Note: Prior history: Prior Code § 9-113.1 and Ord. CS 96.
It is the intent of these district regulations to support and enhance the character of historical areas within the county. These district regulations also recognize historical structures as a finite resource which is a product of another time and worthy of special consideration. When new additions, alterations, or rehabilitation projects are proposed to existing structures and are approved by the historical site subcommittee of the county planning commission or planning staff, these district regulations shall enable the building official to grant exemptions from building code requirements when in his or her opinion such maintenance of the historical character of such buildings or structures and the granting of the exemptions will not create or allow any condition which is immediately hazardous to life or property. The existing unique character of these areas is considered a scenic and economic asset and has significant value to the general welfare. The review provided for by this chapter is intended to ensure that any development in the subject areas will not be unsightly, undesirable, or obnoxious to the extent that such development will impair the quality of the area. The following regulations shall apply in HS districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.08.
(Ord. CS 106 §8, 1984)
Uses permitted in HS districts:
One sign, unlighted, not over four square feet in area, and pertaining only to the sale, lease or rental of the property upon which the sign is located;
Home occupations as regulated in Chapter 21.94;
Crop farming and pasturing, but excluding small animal farming; hog farming, and feed lots;
Garage sales;
One single-family dwelling, additions to already existing buildings requiring a building permit, and accessory uses and buildings normally incidental to single-family dwellings. The new dwelling or addition shall adhere to the guidelines for new construction and rehabilitation of older buildings within the adopted community plan for each historic community. Evidence of its conformance may be required;
Small family day care homes for eight or fewer persons;
Large family day care homes for seven through fourteen persons when the following criteria are met:
One off-street parking space shall be provided for each employee plus two spaces,
The two additional parking spaces shall be located so that vehicles will head-in and headout and not use the public road for maneuvering, loading, or unloading,
There shall be no other day care facilities for more than eight persons within three hundred feet of the exterior boundary of the property.
(Ord. CS 106 §8, 1984; Ord. CS 663 §§11, 12, 1998; Ord. CS 1142 §1, 2014)
Uses prohibited in HS districts:
Mobile homes;
Replacement of or addition to any existing mobile home shall be prohibited, except that mobile homes located within any mobile home park existing on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter may be replaced.
(Ord. CS 106 §8, 1984)
Uses permitted subject to first securing an historical site permit in each case:
Land uses not listed in Section 21.44.020 or 21.44.030 may be permitted subject to first obtaining approval in each case. This approval shall be requested on forms provided by the department of planning and community development staff and shall require a fee equal to that required for use permit approval. Following receipt of a properly completed application, an advertised public hearing shall be held at a location within the historical site district by a five-person subcommittee of the county planning commission. Any approval shall be subject to a finding that the use will not be detrimental to the unique historical character of the community or to the residents of the community. Any approval shall have prescribed conditions as to the architecture of proposed construction, the area of building site, yards required, height limitation permitted, automobile standing space, signs which may be displayed, driveway and parking area improvements, provision for sewage and storm water disposal, domestic water supply, street widening and improvement to be required and shall be consistent with all guidelines established by the community plan.
Additional single-family dwellings provided the Historical General Plan density requirements are maintained.
(Ord. CS 106 §8, 1984; Ord. CS 1142 §2, 2014)
Repairs, alterations and additions necessary for the preservation, restoration, rehabilitation or continued use of a building or structure may be made without conformance to all of the requirements of the building code, when authorized by the building official, provided:
Any unsafe or substandard conditions will be corrected in accordance with approved plans;
The restored building or structure will be less hazardous, based on life and fire risk, than the existing building.
(Ord. CS 106 §8, 1984)
No building or structure, or portion thereof, shall be removed, relocated, demolished or structurally altered without prior approval of the director of planning and community development in the form of a staff approval permit.
(Ord. CS 106 §8, 1984)
The minimum allowable area for creation of a parcel within Knights Ferry shall be determined based on the location of the subject parcel as follows:
Sites bordered to the south by the Stanislaus River, two hundred fifty feet west of Sonora Road (to the west), two hundred fifty feet north of Valentine Street (to the north), and two hundred fifty feet east of Lynde Street (to the east), and serviced by public water and septic tank facilities; twenty thousand square feet. Sites serviced by private well and septic tank facilities; one acre.
Sites within any historical zoned land and outside of the area described above, the minimum building site area shall be five acres.
The minimum allowable area for creation of a parcel within La Grange shall be twenty thousand square feet for sites serviced by public water and septic tank facilities; and one acre for sites serviced by private well and septic tank facilities.
(Ord. CS 1142 §3, 2014)