The City Council declares that the purpose of this chapter is to safeguard the public against fraud, deceit and imposition, and to foster and encourage fair solicitations for charitable purposes. In order to prevent the public from being subject to fraud and misrepresentation in connection with solicitation of contributions for charitable purposes and in order to approve the solicitation for legitimate charitable purposes and to recognize worthwhile charities, and in order to furnish guidance to the issuing department, this chapter is adopted.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
The following words and phrases, when used in this chapter, have the meanings in this section unless, from the context, a different meaning is intended or specifically defined:
means philanthropic, social service, benevolent, patriotic, welfare, health, educational, civic or fraternal.
"Completed solicitation"
occurs whether or not the person making or receiving the solicitation receives or makes any sale or purchase referred to in this chapter.
means alms, food, clothing, money subscription, property or donations made as a loan of money or property.
"Established place of business"
is a fixed place, location or building, owned or leased or rented on a yearly or monthly basis, by the person who uses such place, location or building as the permanent place of business. Established place of business does not include a residence unless such person possesses a State retail sales tax license indicating the residence as the business address.
means goods, wares, merchandise, products, chattels of any description, magazines, periodicals, or other publications or subscriptions therefor; regularly published newspapers as defined herein excepted.
means any structure, building or dwelling which has walls on all sides and is covered by a roof. House includes the land area surrounding it.
"Identification card"
means a solicitor's identification card issued by the City to a person who possesses a valid solicitor's license or who is employed or engaged to solicit by a person permitted to do business as a solicitor within the City.
means any person who goes to a house or upon any public place for interviewing persons or soliciting answers to questions for marketing research, opinion, research, attitude surveys or for any other pool or information gathering service for compensation or other business enterprise. Interviewer does not include persons representing governmental entities, political parties, newspapers, radio or television stations, or persons circulating petitions for initiative, referendum or other political purpose.
means a publication appearing at regular intervals at short periods of time, as daily, weekly, biweekly, usually in sheet form and containing news that is reports of recent occurrences, political, social, moral, sporting events and items of varied character, both local and foreign, intended for the information of the general reader and has reference to the natural, plain and ordinary significance of the word newspaper and does not refer to or comprehend magazines or periodicals. Newspaper does not include regular or periodic advertising circulars, certificates, papers, coupons, books or pamphlets.
"Public place"
means any place to which anyone may have access without trespassing.
"Retail business"
means sales of goods for any purpose other than resale in the regular course of business. Retail business includes retailer.
"Roaming sidewalk vendor"
has the meaning set forth in Chapter 6.2 (commencing with Section 51036) of Part 1 of Division 1 of Title 5 of the Government Code and is a type of solicitor for purposes of this chapter.
means any act performed for the benefit of another under some arrangement or agreement whereby such act was to have been performed.
"Sidewalk vendor"
has the meaning set forth in Chapter 6.2 (commencing with Section 51036) of Part 1 of Division 1 of Title 5 of the Government Code and is a type of solicitor for purposes of this chapter.
means and includes the following:
Any direct oral or written request for money, property, or anything of value or any financial assistance of any kind;
The distribution, circulation, mailing, posting or publishing of letters, posters, handbills, cards, folders, pamphlets, books, or circulars for the purpose of soliciting funds;
The giving or making of an announcement to the press or over the radio, television, internet, or any other digital or electronic means concerning or involving an appeal, assemblage, athletic or sports event, bazaar, benefit, campaign, contest, drive, entertainment, exhibition, exposition, lecture, party, performance, picnic, sale or social gathering to which the public or any portion of the public is requested to meet or patronize or to which the public or any portion of the public is requested to make a contribution, by the reason of or because of any charitable purpose or benefit, or other purposes connected with or involved in any such appeal, assemblage, athletic or sports event, bazaar, benefit, campaign, contest, drive, entertainment, exposition, lecture, party, performance, picnic, sale or social gathering;
The sale of, offer to sell, or attempt to sell any advertisement, advertising space, article or service, book, card, chance coupon, device, magazine, membership, merchandise, subscription, ticket or thing whatsoever in connection with which or when or where any appeal is made for any charitable purpose whatever, or for other purpose, or the name of any charity, philanthropic or charitable association, or of any other association, is used or referred to in any such appeal as an inducement or reason for the making of any such sale, or when or where in connection with any such sale, offer to sell or attempt to sell, any statement is made that the whole or any part of the proceeds from any such sale or selling will go to or be donated to any charitable purpose or association or to any other association.
includes peddlers, hawkers, transient dealers, salespersons or other itinerant vendors, or an interviewer, or any person who sets up a temporary stand or goes to a house or dwelling or upon any public place for the purpose of selling services, or offers to sell, or selling by sample, or take orders for, give away or otherwise dispose of any goods, or anything of value, or who offers to distribute or delivers any coupon, certificate, handbill, ticket, token card, paper, circulars, chance coupon, magazine, or other items which in turn are redeemable for goods.
