The provisions of this chapter prohibiting the stopping, standing or parking of a vehicle apply at all times unless otherwise provided in this chapter and except when it is necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or official traffic control device.
The provisions of this chapter imposing a time limit on standing or parking do not relieve any person from the duty to observe other and more restrictive provisions of the Vehicle Code or this title.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019)
It is unlawful for any person to operate, stop, stand, or park any vehicle contrary to the directions, limitations, or prohibitions on any sign or marking established pursuant to this chapter.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019)
It is unlawful for any person to stop, stand or park a vehicle within any median strip between roadways or within any traffic island or other area designed to separate or guide the movement of traffic.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019)
Except as otherwise prohibited or limited pursuant to this chapter, a person may stop or park a vehicle within 18 inches of the left-hand curb facing in the direction of traffic movement on any one-way street, unless signs are in place prohibiting such stopping or standing.
If a highway includes two or more separate roadways and traffic is restricted to one direction upon any such roadway, it is unlawful for any person to stand or park a vehicle on or adjacent to the left-hand side of such one-way roadway, unless signs are in place permitting such standing or parking.
It is unlawful for any person to stop, stand, or park a vehicle on either side of a one-way street so that the vehicle is facing opposite to the direction of traffic movement on the one-way street.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019)
It is unlawful for any person to park a vehicle upon any narrow street where signs or markings prohibiting parking are established pursuant to this chapter.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019)
It is unlawful for any person to park on any side of a street adjacent to a school property where a sign, established pursuant to this chapter, indicates that parking is prohibited.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019)
Except as provided in subsection B, it is unlawful for any person to stop, stand, or park a vehicle in any of the following places when signs or markings indicate prohibition of stopping, standing or parking:
At any place within 20 feet of a point on the curb or edge of the roadway immediately opposite the mid-block end of a safety zone;
At any place within 25 feet of an intersection or within the curb return of an intersection, or within 20 feet of the approach side of a marked or unmarked crosswalk, whichever is greater;
Within 25 feet of the approach to any traffic signal, stop sign, or official electric flashing device;
Adjacent to either side of a crosswalk or driveway entrance so as to block access to such crosswalk or driveway;
For a distance of 50 feet along the curb or edge of the roadway at the driveway of any hospital;
For a distance of 50 feet along the curb or edge of the roadway immediately in front of the main driveway to any substation office of the Sheriff;
For a distance of 50 feet along the curb or edge of the roadway immediately in front of the main driveway to any fire station housing motor vehicle fire-fighting equipment;
At any other place where the City Traffic Engineer determines that it is necessary in order to eliminate a dangerous traffic hazard.
Subsection A does not prohibit buses from stopping to receive or discharge passengers at such places when appropriately signed or marked as bus loading zones.
It is unlawful for any person to stop, stand, or park a recreational vehicle or any vehicle exceeding eight feet in height (at any point) or eight feet in width (at any point) within 50 feet of an intersection or a marked crosswalk when signs at all gateway entrances to the City, as those gateway entrances are identified in the General Plan, indicate such prohibition.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019; Ord. 616, 6/26/2024)
It is unlawful for any person to stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle, attended or unattended, on any highway within any business or residential district unless there is at least 10 feet of paved or improved or main traveled portion of the highway opposite the stopped, parked, or standing vehicle is left clear and unobstructed for the free passage of other vehicles.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019)
It is unlawful for any person to stand or sit on any crosswalk, sidewalk, or any other public street, highway, public park, public beach, public hall, public building, arcade, shopping center or other property opened or dedicated to public use or to which the public is invited, in any manner that obstructs the free use thereof by the public, passage therein or thereon by pedestrians, or hinders any person or persons in passing along the same.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019)
It is unlawful for any person who owns or has possession, custody or control of any vehicle to park that vehicle on any street or alley for more than 72 consecutive hours.
