The Director must enforce the requirements of chapter consistent with the provisions of the Enforcement Response Plan. The enforcement officer may develop, amend, and implement or require a person in violation of this chapter to develop and implement a spill response plan or operation and maintenance plan setting forth the procedures, roles and responsibilities for investigating, cleaning up and reporting spills, BMP implementation, an illicit discharge response plan setting forth the procedures and responsibilities for investigating and abating illicit discharges, and other plans required to comply with the municipal permit or this chapter.
(Ord. 562 § 3, 2019)
The Director and enforcement officer are authorized to pursue any remedies available to the City at law or equity, for violations of this chapter, including, but not limited to, the administrative, civil, and criminal remedies set forth in Title 1 of this code and in this chapter.
(Ord. 562 § 3, 2019)
In addition to the other enforcement powers and remedies established by this code, the enforcement officer has the authority to order any and all of the following administrative enforcement orders for violations of this chapter and to serve such order in accordance with Section 1.08.030:
Notice of Violation. A notice of violation identifying the provision(s) of this chapter or applicable permit or order that has been violated.
Cease and Desist Order. A cease and desist order identifying the provision(s) of this chapter or applicable permit or order that has been violated and directing the cessation of any activities, practices, operations, or other actions that cause or contribute to the identified violation, either immediately or pursuant to a timeline.
Compliance Order. A compliance order identifying the provision(s) of this chapter or applicable permit or order that has been violated and directing the implementation of BMPs, facilities, equipment, or other actions appropriate to cease any violation and remedy the effects of such noncompliance, either immediately or pursuant to a timeline. A compliance order may require a person subject to the order to prepare and implement a stormwater pollution prevention plan for remedying any identified violation.
Permit Revocation and Denial. A notice identifying the provision(s) of this chapter or applicable permit or order that has been violated and identifying the provision(s) of this code authorizing revocation or denial of any permit issued by the City. If a permit or order issued by the City does not have independent procedures for revocation or denial, the City must follow the hearing procedures set forth in Chapter 1.14.
Stop Work Order. An order identifying the provision(s) of this chapter or applicable permit or order that has been violated and directing any or all work or activities causing or contributing to the noted violation to immediately stop. A person ordered to stop any work or activity in accordance with this section must not restart the work or activity until the City has verified that corrective actions have been implemented and authorizes work or activities to resume.
Notice of Ineligibility for Land Development. A notice identifying the priority development project requirement or land disturbing activity requirement at a construction project that has been violated, providing a notice of intent to determine a person or project ineligible for land development, and providing the date and time of the eligibility hearing.
The notice of intent required by this chapter must:
Be served on the owner personally or mailed by certified mail and first class mail to the address shown on the most recent tax assessment roll and be posted on the property;
State the City's intent to file a notice of ineligibility for land development;
Fix a location, time and date, not less than 15 days after delivery of the notice, at which a hearing will occur and at which the owner may submit written or oral comments or reasons why a notice of ineligibility should not be filed.
The eligibility hearing must:
Be held at the appointed time, or at a time agreed to by all parties;
Provide the owner an opportunity to present written or oral comments or reasons why a notice of ineligibility should not be filed;
Result in a determination of whether a violation occurred, whether it has been remedied, and whether to file a notice of ineligibility for land development; and
Complies with the hearing requirements of Chapter 1.14 to the extent those requirements do not conflict with the requirements of this section.
A notice of ineligibility filed in accordance with this section remains in effect until the enforcement officer files a "Release of Notice of Ineligibility for Land Development." A Release of Notice of Ineligibility for Land Development may be filed when the owner implements all required plans and BMPs and remedies any noncompliant site conditions to the Director's satisfaction. During the effective dates of any notice of ineligibility filed in accordance with this section, no application for a building permit, administrative permit, site plan, use permit, variance, tentative parcel map, tentative map, parcel map, or final map or any other permit for the development of the property, on which the violation occurred and which resulted in the notice of ineligibility will be approved.
Public Nuisance Abatement. A nuisance abatement action or summary abatement action pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1.10.
Referral to the Regional Water Board. A violation of this chapter may be referred to the Regional Water Board for enforcement action in accordance with the requirements of the municipal permit or plans adopted pursuant to the municipal permit.
Monetary Penalties. Any violation of any provision or failure to comply with any of the mandatory requirements of this chapter may also be subject to a monetary penalty issued pursuant to Chapter 1.14 of this code. Any monetary penalties collected by the City for violations of this chapter, will be used for stormwater pollution prevention and program management.
Cost Recovery. Together with or after issuing any administrative enforcement action, the City may also recover its costs in accordance with the provisions of Section 1.08.020.
(Ord. 562 § 3, 2019)
In addition to any other remedies provided in this chapter, any violation of this chapter may be enforced by civil action brought by the City. In any such action, the City may seek, without limitation, and the court may grant, as appropriate, any or all of the following remedies:
Injunctive relief;
Assessment of the costs of any investigation, inspection, or monitoring survey which led to the establishment of the violation, and for the reasonable costs of preparing and bringing a legal action under this subsection;
Costs incurred in removing, correcting, or terminating the adverse effects resulting from the violation;
Compensatory damages for loss or destruction to water quality, wildlife, fish and aquatic life. Assessments under this subsection must be paid to the City to be used exclusively for costs associated with monitoring and establishing stormwater discharge pollution control systems and/or implementing or enforcing the provisions of this chapter, or for implementing water quality improvement projects.
(Ord. 562 § 3, 2019)
The violation of any provision of this chapter, failure to comply with any of the mandatory requirements of this chapter, and the provision of false testimony or falsification of any statement made in accordance with this chapter are declared to be misdemeanors; except notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, any such violation constituting a misdemeanor under this chapter may, in the discretion of the City Attorney, be charged and prosecuted as an infraction.
(Ord. 562 § 3, 2019)
Causing, permitting, aiding, abetting or concealing a violation of any provision of this chapter constitutes a violation of such provision.
(Ord. 562 § 3, 2019)
Remedies under this chapter are in addition to and do not supersede or limit any and all other administrative, civil, or criminal remedies. The remedies in this chapter are cumulative and not exclusive.
(Ord. 562 § 3, 2019)