If a required preliminary soil report indicates the presence of critically expansive soils or other soil problems which, if not corrected, would lead to structural defects, the subdivider shall provide for and submit the findings of a soil investigation of each lot in the subdivision. The investigation shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer and shall include a recommendation for corrective action to prevent structural damage to buildings proposed to be constructed on the expansive or otherwise problem soils, and this shall be noted on the final map.
(Prior code §9-39; Ord. NS 1061 §2, 1981; Ord. CS 179 §1, 1986)
As a condition to the granting of building permits where expansive soils are found, the building inspector shall require the corrective measures recommended by the registered civil engineer making the soil report. The soil report shall be kept on file at the department of environmental resources for public inspection. This shall be noted on the final map.
(Prior code §9-39; Ord. NS 1061 §2, 1981; Ord. CS 179 §1, 1986)