No person may move any building or structure which is to be placed, stored or temporarily located on any property within the City until that person has obtained a permit issued pursuant to Chapter 11.04 or a permit issued pursuant to this chapter.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
An application for a permit required by this chapter must specify the following:
The kind of building or structure to be moved;
The approximate weight of the building, as nearly as may be ascertained;
The location of the building or structure;
The location to which and the route over or along which the building or structure is to be moved;
The number of sections in which the building or structure will be moved;
The type and number of conveyances upon which the building or structure is to be moved;
The total number of tire inches for each separate section to be moved; and
The time when such building, structure, or portion thereof, is proposed to be moved and within which such removal will be completed.
The applicant must attach to the application a copy of a valid building permit for the building or structure at its destination point, or in the case of intended storage, a copy of an appropriate conditional use permit or other evidence that storage at the destination point compliance with the zoning ordinance.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
The Director may include any conditions in a permit issued pursuant to this chapter as the Director considers necessary for the protection of the highways proposed to be used to move the building or structure or to prevent undue interference with traffic or to avoid jeopardizing the safety of any persons using such highways.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
Any person applying for a permit required by this chapter must, at the time of making application for this permit, pay an issuance fee in an amount established by resolution of the City Council.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
The moving contractor must affix and maintain the permit in a conspicuous place on the building or structure to be moved at all times while the building or structure is on the highway.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
If a building or structure is moved in more than one section, and more than one of section is moved at the same time, the moving contractor must affix and maintain a permit or a true copy of the permit in a conspicuous place on each section at all times while on the highway. True copies of a permit must be issued by the Director on payment by the applicant of a fee in an amount established by resolution of the City Council.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
Each permit issued becomes null and void on expiration of the permit unless the Director extends the permit term. The Director may extend the validity of any permit if the Director determines that moving the building or structure, or any portion thereof, is impracticable because of inclement weather, act of God, strikes, or other causes not within the control of the permittee.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
All buildings and structures are classified as follows:
Class A is any building or structure or any portion thereof, which is moved on a motor truck or other vehicle propelled by its own power;
Class B is any building or structure or any portion thereof, not of Class A which is not more than 16 feet wide;
Class C is any building or structure or any portion thereof, not of Class A which is more than 16 feet and not more than 22 feet wide;
Class D is any building or structure or any portion thereof, not of Class A which is more than 22 feet and not more than 28 feet wide;
Class E is any building or structure or any portion thereof, not of Class A which is more than 22 feet and not more than 28 feet in width;
Class F is any building or structure or any portion thereof, not of Class A which is more than 40 feet in width.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
Every applicant for a permit must pay a fee or deposit in an amount established by resolution of the City Council.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
Instead of making the special deposits required by Sections 11.34.180 and 11.34.235(A), the moving contractor may make and maintain a general deposit in the amount equal to the amount of the special deposit for the highest class of building or structure proposed to be moved. The general deposit will be used for the same purpose as special deposits. A moving contractor who maintains a general deposit sufficient to cover the amount of a deposit required for the removal of any building or structure sought to be moved, the moving contractor is not required to make a special deposit.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
If the Director determines any special or general deposit is not sufficient to protect the rights-of-way, including any trees thereon, where a building or structure will be moved, the Director may require an additional deposit in the amount sufficient to protect such public interest.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
Before any permittee moves any building, structure, or portion thereof, which is in a class higher than the class for which the moving contract made any general or special deposit, the moving contractor must increase the deposit in an amount sufficient to cover the class sought to be moved.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
The City will deduct the following from the deposit made or maintained by each permittee:
The permit issuance fee if that has not otherwise been paid;
The cost of the services and transportation of any inspector appointed pursuant to Section 11.34.265;
The cost of any repairs required by moving the building or structure;
The cost of all tree trimming done or caused to be done by the Director which is made necessary to move the building or structure specified in the permit, including all trimming after moving the building or structure to correct trimming done when the structure was moved.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
The remainder of any deposit, if any, will be refunded to the person making the deposit, or to that person's assigns.