It is unlawful for any person who owns or has possession, custody or control of a recreational vehicle or utility trailer to park that vehicle on any public street in the same location, defined as within 300 feet of the original or previously documented location, for more than 72 consecutive hours. A vehicle that has been parked in the same location for 72 consecutive hours may not return to the same location for at least 72 consecutive hours. A location may be documented by marking the vehicle, taking a photograph of the vehicle, or by other method deemed appropriate by the City.
It is unlawful for any person to leave any object on any street or alley so as to obstruct traffic flow or parking without a permit per Chapter 8.02; provided, however, that trash and recycling containers complying with a temporary use permit not subject to this prohibition.
It is unlawful for any person who deals in, or whose business involves the sale, lease, rental, or charter of vehicles to store, park, or leave standing any such vehicle upon any public street, except while such vehicle is under lease, rental, or charter by a customer.
It is unlawful for any person whose business involves the repair, or servicing of vehicles or vehicle components, to store, leave standing, or park any vehicle on any public street after that person has accepted custody of the vehicle from the customer.
It is unlawful for any person to leave standing, or cause or allow to be left standing, any inoperable vehicle on any street for more than 12 consecutive hours.
It is unlawful for any person to park an unattached semi-trailer or auxiliary dolly on any street except while actively loading or unloading.
The City may enforce violations of this section by any means set forth in Title 1 and as set forth in this chapter.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019; Ord. 590 § 2, 2021; Ord. 600 § 4, 2022; Ord. 616, 6/26/2024)
It is unlawful for any person to provide any dockless vehicle for rent or lease in the City, unless that person complies with all of the following:
Obtains a business license pursuant to Title 4;
Provides proof of insurance to the satisfaction of the risk manager;
Enters into an agreement with the City regarding the operation, maintenance, storage, providing for the payment of a security deposit to ensure timely retrieval of vehicles, and providing a process for reimbursement of the cost of staff time for removal of vehicles blocking the right-of-way or pedestrian paths. The agreement may include, but is not limited to, terms governing areas for parking, speed restricted zones, prohibited areas, and reporting requirements;
Ensures that all dockless vehicles:
Are labeled with the company logo,
Have a unique serial number,
Are labeled with a 24-hour customer service number,
Include any other information or equipment required by the agreement terms in subsection C.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019)
It is unlawful for any person to park a vehicle on any highway and to wash, grease, or repair the vehicle, except when repairs are necessitated by an emergency.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019)
It is unlawful for any person to park on any highway where signs or markings restrict parking to emergency vehicles as defined in the Vehicle Code.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019)
It is unlawful for any person to park or stand on any highway or portion of highway designated as no parking pursuant to this title or the California Vehicle Code, where signs or markings are established pursuant to this chapter.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019)
It is unlawful for any person to park or stand any commercial vehicle with a manufacturer's gross weight rating of 10,000 pounds or more on any street in a residential district, except as follows:
When such vehicle is loading or unloading property;
When such vehicle is parked in connection with and in aid of the performance of a service to or on a property within the residential area;
When such vehicle is engaged in the construction, installation, repair or maintenance of a publicly or privately owned utility facility located within the residential area;
When the area contains property used for commercial or industrial purposes and such vehicle is parked on the property or on the highway contiguous to the property;
When the City Council has determined by resolution that the parking of such vehicles on certain residential streets or portions thereof is permitted and the City Traffic Engineer has appropriately signed or marked such streets or portions thereof.
For purposes of this chapter, a residential district means property contiguous to a highway for one-quarter mile which is occupied by eight or more dwelling units.
Churches, public schools, and public parks, do not disqualify a residential district if the ratio of dwelling units to the length of highway exists on the lands immediately adjacent to said facilities.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019)
It is unlawful for any person to sleep in a vehicle parked on any public street or highway within the City for more than two continuous hours.
