as prescribed by the manufacturer, so as to prevent groundwater degradation.
The county department of public works development services division shall provide all applicants for building permits for new residential construction or commercial project construction with a "primary and secondary on-site wastewater treatment notice" in substantially the form provided in subsection F of this section.
Commencing in the year 2004, and every year thereafter, the department of environmental resources shall annually mail a copy of the "primary and secondary on-site wastewater treatment notice," in substantially the form provided in subsection F of this section, to all owners of real property in Stanislaus County required to have primary and secondary on-site wastewater treatment.
The clerk-recorder of the county shall include a "primary and secondary on-site wastewater treatment notice," in substantially the form provided in subsection F of this section, with any land sale contract, grant deed, quitclaim deed or any other instrument of conveyance returned to the grantee by the clerk-recorder after recording.
The "primary and secondary on-site wastewater treatment notice" shall contain, and be substantially in the form of, the following:
As per Stanislaus County Code Sections 16.10.020 and 16.10.040
In June of 1990 Measure X, a voter initiative, was passed. Measure X went into effect July 13, 1990. The Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors has adopted guidelines for implementation of Measure X.
Except for those properties excluded pursuant to the Measure X guidelines, all owners of property on lots subdivided after July 13, 1990, all owners of new residential sized parcels created from agricultural designated parcels after July 13, 1990, and all new commercial or industrial projects requiring building permits are required to dispose of all liquid waste through an approved primary and secondary on-site wastewater treatment system. The resident and/or property owner shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the primary and secondary on-site wastewater treatment system. The resident and/or property owner shall operate and maintain the primary and secondary wastewater treatment system as prescribed by the manufacturer specifications and system design. Groundwater degradation caused by improper operation and maintenance of the primary and secondary on-site wastewater treatment system shall be unlawful.
The county department of environmental resources shall be responsible for the printing of the "primary and secondary onsite wastewater treatment notice" set forth in subsection F of this section and shall supply the department of public works development services division and the clerk-recorder with notices as needed.
(Ord. CS 893 §2, 2004)
Appendix Chapter D, Stormwater Drainage Systems, of the California Plumbing Code is hereby amended by adding the following:
Section D4 Storm Water Drainage Requirement.
In all cases where proposed construction is for commercial, industrial, or public or quasipublic buildings or structures, for single-family subdivisions of 10-units or more or single-family hillside residences, for two-family, three-family, four-family, or multi-family dwellings, or for other uses which similarly involve structural ground coverage likely to affect storm drainage in the areas in which they are located, including but not limited to trailer parks and parking lots, drainage facilities for the property shall be constructed in a manner approved by the Department of Public Works, which may include discharge into a publicly maintained storm drain system or ponding basin. Submission of the drainage plans for approval shall be the responsibility of the owner or the developer of the property on which the construction is proposed, and the application for a building permit shall be accompanied by a drainage plan suitable for review. The new development shall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit No. CAS000004 and applicable Stormwater Codes as adopted by Stanislaus County.
(Ord. CS 1017 §16, 2007)