If the deposit is not sufficient to pay all fees and deductions provided for in this chapter, the permittee must, upon demand, pay an amount sufficient to fully cover the deficiency. If the permittee fails to pay any amount required by this chapter, the City refuse to issue any further permits under this chapter and may recover all amounts due by any means legally available.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
If a moving contractor makes and maintains a general deposit pursuant to this chapter, the deductions provided for in Section 11.34.210 need not be made. Instead, the Director may bill the moving contractor for the amount due to the City under the provisions of this chapter. If, 15 days after any bill has been sent, the moving contractor does not pay the same in full, then the Director may deduct the amount due from the contractor's general deposit and Sections 11.34.210 and 11.34.215 apply.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
A permit granted under this chapter does not authorize, license, or allow any person, except the surveyor, to trim, prune, cut or deface in any manner any tree upon any grounds or property belonging to the City or upon any road, street or highway.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
When required by the Director, a moving contractor must place boards or planks, of adequate width and strength to carry the load without being broken, under each dolly or wheel used to move the building or structure. The boards or planks must serve as a runway for the dolly or wheel while moving a building or structure along any portion of a highway which has a surface other than natural soil. The moving contractor must prevent the dolly or wheel from revolving on or resting on such surface, except on such board, plank, or runway.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
Before any permit is issued, in addition to any deposit required by Section 11.34.180, the moving contractor must deposit with the Director an amount that covers the cost of necessary tree trimming, pursuant to subsection B of this section.
If examination of the application or route to be traversed discloses that the moving will require the trimming of trees on City property or right-of-way, the City will estimate the cost of such trimming, as follows:
At the time the structure is moved to facilitate the moving thereof;
Subsequent to the moving of the structure to correct previous trimming done when the structure was moved.
At the request of a moving contractor who has an unrevoked permit pursuant to this chapter, the Director will trim such trees as it is necessary to trim, and where it will not harm the trees, to the extent required to move the structure to the location specified in the permit.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
The moving contractor must display red warning lights at all times between sunset and sunrise on any building or structure located on a highway pursuant to the chapter. The warning lights must be displayed as follows:
Not more than six feet above the road at each corner of the building or structure; and
On all sides and projections of the building or structure at intervals not exceeding five feet.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
Except as otherwise provided in this section, no permit may be issued to move any building or structure if the weight of such building or structure, plus the weight of the vehicle or other equipment, exceeds the weight permitted by the Vehicle Code.
Notwithstanding subsection A, if the Director determines that it is impossible or impracticable to keep within such weight limits due to the size, shape or physical characteristics of the building or structure or portion thereof to be moved, or of the highway over which such building or structure is to be moved, the Director may issue a permit as follows:
To move a building or structure on a vehicle where every wheel is equipped with rubber tires and the total weight of the building or structure and vehicle does not exceed 60,000 pounds;
To move a building or structure on a vehicle where every wheel is equipped with pneumatic tires.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
The Director may issue a permit authorizing an applicant to operate or move specific pieces of mobile mechanical equipment, vehicles, or emergency public utility equipment for good cause. Any such permit must be include the following conditions:
Be limited to specified highways or a specified area of the City that the Director determines will protect the highways and the traveling public;
Specifically describe the highways or the area of the City to which it is limited;
Not release the permittee from liability for damage to the highways or to person or property;
Be issued for a specific period of time designated, not exceeding one year;
Be subject to such other conditions as the Director deems necessary to protect the highways and the traveling public.
The application for a permit pursuant to this section must be made on a form provided by the Director. The application must be accompanied by a payment of a fee established by resolution of the City Council.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
In lieu of the surety bond specified in Section 11.34.250, the Director may accept a certificate of insurance certifying that the applicant for the permit has an insurance policy satisfactory to the Director, which includes a signed endorsement for oversize-overweight vehicle satisfactory to the Director.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
The Director may restore, or cause to be restored, every highway damaged by the moving of any building or structure. The moving contractor who caused such damage must pay the costs of the repair or restoration.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)
The Director may supervise or cause or require supervision of the moving of any building or structure. The permittee must pay the City all costs the City incurs to supervise or provide supervision pursuant to this section.
(Ord. 564 § 3, 2019)