It is unlawful for any person to use or occupy any travel trailer or recreational vehicle, as defined in Chapter 13.04, while it is parked in the City, except at a campground and pursuant to the rules of the campground. All water, gas, electric and sewer lines must be disconnected from the travel trailer or recreational vehicle at all times, except that a travel trailer or recreational vehicle may be connected to the foregoing utilities for a 48-hour period for the purpose of maintenance and repairs or for servicing prior to or after returning from travel.
Notwithstanding subsection B, this section does not apply where the occupancy of travel trailer or recreational vehicle is allowed by conditional use permit or otherwise permitted by Title 13 of this code.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019)
It is lawful to temporarily stop a school bus in front of a public or private driveway for the sole purpose of loading or unloading school pupils.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019)
It is unlawful for any person to park a vehicle within an overall distance of 10 feet (five feet on either side) of the hydrant as measured along the curb or edge of the street.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019; Ord. 590 § 2, 2021)
It is unlawful for any person to stop or stand a vehicle in designated fire lanes on public or private property.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019)
It is unlawful for any person to fail to comply with the regulations applicable to the following zones as established by City Council and marked with signs or by the zone color on the top or side of all curbs within such zones:
Red means no stopping, standing, or parking at any time except as permitted by the Vehicle Code, and except that a bus may stop in a red zone marked or sign posted as a bus zone;
Yellow means no stopping, standing or parking at any time between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day except Sundays and holidays for any purpose other than the loading or unloading of passengers or materials, provided that the loading or unloading of passengers must not consume more than three minutes and the loading or unloading of materials must not consume more than 20 minutes;
White means no stopping, standing, or parking for any purpose other than loading or unloading of passengers for a time not to exceed three minutes between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day except Sundays and holidays as follows:
When a white zone is in front of a hotel, the restrictions apply at all times,
When a white zone is in front of a theater, the restrictions apply at all times when the theater is open,
For the purpose of depositing mail in an adjacent mailbox,
Other locations that generate high passenger loading and unloading, such as schools.
Green means no standing or parking for longer than 20 minutes at any time between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day except Sundays and holidays;
Blue means parking limited exclusively to the vehicles with a valid disabled placard or disabled license plate.
When there are no curbs, zones are indicated by installing signs giving notice of the zone and its regulations.
Standing in Any Alley. It is unlawful for any person to stop, stand or park a vehicle in an alley for any purpose other than the loading or unloading of persons or materials in the alley.
Bus Loading Zone. It is unlawful for any person to stop, stand, or park any vehicle except a bus in a bus loading zone.
It is unlawful for any person to stop, stand, or park a vehicle adjacent to any legible curb markings or adjacent to the side of any roadway with a sign indicating an established zone, in violation of any of the regulations applicable to that zone.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019; Ord. 612 § 2, 2023; Ord. 616, 6/26/2024)
Where angle parking is indicated by parallel white lines on the surface of the roadway, it is unlawful for any person to stop, stand, or park any vehicle on a roadway except between, at the angle indicated by, and parallel to both adjacent white lines, with the nearest wheel not more than one foot from the curb or edge of the roadway.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019)
It is unlawful for any person to stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle on any City property, except in accordance with this chapter and regulations adopted by the Director regulating parking on City property.
The following parking regulations apply to all City property unless the Director has established alternate regulations:
It is unlawful for any person to park, stop, or leave unattended any vehicle on any City property, except where marked for parking or in designated parking spaces.
Officers and employees of the City must park vehicles entitled to be parked in designated employee parking areas in such designated areas, and not in parking areas designated as reserved for the general public, for named individuals, or officers or for other purposes.
It is unlawful for any person, except the person for whom a parking spot is reserved to park in any area designated as reserved for employee parking, for named individuals or officers, or for other purposes.
It is unlawful for any person to park any vehicle longer than any established and posted maximum time limit.
It is unlawful for any person to park, stop, or leave unattended any vehicle in any parking lot driveway entrance or exit or aisle.
(Ord. 563 § 3, 2019)