Chicken, ducks, geese or other fowl shall not be kept for domestic use.
[Amended at time of adoption of Board of Health codification; see Ch. BH:1, Art. I, Adoption of Code by Board of Health]
No person shall harbor or keep any wild or exotic animals as pets. Exotic animals are defined in N.J.S.A. 23:4-63.3. Livestock such as goats, rabbits, sheep, swine, horses or cattle may not be kept within the limits of the City without first obtaining a permit from the Board of Health by presenting an application for a permit. Said permit shall be issued by the Board of Health for one year for a fee of $50. The following information must be submitted to the Board of Health as part of the application process:
The consistency and acceptability to local zoning regulations regarding property use.
Naming the kind and number of animals to be covered by the permit.
Proof that each animal has been appropriately vaccinated.
Location of where the animals will be kept.
Plot plan of the premises and structures provided for the care and maintenance of the animals.
A plan for containment of fecal matter and methods of waste control and disposal. Plans for food and water supply and storage.
A signed statement by the applicant acknowledging that the permit may be suspended or revoked at any time for good cause by the Board of Health for the protection of the animals or for continued or serious violations of a sanitary nature caused by the animals.
The holder of a permit shall comply with all state, county and local laws, ordinances and regulations relative to the keeping of animals.
No person shall maintain or harbor or permit to be maintained or harbored in any household, dwelling or dwelling unit a total of more than six dogs or cats over six months of age after the effective date of this code. All domestic animals must be appropriately vaccinated and licensed.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Article XII of the 2008 Code of the Board of Health, Nursery Schools, consisting of §§ BH:5-51 through BH:5-53, which immediately followed this section, was repealed at time of adoption of Board of Health codification; see Ch. BH:1, Art. I, Adoption of Code by Board of Health.