All sidewalks shall be constructed, reconstructed and repaired by the owners of property abutting thereon, and when property owners fail to construct, reconstruct or repair such sidewalk, then such sidewalk shall be constructed, reconstructed or repaired by the town at the cost or expense of the owner or owners, and assessed against the property abutting thereon as by law provided.
(Ord. 113, 4-3-1911)
Whenever a majority of resident property owners abutting upon any street or avenue, or any part thereof, shall petition the council to order the construction, reconstruction or repairing of any sidewalk or whenever the majority of the council shall deem it to be advisable and necessary to construct, reconstruct or repair any sidewalk, they shall order, by resolution of the council, such improvement to be made, clearly defining and stating the street and avenues, or parts thereof, the terminal point of such walk, the material to be used, the manner of construction and the payment therefor.
(Ord. 113, 4-3-1911)
Grade: Such sidewalks to be laid to the established grades.
Minimum Width:
Residential Areas: Such sidewalks shall, in the residence portion thereof, be laid within four feet (4′) of the lot line and be four feet eight inches (4′8″) in width and shall be laid up to the lot line.
Business Areas: In business portions, such sidewalks shall be ten feet (10′) wide on eighty-foot (80′) streets and twelve feet (12′) wide on one-hundred-foot (100′) streets.
Tamping—Base: Prior to the laying of any sidewalks, the ground shall be thoroughly tamped so as to allow no settling in the finished sidewalk, and a base shall be so prepared as to admit not less than two inches (2″) of gravel in residence portions and four inches (4″) of gravel in business portions for drainage, which shall be thoroughly tamped to prevent settling of said sidewalks.
Concrete Foundation: Upon the gravel base after it has been well sprinkled with water, the concrete foundation shall be composed of one part Portland cement of a quality complying with the standard specifications of the American society for testing material; three parts clean, sharp sand screened thoroughly through a one-fourth inch (1/4″) mesh screen and five parts gravel to pass through a two-inch (2″) ring. The sand and gravel shall be free from soil and vegetable matter.
Top Coat: Such foundation shall be well tamped and of a depth of three inches (3″), with a top coat one inch (1″) thick composed of one part Portland cement and two parts clean, sharp sand. For all walks in residence portion and in business portion, the foundation shall be of the same above composition and four inches (4″) thick, and the top coat shall be of the same composition and thickness as for residence walks.
Surface: The surface coat shall be placed before the initial set of the foundation has taken place and in no case more than 30 minutes. The surface shall be struck and brought to grade by a straightedge running upon the top of the side forms. The surface shall be trowelled and floated so as to produce a smooth hard surface, but not one that is glassy or slippery. Roughening or grooving shall be in the manner designated by the inspector. The slope of the walk and parking shall be the same as the established grades of the town.
Blocks: All walks in residence portion shall be in blocks of four feet eight inches (4′8″) square, on all twelve-foot (12′) walks, they shall be six feet (6′) square, and on ten-foot (10′) walks, they shall be five feet (5′) square, cut clear through, either by using wood or steel templates of a top thickness of three-eighths inch (3/8″). Templates to be drawn after concrete has taken its initial set. Where walks are extended to curb, seven inches (7″) shall be marked off for curb in business portion and five inches (5″) in residence portion.
Measuring—Mixing: The method of measuring the material shall be approved by the inspector. Mixing may be done either by machine or by hand. If by machinery, the proportions shall be as above, and sufficient water used to make a wet mixture of a jelly like consistency, and so thoroughly mixed that the sand and gravel are entirely covered with a film of cement. If mixed by hand the sand, gravel and cement shall first be mixed dry. The inspector may prescribe the number of times it shall be turned over wet or dry to accomplish the desired results. In general, it shall be turned over four times dry and three times wet.
Acceptance by Inspector: The inspector may accept a clean natural mixture of sand and gravel if it is uniform and contains no dirt, sticks or stones than as above specified. In such case, the proportion shall not be more than one part cement to eight parts clean mixture; provided, that said mixture shall be accepted. Retempering, i.e., remixing with additional water, mortar or concrete that has partly set, will not be permitted.
(Ord. 113, 4-3-1911)
All sidewalks shall be constructed under the supervision of the town committee on streets or the crew supervisor, as the council may direct, who shall have power to inspect all material and who shall report all poor work or material to the council. The council may condemn all walks or parts of walks improperly constructed and cause the same be removed and reconstructed without cost or expense to the town. But in no case shall any walk or walks be ordered to be constructed or reconstructed until the town has or is ready to construct proper street crossings connecting with such walks. Nothing in this chapter shall prevent property owners from constructing walks at any time complying with this chapter.