"Stationary sidewalk vendor"
means a sidewalk vendor who vends from a fixed location.
"Temporary stand"
means any stand, table, handcart, motor vehicle or other portable or mobile device whereby goods are displayed or dispensed.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
It is unlawful for any person to act as a solicitor in the City without first having procured a business license required by Chapter 4.02 and a regulatory permit required by Chapter 4.03, and an identification card pursuant to this chapter.
Except as provided herein, the fee for a new solicitor's license is as established by resolution of the City Council. The fee must accompany each application and is nonrefundable. The fee stated herein is not for revenue purposes but will be used to defray, in part, the cost of investigation and enforcement of this chapter.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
In addition to the exemptions provided in Chapter 4.02, the following applicants for a business license and identification card are exempt from payment of fees:
No fees apply to any solicitation for a charitable purpose conducted by an organization solely upon premises owned or occupied by it, or solely among its officers and members or employees, or alumni of educational institutions.
Any person or organization providing the following documentation:
Proof of registration on the Attorney General's Registry of Charitable Trusts (Section 12584(a) of the California Government Code);
State tax-exempt notice (Section 23701(d) of the Revenue and Taxation Code); and
Federal tax-exempt notice (Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code).
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
Except for applicants for a charitable solicitor's business license, the applicant for a solicitor's permit and identification card must apply to the issuing officer on forms prescribed by the issuing officer and may be required to furnish the following information:
Physical description and three photographs;
Local address;
Permanent address;
Description of the nature of his or her business;
Description of the nature of his or her goods or services to be offered;
Name and address of employer and a description of the relationship between the applicant and such employer;
A statement of all convictions for all misdemeanors and felonies;
Such other information as the issuing officer deems necessary and relevant to a determination of whether a license should be issued pursuant to this chapter.
In addition to the procedures specified in Chapters 4.02 and 4.03, applicants for charitable solicitor's permit must file an application 60 days prior to the date of commencement of the proposed charitable solicitation, and must provide the following information:
The name and address of the person applying for the license;
If the applicant is not an individual, the names and addresses of the applicant's principal officers and managers, together with written authorization signed by two of the applicant's principal officers authorizing the applicant to make the application;
The purpose for which the solicitation is to be made and the use or disposition to be made of any receipts therefrom;
The names and addresses of all persons who will be in charge of conducting the solicitation;
The names and addresses of all solicitors, unless in the opinion of the issuing officer the solicitation campaign is of such magnitude and involves such a great number of volunteer solicitors as to make it impractical to provide the same;
Any other information as may be reasonably required by the issuing officer in order to determine the kind and character of the solicitation proposed;
If there is any change in fact, policy or method that would alter the information given in the application, the applicant must notify the issuing officer in writing thereof within five days;
All licenses become and remain a public record open to the inspection of all persons;
Upon receipt of an application for a license and/or identification card, the issuing officer may send copies of such application to any officer or department which the issuing officer deems essential in order to carry out a proper investigation of the applicant. The issuing officer may forward fingerprints to the California Bureau of Identification for research.
Notwithstanding the foregoing requirements, applicants for a sidewalk vendor permit are not required to submit a social security number for the issuance of a permit or license and any identification number collected from the applicant will not be available to the public for inspection, consistent with applicable laws.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
In addition to any other reasons provided in this title, the issuing officer may deny, suspend or revoke any application or disprove of specific persons proposed for coverage under the permit if the applicant, the applicant's agent, representative or employee:
Is convicted of any misdemeanor involving violation of any statute or ordinance regulating or taxing any business; or
Is convicted of any crime involving any of the offenses described under California Penal Code Section 290; or
Who has violated any of the provisions of this chapter; or
Who makes any false statement or misrepresentations in his or her application for such license and/or identification card.
For purposes of this section, a plea of nolo contendere, or a plea or verdict of guilty, or a finding of guilt by a court, or a forfeiture of bail is deemed to be a conviction whether probation is granted or not.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
In addition to other powers provided in this title, the issuing officer has the following powers:
To investigate the conduct of any solicitation for a charitable purpose;
To inspect all books, records and papers pertaining to any solicitation for a charitable purpose of any person by whom or on whose behalf any solicitation is made;
To make copies of all books, records and papers pertaining to any solicitation for a charitable purpose.
For solicitations for charitable purposes, the issuing officer issues a license within 30 days after receipt of such application, whenever the issuing officer finds that the following facts exist:
That the application and applicant fulfill the requirements of this chapter;
That the control and supervision of the solicitation and the distribution or disbursement of the proceeds will be directed by reliable and responsible persons;
That the applicant has not engaged in any fraudulent transaction or enterprise;
That the solicitation will not be a fraud on the public;
That the solicitation not be conducted for private profit;
That the applicant has not violated this code in the conduct of any prior solicitations.
