No person is permitted to maintain or cause to be maintained any condition on private property which causes damage to a public highway or threatens imminent danger to a public highway or causes a hazard to exist on a public highway.
A violation of this section is declared to be a public nuisance and may be enforced or abated in any manner set forth in Title 1.
(Ord. 561 § 3, 2019)
It is unlawful for any person to make any utility trench, repair trench or excavation on any street which has been newly constructed or reconstructed, or on any street resurfaced with asphalt overlays, slurry seals, cape seals or chip seals, until at least five years have passed since the City Council accepted such construction.
The prohibition in subsection A does not apply if trenching is necessary for emergency restorations of existing services or if otherwise approved in advance by the City pursuant to an encroachment permit as set forth in Chapter 8.02.
If any work is approved in a City encroachment permit that requires trenching or excavation during the trench cut moratorium period set forth in subsection A, asphalt repair work must include, but not be limited to, the following street repairs subject to approval by the Director:
Residential Streets. On residential streets, full asphalt paving resurfacing of the disturbed area is required and must extend to the full street width (curb to curb) for a minimum length of 10 feet, measured along the street centerline, and must also include any existing asphalt that has been damaged during the work. Asphalt restoration must include a minimum of a one and one-half-inches thick grind and overlay of existing asphalt pavement, and the installation of an approved paving fabric over the entire pavement restoration area, in addition to the trench restoration required by the encroachment permit or as additionally required by the City in order to restore the street to its preconstruction condition.
All Other Streets. On all other streets, half width asphalt paving (curb to centerline) or curb to raised median curb for a minimum length of 10 feet measured along the street centerline is required and must include the entire disturbed street area. Full width (curb to curb) asphalt paving is required when work crosses the street centerline and must be repaved a minimum length of 10 feet measured along the street centerline. The area of asphalt paving may be extended by the City if the existing asphalt has been damaged during the work. Asphalt restoration required by this subsection must include a minimum of two-inches thick grind and overlay of existing asphalt pavement, and the installation of an approved paving fabric over the entire pavement restoration area, in addition to the trench restoration required by the encroachment permit or as additionally required by the City in order to restore the street to its preconstruction condition.
Upon completion of trenching or excavation work contemplated by this section, the person required to conduct restoration work must notify the Director five business days in advance of planned street restoration work to schedule an onsite meeting for the City to identify the final limits of street restoration necessary to restore the street to its pre-work condition.
Where the replacement of concrete related work is within a street subject to the trench cut prohibition in this section, such repairs may be made without asphalt restoration work only when approved by the Director who may permit the concrete curbs, pedestrian ramps or driveways to be "neat poured" as conditioned on the approved encroachment permit application.
(Ord. 561 § 3, 2019)
In order to reduce traffic impacts during the year-end shopping season, no construction, utility, or maintenance work that requires lane closures is permitted beginning the Monday prior to Thanksgiving Day through New Year's Day on the following street segments:
Carlton Hills Boulevard: from Willowgrove Avenue to Mission Gorge Road.
Cuyamaca Street: from Town Center Parkway to Prospect Avenue.
Mission Gorge Road: from State Route 125 to Magnolia Avenue.
Olive Lane: from Prospect Avenue to Mission Gorge Road.
Riverview Parkway: Entire length of street.
Town Center Parkway: Entire length of street.
Notwithstanding subsection A, any construction, utility, or maintenance work necessary to address an emergency must be performed during the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., unless otherwise approved by the Director. Telephonic notification of proposed emergency work must be provided to the Engineering Department.
(Ord. 561 § 3, 2019; Ord. 612 § 2, 2023)
Purpose and Intent. It is the purpose and intent of the City Council through adoption of this chapter, to provide enforcement tools to ensure the complete removal of utility markouts upon completion of any excavation work and to limit the amount of markouts placed upon public and private property to the minimum amount necessary for excavation work.
Markouts Prohibited.
It is unlawful for any person to intentionally place utility markouts outside of the limits delineated by the requestor.
A request for utility markouts shall not be made for design purposes, for the preparation of design drawings or documents, or for construction purposes in lieu of obtaining the record drawings from the respective utility owner.
Responsibility for Removal.
The requestor of utility markouts shall have sole responsibility for the removal of all utility markouts and delineation within 10 calendar days from the completion of excavation work.
If the utility locator places utility markouts outside of the limits delineated by the requestor, the utility locator shall have sole responsibility for the removal of all such utility markouts within 10 calendar days from being notified by the requestor or the City.
The City shall determine the identification of the requestor by the ticket requesting utility markouts by the regional notification center.
Removal of Markouts.
Markouts shall be thoroughly removed from all surfaces to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering.
Markouts on asphalt concrete may be blacked out by use of paints suitable for roadway traffic to a color and sheen that most closely matches the asphalt concrete. The blacked out area shall be a square or rectangle of sufficient size to cover markouts with the minimum number of such squares/rectangles needed to cover all markouts.
Markouts on concrete surfaces shall be removed from the concrete and shall not be painted over.
Markouts which are unable to be removed or have caused permanent damage during placement or removal may result in the requirement to replace the damaged surface at the expense of the entity who placed the mark.
Public Nuisance. Markouts on public or private property creates a condition and appearance as graffiti. Graffiti creates a condition tending to reduce the value of private and public property, to promote blight and deterioration, to reflect badly on the community, and may be injurious to health, safety and general welfare. Therefore, the presence of markouts is hereby declared to constitute a public nuisance which may be abated as such in accordance with Title 1, or any other applicable provision of law.
Failure to remove utility markings as prescribed herein, is subject to enforcement and administrative citation procedures specified in Title 1 of this code.
(Ord. 561 § 3, 2019; Ord. 612 § 2, 2023)
It is the purpose and intent of the City Council through adoption of this chapter, to provide enforcement tools to ensure the complete removal of unused or excess utilities lines located within the right-of-way or other City-owned property as the presence of obsolete lines and utility systems hinder future work within the right-of-way or on other City-owned property.
All obsolete or no longer needed utility facilities shall not be abandoned in place but shall be removed at the time the replacement facilities are installed.
Failure to remove such obsolete facilities as specified in a City-issued permit, is subject to enforcement and administrative citation procedures specified in Title 1 of this code.
(Ord. 561 § 3, 2019)