In enacting this chapter, the City recognizes that commercial massage therapy is a professional pursuit which can offer the public valuable health and therapeutic services. The City further recognizes that, unless properly regulated, the practice of massage therapy and the operation of massage businesses may be associated with unlawful activity and pose a threat to the quality of life in the local community. Accordingly, it is the purpose and intent of this chapter to protect the public health, safety, and welfare by providing for the orderly regulation of businesses providing massage therapy services, discouraging illegal activities carried on under the guise of massage therapy, and establishing certain sanitation, health, and operational standards for massage businesses.
Furthermore, it is the purpose and intent of this chapter to reduce or prevent neighborhood blight and to protect and preserve the quality of City neighborhoods and commercial districts; and to enhance enforcement of criminal statutes relating to the conduct of operators and employees of massage businesses.
It is the Council's further purpose and intent to rely upon the uniform statewide regulations applicable to massage practitioners and establishments that were enacted by the State Legislature as Business and Professions Code Section 4600 et seq., by Senate Bill 731 in 2008, and amended in 2011 by Assembly Bill 619 and in 2014 by Assembly Bill 1147, to restrict the commercial practice of massage in the City to those persons duly certified to practice by the California Massage Therapy Council and to provide for the registration and regulation of massage businesses for health and safety purposes to the extent allowed by law.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
The following words and phrases, when used in this chapter, have the meanings in this section unless, from the context, a different meaning is intended or specifically defined:
means the City of Santee, California.
"California massage therapy council" or "CAMTC"
means the massage therapy organization formed pursuant to Business and Professions Code Section 4600.5.
"Certified massage practitioner"
means any individual certified by the California Massage Therapy Council as a certified massage therapist or as a certified massage practitioner pursuant to California Business and Professions Code Section 4600 et seq.
means the payment, loan, advance, donation, contribution, deposit, exchange, or gift of money or anything of value.
"Disqualifying conduct"
means the occurrence of any of the following events:
A conviction in a court of competent jurisdiction of any of the following:
Any infraction, misdemeanor or felony offense which relates directly to the operation of a massage establishment, or during the performance of a massage, whether as a massage establishment owner or operator, or by a certified massage therapist working at the massage establishment;
Any felony which occurred on the premises of a massage establishment;
A violation of any provision of law pursuant to which a person is required to register under the provisions of Penal Code Section 290, or conduct in violation of Penal Code Section 266h, 266i, 314, 315, 316, 318, subsections (a), (b) or (d) of Penal Code Section 647, or an attempt to commit or conspiracy to commit any of the above mentioned offenses, or any other crime involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or moral turpitude or when the prosecution accepted a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to a charge of a violation of Penal Code Section 415, 602 or any lesser included or related offense, in satisfaction of, or as a substitute for, any of the previously listed crimes, or any crime committed while engaged in the ownership of a massage establishment or the practice of massage;
Any crime specified in Government Code Section 51032;
A violation of Health and Safety Code Section 11550 or any offense involving the illegal sale, distribution or possession of a controlled substance specified in Health and Safety Code Section 11054, 11055, 11056, 11057 or 11058;
Conspiracy or attempt to commit any of the aforesaid offenses;
Any lesser-included offense of any of the aforesaid offenses;
Any offense in a jurisdiction outside the State of California which is the equivalent of any of the aforesaid offenses.
For purposes of considering whether to renew or revoke a permit, whether the permittee engaged in or committed any of the conduct described in California Penal Code Section 266h, 266i, 314, 315, 316, 318, subsections (a), (b) or (d) of Penal Code Section 647, or Government Code Section 51032.
The requirement to register under the provisions of California Penal Code Section 290.
Becoming subject to a permanent injunction against the conducting or maintaining of a nuisance pursuant to California Penal Code Sections 11225 through 11235 or any similar provisions of law in a jurisdiction outside the State of California.