Upon approval by the issuing officer, the license and identification card issued to the applicant will show the physical description of the permittee, the permittee's name and permanent address, and with the name of the principal if other than the permittee, and the nature of the business for which the license is issued. The identification card must show the expiration date of the license and contain a photograph of the permittee.
The license must also be accompanied by a statement that the license does not constitute an endorsement by the City or any of its employees, of the purpose of persons conducting the solicitations.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
An individual permitted to do business as a solicitor within the City and who employs or engages others to function or perform as solicitors must furnish the issuing officer with the name and address, temporary and permanent, of all such persons employed or engaged in solicitations.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
Every person permitted hereunder while engaged in the business for which permitted must display on the front of his or her person his or her identification card in a manner and at a location allowing such identification card to be easily seen and read by any other person, and upon demand by any peace officer must exhibit such identification card.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
It is unlawful for any person to do business as a solicitor from 8:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m. local time except by appointment.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
No solicitor may contact or attempt to contact any occupant of any house or dwelling where the owner or occupant or the house or dwelling has posted at the front of the house or dwelling, printed with letters not less than one inch in height, and at a location which is unobstructed and clearly visible from the normal entrance way to such house or dwelling, a sign or placard prohibiting soliciting.
No solicitor may contact or attempt to contact any member of the public on any private commercial property which is normally open to the general public where the owner or legal occupant thereof has posted at all entrances, and printed with letters not less than one inch in height, and at a location which is unobstructed and clearly visible by all persons entering such property, a sign or placard prohibiting such soliciting.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
This chapter does not apply to:
Students from an elementary school or a junior high school, or a high school, or public junior or community college, or public college or public university or any private educational institution falling within the definition of educational institution in Education Code Section 210.3, but only while such students are engaged in activity associated with academic or scholastic functions sponsored by and authorized by such schools;
Wholesalers, their representatives, agents or employees calling upon retail businesses, nor to retail businesses when such sales are made in the regular course of business and at the established place of business;
Sales by a farmer or rancher for products produced within the City by such farmer or rancher at the established place of business of such farmer or rancher;
Persons who sell their goods at the rented stall of a lawfully oriented swap meet permitted pursuant to Chapter 4.24, and who comply with the admissions records as required in Chapter 4.24 of this code, or to persons who sell their goods at a stall in a farmers' market permitted pursuant to Chapter 4.14;
A newspaper as defined herein and its employees.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
No person may accept any contribution for a charitable purpose without providing a signed receipt for the contribution.
No receipt need be given or tendered if a donation of money is made by placing the same in a box or receptacle previously approved by the issuing officer.
No receipt need be given for any donation the value of which is less than one dollar.
When the issuing officer determines that the public interest would not be adversely affected thereby and that the waiver of the requirement of tendering a signed receipt would not aid in a fraud upon the contributor, the issuing officer may waive the requirements of this section.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
No person may solicit any contribution for a charitable purpose by means of any box or receptacle in or upon any public street or place, or any place open or accessible to the public without first obtaining a license therefor from the issuing officer.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
No person may conduct, carry on or manage any solicitation for a charitable purpose unless the person establishes and maintains a system of accounting in which all income contributions and disbursements are recorded.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019)
In addition to the regulations applicable to solicitors and other generally applicable laws, a sidewalk vendor must not undertake any of the following:
Obstruct the flow of traffic in a manner that results in a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, forces pedestrian traffic into a street or other area where vehicles travel, or forces vehicular traffic to veer from its ordinary course of travel;
Operate in areas located within the immediate vicinity of a permitted certified farmers' market or swap meet during the operating hours of the farmers' market or swap meet as those terms are defined in Chapter 6.2 (commencing with Section 51036) of Part 1 of Division 1 of Title 5 of the Government Code;
Operate within the immediate vicinity of an area designated for a temporary use of, or encroachment on, the sidewalk or other public area for the duration of the temporary use or encroachment;
Operate without obtaining and displaying any valid certificate or other authorization required by the County of San Diego or without acquiring any license from a State or local agency required by law;
Maintain unsanitary conditions.
In addition to the regulations applicable to solicitors, a stationary sidewalk vendor must not undertake any of the following:
Vend in any park that has an agreement for concessions that exclusively permits the sale of food or merchandise by the concessionaire;
Vend in any area zone exclusively residential.
The Director of Engineering may impose any conditions on a regulatory permit issued pursuant to this section which are required to ensure compliance with any relevant provisions of this code, ordinances of the City, or applicable law or regulation.
Enforcement of violations of this section will proceed in accordance with Chapter 6.2 (commencing with Section 51036) of Part 1 of Division 1 of Title 5 of the Government Code.
(Ord. 557 § 3, 2019; Ord. 612 § 2, 2023)