Trees and Shrubs Between Property Lines and Center of Developed Streets and Alleys: Trees and shrubs located between private property lines and the center of the streets and alleys have historically been established and maintained by the owners of the private property located adjacent to such trees and shrubs. Said trees and shrubs shall be maintained by the private property owners of immediately adjoining property pursuant to the rules and regulations contained herein.
Pruning of Trees and Shrubs: The pruning and maintenance of trees and shrubs that interfere with the proper spread of light of any streetlamp, obstruct the view from any intersection, obstruct traffic control devices, or are otherwise in violation of the town code, is the responsibility of the adjacent landowner, whether the tree or shrub lies on private property or within the town right-of-way. There shall be a clear space of fifteen feet (15′) above the surface of the street, eight feet (8′) above sidewalks and twelve-foot (12′) clearance in alleys. Sidewalks must also be kept clear of impediments from trees and shrubs. Said owners shall remove all dead, diseased or dangerous trees, shrubs, or broken or decayed limbs, which constitute a menace to the safety of the public.
Corrective Measures: If private property owners do not correct such problems, the town shall notify such property owners in writing of the required maintenance. If owners are advised of the above mentioned problems and they are not corrected within 30 days, the town may trim or remove the problem trees, shrubs or limbs and the cost thereof shall be assessed to the private property owner. Such trimming or removal by the town will be confined to the area immediately within the public right-of-way. If a problem presents an imminent threat to lives or property of others, allowable time for required action may be accelerated.
(Ord. 606, 9-13-2011)
Owners of private property are not required to replace any trees and shrubs removed from the areas located between the private property line and the center of streets and alleys. Any and all replacement trees and shrubs shall, however, be furnished by the property owner, at the property owner's expense.
(Ord. 606, 9-13-2011)
The supervision over the planting, care and maintenance of the public trees and shrubs addressed above, and trees and shrubs located on any public property, is hereby rested exclusively in the Town of Basin. No person or company shall plant, remove, cut above the ground, or disturb any tree or shrub located on any street, alley, park, or other public place without first filing an application and procuring a free permit from the town. The person receiving the permit shall abide by the standards set forth in this chapter.
(Ord. 606, 9-13-2011)
The town shall have the right to prune, preserve and remove trees, plants and shrubs within the rights-of-way of all streets, alleys, avenues, lanes, squares and public grounds, as may be necessary to ensure public safety or when servicing town utilities, or to preserve the symmetry and beauty of such public grounds. The town may, at its option, remove or cause to be removed any public tree and shrubs, or part thereof, which presents an unsafe condition or which by reason of its nature is injurious to sewers, electric power lines, gas lines, water lines or other public improvements. The town may plant and establish trees and shrubs within the areas located between the private property lines and the center of streets and alleys only after obtaining written consent by the adjacent property owners who are ultimately responsible for maintenance of such trees and shrubs.
(Ord. 606, 9-13-2011)
The town shall advise private landowners as to the proper way to remove any dead or diseased trees and shrubs located on private land within the town, when such trees or shrubs constitute a hazard to life or property of others. If owners are advised of the above mentioned problems of hazard trees and shrubs, in writing, and action is not taken to correct the problem within 30 days of receipt thereof, the same may be removed or cause to be removed by the town and the cost thereof shall be assessed to the owner. If a problem presents an imminent threat to lives or property of others, allowable time for required action may be accelerated.
Corrective Measures: If private property owners do not correct such problems, the town shall notify such property owners in writing of the required corrective measures required. If owners are advised of the above mentioned problems and they are not corrected within 30 days, the town may trim or remove the problem trees, shrubs or limbs and the cost thereof shall be assessed to the private property owner. If a problem presents an imminent threat to lives or property of others, allowable time for required action may be accelerated.
(Ord. 606, 9-13-2011)
Whenever a tree or shrub is planted in conflict with the provisions of this chapter, the town shall notify the landowner in writing of such conflict. If the landowner has not corrected the problem within 10 days of receipt of such written notice, the same may be removed or caused to be removed by the town and the cost thereof shall be assessed to the owner.
(Ord. 606, 9-13-2011)
Any person may appeal an order concerning tree or shrub care by a written appeal to the town council within five days of the notification of problem. The council may hear the matter and if so, no order shall be enforced until a final decision is made on the appeal.
(Ord. 606, 9-13-2011)
Any person, persons, firm or corporation, found to have violated any provisions contained herein, shall, upon conviction, be subject to penalty as listed in Basin Town Code Section 1-4-1.
(Ord. 606, 9-13-2011)