Becoming subject to a permanent injunction against the conducting or maintaining of a nuisance pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Sections 11570 through 11587 or any similar provisions in a jurisdiction outside the State of California.
The denial, nonrenewal, suspension, or revocation of any license or permit issued by any state, county, city, or other local government within the United States for the operation of a massage establishment or for the performance of massages, except that denial of license or permit for the operation of a massage establishment may not be considered if the sole basis for the denial was the prohibition of the use within the zoning or planning district in which the use was proposed to be located.
Touching the genitals, pubic regions, anuses, or female breasts below a point immediately above the top of the areolas, whether or not the same are covered, of oneself or of another person while providing massage services or while within view of a customer or patron of the massage establishment.
Exposing the genitals, pubic regions, anuses, or female breasts below a point immediately above the top of the areola of oneself or of another person to view while providing massage services or while within view of a customer or patron of the massage establishment.
means any person employed by a massage business who may render any service to the business, and who receives any form of compensation from the business.
"Health department"
means the San Diego County Department of Environmental Health.
"Massage" or "massage therapy"
means and refers to any method of treating the external parts of the body for remedial, health, or hygienic purposes for any form of compensation by means of pressure on or friction against, or stroking, kneading, rubbing, tapping, pounding, or stimulating the external parts of the body, with or without the aid of any mechanical or electrical apparatus or appliances; or with or without supplementary aids, such as rubbing alcohol, liniments, antiseptics, oils, powders, creams, lotions, ointments, or other similar preparations commonly used in this practice; or by baths, including, but not limited to, Turkish, Russian, Swedish, Japanese, vapor, shower, electric tub, sponge, mineral, fomentation, or any other type of bath.
"Massage establishment"
means any establishment having a fixed place of business where any person, firm, association or corporation engages in or carries on or permits to be engaged in or carried on any of the activities mentioned in the definitions for disqualifying conduct in this section for compensation.
"Off-premises massage"
means providing massage services for compensation at a location other than premises permitted as a massage establishment and has the same meaning as "out-call" in the Massage Therapy Act.
"Operator" or "permittee"
means a person who has been issued a license and permit to operate a massage establishment or to conduct massage pursuant to this chapter.
"Owner" or "massage business owner"
means any of the following persons:
Any person who is a general partner of a general or limited partnership that owns a massage business.
Any person who has five percent or greater ownership interest in a corporation that owns a massage business.
Any person who is a member of a limited liability company that owns a massage business.
Any person who has a five percent or greater ownership interest in any other type of business association that owns a massage business.
"Recognized school"
means any school or institution of learning, which meets the requirements of an approved school pursuant to Chapter 10.5 of Division 2 of the Business and Professions Code (commencing with Section 4600) or pursuant to a similar code provision of another state.
means the Sheriff of the County of San Diego.
"Sole proprietorship"
means and includes any legal form of business organization where the business owner (sometimes referred to as the "sole proprietor") is the only person employed by that business to provide massage services.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
This chapter is intended to supplement State law. In the event of a conflict between this chapter and State law, the City gives effect to State law.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
Individuals. It is unlawful for any individual to provide massage for compensation as a sole proprietorship or employee of a massage business or in any other capacity within the City unless that individual is a certified massage practitioner.
Massage Establishment. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, it is unlawful for any massage establishment to allow, permit, facilitate, or provide massage for compensation within the City unless all of the following occur:
All individuals employed by the massage business to perform massage, whether as an employee, independent contractor, or sole proprietorship, are certified massage practitioners;
The massage establishment has a valid business license pursuant to Chapter 4.02; and
The massage establishment has a valid City massage registration permit, which is a regulatory permit, in accordance with this chapter.
