The regulations set forth in this chapter shall apply to the allowance of racing homing pigeons in all zoning districts.
(Prior code §9-125.2)
Racing homing pigeons shall be permitted only as follows:
On property located in an A-2 zoning district, when the property is designated by the land use element of the county general plan as agricultural, without restriction;
On property containing at least one dwelling unit located in an R-1, R-2, R-3 or RA zoning district, or within an A-2 zoning district when the property is designated by the land use element of the county general plan as urban transition, subject to regulation as set forth in Section 21.92.030;
On property within any other zoning district when requested by the owner of a lawful or legal nonconforming single-family residence located thereon, subject to regulation as set forth in Section 21 .92.030.
(Prior code §9-125.2(a))
Location and maintenance of racing homing pigeons as permitted in subsections B and C of Section 21.92.020 shall be dependent upon initial and continued compliance with the following:
Approval by the director of planning and community development following review of an application which includes the filing fee, a site plan, floor plan, building elevations and a statement as to method of operation. Such approval must be accompanied by findings that will not result in detriment to others residing on the same or adjacent properties.
Structures for the keeping of pigeons must be kept in a clean and healthy manner.
Structures for the keeping of pigeons must be painted and kept up to neighborhood standards.
Structures for the keeping of pigeons must be no less than forty feet from the permanent living quarters of any neighbor. An exception to the forty-foot rule may be approved when accompanied by direct notarized written permission obtained from any such neighbor.
No approval may be for more than seventy-five pigeons.
No more than fifty pigeons may be exercised at one time.
All pigeons being exercised must be under direct control and supervision at all times.
All pigeons shall be trained to enter the structure in which they are housed immediately upon completion of their exercise period or upon returning from training flights from a designated liberation point.
(Prior code §9-125.2(b))
Upon receipt of a properly filed application, the director of planning and community development shall send copies of all information to the owners and/or residents of all adjacent properties, the county director of environmental health, and local representatives of any recognized nation or state racing homing pigeon organization with a request for comments.
(Prior code §9-125.2(c))
After allowing a period of three weeks for response, the director shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny the application and forward a copy of the decisions together with all conditions and notice of the right to appeal the decision to the county planning commission to all persons originally contacted.
(Prior code §9-125.2(d))
Any approval of an application shall include provisions for revocation of the approval if the terms and conditions of the approval are violated.
(Prior code §9-125.2(e))