(Ord. 113, 4-3-1911; 2003 Code)
Ordered by Resolution: All walks hereafter built shall be ordered constructed by resolution of the town council duly passed and adopted designating the streets, avenues and alleys, when to be laid, the terminal points, the width of walks and the material to be used therein and the manner of payment therefor; which resolution shall, after its passage and adoption, be published as by law required, and said resolution shall state the time when said walk shall be completed.
Notice: A notice, in writing, shall be served by the crew supervisor of the time and manner of constructing such walks, the kind and proportion of material to be used, and shall post such notice on some conspicuous place on the property belonging to nonresidents, and shall be served upon absentees by leaving said notice with some adult member of the family, or place of his or her abode. Service of said notice on nonresident owners shall be made by registered mail, and any of said service shall be deemed a sufficient service of such notice.
(Ord. 113, 4-3-1911)
Construction by Town: At the expiration of 10 days after the service of such notice, if the sidewalk or any part thereof has not been constructed by the property owner or owners abutting on said walk so ordered to be constructed, the town council shall proceed to construct such walks as have been so ordered by its resolution, under the direction and supervision of the committee on streets, avenues and alleys or the crew supervisor as the council may elect.
Costs and Expense: After the completion of such walks, the crew supervisor shall furnish the council an accurate itemized statement of the cost and expense of such walks. The council shall thereupon apportion the same, charging against each lot or part of lot with its proper portion of the cost and expense of constructing according to its proportion, according to the front foot of each lot or part of lot and shall add thereto 20% of such amount to defray the cost of collection. The town council shall thereupon assess the proper cost and expense so found upon each lot or part of lot and place the same upon the tax list for the current year as a special assessment against such property, and such assessment shall be collected in the same manner as the general town taxes are now and may hereafter be collected, and the town clerk-treasurer shall have the same power to enforce collection by distress and sale of the real estate as he or she now has for the collection of the town taxes.
(Ord. 113, 4-3-1911; 2003 Code)
Whenever any sidewalk shall be in need of reconstruction or repair so as to conform to the requirements of this chapter, the council shall direct the crew supervisor to serve notice, in writing, upon the owner or agents of the abutting property requiring the owner or agent to rebuild or repair such walk within 15 days after the service of such notice, and if such walk is not rebuilt or repaired within said 15 days thereafter said walk shall be rebuilt or repaired by the town in the same manner and upon the same terms as herein provided for first construction thereof.
(Ord. 113, 4-3-1911; 2003 Code)
Responsibility for Removal: The owner or occupant of any premises in the town, in front of which or along which any sidewalk has been or shall be constructed, is hereby required to keep said sidewalk free from ice and snow, and shall not allow ice and snow to remain thereon longer than 24 hours after the same has fallen or been deposited thereon.
Removal by Town: It shall be the duty of the crew supervisor, if said sidewalk shall not be cleaned, as provided in subsection A of this section, and shall not be free from ice and snow within 24 hours after the same shall have fallen thereon, to forthwith clean said sidewalk.
Costs and Expenses of Removal: In all cases where the sidewalk shall have been cleaned as provided by subsection B of this section, the crew supervisor shall return to the town council an accurate and itemized report of the costs and expenses of cleaning said sidewalk; the town council shall thereupon apportion the same, charging each lot or portion of lot with its proportion of the costs and expenses of cleaning the sidewalk according to the front foot of each lot or part of lot abutting on said sidewalk, and shall add thereto 20% for the cost of collection. The town council shall thereupon assess and place upon the tax list for the current year the proportion of the cost and expenses of cleaning such sidewalk as a special assessment against each lot or part lot abutting thereon, such assessment shall be collected in the same manner as the general taxes are now collected, and the town clerk-treasurer shall have the same power to enforce collection by distress and sale of personal property and real estate as he or she now has for the collection of town taxes.
(Ord. 55, 1-7-1907; 2003 Code)
All sidewalks constructed or reconstructed on public property, by either private property owners or the Town of Basin, shall be constructed as follows:
Sidewalks shall be constructed in such a way as to take into consideration the sidewalks or potential sidewalks of adjoining properties in order to maintain contiguity and fluency.
Sidewalks shall be constructed allowing the flow of water onto public property.
All sidewalks shall be constructed with a four-inch (4″) slab and with 3,500 PSI rated concrete mix.
All sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The permit fee for the construction or the reconstruction of a sidewalk is the sum of $25 with each application. Each permit fee paid shall be retained by the town and is non-refundable regardless of the permit being granted or not.
(Ord. 646, 6-8-2017; Ord. 664, 10-11-2018)