Off-Premises Massage. It is unlawful for any person to allow, permit, facilitate, or provide massage for compensation in any capacity within the City except at a business establishment with a valid business license and regulatory permit, except in the following circumstances:
The individual providing off-premises massage has a business license or is listed on the business license of a massage establishment specifically authorizing the provision of off-premises massage;
The premises is expressly exempted or excepted from this chapter by Section 4.17.160, provided the massage is performed by a person exempt under Section 4.17.160; or
The person receiving the massage has a prescription for massage in writing by a physician, surgeon, chiropractor, or osteopath duly licensed to practice in the State of California. No additional massage service shall be performed for any patron beyond that service which is specifically described in the writing whether or not such patron desires any additional service to be performed.
Unless grounds for denial of such permit are found to exist, a massage registration permit may be issued to the person signing the application, after compliance with the requirements of this chapter and all other applicable provisions of this code, including, but not limited to, the payment of the appropriate application permit fee.
A separate business license and regulatory permit must be obtained for each separate massage establishment.
Every applicant for a license or permit required by this chapter must at the time of making application pay the fee established by resolution of the City Council.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
Each person conducting off-premises massage must comply with the following regulations:
Off-premises massage operations shall be carried on only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 12:00 midnight.
If an off-premises massage business will employ any individual to perform massage services other than the permitted applicant, the applicant shall provide a list of the massage therapists who will provide massage services for the business, and copies of the certifications held by those individuals. Updates to this information and documentation shall be provided when employees stop working and before any new employees begin to work for the business.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
The application for a massage registration permit must set forth the exact nature of the massage to be administered, the proposed place of business and facilities therefor, and the name and address of each applicant.
In addition to the foregoing, any applicant for a permit must furnish the following information:
Legal name of the massage establishment.
Legal names of all owners of the massage establishment.
Address and telephone number of the massage establishment.
Address and telephone number of all owners of the massage business.
The form of business under which the massage business will be operating (e.g., corporation, general or limited partnership, limited liability company, or other form).
A list of all of the massage establishment's employees and independent contractors who are performing massage and their CAMTC certification.
Each owner or operator of the massage business who is not a CAMTC-certified massage practitioner must submit an application for a background check, including the following: the individual's business, occupation, and employment history for the five years preceding the date of the application; the inclusive dates of such employment history; the name and address of any massage establishment or similar business owned or operated by the individual whether inside or outside the City; all criminal convictions or offenses, except misdemeanor traffic violations, and including, but not limited to, those described in Section 4.17.010; whether the applicant is required to register under the provisions of California Penal Code Section 290; whether the applicant, including a corporation or partnership, or a former employer of the applicant while so employed, or a building in which the applicant was so employed or a business conducted, was ever subjected to an abatement proceeding under California Penal Code Sections 11225 through 11235, California Health and Safety Code Sections 11570 through 11587 or any similar provisions of law in a jurisdiction outside the State of California.
For all owners, a signed statement that all of the information contained in the application is true and correct; that all owners shall be responsible for the conduct of the business's employees or independent contractors providing massage services, and acknowledging that failure to comply with the California Business and Professions Code Sections 4600 et seq., and local, State, or Federal law, or the provisions of this chapter may result in revocation of the business's registration permit.
If the applicant is assuming control over an existing massage establishment, and the existing permittee will not be an owner or operator of the massage establishment for the entire term of the new permit, then the new permit shall not be issued unless and until the former massage registration permit has been surrendered and relinquished to the City.
Authorization for the City, its employees and agents to seek information and conduct an investigation into the truth of the statements set forth in the application and the qualifications of the application for the permit.
Such other information as may reasonably be deemed necessary by the City or Sheriff's Department to investigate the accuracy and veracity of the information required in the application.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
No massage registration permit may be granted unless the proposed establishment complies with each of the following minimum requirements, in addition to any other requirements imposed by State or local law:
A recognizable and legible sign must be posted at the main entrance identifying the premises as a massage establishment.
A light level of no less than five foot-candles at any point within the room must be maintained in each room or enclosure where massage services are performed on patrons.
Adequate dressing, locker and toilet facilities must be provided for patrons.
