No person shall abandon or leave any vehicle upon any public or private property for such time and under such circumstances as to cause such vehicle to become a nuisance.
(Ord. 409, 7-2-1979)
For the purposes of this chapter, any one of the following circumstances existing prior to, or at the time notice is delivered, shall be considered prima facie evidence that a vehicle upon public or private property is an abandoned vehicle constituting a nuisance.
Deflated or Removed Tires: When any of the four tires of the main wheels of such vehicle have been removed or are deflated other than for repair.
Main Wheels Removed: When any of the main wheels of the vehicle have been removed, other than for repair.
Suspended by Jacks, Blocks or Other Devices: When such vehicle is totally or partially suspended above the ground by jacks, blocks or any other lifting devices, other than for repair.
Current License Plates or Permits not Displayed—Exception: When current license plates or valid temporary permits are not displayed on such vehicle; provided, that this shall not apply to vehicles in the possession of licensed dealers for the purpose of sale at the place licensed for such sale.
Vehicle Inoperable: When any part of the mechanism of the vehicle has been removed so as to render the vehicle inoperable, other than for repair.
(Ord. 409, 7-2-1979)
Notice: No person in charge or control of any public or private property whether as owner, tenant, occupant, lessee, contract purchaser or otherwise, shall allow any abandoned vehicle which constitutes a nuisance to remain on such property longer than 10 days after having received written notice to remove same from the municipality. Notice shall be deemed delivered when deposited in the United States mail, by registered or certified mail, with postage prepaid, and addressed to the owner or occupant of the premises upon which such vehicle rests.
Failure to Comply: Upon the failure of the person in charge or control of such property to remove the vehicle within the allotted time, the municipality may abate the vehicle as a nuisance and collect the costs of such removal in the same manner as provided for the abatement of nuisances generally.
The abatement of the nuisance by the municipality shall not relieve the person in charge or control of such property of any penalty imposed for his or her violation of this chapter by Section 5-5-5 of this chapter.
(Ord. 409, 7-2-1979)
Ownership Undeterminable: When any vehicle in the town is determined to be abandoned as provided in this chapter, or when any bicycle or motorcycle is left on the streets or alleys of the town and the owner or owners cannot be ascertained, the chief of police shall sell the vehicle and contents, if any, bicycle or motorcycle at public auction to the highest bidder.
Notice of Sale: If such property has a value of less than $200, no notice of such sale shall be necessary. If it has a retail value of more than $200, notice of said sale shall be published once in the Basin Republican Rustler newspaper, giving a full description of the article of sale.
Proceeds of Sale: All expenses incident to the sale and storage of such property shall be first paid from the receipts from such sale, and any residue shall be paid by the chief of police to the town clerk-treasurer for credit to the general fund. After any vehicle, bicycle or motorcycle has been sold under this section, the former owner or person entitled to possession has no further right, title, claim or interest in or to the article so sold.
Proceeds Insufficient to Cover Costs: In the event the reasonable expenses incident to the sale and storage of such article so sold cannot be paid from the receipts of sale, such expenses shall be paid from the general fund of the town.
Certificate of Sale: When any vehicle is sold, the chief of police, at the time of payment of the purchase price, shall execute a certificate of sale in duplicate. The original certificate of sale shall be delivered to the purchaser and the copy shall be retained by the chief of police. The certificate of sale shall contain the name and address of the purchaser, the date of the sale, the consideration paid, a description of the vehicle and a stipulation that no warranty is made as to the condition or title of the vehicle. The purchaser, upon presentation of the certificate of sale to the county clerk of any one of the counties of Wyoming, and payment of the fees required by law, is entitled to be issued a certificate of title and a registration card for the vehicle.
Return of Sale: The chief of police selling the vehicle shall transmit to the town clerk-treasurer, in duplicate, a return of sale setting forth a description of the vehicle, the purchase price, the name and address of the purchaser, the costs incurred in the sale and the costs and expenses incurred in the removal, preservation and custody of the vehicle.
Balance of Proceeds: The chief of police shall transmit to the town clerk-treasurer the balance of the proceeds of the sale after deducting the costs incurred in the sale and the costs and expenses incurred in the removal, preservation and custody of the vehicle.
Suit for Recovery: If any vehicle is removed from any highway or public or private property as provided herein, the owner of such vehicle shall not be permitted to institute, in any court, a suit in law or equity against any police officer or his/her agents for the recovery of any item in or on said vehicle that may be lost, stolen or damaged resulting therefrom.
(Ord. 414, 1-7-1980)
Misdemeanor: It is a misdemeanor for any person to violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter.
Fine: Every person convicted of a misdemeanor for a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to penalty as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code.
(Ord. 409, 7-2-1979; 2003 Code)