In steam rooms and rooms containing tubs or showers, a waterproof floor covering must be provided which extends up the walls at least six inches and must be covered at the floor-wall juncture with at least a three-eighth inch radius. Toilet room must be of similar construction.
Walls of toilet and bathing facilities must be smooth, waterproof and kept in good repair.
Cabinets must be provided for the storage of clean linen. Approved containers must be provided for the storage of all soiled linen.
Minimum ventilation must be provided in accordance with the building code of the City. To allow for adequate ventilation in cubicles, rooms and areas provided for patrons' use, which are not serviced directly by required window or mechanical systems of ventilation, partitions must be constructed so that the height of partitions do not exceed 75% of the floor-to-ceiling height of the area in which they are located.
All plumbing and electrical installations must be installed under permit and inspection of the building inspection department and such installations must be installed in accordance with the Uniform Building Code and the Uniform Plumbing Code.
All walls, ceilings, floors, pools, showers, bathtubs, steam rooms, and all other physical facilities for the establishment must be in good repair and maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. Wet and dry heat rooms, steam or vapor rooms, or steam or vapor cabinets, shower compartments, and toilet rooms must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with a disinfectant approved by the Health Department each day the business is in operation.
Towels, sheets, and linens of all types and items for personal use of operators and patrons must be clean and freshly laundered. Towels, clothes, and sheets must not be used for more than one person. Reuse of such linen is prohibited unless the same has been first laundered. Common use of towels or linens is prohibited. Heavy white paper may be substituted for sheets, provided, that such paper is used once for each person and then discarded into a sanitary receptacle.
All lavatories or wash basins must be provided with hot and cold running water, soap and single service towels in wall-mounted dispensers.
Disinfecting agents and sterilizing equipment approved by the Health Department must be provided for any instruments used in performing acts of massage.
Pads used on massage tables must be covered in a workmanlike manner with durable washable plastic or other acceptable waterproof material.
All unoccupied rooms and areas of a massage establishment must be subject to reasonable inspection during hours of the business operation.
No exterior entrance to the massage establishment which is regularly used by the public for ingress or egress may be locked during business hours unless the business license for such establishment authorizes such doors to be locked in the event only one person is on duty in the premises.
This section must be construed as minimum standards only.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
In addition to the requirements set forth in this title, all massage establishments must fulfill the following facilities and operations requirements:
There must be no display, storage, or use of any sexually oriented merchandise on the premises of the massage establishment;
To assure patrons' health, safety, sanitation, and comfort, all employees, and certified massage therapists must be clean and dressed appropriately in clean, opaque clothing which does not expose the breasts, genitals or buttocks when performing services upon the premises. Attire worn by all employees and certified massage therapists, while engaging in the practice of massage for compensation, or while visible to clients in the massage establishment, may not include the following:
Swim attire, if not providing a water-based massage modality approved by CAMTC,
Attire that constitutes a violation of Section 314 of the Penal Code,
Attire that is otherwise deemed by CAMTC to constitute unprofessional attire based on the custom and practice of the profession in California;
No employee of the massage establishment or any certified massage therapist may expose any genitals, pubic regions, buttocks, anuses, or breasts below a point immediately above the top of the areola to the view of a customer or patron of the massage establishment. All customers and patrons must be appropriately draped with a clean, opaque towel sufficient to cover genitalia and female breasts;
Each service offered, the price thereof, and the minimum length of time such service will be performed must be posted in a conspicuous public location in each massage establishment. All letters and numbers shall be capitals not less than one inch in height. No services may be performed and no sums may be charged for such services other than those posted. All arrangements for services to be performed must be made in a room in the massage establishment which is not used to administer massages, baths, or health treatments, unless no other room exists in the massage establishment;
No massage establishment is permitted to be kept open for business or operated between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.;
No alcoholic beverages or controlled substances may be sold, served, furnished, kept, consumed, imbibed, or possessed on the premises of any massage establishment;
The operator or a manager of a massage establishment must be present on the premises at all times when the establishment is open for business or in operation. The operator is at all times responsible for the operation of the premises in compliance with the terms and conditions of this chapter, whether he or she is actually present; and
No massage establishment is permitted to be located within a residential structure except in compliance with Title 13.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
The issuing officer may deny the application for a permit if the issuing officer finds any of the following:
That the applicant, any persons to be employed at the massage establishment, or in the case of an applicant-corporation or partnership any of its officers, directors, holders of five percent or more of the corporation's stock or partners, within five years immediately preceding the date of the filing of the application, is a person who has engaged in disqualifying conduct.
That the massage establishment, as proposed by the applicant, if permitted, would not comply with all the applicable laws, including, but not limited to, all the City's building, fire, and zoning regulations, and health regulations of the Health Department.
No massage registration permit may be issued by the issuing officer unless the applicant has fulfilled the requirements of this chapter.
In no event may the decision to grant or deny the permit be based on information authorized or required to be kept confidential pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 600 to 900.
If criminal charges are pending against an applicant within a court or public agency, the conviction of which would result in the denial of the application, the issuing officer will suspend review of the application pending the final disposition of the criminal charges. The issuing officer will send written notice to the applicant notifying him or her that the review of his or her application is suspended pending the final disposition of the current criminal charges. The applicant must then notify the issuing officer when a final decision is reached, and the outcome of the criminal matter is decided (i.e., conviction, dismissal, etc.). During the period of suspension, the application will be treated as if it were never submitted. If an applicant fails to notify the issuing officer of the final disposition of the criminal charges within 180 calendar days after the disposition, the application will be deemed expired, and the applicant will be required to submit a new application and fee.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
In addition to the grounds for revocation provided in Chapter 4.02, the issuing officer may revoke a license or permit issued pursuant to this chapter for the following reasons:
The permittee has violated any provisions of this chapter, including, but not limited to, the requirement that the applicant or the applicant's designee be present at the premises at all times the massage establishment is in operation;
The licensee or permittee has engaged in disqualifying conduct as described in Section 4.17.010 after issuance of the business license or regulatory permit;
The permittee has made a material misstatement in the application for a permit;
The permittee has engaged in fraud, misrepresentation, or false statement in conducting the massage establishment or in performing massage services;
The permittee has continued to operate the massage establishment after the permit has been suspended;
The permittee has failed to comply with one or more of the facilities and operations requirements of Section 4.17.070; or
The permittee has employed or otherwise allowed a person to work as a massage therapist at the massage establishment who:
Does not have a valid CAMTC certification, or
Has engaged in disqualifying conduct as described in Section 4.17.010 at the massage establishment.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
The operator and designated manager must be responsible for the conduct of all employees or independent contractors while they are on the establishment premises. In addition, the operator and any designated manager are responsible for compliance with the terms of this chapter and for receipt of any notices served or delivered to the premises by the City. Any act or omission of any employee or independent contractor constituting a violation of the provisions of this chapter is deemed the act or omission of the operator for purposes of determining whether the operator's permit will be revoked, suspended, denied or renewed.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
Prior to any change of location of a permitted massage establishment, an application must be made to the issuing officer and such change of location must be approved by the Sheriff after confirming all applicable provisions of this chapter are complied with, a nonrefundable change of location fee has been paid in the amount established by resolution of the City Council, and the Building Department has inspected the new location and has advised the Sheriff that it complies with the requirements of this chapter.
A sale or transfer of any interest in a massage establishment must be reported to the issuing officer within 30 calendar days prior to the closing of the sale or transfer if that interest would be required to be reported upon application for a massage registration permit. Upon the sale or transfer of any interest in a massage establishment, the owner(s) or operator of such massage establishment must apply for a new business license or regulatory permit. Permits and licenses are nontransferable.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
No person permitted to do business as provided in this chapter may operate under any name or be conducted under any designation not specified in the permit.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
Every person, association, firm, or corporation operating a massage establishment under a permit as herein provided, including, but not limited to, massage conduct off-premises, must keep for a period of 90 days a record of the date and hour of each treatment, and the name of the technician administering such treatment. The record must be open to inspection by officials charged with the enforcement of these provisions for the purposes of law enforcement and for no other purpose. The information furnished or secured as a result of any such inspection will be confidential. Records must be kept for a period of 90 days of treatments rendered off the business site.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
The Sheriff, the Building Department and Health Department are each authorized to make an inspection of any massage establishment in the City as needed for the purpose of determining that the provisions of this chapter are met.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
A permittee at the time when this chapter goes into effect is, except as otherwise provided herein, required to comply with the provisions of Section 4.17.060 on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
Exemptions. This chapter does not apply to the following classes of individuals, and the individuals are exempt from massage establishment requirements while engaged in the performance of the duties of their respective professions:
Physicians, surgeons, chiropractors, acupuncturists, or osteopaths ("professionals") duly licensed to practice their respective professions in the State of California under the provisions of the Business and Professions Code, while performing activities encompassed by such professional licenses; however:
Massage therapists are required to be certified by CAMTC,
If the professional's facility is used for the purposes of nonmedical massage, the facility itself must be permitted as a massage establishment pursuant to this chapter;
Registered nurses, licensed vocational nurses or physical therapists duly licensed to practice their professions in the State of California under the provisions of the Business and Professions Code, while performing activities encompassed by their respective licenses;
Other health care personnel engaged in the healing arts as regulated and licensed by Division 2 of the Business and Professions Code;
Barbers, cosmetologists, estheticians and manicurists duly licensed by the State of California while performing activities encompassed by their respective licenses, except that this exemption applies solely for the massaging of the neck, face and/or scalp of the customer or client of a barber, cosmetologist, or esthetician, or in the case of a licensed manicurist, the massaging of the forearms, hands, calves and/or feet; and
Coaches and trainers employed by accredited high schools, community colleges or universities while acting within the scope of their employment, as well as trainers of amateur, semi-professional or professional athletes or athletic teams while acting in that capacity.
Exception. Individuals administering massages or health treatment involving massage to persons participating in road races, track meets, triathlons, and similar athletic or recreational events are exempt from the provisions of this chapter, provided, that all of the following conditions are met:
The massage services are made equally available to all participants in the event;
The event is open to participation by the general public or a significant segment of the public such as employees of sponsoring or participating corporations, students from the participating schools, members of participating organizations, etc.;
The massage services are provided at the site of the event and either during, immediately preceding, or immediately following the event;
The sponsors of the event have been advised of and have approved the provision of massage services; and
The persons providing the massage services are not the primary sponsors of the event.
The exemption for professionals only applies to the extent that the massages are administered for medical purposes. Professionals that administer nonmedical massages are subject to the licensing requirements of this chapter.
If any State-licensed professional, who is exempt under this section, violates any provision of this chapter, the City will notify the State licensing body that licenses the professional in writing of the professional's municipal code violation.
Exception. The Finance Director may grant an exception to some or all of the requirements of this chapter for any massage establishment that operates as a sole proprietorship and is a home occupation, as that term is defined in Title 13, in order to achieve the purposes of both this title and Title 13. The provision of massage services must comply with all conditions associated with the home occupation.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
Every person, except those persons who are specifically exempted by this chapter, whether acting as an individual, owner, employee of the owner, operator or employee of the operator, who gives massages or conducts a massage establishment or practices the giving or administering of any of the services defined in Section 4.17.010 of this chapter without first obtaining the necessary license and permit violates this code.
Any owner, operator, manager, or permittee in charge or in control of a massage establishment who knowingly employs a person to give or conduct massage or any of the services defined in this chapter who is not in possession of a valid, unrevoked permit or who allows such person to perform, operate or practice within such place of business violates this code.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)